
Its ok

*Kaite watches intently as Wyatt prays. There was a certin glow around him. After Wyatt is done Katie smiles alittle.* "Thanks I so feel a bit better." *Katie leans back on the coutch for a long moment. than slowly turns her head to Wyatt.* "Hey, I'd like to go to church with you Sunday if its still ok. See if I like it or not."

*Wes wraps his arms around Cindy rubbing her back.* "Hey hey its ok. I am sure Jason is gonna be fine." *For a bit Wes just holds Cindy.* "Jason keeps doing what he does cuz he likes helping people. Its in his blood. " *Wes continues to hold Cindy and give her the comfort she needs.*


Wyatt grins, taking the situation in stride. “It’s so easy…come on.” He takes her back in the living room and gets settled on the couch once again. By now, Ty has gone back to his room, feeling like the odd man out.
Wyatt rests back in the couch and closes his eyes. He takes a deep breath, searching for the right words, and quietly speaks aloud. “Lord…sometimes things happen and we don’t know why…we feel so out of control… we just want to fix things, but there’s nothing we can do. But we want to trust you, Lord…. We want to lean on You for support because we know that You are the one in control, and through you, all things are made right.” He pauses for a moment, collecting his thoughts. “Right now, I just want to pray for Jason. Katie and I…we’re not sure exactly what has happened…but we know that Jason has been hurt. And I just pray that you would heal him…keep him safe…watch over him as he’s in the hospital, and give the doctors wisdom. I pray that Jason may recover quickly from any injuries he might have. And Lord…give us peace as we wait for news…help us to rely on You for comfort. In Jesus’ name I pray these things…amen.”
He turns his head to give Katie a solemn smile. “You can talk too if you want. If not, that’s okay. Or you don’t even have to pray out loud…God knows your heart.”

Cindy starts to cry, and buries her face in Wes’ shoulder. “I can’t take this any more, Wes…I just can’t! How can a mother continue to live like this? I know I should trust God more, but I just feel so helpless!” She sniffs, wrapping her arms around him, begging for comfort. “It’s Jason again…he was in an accident, and they’ve taken him to the hospital. No one knows anything other than that. I don’t know if he’s fine, or if he’s dying. Why must he have the desire to continue in this line of work?!”

“Yes, that will be fine. He won’t have to go back if Matt made it up there…” Reese holds the phone between his chin and shoulder while jotting down notes. “No, Todd, I’m glad to know. I’m sure he’ll be fine with that. No reason to send him back – the only reason was because Matt hadn’t been available. Uh-huh…okay… Thanks. Yeah, keep in touch.” Hanging up the phone, his door bursts open and he looks up quickly.

Laura’s eyes are wide with worry and irritation. “Where is he?”


“Don’t play games with me.” Laura approaches Reese’s desk with purpose. “I just got off the phone with my brother, and I know good and well there were things he wasn’t telling me that he knew. Jason’s a good friend of mine, and so help me, I want to know where he is!”

Reese stands up from his desk, crossing his arms. “You know that goes against protocol. He’s safe. That’s all I can say.”

“We’re his family!” Laura emphasizes. “He could be dying, and all you care about is protocol?!”

“He’s not dying. He’s going to be okay. Just let the location drop.”

“I can’t!” Laura shakes her head stubbornly. “I just called all the hospitals up there and no one’s been admitted. “Now where is he?!”

What happend

*Katie smiles and slips her hand into Wyatt's.* " Thank you, and I think I would like to pray with you though I dont know how." *Katie lowers her eyes to the ground*

*As Wes see Cindy's face goes pail she gets up from his chair fast and puts an arm around her trying to saport her. Guiding her to a chair he helps her sit down.* "Cindy...whats wrong? What happen?" *Wes compastion and worry shows though his eyes. Not sure what has happend.*


Wyatt offers a slight smile, realizing that Katie and Jason really had been more than acquaintances. Con had been right.
He gives Katie an encouraging nod. “We can pray for him…there’s nothing better than that.” He cocks his head back towards the living room. “Come on. Rest a while. You look like you could use it. Paperwork back at the office can wait.” He offers her his hand.

Jason’s eyes flutter open for a moment, dim lights surrounding him. He hears voices again…they seem far away…his body shakes with cold and from shock, and he desperately tries to bring himself back to alertness. He’s being moved again…he starts to feel warm…more relaxed….he lets his eyes drift shut again as he feels himself moving. More voices…more movement…why were they taking him outside….what was…. His thoughts lose reality once more.

The phone rings in the kitchen. Cindy looks up from the sink and seeing no one else around, goes to answer it. It’s Reese. He hadn’t been able to get a hold of Con.
As Cindy hears the news of Jason, she catches herself on the counter, her heart leaping into her throat. “Yes…I…I understand. Thank you…” Hanging up, her face goes pale and her hand makes its way to her mouth as a sob catches in her throat.

Do you think God

*Katie looks at Wyatt deep in the eyes.* "Ya I'm ok. Its just hard knowing a friend is hurt and not being able to do anything. I've always been there for Jason when he needed something. He was hurt and I would come running, He'd have a bad memorie and I was there to comfort him. Thats why he named me Personal Hero. I was his best friend. This was the first time I could run to make sure he was gonna be ok." *As Katie feels Wyatts hand on her shoulder she gives a small smile.* "Thank you Wyatt. I am feeling alittle better. I just...I dont really know. Do you think God will keep Jason safe in the hospetal?"


Wyatt blinks, slightly stunned. “He’s in the hospital?” He watches Katie rise, and follows her to the kitchen. He wants to think about Jason, but he keeps himself from dwelling on it. Katie is more important at the moment. “Hey…you sure you’re okay? You need me to do anything?” He forces her to look him in the eye. “I don’t know what happened, but I do know that if anyone can pull through anything, it’s Jason. He’ll be alright…” Wyatt’s compassion shows through in his eyes, and he extends his hand to rest it on Katie’s shoulder. “What do you feel now?”


*Wes smiles and stands* " I guess I should so I can get back to helping Clint." *Wes follows Cindy into the mess hall.*

* Katie brings her hand over her mouth than removes it.* " What hospetal? Will you call me when you know more please? Thank you." *Katie hangs up her phone and takes a sip of her tea than puts it down.* " They found Jason. They are taking him to a hospetal and they dont know anymore." *Katie stands and heads into the kitchen. She was tired, but she dident want to leave. Katie wanted to spend more time with Wyatt. She has runed there walk and felt horrable.*


Cindy studies Wes for several more moments before letting the subject drop. She pats his knee and rises from the swing. “I got dishes to do – come on in and get something to eat.”

Ty lifts an eyebrow at Katie, not having expected conversation. He shrugs lamely. “I’ll keep it in mind, though I doubt I’d fit into ranch life.”

Wyatt comes in with Katie’s tea and joins her on the couch. He eyes her, still uneasy. “You look pretty tired. Would you rather go home?” Her phone ringing interrupts them.

“Katie? It’s Reese. They found Jason. He had an accident on the trail. We don’t know yet how he is, but they’re taking him by helicopter to the hospital.”

If You Need

*Wes nods* " I really do mean it. I like you Cindy and I enjoy being around you and with you. You make me feel good." *Wes smiles* " Your a wonderful person Cindy. Anyone who dosent want to spend time with you is crazy."

*Katie gives alittle giggle.* "I'll take some tea please." * Katie looks around the room trying to make herself relax.* " You place is really nice Wyatt I like it." *Katie gives a nod to Ty.* "Hey." *Noticing he was looking for a job Katie offers some help.* "I'm just throwing this out there if you cant find a job here cuz I heart the job market is low at the moment. I have family and friends who own a ranch down south and they are always looking for people to help. You might even like it there." *Katie leans back on the coutch and closes her eyes for a moment. She felt tired...but opened her eyes and forced herself to stay awake.*


Cindy straightens up to turn and look Wes in the face. She studies his eyes for several moment, playing his words over again in her mind. “You’re serious aren’t you… you really would take the time to do that…to come see me…” Her own eyes reflect a mixture of pleasure and puzzlement. She’s almost surprised She knew that she and Wes were getting closer…that they’d been going out with each other for a little while now…but to know he’d go out of his way…that he would sacrifice his time…to be with her like that…it meant a lot.

Wyatt keeps an eye on Katie as they drive, his concern still evident. “You don’t have anything to apologize for. You can’t help it.” He concentrates on his driving for a moment as they approach an intersection. A strange feeling stirs inside him for just an instant as the question passes through his mind of how close Katie and Jason really had been.
It doesn’t take long to reach Wyatt’s place. It’s a small two-story white house in the middle of the block. It has a fenced-in yard, small, but adequate to house Trooper during the day.
Once parked, Wyatt lets the dog out into the yard and ties him up, long since having learned that the short fence did no good for a dog of Trooper’s size. Finishing quickly, he goes back to Katie to lead her up the porch and inside.
The interior is very clean with a contemporary flare, shown through the modern furniture and crisp atmosphere.
Wyatt shows Katie into the living room and sets her down on the couch. “Make yourself comfortable,” he offers, heading to the kitchen. “Ty!” he calls down the hallway. “I’m back…got Katie with me.” He throws his keys on the kitchen counter, glancing back into the living room at Katie. “Can I get you anything? Something to drink…hot tea…ice cream?” He opens the fridge with a grimace. “Limp celery?”

Ty emerges from the hallway, giving a short wave to Katie. He looks much better than two weeks prior, almost all traces of his beating gone. He stands awkwardly for a moment before flopping down in a chair to pick up the newspaper where he’d been browsing for jobs.

Jason’s eyes seem too heavy to keep open any longer. He tries to moves his toes, but can’t tell if he’s actually succeeding or not. The world grows fuzzy and he drifts further away from consciousness.

The dogs begin to bark…the wind is so cold…
“…Jason!” Voices muddle together. “There he is….move…the dogs…he’s out…freezing…unconscious.”
Jason tries to make out what’s going on around him, but it’s hard. He thinks he hears Todd’s voice, but can’t manage to get his eyes open. Everything is as if he’s in a daze.
“Get that off…pull…now!”
Jason can feel himself being moved. There’s no pain, just numbness.
“…in shock…call ahead.”
“…check his vitals. Get him over here….move!”
A bright light shines in Jason’s eyes, but he can’t get himself to respond. Was someone asking him questions? Suddenly he’s out of the wind, and feels as if the earth has dropped out from under him.


*Wes smiles at Cindy and gives her alittle squeeze.* " You need to do what you think it best for you." *Wes hold Cindy and enjoys the time he has had with her.* " Ya know Cindy. Even if you go home, I'd still like to see you. Maybe I could come out on the weekends and spend sometime. I know its a long drive but it would be worth it. Now that I have Clint helping me out in the shop too. I dont have to worry as much about work not geting done. I would only come if you wanted me to though." *Wes smiles down at Cindy his eyes dancing.*

*Katie nods to Wyatt relizing she has drawn attachen to herself.* "Yes I would like that please." *After geting in the car and heading for Wyatts place Katie turns her head slightly to him again.* "I'm sorry Wyatt. I really am." *As she rids along in silence her body starts to relaxe. Though she can still feel Jason in danger, she is in a calmer state. Having Wyatt with her brang her comfort knowing everything would be ok."

Where are ya?

Cindy's smile fades just a little. "I don't know.....I love it here...I really do, but... I can't just stay in limbo forever, ya know? I...I don't know where Jason is going to end up. It's his house too...I guess I always hoped he'd end up back in town to live at home again, but I don't even know that anymore...but I want it to be there for him...and I do kind of miss my own house...I mean, I'm paying for it..." She sighs. "Sorry...I know I'm going in circles. I just really don't know what to do."

Carter purses his lips in thought, and finally nods, despite Katie not being able to see him. "Okay...just hang tight and calm down. I'll get a hold of Todd again and have him go look for Jason. If you think anything changes, call me back. Otherwise, I'll call you when we know something."

Wyatt looks at Katie with concern, never having seen her like this before. "It'll be okay, Katie...I promise." He instinctively reaches around her shoulders, giving he a squeeze, and wiping a tear from her cheek. "You want to come wait at my place? I can even call Todd myself if you want."

Jason flexes his fingers and toes, feeling the pain coming on. He can't stay this way. He has to get warm. "Come on, Todd. Jerry hasn't called you yet. Get someone out here." He reaches over to pat one of the dogs. "I was stupid, wasn't I? Always getting myself into trouble." He swallows hard as he realizes he hasn't eaten for several hours. He has a candy bar in the sled, but there's no way he can reach it. He can feel his blood sugar dropping, not helping his condition at all. Katie's voice suddenly comes to him, chiding him for not paying more attention and taking care of himself. He lets out a scoffing laugh. "Where are ya when I need ya, Katie?"

Trust me!

*Wes nods.* "I new that day would come when you had to go back home. I tryed to keep pushing it away though. Have you decied when you want to go back?"

~*~With Wyatt~*~

*Katie nods to Wyatt* "Yes. Since I have known Jason I have always felt a connection with him. I know when something is wrong. I can feel it." *As Katie answers her phone again tears pour out of her eyes.* "Carter I am sure. I have never been wrong before. I cant care what Jason is doing, Unless he has someone alse with him something is wrong. How long ago did he go out? Has he made it to his destanation yet? I can feel something is wrong Carter and my feelings have never been wrong before. I dident get the name hero for no reson. You need to send someone out after Jason...Please....trust me."

You sure?

Cindy smiles as Wes joins her, and leans on his shoulder. "Yeah...it's gorgeous out here....makes me think spring is actually gonna come." She sighs with content. "My friend who's been house sitting called me yesterday to see how things were... she asked how much longer I'd be away..."

Wyatt's eyes widen and he sits down next to Katie, laying a hand on her shoulder. "Hey, hey, calm down, it's alright." He searches her eyes, questioning what's happening, and his own fear entering in. "It's Jason? He's in trouble?"
Trooper comes up and licks Katie's face, giving a little whine.

Carter hangs up the phone and shouts to Reese. "Hey, get a hold of Todd right away. See what's happening up there!"

Reese opens Carter's door, confused. "I just got off the phone with him. Everything is fine. Why? What's wrong?"

Carter picks up his phone again. "Katie just called me. She said Jason was in trouble." He pauses, until someone answers the other end. "Yeah, Todd. Where's Jason? Uh-huh...okay. No...not yet. Thanks." He ends the call and picks up again to dial Katie back. "Katie...it's Carter. Listen, Jason's up in Alaska off-case. I just called the guys up there and they said Jason went out with the dog sled a while ago to pick up supplies, but everything was fine. Why did you think something was wrong?"

Jason tries to move again as the snow piles up around him. He winces as the tree trunk digs into his legs. One of the dogs whines and stands to pace nervously, not knowing what to do.

Carter your my only hope!

*Wes nods and heads out to the mess hall. Seeing Cindy on the porch he smiles.* "Hey you." *Walking over to her he sits down and smiles.* " Its so nice out today." *Wes puts his arm around Cindy and draws her in close. It was nice to have someone there. He had grow very attached to Cindy in such a short time. She was an amazing woman.*

~*~ With Wyatt ~*~

*Katie finds a near by park bench to sit down on before she falls over. As she waits her body starts to shiver alittle.Finally Kaite hears Carters voice on the other end.* "Carter, Carter its Katie. Where is Jason? Whats he doing? You need to call someone out his way something is wrong!!! He is in danger and hurt. You NEED to get someone to help him please. Call me back." *Katie hands up the phone. He mind going a million miles I minute. Finally still shiver she looks at Wyatt.* "I'm sorry I runed our walks." *Katie turns her head back to the ground rocking slowly. It was bad enough to feel Jason was hurt and in danger, but it hurt even more knowing she was powerless to help.*


Clint grins as Wes accepts the offer. He'd gotten used to working with his uncle, and his interest in mechanics and engines had really grown since helping him. "That sounds great, thanks!"
He shakes his head to Wes' question, though he's still under the car. "No, thanks. I thought I might grab a bite later when I'm through with this beast."

Wyatt stops walking and furrows his brow in confusion at Katie's sudden odd behavior. "What...?"

Carter picks up on the other end. "Yeah, this is Carter..."

Somehow Jason manages to get the dogs to turn around and come to him, just within reach so he can unhitch a couple of them. The freed dogs knowingly burrow down next to him, their furry bodies sheltering him from the snow storm, though he can feel his fingers and toes growing numb. "Come on, Todd," he whispers. "Don't wait too long."

I can still feel

*As Wes sits doing some paper work he looks up at Clint's request.* "You come along way Clint, and You know what your doing. I do need help still, and I would love for you to stay and help." *Wes is happy Clint decieded to stay. He had goten use to having his nefew around. He also new is was going to have to higher someone to help him this summer. He was glad Clint asked so he wouldent have to have some stranger messing things up. AFter finishing up his paper work he stands.* "Hey Clint, I am gonna head to the messhall to grab some lunch you want anything?"

~*~ With Wyatt ~*~

*As Katie walks along with Wyatt she laughs at Trooper.* "I am glad Ty is finally settaling in at your place and not giving you any problems." *Katie walks in silence before with heratance she replys to Wyatt.* "I'm not much of a church person Wyatt. Never really understood the whole thing or it never made sence to me.I dont know. Can I think about it and let you know tomarrow?"
*As Katie and Wyatt walk on laughing,, and chating watching trooper dart from here to there. Katie feels a strange faint feeling. Something was wrong, Something had happend, but what. Stoping Katie searches around inside herself trying to find what the feeling was. As if being hit over the head Katie feels the pain, the cold. She now understand what the feeling is.* "Jason." *pulling out her phone she dials Carter's number and waits.* "Come on Come on.....pic up pic up...."


The days turn into weeks once again, and life at the ranch continues to drag on. Spirits seem to go up and down as quickly as the seconds pass as little joys are sought out, but the misery of the case persists.
A celebration of the heart breaks forth when Mick makes known his decision to follow Christ, and Sparky has the privilege of baptizing him the next Sunday. Always brothers by blood, now brothers in Christ, a new and stronger bond is formed.

Clint leans into a car’s engine tinkering for a while, then winds up underneath the vehicle again to mend what’s been broken. “Hey Wes?” he calls. He’s been putting off asking forever now, and figures it’s a good a time as any, now that business has picked up a little bit. He was going to ask weeks before, but had simply procrastinated. “I was wondering…I almost got that debt paid off… but…you still need help around here?”

Jade sits down at her computer, looking out the window for a moment at the green grass just starting to peek through. The days had been warmer…it felt good.
She turns her attention back to her computer and begins to type.
Hey, Katie. Jade here. Would you believe that I haven’t checked my email in two weeks? Good grief – don’t ask why. I’m usually better than that.
At any rate, I’m glad to know you’re doing so well. Con mentions that every once in a while if I ask, though he’s out with Austin at their post most of the time.
Ooh, Wyatt, huh? Glad you’re making friends. We miss you around here.
Not a whole lot is new with me. I’m thinking about going back home for a visit. Dad talked me out of going back to stay…maybe I have a purpose here I haven’t discovered yet. I…doubt anyone told you that Jason and I broke up a couple weeks ago. We decided it was best.
Anyway…hope to keep in touch with you.
Take care of yourself. :)

Cindy gently propels the porch swing back and forth, closing her eyes for a moment, resting after helping clean the mess hall. She was enjoying her time here….more so than she had before. She was more relaxed…maybe she was finally starting to fit in. It was hard without Jason around…but she had faith he would be okay, and Austin kept her informed of what was happening. She couldn’t complain, and she knew when she did feel worried, there was always a shoulder nearby to lean on. A smile creases her lips. One shoulder in particular.

Wyatt strolls along the park path, letting Trooper run ahead to sniff out the bushes and chase a squirrel. He takes in a breath of the fresh air, enjoying the warm evening with Katie.
“…So I think Ty’s settled in my place, but I haven’t gotten him to get out and do anything yet… at least not that I know of. He’s still pretty down, even after the last couple weeks. I think he just doesn’t know what to do with himself. Trooper seems to take to him alright, so at least he’s got company during the day.” Wyatt shrugs. “Dad thought maybe I could get Ty hooked up with some janitorial work around TJY, but I don’t know…I’m not sure something that confidential can be trusted with Ty just yet.”

Trooper barks and takes a mad dash after a rabbit. There are others in the park, and some young men and women are busy with a game of frisbee nearby. One man yells out as he leaps to catch the flying disc.
Trooper stops dead in his tracks, the rabbit forgotten, and he looks to the other people, cocking his head slightly, and letting out a whine.

Wyatt stops his train of thought, furrowing his brow, then shaking his head. “Poor dog. He does that every once in a while… I think he thinks he’s hearing Jason. Call me crazy, but I really think that’s what’s going on in his head. Bizarre dog just doesn’t pay head to anyone else. I guess after Jason found him wandering the streets, he decided he’d have one master and that was it.” Wyatt yawns and stretches out his arms as they walk, switching the subject once again. “Hey…my church is having a potluck after the service this Sunday. I could swing by Laura’s and pick you up if you wanted.”

Jason pulls on his heavy coat and gloves, grimacing at the snow falling outside.

“Don’t have too much fun out there,” Todd quips from his position at the fireplace.

Jason throws him a withering but amusing look. “I’ll try not to. I just feel so…lucky to have been the chosen one to get supplies from Jerry today.”

Todd laughs. “Yeah, well the dogs know their way. You’ll be back in no time.”

“Too bad I can’t take the four-wheeler.”

“Not after the snow we got last night.” Todd shakes his head and sips his coffee.

Jason dons a hat, rolling his eyes. “Sure, so send the cripple out.”

“You weren’t even using your cane yesterday!” Todd defends good-naturedly. “Besides, I went the last two times after Seth forgot what was on his list.”

Jason throws him a wry grin, now ready. “Alright. I’ll be back in a while.” He heads outside the barking dogs, already hitched up to the sled.

The ten mile jaunt to where they had their supplies wasn’t so bad on a sunny day or on a four-wheeler, but they’d been getting an unexpected snow the last three days, and it made any travel miserable. Though Jason enjoyed the work with the dogs who were kept at the base, traveling in this manner wasn’t his favorite thing in the world. The sled dogs were good, but he’d much rather be indoors training a dog to sniff drugs than be out in these blizzard conditions.

Halfway to Jerry’s, the dogs enter the woods to follow the narrow path, now made even narrower by drifting snow. Though taught how to handle the sled dogs, Jason knows they don’t need much direction, used to this route. He glances around the forest, noting that branches had fallen under the heavy snow, and several trees were down in places, proving the severe weather. Ice underneath the snow added to the weight, making the trees creak and groan.

The dogs slow to a walk as the path winds sharply to the right, and the trudge over several drifts. Just when the next clearing is in sight, Jason hears a sickening crack and looks up just in time to see a tree break loose from its base. He yells at the dogs to speed up, but it’s too late. The tree comes down just fast enough to knock Jason off the sled. He’s slammed into another tree, coming down hard in the ice and snow. Dazed, he just lies still for several moments trying to see through the falling snow. The dogs have stopped and are whining, confused by what has happened.
Jason tries to move, but cries out as pain shoots through his bad leg. Looking down, he realizes that he’s been pinned by the fallen tree. Gritting his teeth, he tries to slide out from underneath, but after several minutes, all he’s managed to do is become tired and sweaty from the effort.
Glancing around, he sees nothing to help him out of his situation. The dogs were trained to stay…no one would miss him for hours, and the snow was rapidly increasing.