
A safe place

Carson takes a deep breath an nods, bringing his free hand over to Misty's. "Yeah... I know. I just... I don't know what the right thing is. I keep asking God and I still don't know. It seems so... gray." He shakes his head.

"Take your time tonight, if you have to work late. We'll be here until closing anyway. Just give me a call when you're getting off, so I know whether to have you come here or straight to my place."

Looking Misty in the eye, his own gaze shows all of his mixed emotions, a window to the turmoil in his heart. The thought of being a father was terrifying. The thought of spending time with Mackenzie was even more frightening. And he wasn't even sure why.

"Thanks, Misty." He pulls her into a hug. "Don't know what I'd do without you."

Despite the things happening around them, a spark manages to enter Carson's eye, and he withdraws to see Misty's face. "Well... I guess I do. I'd wallow in my misery in some faroff place, and get myself in a whole heap of trouble... that's what I'd do. But instead, I got you to keep me in line."

His arm still around her waist, he tightens his grip. "Just make sure you keep on keeping me in line, ay?" Giving her a sly grin, he leans in for a good long kiss. "That ought to last you until tonight."

He would have teased more, had he not had to turn back to his cooking. "Keep this thing with Mackenzie under your hat for a while, will you? I don't want to deal with the gossip just yet."

Letting her go, Carson gets his attention back to the stove, trying to just focus on his work at least for a few minutes before they had unhappy customers. The last thing he needed right now was to screw up at work. There was a whole lot more riding on his success now than before.

A small smile becomes visible on Mackenzie's face as her eyes happen to catch Carson and Misty kissing in the kitchen. She looks away though, continuing to help Aerith.

Taking Alice's cell phone, he gives her a rueful grin as she roughs up his hair. "Mm, water balloon fight, huh? Now that sounds like an adventure." His eyes widen a little as he thinks of the prospect, a quirky smile forming. "It could be a surprise..." Shaking his head, he gives a little chuckle, dismissing the idea as probably too annoying for the others.

Looking back at the phone, he gives a bit of a sigh, and swings his head around to look at Alice. "How come you always know what to say?"

Leaning back again, he dials a familiar number. He'd emailed his sister yesterday... talked with Phil for a minute the day before... but this time it would be a friend.

As he waits, he gives Alice a nod. "Yeah, if you got any tylenol, I'll take it. Chloe has been giving me hers but I've about run her out of her supply.

Reaching the answering machine, Kyle waits. He had expected that. Everyone would be at work this time of day. But he didn't want to bother anyone. He just wanted to say hi, and the shorter the better probably, for the moment.

Hearing the beep, Kyle leaves a message. "Hey, KT, what up? It's your bouncing, bungling, blundering, boisterous friend, calling from the road. Well... not exactly the road at the moment - we're stopped at a lovely lake for a few hours. Just wanted to say hi I guess. Miss you guys. Jen said there was a JetStream gig here soon. Looks like you'll have to keep everyone in line instead of me... since I always did such a good job."

Kyle pauses, biting his lip. It felt strange, knowing he wouldn't be there. "Um... anyway... hope you're good and... I'll talk to ya soon."

He flips the phone shut and hands it back to Alice, his eyes showing his gratefulness. "Thanks."

As she gets up and offers her hand, suggesting a spontaneous venture, he can't help a laugh. "Alright, you win." Taking her hand, he pulls himself up, stuffing the last of his sandwich in his mouth. "Lead the way, oh adventurous one."

Following Alice past the others, Kyle gives them a short wave. "We're taking a hike. Sticking around for a while?"

"Yeah." Hunter nods. "Some of us are gonna take a bike ride into town for a few things."

Chloe grins. "While Jordan and Myla get the site to themselves."

"Ooooh," Kyle teases. "What? Time in the front of the bus doesn't count?"

Jordan is lying down on a blanket and shakes his head. "Not when you're going sixty miles an hour and have to keep both hands on the wheel, it doesn't."

Myla leans over him, smiling. "You mean, not when you can't have your arms around me."

As they kiss, Blake throws up his arms. "Time to move out! No gawkers! Move along, folks, move along."

Myla and Jordan laugh, and she sits up, shaking her head. "You guys are all a bunch of silly gooses, you know that?"

Shawn's eyes widen. "Gooses? Um..."

Myla starts laughing even more. "Geese?"

Kyle shakes his head, grinning, then turns back to Alice. "Let's leave this gaggle to their geesing." Heading away from the group, Kyle walks a little slower than normal, his eyes drifting every whichway, his hands needing to fidget with anything as he walks, proving his energy was at a high level but wasn't being spent. "I am having fun," he comments. "I'm still glad I came and got away from everything else... Just taking a little more getting used to than I thought maybe. I do enjoy the routines, and hanging out with this bunch really is a blast... I wouldn't want them to think I was complaining."

Ryder's eyes stay glued to the television while he continues to do push-ups. He'd lost count, but really didn't care. He was just exercising for something to do anyway. The food on the tv was making his mouth water though. He'd been watching this station for the last couple hours, and was tempted to try out one of the more practical dishes, just to keep himself from getting bored.

He'd already called Reese a while ago, but had been told there really wasn't much for him to do around the office. He'd taken the hint and had let things be. He knew Katie had offered to give him something to do, but he didn't really want to bother her. She had enough to worry about without having to come get him and show him the ropes.

The ringing phone startles him, but he keeps doing his push-ups, letting the answering machine take over. Hearing a man's voice, he quirks his eyebrow and listens. Whoever it was seemed an interesting guy... a close friend maybe? What on earth was JetStream? Oh well... it wasn't any of his business.

After a few more minutes, Ryder finally gets up off the floor and wanders to the kitchen, starting to poke around in the cupboards and refrigerator. Why not? He shrugs. It was better than going out and drinking again. Besides, he really wanted to avoid questions about his black eye for now.

Henry's meowing makes him look down. "Well there, tiger. Where have you been all day?"

Henry weaves around his legs, purring loudly.

"Think I ought to fix the two ladies supper? With my luck, they'll be going out with their guys tonight. But... at least I'll have had a good meal, ay? And then they can have the leftovers. Gotta earn my keep somehow."

Nodding with satisfaction, Ryder keeps searching until he thinks he's found enough ingredients to make the chicken.

The restaurant has grown a little quieter, but the sounds of chatter and clanging silverware still fills Mom and Pop's. Carson leans back against the counter, totally exhausted. Aerith had been a trooper all day long, but even with her there, she'd been busy with tables almost the entire time, and Carson had manned the kitchen once more. Now he knew why Herb had needed his help. He wondered though, if once he got going, if he'd be able to settle into a routine. Mom and Pop's still wasn't a big restaurant, and as far as he was concerned, it could stay that way. They had a good base of consistent customers that liked the homey atmosphere. It wasn't broken, so it shouldn't be fixed.

Giving a deep sigh, Carson finishes his glass of water, and knows he needs to get the plates for table eight finished. Aerith could handle the deserts for table five.

Wandering to the stove once more though, his eyes glance to the little table in the corner of the kitchen. Mackenzie had long since conked out from her own exhaustion. Her arms were folded on the table, acting as a pillow for her head. She'd been that way for half an hour already, despite all the noise. How tired she must have been.

Carson swallows hard, and finds himself nearing her, just watching her steady breathing. What was the reason this child had been brought into his life? Was it just chance, and it would pass quickly without affecting the future? Or was there something bigger here... something God had in mind? Carson didn't have a clue.

Reaching down, he gently tucks a strand of Mackenzie's unruly blonde hair behind her ear. She stirs, and he withdraws quickly, but she doesn't wake. Was he doing the right thing by taking her home? It was too late now. But what would the consequences be?

Scott pulls his knees up to his chest as he sits on his couch, listening to Domino play around with one of her toys. His eyes aim towards the droning television, but he doesn't really focus on the picture. He felt lonely tonight. Without the fear to invade his mind, all that was left was a bit of emptiness.

Closing his eyes, he leans back in the corner of the couch, ignoring the meal that he'd warmed up in the microwave. He takes himself to a happier place... a warmer place. The park... Domino... sunshine... Hope. It was a safe place in his mind, and one that he visited often.