

Jason shakes his head a little. Reaching over, he roughs up Misty's hair teasingly. "Let's just call it even, eh? We're both too stubborn to get anywhere like this."

He gives her a little smile to let her know it's okay, and he just wants to forget about it. He knows where Misty stands, and she knew where he stood too. Unless someone's opinion changed, theyw were at an impasse. But he didn't want to argue anymore.

The air cleared a bit, getting back to TJY wasn't so bad, and the rest of the day goes smoothly. Jason stays in his office most of the day, trying to work, trying to keep his head clear, and trying to keep his sugar balanced out too. Trying to ignore the emotional pileup wasn't easy, but he was getting the hang of it anyway.

By the evening, instead of staying and working late, Jason gives in to his exhaustion and goes home on time. getting there though, supper isn't enjoyed, and the tv just drones on, his lack of interest creating a tired boredom.

Trooper begs him for attention, but Jason ignores him, finally falling asleep on the couch.

Con leans back in the couch, his arm around Jamie, and his eyes starting to fall shut. He'd been out all afternoon helping a friend from church fix their garage roof, and though it was only mid-evening, he was bushed.

He turns his head, giving Jamie a kiss on the cheek. "Sorry, babe, but unless you want to keep me warm out here tonight, I'm heading to bed now. I'm gonna fall asleep in about five minutes, and nothing is gonna get me up."

He grins a little. "I need to go to TJY to workout so days like this don't wear me out like this."

Reese sighs deeply and rereads his email. It felt wrong. But...he had to move on. TJY had to move on. No matter how much he hated it. Finally, he hits send.

From: Mike Reese
To: TJY Arizona Base
Subject: Help
As you know, we lost our tech guy, Scott Johnson, recently. Since then, we have had no one replace him, but our department is suffering. We're in dire need of a replacement for Scott. If you have anyone extra in your department, or know of anyone on the outside, please let me know. Thank you.


*Misty stays quiet in the car for a long while on the way home. She know that she probely said to much to Jason today but it was hard for her not to. Jason was a good friend and she was just trying to help even if she was forward about it.

Finally as Jason speaks and says he is sorry Misty turns and looks at him giving a small nod.*

"I'm sorry to Hotshot that I was all up in your business. Your just my friend...and...I dont know. Its non of my business I just was trying to help I guess. So I over steped the line."

*Misty offers a smile to Jason. He was her friend and she hated the though of him being mad at her.*


Jason scowls at getting slapped upside the head, and throws a restrained glare at the back of Misty as she exits the café. It was going to be a long ride back to work.

Following her out, he gets in the driver’s side and starts the engine, pulling out onto the street.

As he drives, he’s quiet though…and the anger starts to settle down. He gives Misty a sidelong glance. He hated tension between them. She was good friend… always had been. And he was making things worse.

“Sorry, Misty,” he quietly apologizes. “What I said wasn’t called for. I just… I feel stuck at the moment and don’t know where to go.”


*As Misty and Jason walk out the door and she hears his comment Misty reaches out and whaps him upside the back of the head.*

"Your a real jerk you know."

*Misty continues to walk this lunch had turned out differnt than planed but she didnt regret it.*

"As for me, I'm happy where I am thank you very much."

Hotter water

Misty's words hit Jason below the belt. Maybe he was scared, maybe he was being too proud - but it didn't change anything. There was too much going on right now...he couldn't handle anything else, least of all with Katie. It just wouldn't work.

Keeping his eyes elsewhere, he resists rolling them. He should just divert the conversation and leave it be. He should just stop things where they were and not let it go any further. Misty was ready to leave - he should just get up and let it all go. But his tongue doesn't let him.

"Yeah. I did let her know how I felt. And then I promptly made her feel like dirt by taking my feelings away from her after she'd had a taste. How's that for pushing someone away?"

He leans back in his chair and looks up at Misty, holds out his arms, his annoyance showing through his slight sarcasm. "You got me. I'm the most insensitive guy that ever roamed the earth, and I'm a butthead for what I've put Katie through." He stops, refraining from a glare. "Now if you were me, would you want to risk continuing to put her through heck? I sure wouldn't. It's better this way."

He stands up and takes his wallet to leave payment on the table. Turning back around, he looks down at Misty, a strange glint in his eye. It wasn't angry.... it wasn't arrogant.... it was something else. His tone is lowered. "At least I know I'm not the only one with hidden feelings."

Sighing, Jason heads to the door. He wishes they'd brought two vehicles, but he'd driven them both, so he had to ride back to TJY with Misty. If he didn't shut up soon, he'd get himself into even hotter water.

I didnt

*Misty lets out another long sigh and shakes her head.*

"Jason Stevenson, one of these days your gonna have to learn to get over yourself. Your not the only one that matters, your pride and fear is getting in the way of keep you, Jason happy."

*She can't help but feel very bad for Jason himself. Looking at him, his words didnt match how he felt and she new it. Why he kept denying it she didnt know.*

"And on top of it, deni a simple question..I never asked if you were going to date her again. I just asked if you let her know how you felt. Maybe she is better on the moutain...I guess its home to her."

*Misty takes her purse and stands seeing Jason is finished as well.*

"Come on, lets get back our lunch is almost up and I dont need to keep talking and getting you more mad at me than you probely are."

*Misty smiles and nods her head twords the door. She new Jason was probely mad, but she also new he'd get over it.*

Not yes, not no

Jason keeps one eyebrow raised as Misty starts to talk, and cocks his head slightly, not really appreciating her pointed words. He could feel the heat rising to his face, and without anywhere for his rising emotions to go, it was a more intense inner battle than he liked. If it wasn't for the fact that he and Misty had a good enough relationship to tell each other anything, he would be tempted to tell her to take a hike, or walk out himself. Without a break though, he just sits and receives her words and observations.

Jason almost feels like he's getting a tongue lashing, and his jaw tightens, finally dropping his gaze.

It's a long moment before he can respond to her, and when he does, he looks back up, staring her in the eye. "I respect and enjoy Katie's friendship. I like what she and I have. We're close. But that's as far as it goes. I'm not ready for anything else. I'm not ready to crash and burn a third time. If Katie can't understand that, then I don't know what else I can do. Love?" He shrugs. "It's irrelevant."


*Misty shakes her had at Jason's denial and raises her own eyebrow to him.*

"Oh come on, get over it. That might work on some people Hotshot, but not me. I see the way you look at her and talk to her. How when she walks by your eyes just linger so you can get the last glimps of her. It might of been a long time ago that you two were together but you never stopped loving her."

*Misty's eyes meet Jason's as she continues to talk.*

" Not to mention, Katie might have blocked you off now but thats not the only reason it bothers you. I think it bothers you that something is wrong with Katie and you don't know what. But your to stuck on making people you don't care that you wont get off your rump and go see whats wrong with her. She pushed you out Hotshot and your first reaction was "Fine, be that way." not "Whats wrong? something has to be with with Katie.""

*Misty lets out a long sigh as she sits back in her chair for just a moment.*

"Katie might of pushed you away Jason, but didnt you push her first?"


Bret returns Charlotte's kiss, his eyes starting to light up. He was scared, but...this time around, he had more confidence that things would work out.

He leans into her hand a little, offering a thin smile. "I don't know what I do...it should be me thanking you instead."

Straightening up, he glances at the clock. "Well you get scooting then. By the time you get back, I'll be ready."

Misty's words made sense. Jason didn't like it, but it was logical nonetheless. Katie had been through so much lately...part of it was his own fault, part of it was just stupid chance and life itself. No matter the cause though, she'd been through more than anyone should have to face, and it wasn't fair. It was no wonder she was having a hard time moving on.

He just wished...there was something he could do. But how could he, when Katie had deliberately pushed him away? And how could he, without jeopardizing the relationship they currently had? He didn't want to offer more than he was willing to give, but he didn't want to give her nothing either. And why did this have to be so hard?

Jason gives a little sigh. "Yeah...I know. I guess I'm a little upset that she's locked me out, but...I suppose you're right. Knowing her, she thinks she's being too much of a burden or something. Which... obviously she shouldn't, but... I've tried convincing her other times otherwise, and it hasn't worked too well."

As the subject changes, and he receives a kick under the table, his smile only grows. Misty's explanation though, makes him cringe and laugh. "Aw, you did NOT have to tell me he was a good kisser. That is TOO much information."

He shakes his head and works on his drink, listening and nodding. "Yeah, I figured as much. Kyle seems to be pretty happy lately though." He tosses Misty a wink. "But I don't think I'm gonna go asking him about this - I've just learned plenty."

With the slight pause, Jason lets the subject drop, just thinking for a moment. Misty's question though, brings his eyes and head back up quickly and he blinks. Holding his composure well, he quirks an eyebrow. "Who says I love her? That was a long time ago."

Did You

*For a moment Charlotte's heart stops as the coin was flipped. Revealing that it was heads her head sinks just a little. She really wanted to go and run away. Sure some people would be upset but it was worth it and it was her own life after all. As Bret turns and speaks again going against the coin Charlotte heart starts to race once again. Hearing that he loved her back and didn't want to be without her anymore made her feel even better.

Leaning into Bret, Charlotte smiles and brings her lips to his. Exchanging a kiss of passion that showed how happy she was. Pulling away she smiles back at him as her eyes still were lit up.*

"I'll run home and grab some cloths, and stuff we will need than I'll be back. You can drive or I can drive its ok. While I'm home I'll call work too."

*Charlotte brings her hand to the side of Bret's faces and runs the thumb over his cheek.*

"Thank you for making me happy Bret."

*Misty listens to Jason as he explained the whole situation. She felt bad for Jason and Katie both. They had been through so much already and continued to go through more. Would they ever get a break? Taking a sip of her iced coffee Misty finally speaks.*

"Yeah know, the whole Scott passing away thing could of been the straw that broke the camles back. I mean yes this whole thing is horrable, tragic and probely hard for Katie to deal with. But I mean...maybe she had so much other stuff on her mind that this just pushed her over the edge. "

*Misty stops for a moment collecting her thoughts and taking another sip of her drink before she speaks again.*

"You know, it could be to that Katie dosn't want to be alone but that she thinks she should be so she dosnt have to put anymore stress on anyone alse. It's possable that Katie knows she is deep in depression and just dosnt know how to get out. So insted of bringing everyone down with her, she just disapeared. Just don't be to hard on her..."

*Misty reaches out and gives Jason's hand a small pat and smiles. Than changed to subject back to what Jason had asked. Giving him a small kick under the table for his comment.*

"I really like Kyle. He's a sweet guy who can make anyone laugh. I like hanging out with and well...He's a good kisser too."

*Looking down at her drink for a minute Misty's cheeks turn a slight color.*

"I think we are in between hanging out and searouse. I mean I'd like to say we are but I don't really know where Kyle stands we havnt really talked about it. It kind of just is what it is."

*Misty own eyes twinkle for a momnet as she gets a mischeavous grin on her face.*

"What about you? Did you get a chanse to tell Katie you loved her still?"


Bret locks his fingers around Charlotte's as she speaks, a form of relief and humility setting in as she accepted him as he was, even with his shortcomings.

Her mention of elopement almost makes him laugh, but as he looks her in the eye, it starts to sink in that it wasn't a joke. An act without caution, yes, but not a joke. And as the words of love are spoken, he simply stares back at her, not even knowing how to respond.

Had he just heard what he thought he had? And was she even serious?

Studying her face for a moment, he sees she is. That look in her eye.... that one of adventure was there, and she wasn't kidding. Elope? Marriage? That thought always brought on a wave of fear. After what had happened with Maria... after everything had fallen apart.... He didn't want to go through that again. He didn't want that pain again.

But... Charlotte was different than Maria. And though Bret had loved Maria, his feelings for Charlotte were different. For Maria, he'd never been willing to change. For Charlotte.... he'd do just about anything.

But marriage? Were they ready for that? Bret wasn't sure if it had been love at first sight or not... but he couldn't deny he had feelings for her, and he knew she had feelings for him too. But love? Was it really love? Or was it mere chemistry? She had just said she loved him... was it true?

Bret's eyes float back and forth between her own, the questions whirling in his mind. He searches deeply, his pulse quickening.... Charlotte had spoken the truth about what she felt. Did he feel the same?

Dropping his gaze, Bret spies a quarter on the coffee table. He reaches down to pick it up, letting it rotate in his fingers. "Heads we stay, keep things as they are, and I deal with those guys as it comes... Tails we go to Vegas."

The quarter is tossed. It flies into the air, flipping around, around, around. It hits the table, only to be covered up by Bret's hand, pressing down on top of it.

Bret holds his breath and stares at the hidden future. Finally he lifts his palm.


He stares at it, his pulse still racing. The words from his mouth surprise even himself. He was absolutely nuts. There was no logic behind this at all. But he wasn't going to stop living. Not again.


He turns his head back to Charlotte. "I'm deciding my own fate this time. We're getting out of here tonight and going to Vegas... Because I love you too, and I want to spend the rest of my life with you."

His hand reaches out to cradle the side of her face. "I'm tired of being alone... and you're the only one that I want to be with."

Lets go

*Charlotte sits quiet for a long moment. Working through everything Bret said in her mind. Car racing, jail, robbing banks, jail again. Everything came as a surprise. Charlotte new Bret had some problems and understood that but this was heavy. However she was honored that he told her the truth and she cheeks even gained some color as she talked about being with her and feeling different around her. Truth be told, Charlotte was really starting to feel the same, that without Bret around is sucked. Finally Charlotte speaks as she holds Bret's hand and her eyes lock with him gaining a new look, and showing how serious she was.*

"You know Bret, any normal person I probably would of said goodbye to by now. But you there is something different about you. You have made me happy and showed me that not all guys are jerks. Your different and I love it. So answer to you Bret is...let elope right now, grab some of your cloths money, head to my house grab some of my cloths and money and go. "

*A smile spreads across Charlotte face as she talks. As her eyes dance, taking controll of things once again, acting on a whim, and just doing it because.*

"Than they wont be able to find you tomorrow either...and if we have to keep running we will...but as long as we are together I wont mind. I'd risk being hurt, as long as I new you would be there to keep me safe and help me get better."

*Charlotte continues to hold Bret's hand tightening her grip for just a moment. She was nervous about what she was to say next. The three letter word she never used with anyone before. But Bret, oh Bret she new it was true for sure.*

"Bret your the first guy I ever said this to but I mean it when I say to you...I love you...So lets go right now."