

*Wes smiles and holds out his arm to Cindy escorting her to the car.*

*Wendy blushes slightly.* "Thank you, oh great defender. You look pritty sharp yourself."

*Angel smiles up at Luke.* " I dont care how your dressed. As long as your with me. To me you look good in anything." *Angel leans into Luke's arms.*

*Rosetta smiles and takes Mick's hand admiring him.* "You look very handsome tonight." *Rosetta's eyes sparkle.*

*As Jason walks in Katie see him. He did indeed look handsome tonight. She is going to go up to him but Jade walks to him first. Katie lets out a sigh and heads out to the car riding with Rosetta and Mick. All the way there she is very quiet.*

*After arriving everyone goes there sepreat ways. Music blasts, people laugh, dance. There is food, balloons, contests and much more. The time seems to fly as the night goes on befor anyone knows it a few hours go by. Katie keeps to herself on one side of the room. Watching everyone have a fun time she lets out a long sigh.*

*Damien and Annie finally arrive to the social. And move right into dancing.*

*As alittle more time goes by Katie looks across the room and see Con standing aganst the wall alone. Geting tired of stading there herself alone Katie walks over to Con and smiles.* "Hey Con, Want to dance?" *Katie points to the dance floor than looks back at Con seeing the look in his eyes.* "As friend silly. Come on lets have some fun to."

*Rosetta laugh after laugh as her and Mick along with the other talk, and dance a little bit. Leaning in so Mick can hear her over the music better she says.* "This sure does remind me of old times. Remember the dance we had at the W/K Ranch?"

*Wendy dances with Clint enjoying the music, and his arms around her. She feel ontop of the world. After the song ends Wendy motions to the tabe asking to sit for a bit.*

*Wes leans over to Cindy.* "Would you anything to drink or eat?"

The Social

Cindy blushes at Wes, and accepts the corsage just a bit awkwardly. She looks up at him with an almost giddy smile. It’s been so long since she’s done something like this. “Thank you.”

Clint lets out a low whistle as Wendy enters the mess hall. Rosalynn gives his arm a backhanded slap and rolls her eyes, but he just smirks at her, and goes to Wendy with a wide smile. “Good evening, princess.” He bows and takes her hand to plant a kiss on it. “You look lovely.”

Luke grins at Angel, putting an arm around her waist. “Yep…I’m glad we can keep doing this kind of thing once in a while so we don’t get burned out.” He glances down at her, admiration showing in his eyes. “I don’t think I’m dressed up enough to go with a pretty lady like you.”

Mick comes in the opposite door just as Rosetta enters the mess hall. He sees her across the room, and can’t help the smile that makes its way to his face. He just stands for a moment and cocks his head, engraving that picture in his mind. There was no doubt – he had the prettiest date tonight and was proud of it.
He goes across the room to Rosetta, taking off his hat, and offering her his smile, his eyes sparkling. “Shall we?” He holds out his hand.

Jason limps into the mess hall and lets the door shut behind him. He looks around the room to see who all is there, taking note of those who appear not to be going and those that do.

Jade looks up from her seat and for a moment just watches Jason. If he didn’t make others stop and stare, no one would, that was for sure. Finally she gets up and goes to him, flashing him a smile. “Hey, handsome.”

He grins. “You don’t look so bad yourself.”

“Wow, that’s a great compliment.”

Jason holds his grin, mischief twinkling in his eyes. “You look great and don’t let anyone tell you otherwise.”

Jade’s cheeks turn crimson, but she remains composed. She nods to his cane. “Decided to go in style, did we?”

Jason rolls his eyes. “I feel like an old man.”

“I think it makes you look distinguished.” Jade takes his free hand in hers. “Sparky and Mel said we could ride with them.”

“Great.” Jason’s just ready to turn to go back outside when he notices Katie across the room. He almost does a double-take, and blinks, his eyebrows rising. He just about catches her eye, but is distracted by Jade opening the door, and shifts his focus back to leaving. He can’t help throwing a glance over his shoulder though, wondering if Katie has found someone to go with or not.

Within minutes, everyone is piling into vehicles and they’re on their way. Eric, Jeff and Rosalynn stay back at the ranch, throwing in a movie and popping popcorn. Austin has opted to go back to the lookout early, while Con dresses up a bit nice to go along with the gang in order to keep an eye on things.

It’s not long until the small caravan of vehicles is pulling into the parking lot in town behind the large building. Already there are many cars there, and music and laugher can be heard inside.


*Time comes, days go. Katie and Jason patched the akwardness but still drift slightly apart as Jason spends more time with Jade. Katies heart acks as she see them both together but trys to maintain her composure.*

*Finally the day of the Social is here. Everyone is busy running around.*

*Katie puts the last ceurl in her hair. What a pain it was. It had goten so long and its not often she wore it down. Runing her hand down her knee langth black dress she gets the wrinkles out. Checking her makup one last time. Becky had been nice enough to help her put it on. Katie sighs as she heads out of the bathroom. Why was she doing this. She never dressed up. and why was she feeling nervouse. Its not like she had anyone to go with. Leting out a long sigh she exits her bunk and heads to the mess hall.*

*Wes enters the mess hall his hands behind his back. He has on his Black dress coat on with a white rose pined to it. He has his black dress pants, cowboy hat, and black cowboy boots on. Walking over to Cindy he gives a small bow. Taking his hands from behind his back he holds out a corsash for Cindy's wrist.* "Mi Lady." *Gently Wes takes it out of the box and puts it around Cindy's wrist beaming.*

*Rosetta looks in the mirror one last time than look at the clock on her dresser relizing she was late. Sliping on her high heel shoes she grabs her black lace shall to go over her black and bloodred spagetti strap ball dress. Walking very carfuly but trying to hurry across the lawn Rosetta wobbles alittle not use to heals. Finally she enters and looks around for Mick*

*Wendy is the next to enter in her long Snow white dress with a black ribbon the goes around the wast and down the back. Her hair has a black ribbon holding it back and small white flowers line her hair. As she enters she looks at Clint and beams walksing over to him.*

*Angel enters the mess hall through the back door her baby blue dress on and her hair pulled up. Walking up next to Luke she looks around the room at everyone, and her eyes on the kids.* "How they remind me of us at there age."

Getting ready

Jason smiles and gestures with his head to the mess hall. “Alright. Come on.”

The day progresses slowly and the tension in the air begins to dissolve on its own. No more arguments ensue, helping with the situation, though Jason and Austin do not converse.

Time rolls on. Research continues, but no headway is made. Some are discouraged, though there is reassurance in the fact that the Agency is lying dormant for the time being.

Jason takes several trips back and forth to the hospital for therapy, Clint continues to help Wes, and routines proceed as normal.

Austin and Jason avoid discussion about the recent episode, both drifting further apart, but neither feeling strong enough one way or the other to do anything about it.

The weeks come and go, those who go to church, continued to be encouraged that there will be an end to this trial. Work persists, and weather begins to warm slightly. Jade and Jason do more together, winding up together on several picnics and an outing to town.

Before anyone knows it, the day for the winter social has arrived, and spirits are lifted in anticipation of a fun evening. Deciding to gather in the mess hall to figure out who’s riding with who before they leave, everyone who’s going disperses to get ready.

By five o’clock, several are already ready to go and waiting in the mess hall. Cindy stands near the kitchen and smoothes out her simple blue dress with long skirt, feeling strangely nervous for some reason. Clint hangs around one of the tables as Rosalynn points out things he should straighten or change, giving him a bad time.

Jade sits near the door, her green dress accenting her features, her hair pulled back with strands loose around her face.

Jason gives himself one last look in the mirror and turns to head for the door. Thinking for a moment, he passes by his crutches and takes the cane instead that JT has suggested he use. Easier on the arms, and helping him use his knee a little more, at least it wouldn’t be as much of a pain as crutches. With his collard shirt tucked into his black jeans, his good boots and his hair gelled just so, he figures he can’t be any more ready than this, and he heads for the mess hall.

Mick tucks in his shirt and buckles his belt, grabbing his cowboy hat. All in black, he heads out the door. It’s been a long time since he’s looked forward to something like this, and he anticipates a fun night with everyone…and Rosetta.


*Wendy throws her hands up to look like guns and clicks her toung.* "I'm looking forwork to it."

*Katie nods at Jason and smiles understanding what he is saying.* "Ya, I'd like that. Let me grab my laptop." *Katie goes back inside and gets her packpack and laptop.* "Ok I am set."


Clint rolls his eyes at Wendy. “Very funny.” He nods at Wes. “Yeah, I’m right behind you.” He glances back at Wendy, throwing her a smirk. “And I’ll catch YOU later.”

Jason takes a deep breath as he hears Katie approach the door, and he adopts a casual stance. When she opens the door, his jaw tightens as the tension immediately rears its head again. But he manages to look her in the eye, conveying that he’s willing to get past this hitch in the road. No matter the awkwardness, or how hard it was, Rosetta was right. If he and Katie truly were friends, then this was just something they'd have to deal with. “Hey. I got some files I was going over a while back, and a second pair of eyes is always helpful. Thought maybe you’d want to go over them with me.” His invitation comes across as nothing more than a friendly gesture, though is extended in the form of a truce.


*Wendy giggles at Clint.* "First day on your new feet. Might want my mom to look at that before it gets to bad." *Wendy pokes Clint in the ribs.*

*Wes stands and smiles as Cindy and Jason talk. Making his way into the kitchen he smiles at the 2 kids.* "Hey Killer, dont let the girl make you look bad." *Wes laughs* "I'm gonna be in the garage. Just come in when ever. Its not to busy of a day." *Wes smiles again shaking his head droping his glass into the sink.*

*Katie almost falls back in her chair as there is a knock on the door startling her. She wasent exspecting anyone to come. Geting up with a big cladder she goes to the door and looks out the window. Seeing is is Jason she rests her forhead on the door. After a long moment she opens the door trying to giving a small smile.* "Hey!"


Clint is knocked off balance and hits the doorway with his already-sore shoulder. “Ah!” He smirks at Wendy, reaching out to give her hair a teasing pull. “Good morning to you too.” He offers a teasing grin.

Jason looks at Rosetta thoughtfully as she leaves. She’s said some very encouraging things that he wanted to take to heart… People didn’t normally talk to him like that, and it really made him stop and think.

Cindy sees Rosetta talking with Jason, then when she leaves, she feels prompted to go talk to her son. They needed to clear the air one way or the other, no matter how awkward it was. She gives Wes a glance, then rises from her chair to go to Jason.

Jason looks up as his mother approaches and he sighs deeply, giving her a glance of apology as she sits down across from him. “Morning.”

Cindy forces a smile. “Good morning…” She cocks her head, and just studies Jason for several moments. “I’m sorry, Jason…”

“No,” he cuts her off. “You have nothing to be sorry for. I should have made you worry like I did. It was my fault.”

Cindy shakes her head. “You did what you thought was right, and for that, I’m proud of you. Yes, I was worried to death, and I don’t like experiencing that, but…what happened happened, and we just need to move on.”

Jason opens his mouth to argue more, but shuts it, knowing his mother is trying to get past the whole thing. He offers a grin. “Okay.”

She reaches over to give his hand a loving squeeze. “I’m going to go get some breakfast.”

“Alright. I’ll get something later.” Once again, Jason is by himself. He can see Austin out of the corner of his eye, but doesn’t feel much like approaching him yet. It was one thing talking to his mom and Rosetta…it was entirely different confronting his grandfather, who surely wasn’t as forgiving as the others.

“Hey you.” Jade smiles and plops down beside Jason, offering him a glass of orange juice. “Thought you might be able to use this.”

Glad for the change in pace and a reason to quit thinking about the heavier topics, Jason grins at Jade. “Thanks.”

“You’re welcome.” Jade’s smile remains as she looks at him. “I hope things are alright.” She scrunches up her nose. “Guess everyone got a little stirred up around here, huh.”

“You could say that.” Jason chuckles. “Sorry you had to witness all of that.”

“Eh…” Jade shrugs. “I’ve got a family too, ya know. Life isn’t perfect, and if someone thinks it is, they haven’t lived.” She pauses, glancing down. “How’s the leg?”

“Fair.” Jason takes a swig of orange juice. “Just gonna take a while to heal I guess.”

“Do you have to go to therapy?”

“I was supposed to go two days ago,” Jason admits. “I’ll have to reschedule. But yes, I should be just a few times. Most what I have to do though, I can do myself. It’s just gonna take time to see how much mobility I regain.”

Jade cocks her head, feeling a bit sorry for him. “I’m sure it’ll heal out alright.”

Jason appreciates the encouragement, and can’t help his grin as he takes another sip of juice. “We’ll see. I won’t be in much dancing shape for this social coming up though.”

Jade giggles, giving his arm a kidding pat. “I don’t care. I’ve got two left feet anyway.”

Jason chuckles. “Then I guess we make the perfect couple, don’t we?”

A slight blush comes to Jade’s cheeks and she laughs. “Maybe we do.” She sighs and looks to the kitchen. “Well, I promised Becky I’d help with dishes. I’ll catch you later.”

“Yeah…” Jason watches her leave, and polishes off his orange juice with a couple pain killers. Thinking several minutes in quiet, he looks towards the tables that are set up with computers, and spies a file folder with records he’d been going through. Making up his mind, he rises, deciding to avoid Austin for now. He’d rather straighten out another mess first before tackling that one.

Leaving the mess hall, he swings his way towards Katie’s bunk, rolling his eyes at himself, and just hoping he doesn’t make things worse. But he’s got to do something before the tension kills somebody. He arrives at her door and knocks.

the letter

*Rosetta smiles at Jason.* "Never regret doing something you think it right. More often than not it is the right path. Your a good guy Jason." *Rosetta pats his shoulder and walks out of the mess hall to get changed and do some work.*

*Katie slowly walks to her bunk. Grabing some new clothing she hops in the shower. After geting out she comes out of the bathroom and sits down in her chair. Opening her laptop she starts to fiddle around not wanting to go back to the mess hall yet. As she surfs the web her mind wanders to her father email. Maybe it was time to reply. Opening her email up she write a short letter not sure what to say:*

Dear Jay,
I got your email and I dont really know how to reply to you. You have missed so many years of my life I am not that little girl anymore. Maybe someday you can get to know me again. I forgive you.


*As Katie finish the email she shuts her laptop and leans back in her chair. Her mind a million miles away.*

*Wendy see Clint enter and runs into kitchen hip bumping him.* "Good Morning."

Apology Accepted

Mick chuckles and manages to get himself up off the couch to stretch again. “If a crick in the neck is the worst thing, then I’m doing alright.” He gives Rosetta’s shoulder a light pat. “I gotta go clean up and change clothes. I’ll be back for breakfast.”

Cindy accepts Wes’ hug, mustering up as much of a smile as she can. She looks down at her coffee, just letting Wes arm remain around her.

Clint finally makes it to the mess hall, and aims for the kitchen, rubbing his shoulder gingerly.

Jason stares at Katie, unsure how to react, or what to say, if anything. He opens his mouth to rebuke her apology – she had done nothing wrong. But she keeps talking, so he remains silent.
Her words stung just a little for some reason…they had an impact he hadn’t expected. What did Katie really want? Did their friendship really mean that much to her too? She was obviously willing to face him, apologize whether she needed to or not, and risk rejection in order to salvage what they had. That couldn’t go ignored. But what should he do? Should he just forget about what had happened, for her sake? Or did he need to say something too?

Katie doesn’t give him a chance to do either though as she walks away. He just sits for a moment, feeling a new sensation…no one had ever said they’d be proud to call him their friend before… He glances over his shoulder as Katie leaves, wondering if they really can get past this bump in the road.

Rosetta’s hand on his shoulder startles him and he turns around quickly to look up at her. Her words were the last thing he expected to hear, and he knows the look on his face must show some surprise.
As Rosetta continues to speak, he furrows his brow a little, trying to understand the implications of what was being said. Had he really had such an impact on Katie? Was that a good thing or a bad thing? Rosetta implied it was good. But was it his own fault that he and Katie had gotten to this point now? Should he have held back sooner so things didn’t get this far? Apparently Rosetta viewed Katie’s change as positive, not negative. He hadn’t ever thought he could affect anyone…he’d always just been a loner….

When Rosetta concludes with her own apology, Jason shoves aside the thoughts of Katie for the moment. He purses his lips in thought, giving a slight nod. “The situation probably could have been handled better, and I chose a route that stirred things up royally – for that I’m the one who should apologize. I realize now you were worried sick, and that wasn’t right of me to put you in that position.” He shrugs. “I’m glad I left…and I’m glad Katie was with me. If I could do it all over again, I don’t know if I’d do it differently or not, but I’m sorry what I did caused people to worry.”


*Rosetta sits up and smiles trying to fix her hair but it wont work unless a brush it taken to it.* "Well I guess thats a good think to know in case we ever get lost out in the cold." *Rosetta grins at Mick.* "Good morning sleepy head. Sorry about the neck. I guess I was more tired than I first thought to not have woke till this morning." *Rosettas mind is foggy for a bit but than relives the events from yesterday evening.*

*Wes makes his way to the mess hall. Seeing Cindy siting alone he walks twords her and sits like his has found himself doing so much latly. Reaching over Wes gives Cindy a hug without saying anything. No words are needed as he can tell how Cindy feels. Hope remained in Wes' heart that today everyone could patch things up and go on with things.*

*Katie lifts her head as Jason enters the room. Quickly she looks at him but than looks away. Katie replys everything in her mind that happend the night before. Why had she kissed Jason. She was more of a clear thinker than that. Did she want to be more than friend with Jason, yes. That answer was simple, but she dident want to jeprodize there friendship and she did just that. Would there friendship ever be the same or did the action she took lastnight change thins permintly. Katie hoped in her heart of hearts this wouldent change now, but if they did she dident blame Jason. Take the last sip of her coffee she stands and takes her mug to the kitchen puting it into the sink. Sighing she decieds she probley should go take a shower and get dressed. Slowly she walks out of the kitchen heading for the door. Stoping she gives a quick glance over to Jason's way and decieds its probley best to say something to him. Walking over she pulls a chair out and sits down. Still keeping her eyes down on the table.* "Jason, I just wanted to say I'm sorry. I shouldent have kissed you lastnight. It was wrong of me and I hope you can forgive me and I hope this dosent change anything." *Katie looks up and searches Jason's eyes for answers.* " Our friendship means so much to me, and I dont want to lose it. I thank you foreverything and dont take blame for anything. Your a great person and dont you ever let anyone tell you any differnt. I am so proude to call you my friend." *Katie gives a small smile and stands again.* " I guess I should go take a shower now and start my day. I'll catch you alittle later." *Katie makes her way out of the mess hall and to her bunk.*

*Rosetta watches Katie leave the mess hall. Turning to Mick she nods and smiles signaling she will be right back. Geting up and walking over to Jason, Rosetta places a hand on his shoulder and looks twords the closeing door.* " You really make her happy and feel good you know that. She values your friendship more than anything and would do anything for you as a friend. Thats what true friend are. They stick together through anything and are always there just a call away. One of the trates of making a true friendship is being able to endure though anything. The strange, happy, sad, awakward, and upseting times. " *Rosetta finally looks down at Jason.* " I havent seen her smile so much in a long time. Its good to see her happy, and its nice to know she has a friend who would do anything for her. Thank you Jason. For being Katie's hope, that there are still good people out there. I'm also sorry I dident trust you more. You guys are adults now, and need to make your own desitions. I guess I was just so worryed I forgot that. So again I am sorry."


Jeff clangs around in the kitchen, as one of the first ones up, and hungry for pancakes. Becky and Mel soon join him to help out, deciding a nice breakfast for everyone would be good, especially after the prior evening’s tension.

Clint’s alarm goes off, wailing in his ear. Having been in a deep sleep, he reacts with a jolt, whipping his weight to the side to get within reach of his clock. With eyes barely open, the distance to the edge of the bed wasn’t even calculated, and in the next second, his shoulder is slamming into the nightstand, and he’s in a heap on the floor. Blinking, he groans at himself and scoots up into a sitting position to rub the sleep from his eyes. His covers had been pulled down with him, and he’d knocked the lamp off his nightstand as he’d hit. What a great way to start of the day.
He rises, throwing his bed not even close to back together again, and stumbles to the shower. “First chairs now my own bed,” he grumbles, though is glad there was no witness to this one.

A pan is dropped with a clatter in the kitchen, and Mick finally opens his eyes. Taking a moment to get his bearings, he lifts his head and winces at his sore neck. He yawns and starts to stretch before remembering that he’s not alone. Sensing Rosetta is awake as well, a wry grin spreads across his face and he playfully roughs up Rosetta’s hair. “You make a pretty good hot brick, ya know that?”

Austin and Con enter the mess hall together as usual, taking up their now-regular seats at the near table. Austin glances around, not seeing Jason yet. He’d thought a lot last night…and though still disagreeing with Jason, his temper had cooled. A hope had risen in him that they would be able to work things out today, and perhaps a little bit of guilt lingered for things said the evening before.

Cindy takes a chair down by the fireplace, chilled by the crisp morning. The dark circles under her eyes prove that she’d gained little sleep, but her feeling of helplessness for the situation remains.

Jason sits on the edge of his bed, showered and fully dressed. A deep sigh makes its way to the surface. Couldn’t there ever be just one thing to deal with instead of a zillion at the same time? Pictures of the night before continue to flash in his mind. Austin…Rosetta…his mother…Katie… He shakes his head at himself, feeling at fault for more things than one. Though fighting it, his mind takes him back to Katie’s bunk. He should have known better…he shouldn’t have allowed Katie to kiss him like she had. A voice deep down reminds him that there was a reason he hadn’t exactly resisted her affection.

He rolls his eyes and stands, going for his crutches. It was just a bad idea to get involved like that. Katie liked him too much, and she’d soon realize that it had just been a fleeting lapse in judgment when she let her emotions get the best of her. Her feelings for him would not last, and because of that, he should not encourage her. He needed to be more careful, no matter how hard it was. Yet he also knew that it required a delicate hand - otherwise he’d be jeopardizing their friendship, and he had to admit to himself that it was one thing he didn’t want to lose. Katie was the first real friend he'd ever had, and he recognized her loyalty. But how could he maintain that friendship if he turned her away from him?

Hobbling to the door, Jason’s eye catches the papers from Carter, sitting on the table. A knot forms in his stomach. He was supposed to talk to Katie about it. But it would just make things worse at this point, wouldn't it? It would just complicate things even more. He couldn’t bring it up now...

Slowly he makes his way to the mess hall, dreading any confrontations, though knowing that it’s necessary to get this day over with. Upon entering, his eyes sweep the room. He sees his mother…Con…Austin…. Katie. His stomach lurches, and for the first time, he can't meet her eye. Instead, he grabs a seat at an empty table, not even sure how to proceed, or what will happen next. It's all wrong...how could things have fallen apart like this? Who would be the first to make a move? He had two completely different issues being shoved down his throat, and he was choking on both. Where were the answers he needed?

Morning again!

*Wendy nods to Clint.* "Ok...I'll keep these chairs in line till I head off to bed." *Wendy smiles and gives Clint a hug goodnight. After a few more hours look at stuff on the computer Wendy heads to bed herself.*

*Wes walks with Cindy to her bunk than makes his way to his own.*

*After Jason leave Katie stands in the dark for a long while. Mumbaling to herself.* "Well that was stupid of me." *Katie rolls her eyes to herself and than glances at her flowers. No matter how awkword it was Katie cant help but smile. Changing into her pj's Katie hops into bed. For a long while she just stairs up at the cealing. Finally falling asleep.*

*As Night drifts on its quiet at the ranch. Finally morning comes to chanse away the shadows. As the sun comes up its a golden color with hints of purple. The birds start to chirp.*

*As Katie opens her eyes she can tell its morning all ready. Geting out of bed she rubs her eyes groggly. Throwing on a pair of sweat pants she heads out to the mess hall searching for coffee before doing anything alse for the day. As the crisp air hits her face, she rememebd the events of lastnight and the kiss. Without relizing it she is smiling again. Yet a new form of tention forms at going to have to see Jason again.*

*One by one the others in the ranch wake and make there way to the mess hall as they have so many other times in the past. This was now there normal rutean.*

*Rosetta eyes flutter open and for a moment wonders where she is. Than looking up she see Mick sleeping. Had they fallen asleep there last night on the coutch and not even relized it. Poor mick was going to have a crick in his next from sleeping up all night. Smiling Rosetta dosent move not wanting to wake Mick and enjoying his arms around her.*


Mick shifts his weight slightly to lean back in the couch more comfortably, and lets Rosetta sleep. His own eyes grow heavy, and before he knows it, he’s dozed off, his arm still around her.

Clint beams at Wendy, assuming a silly grin. “If I had more hours in a day, I’d wear myself out fighting chairs. At least right now I get a break after a while.” He laughs and looks at the clock. “I think I hear my bed calling…”

Cindy forces a small smile and wipes her eyes with the back of her hand. “Thank you, Wes. You’re right…I just need to let things go for now. I should probably try to get some sleep. It’s late…”

As Katie leans closer to him, Jason can feel his pulse quicken, and for a moment he doesn’t even hear what she is saying. Feeling her lips meet his, he’s taken so off guard that he can’t even react. His eyes widen slightly, and he’s glad for the darkness as Katie steps back, knowing that his face has grown hot. He swallows hard, and the silence becomes more and more awkward, but no words that cross his mind seem to be the right ones. He shifts his weight uncomfortably, and finally clears his throat. “Um…good night, Katie.” He can sense her embarrassment, and he keeps his voice clear of reprimand. “I’ll see you in the morning…” He turns and grabs his crutches again to make his way out of the bunk. Once steady on the ground he stops and takes a deep breath, battling between emotions, and logic. It’s a far more intense struggle than he would have imagined.

The Kiss

*Wes smiles at he looks at Cindy.* " Its ok. I know its a hard thing to see people hurting and not being able to do anything. Sometimes the best thing to do it let things run there corse and it will straten themselfs out."

*Rosetta lets her sobs soften as she feels the comfort of Micks arms. Finally she drifts off to sleep in his arms.*

*Angel nods to Luke and stands returning his kiss and heading quitly out the door.*

*Wendy thinks and yawns at the moment.* " Probley a while longer. Not enough hours in a day. I have so much fun with you the time flys by. I hate it." *Wendy smiles at Clint.*

*As Katie feels Jason's warm hand on her face she pushes her head into it alittle. His words giving her comfort. As Katie looks into Jason's eyes, she can see he feels her pain. Steping in alittle closer to Jason so she is within inches of his face talking in a low soft voice she replys.* "Thank you Jason. For making me feel better. You are a good friend." *a small smile forms on Katie lips. Jason had made her feel much better just by being there. As if being pulled by a strange force Katie says." I wont being going anywhere for now." * Leaning in Katie gives Jason a soft quick kiss. Than as if relizing what she did she take a step back away from him. Her face a crimson red.* "I'm.....I'm sorry..I dont know..." *Katie shoves her hands into her hoodie pockets, and she looks at the floor.*


Cindy sniffs and leans into Wes, finding it hard to gather her courage. Finally she pulls away far enough to look up at him. “I’m…I’m sorry. It’s just…I don’t know…I want to fix this whole thing and I can’t.”

Mick guides Rosetta into the other room, slipping past Jade to sit down on the couch. He rocks Rosetta quietly for several minutes, just letting her cry. “Shh…it’s all right. We were all scared…we’re all upset and that didn’t help things any. Katie will cool off, and we’ll straighten things out in the morning. You didn’t do anything wrong.”

Luke nods to Angel and rises as well. “Yeah, I should probably get out of here too. No point in eavesdropping on private conversations.” He leans over to give her a kiss and smiles. “See you in the morning.”

Clint quirks an eyebrow and sighs, turning back to the computer as well. Why did he feel funny about this whole exchange? He never really liked Jason, but seeing him and Katie get yelled at….he wasn’t sure what to think. “How late you planning on staying up?” he asks Wendy.

Jason is taken by surprise by Katie’s sudden embrace, but he takes it in stride, returning the hug with strong arms. He rubs her back as she cries, masking his awkwardness. She had so much strength…so much courage…yet she was vulnerable like any other human being, and now felt so small in his arms.
He listens to her talk, and finally draws her away so he can look at her, the moonlight streaming in through the window. He remembers the night before when the moon had caressed her face as it did now, but the smile had been replaced by tears. He reaches out to with his thumb to dry them, brushing her cheek gently, though his hand is rough. “I know…funny thing about words…no matter how they’re intended, they can hurt worse than anything else.” He searches Katie’s eyes, wondering what kind of comfort he could possibly offer. His heart aches like never before, as if he is absorbing her pain.
He holds her at arm’s length, offering a compassionate half-grin. “It’ll be okay. Just don’t leave…there are too many other regrets to deal with, without adding another one to the pile.”