
The Social

Cindy blushes at Wes, and accepts the corsage just a bit awkwardly. She looks up at him with an almost giddy smile. It’s been so long since she’s done something like this. “Thank you.”

Clint lets out a low whistle as Wendy enters the mess hall. Rosalynn gives his arm a backhanded slap and rolls her eyes, but he just smirks at her, and goes to Wendy with a wide smile. “Good evening, princess.” He bows and takes her hand to plant a kiss on it. “You look lovely.”

Luke grins at Angel, putting an arm around her waist. “Yep…I’m glad we can keep doing this kind of thing once in a while so we don’t get burned out.” He glances down at her, admiration showing in his eyes. “I don’t think I’m dressed up enough to go with a pretty lady like you.”

Mick comes in the opposite door just as Rosetta enters the mess hall. He sees her across the room, and can’t help the smile that makes its way to his face. He just stands for a moment and cocks his head, engraving that picture in his mind. There was no doubt – he had the prettiest date tonight and was proud of it.
He goes across the room to Rosetta, taking off his hat, and offering her his smile, his eyes sparkling. “Shall we?” He holds out his hand.

Jason limps into the mess hall and lets the door shut behind him. He looks around the room to see who all is there, taking note of those who appear not to be going and those that do.

Jade looks up from her seat and for a moment just watches Jason. If he didn’t make others stop and stare, no one would, that was for sure. Finally she gets up and goes to him, flashing him a smile. “Hey, handsome.”

He grins. “You don’t look so bad yourself.”

“Wow, that’s a great compliment.”

Jason holds his grin, mischief twinkling in his eyes. “You look great and don’t let anyone tell you otherwise.”

Jade’s cheeks turn crimson, but she remains composed. She nods to his cane. “Decided to go in style, did we?”

Jason rolls his eyes. “I feel like an old man.”

“I think it makes you look distinguished.” Jade takes his free hand in hers. “Sparky and Mel said we could ride with them.”

“Great.” Jason’s just ready to turn to go back outside when he notices Katie across the room. He almost does a double-take, and blinks, his eyebrows rising. He just about catches her eye, but is distracted by Jade opening the door, and shifts his focus back to leaving. He can’t help throwing a glance over his shoulder though, wondering if Katie has found someone to go with or not.

Within minutes, everyone is piling into vehicles and they’re on their way. Eric, Jeff and Rosalynn stay back at the ranch, throwing in a movie and popping popcorn. Austin has opted to go back to the lookout early, while Con dresses up a bit nice to go along with the gang in order to keep an eye on things.

It’s not long until the small caravan of vehicles is pulling into the parking lot in town behind the large building. Already there are many cars there, and music and laugher can be heard inside.

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