
Wrong Time

*Katie cant help but laugh as Rick enters and makes his comment to Scott. Shaking her head she sits up and picks up Domino seting her on the ground. Turning back to Scott she smiles again.*

"I think tonight I am going to sleep in my own bed. I think I have forgoten what it felt like to sleep there, But I will be back in the morning or if I need you in the night I will come and see you."

*Katie looks down at Domino as her whole body shakes as if asking a question puting both her paws on Katie's legs.*

"You wouldent mind if I took the kid home with me would you? I'll get her out and running alittle bit. And she can keep me company too."

*Misty nods to Carson and returns his kiss.*

"I'll be ready in the morning as for right now I probley should get back to work before Rick thinks I ran off."

*Turning and heading for the door Misty turns again.*

"I'll probley see ya later stop by you apt with some food or something. This time I promise though I wont sing on your steps."

~*~Later that night~*~

*Nate heaves a heavy sigh as he exits Reese office. His mind going a million miles a minute. What were they going to do about mick? What was going to happen? Heading to Jason's office Nate knocks on the door than opens it slightly. Seeing the room is dark Nate knows he is not there. He probley wouldent see Jason the rest of the night eather, and they needed him there early tomarrow. Pulling out his phone Nate dials Jason's number. Leaving a message Nate figures at least he might answer it and come in.*

"Hotshot its Nate. Listen we have 24 hours to come up with a plane or Mick died. The Agency wants Carson. But we arnt going to give him up. So we are going to come up with a plain to take them down. We need to all meet at Reese office early in the morning. We only have till noon. Gives me a call if you have any questions. If not see ya tomarrow morning. Later."

*Shrill yelling rings through the air only to be muffled as Aerith closes the door behind her. Leting out a heavy sigh Aerith can still hear her grandmother inside probley calling her mother now. Aerith makes her way down the steps and to her car. She had to get away clear her mind. Tonight had been the worst night yet. The food wasent right, the bath was to cold or to hot, the bead wasent made right. Aerith couldent take it. The pressure was wairing on her. She just need some time to regroup. Pulling out of the driveway Aerith starts down the road. It had been at least a few weeks now and Aerith pretty much new her way around but tonight she dident have a destanation, she just wanted to drive. After more driving and no intention Aerith finds herself outside mom and pop's. How strange it was for her to be back at work, but there was something about this place that offered comfort and a reson she should be there. Aerith drives to the normal spot she parks only to find it occupied by someones motercicle. Shruging Aerith parks next to it and gets out. Heading inside she gives a wave to Herb and Mable. Passing several booths Aerith makes her way to the back where it is quiet and away from costumers. As she pass by one of the booths movment catches her attachen causing her to stop and turns smiling at Jason giving a friendly wave.*

"Long time no see! Guess you came for a late night snack too huh?"

*Misty make her way up Carson apartment Misty carrys a big pull of BK food and two drinks. Knocking lightly on Carson's door Misty waits hearing his voice inside. When no on answers Misty rolls her eyes and sets the drinks down grabing the keys from her pocket and grabing the one Carson had given her for the apaerment. Opening the door Misty steps inside shuting the door lightly behind her seeing Carson is on the phone. Still his back to her she movies to put the bag and drinks on the table only to relize just who he is talking to when the name is said. Anger boils inside her but Misty snuffs it out before it can take over. She would let Carson explain what was going on before she jumped to any conclutions. Waiting for Carson to get off the phone she finally speaks.*

"I always seem to pick the wrong times to come to see you dont I?"


Scott’s grip on Katie tightens just a little, and he returns her kiss gently but prolonging it as his hand slips behind her head, holding her close. It was sweet…warm…a replica of what they’d shared the evening before. Drawing away, his eyes sparkle with new life…a new spark that she had helped him find. “You’re gonna be alright, Katie,” he says quietly. “Thank you for allowing me in your life.”

Before anything more can be said, Rick reenters the room, though doesn’t focus on his patient or Katie. Instead, his eyes remain on the file in his hands as he moves to the counter. He speaks over his shoulder. “Scott, it’s about time for that shot of yours. If you can pull yourself away from more interesting…topics…it would be for your best interest, and I won’t have to force you.” He remains with his back turned. “And get the dog off the bed – that’s what I gave her a blanket for.”

Scott smirks, giving a slight roll of his eyes as he looks at Katie. “You can stay, but I’m not so sure you want to be around when I’m less than lucid again.”

Carson takes a deep breath and looks at Misty again. She was so strong…so devoted…so willing to sacrifice. The wheels in his mind begin to spin. A lot was at stake here, and right now, this thing was in his hands. He had to think of something…he had to do more than sit back and wait. But he would do it alone. “Alright,” he relents. “You’re in. But I decide when and where.”

Reese throws his hands up in the air. “Why am I even bothering to run this thing? You two are doing everything.”

Carson smirks at him. “Take it easy, big guy.” He shakes his head. “Look…we got twenty-four hours. That gives us until around noon tomorrow. Let me do some thinking. I got someone I can call too…maybe dig up some more information that might help us form a plan before we’re taken by surprise.” Something passes through Carson’s eyes…something he’s not saying. He’s desperate to get answers, and he’ll get them one way or another.

He gives Misty’s hand a squeeze. “It’ll be fine. The rest of you get your thinking caps on and tomorrow morning bright and early we’ll meet again. And somebody…Nate…would you mind seeing if you can get Jason to pull his head out of his butt long enough to help us out?”

Reese stands up again in agreement. “Alright. Tomorrow. In my office. Seven o’clock.”

Dispersing from Reese’s office, Carson slings his arm around Misty and leans down to kiss her head. “Thanks for helping, Misty. We’ll get this figured out so all of us end up alive and well.”

The day seems to drag on…

Jason is restless in his office and does get some work done for Reese to make his stay worthwhile, but opts to leave early. A phone call from Kyle asking if he’d be ready for the concert coming up left him feeling drained, though he’d finally relented. He didn’t want to go…but to make his friends happy, he would, though he would be sharing the spotlight with Kyle this time.

After work, Jason heads out on his bike, not going straight back to Carson’s. He rode around for a while, just trying to clear his mind and dwell on nothing in particular. Winding up hungry, but still not wanting to deal with Carson, he finds himself back at Mom and Pop’s. It felt strange to be eating out in the evening alone…he was too used to having Katie with him…or even someone from work…or even Con. Alone felt…so alone. But he just wanted a distraction…if he went home, he’d just have too much time to think.

Dismounting his bike, he wanders back inside, pausing for just a moment at the door. He quirks his eyebrow at a poster on the window. Kyle had been making his rounds. A poster advertised the upcoming event, showing JetStream and a picture of the band. It produces just a bit of melancholy in Jason…it reminded him of the good times he’d had with the band. Could he ever gain that back?

Shaking his head, he heads for his favorite booth in the back.

Laura heaves a sigh and exits her cubicle, preparing to leave for the night. Her heart felt heavy…for the situation of Mick…for Jason. So many things had been going right, now so many things were going wrong again. She aims for the door, planning to go to the store, then on home. She didn’t know if Katie would be home tonight or not. Rumors had already started about her and Scott, and Laura was curious, but hadn’t asked. There were a lot of puzzle pieces, and she could add them up, but wasn’t sure if she’d formed the right picture or not.

Carson paces his living room floor, chewing on yet another piece of gum, a sign that his nerves were being strained. His cell phone to his ear, he listened, and argued, bantered and bartered. He was just as glad Jason wasn’t home yet. “Ashlynn, don’t give me this. I want answers. …No! Now what’s the deal? Why me? What’s the point?...” He throws a hand up in the air. “Stop playing games with me!” A sly comment sends Carson’s blood to his face as he struggles to maintain control of the conversation and of himself. “Look, just quit with the tactics. I called for answers, not to start something up with you again. I want to know why the Agency wants me so bad as to kidnap someone else. Why not just take me down?” He listens intently, his eyes suddenly widening. “What? What are you talking about? I do not! ….No! I have no idea what you’re talking about!”

I am

*Scott's words comforted Katie, searching his face for the meaning in his words Katie can see the questions and answers his heart wants to hear. Moving slightly Katie props herself up on her elbow leaning her head on her hand still looking deep into Scott's eyes. She was comfortable with him, He gave her hope and she felt protected with him. The kiss the shaired last night was amazing it made Katie smile though the pain just thinking about it. She had spend the night with Scott unmoved comfortable enough to fall alseep in his arms not once but twice now. Katie would be stupid to push Scott away. *

Sad endings begin every new romance.

"I want to be happy again. This is what I want Scott. I am willing to try and do this, if your willing to try. I want this to work. I'm...ready to try start again."

*Katie leans down and gives Scott a small soft kiss sealing the words she ment. She4 was ready to build her walls up and let a new love in.*

*As Aerith finishes up around the restront for the day her mind drifts back to Jason. He had seemed so down and depressed when he first came into the restront and when he left, he seemed slightly in a better mood. It made Aerith feel good that maybe she helped brighten Jason's day. Maybe today all he had needed was a friend and if she offered that to him and it helped than she felt a bit happy herself. Grabing her jacket Aerith says goodnight to Mable and Herb and heads out for the day.*

*Misty listens to Carson and he argues with Reese and Nate about not using her or leting her put herself in danger. It showed he had changed and he really did care. Misty grips Carson's hand again she can fell herself clam, the spunk she normaly had being put away for not. This was not the time for it. This was no joke.*

"Carson...Let me take them down with you than. I thank you for trying to protect me. IT means more than you know to hear you say what you did. but I want to help. If that means being the eyes thats fine. However if you go in there I go in there. I'm not leaving you alone on this one. So...we take them down without you sacraficing yourself or, I will be going with you."

*Misty looks up at Carson, the care showing through her eyes and the sensarity in her words. Misty had promised the man she had grown to care so much about that she would never leave his side again. She wasent going to let him go through this alone not this time.*

Scott turns his head to see Katie’s eyes…those eyes that just went on forever. He knows it’s hard for her to smile, but seeing it gives him hope.

He gives her a little squeeze. “Quit thanking me.” He reaches with his free hand to take hold of hers, interlocking their fingers. Gazing on her face, he continues. “I stick with you because I want to…and I’ll keep on…” His stare searches for the answer his heart desires…the answer that Katie’s actions had displayed the evening before…but he wanted to know for sure if this was what she wanted…if she truly wanted to form a deeper relationship with him despite the struggle with Jason. “…if that’s what you want.”

Jason finds himself giving Aerith a bit of a grin as she concludes their conversation. She was an interesting young woman…seemed to have her own set of struggles, but there was a peace about her that was driving her forward despite circumstances. What it was…Jason couldn’t quite put his finger on it.

He shakes his head a little as she walks away. “Nice to meet you too, Aerith.”

Polishing off his orange juice, he sits for just as little while longer, not wanting to leave. But he knew he should… Leaving payment and generous tip on the table, he takes his apple with him. On his way to the door he looks back to the counter to see Mabel and gives her a short wave. He hadn’t seen her in a long time, but right now he wasn’t feeling up to a boisterous conversation, so he leaves it at the distant greeting before slipping outside.

Jason takes his time riding back to TJY, and makes it slowly to his office, keeping a wary eye out for anyone who might want to stop and talk. His goal was to get back in to the privacy of his four walls.

Making it without any interaction with anyone else, he enters his office, shutting the door quietly behind himself. Heaving a weary sigh, he slides in behind his desk and sinks down into his chair.

Suddenly his eyes fall to the desk where his thrown-away photo lay, along with a handwritten note. Furrowing his brow, he reads it, recognizing Nate’s handwriting. What the…what did Nate think he was doing? Frustration surfaces again. Could no one leave him alone? Move on…get over it…leave the past behind…the implication from everyone was everywhere. And besides all that, sure, Jason had memories, but most weren’t good, and those that were good hurt just as much to think about as the bad ones because they were gone, never to be repeated.

Nate’s note crumples under Jason’s hand before it gets tossed into the waste basket. His hand slams down on top of the photo, his fingers threatening to give it the same fate. But for some reason…he doesn’t. Something stops him, and he just lets his palm rest on the memory for several minutes.

Angry with himself, he finally swipes the picture off his desk and stuffs it into a drawer underneath a pile of paperwork and notes.

Carson starts shaking his head as Misty talks, and continues through Nate’s suggestions. “No,” he states flatly. “We’re not involving Misty and that’s that.”

Reese didn’t want to consider risking a second agent either, but the idea did have potential. “But…”

“No!” Carson stands up, forcing Misty to slide off his lap. “She’s not getting involved. I’m the one the Agency wants, it’s my neck on the line, and so I say no.” He glances down to Misty, the concern showing in his eyes. “I know how well you handle yourself, and I know you want to help…but this time I’m putting my foot down. You’re staying where it’s safe, and that’s final.”

“But what if she’s right?” Reese argues. “What if her going in with you will be just the amount of distraction we need?”

Carson whirls around to glare at him. “Look, if you want to risk another life here, be my guest, but I’ll have no part in it.”

Reese’s expression changes to one of exasperation. “Well do you have a better idea?!”

Carson grits his teeth. “We take them down.”


“You heard me. We find out the location, station men and take them out. It’s a hostage situation…we need snipers, and I’m one of the best. So is Jason if he can have a level enough head. If Misty wants to help, she can be another pair of eyes and so can Nate. We need a negotiator to deal with the other side and we need open communication.” Carson glances to Nate, then back at Reese. “Otherwise you’re trading me.”


*Misty sinks into Carson's lap being her arms around him as he rests his head on her shoulder running her hand through his hair. Her mind moving a million miles a minute. What was going to happen, many differnt things were at stake here. Misty trys to rack her own brain for differnt options on what to do. She wanted to help. Her place here at TJY was to help in the infermary and that in itself was a big job but when something like this came up Misty wanted to help just as much. An idea starts to form in her mind was it worth saying surly Nate, Carson let alone Reese think it was a good idea.*

"What if you used me along with Carson. We all know the Agency would probley be happy to get there hands on me again along with Carson. I hold just about as much information as he does."

*Misty looks between all three men before continuing.*

"If we hand over Carson and I am with him maybe that will be the destraction we need. I'm pretty good at handling myself too thats been proven Carson has seen it. Not to mention he and I work well together. "

*Misty cant help but let alittle laugh escape from her lips at the though.*

"Its just an idea but its better than just giving up Carson alone. Also the Agency would be looking for guns on us. I dont do guns its not me thing. I like knifes and I can hide them place since they are small enough the Agency wouldent even bother looking. Not that I would want to use them, but if I had to I'd have them. Anywas its just an option to keep in the back of your mind."

*Nate listend to Misty as she talks. They dident want to send Carson in there let alone Misty eather. It just dident sound like a good plain to Nate.*

"I dont know Misty, we dont want to send Carson in let alone you. I mean I am sure you have great ablitys but I think that would be a last resort thing."

*Nate grows quiet again before looking to Carson and speaking. He dident want to say anything while Misty was there if it would upset her even more. But Misty was a grown woman and her intrest was with Carson she had a right to know everything too.*

"We dont even know if they wont kill you after they get you Carson. You and Mick both have alot going for you in life right now. Neater of your lifes are greater or less than the other. We could always Have Scott rig some kind of new wire up to put on Carson. Somewhere the Agency cant figure out wireless too. Than we can listen into everything..."

*Nate lets out a sigh.*

"...and IF we consider Misty going too maybe we can get a tiny camra on her. Its dangerous but it would allow us to listen, and hear everything. Who knows maybe we can record what goes down too and get it to Lockheart to be used in court."

*Aerith smiles at Jason though picking up ont he sadness that tints his voice for a moment. Though over looks it not drawing attachen to it. Aerith found it intresting that Jason was in law inforcment as well. This must be the gathering place.*

"I guess when you do a certun job for a long time its hard to break away and do something alse. This is the first job I've even had outside my step father law office doing paperwork. I never really liked it though. I love it here so far. I like talking if you couldent tell. I dont really like taking care of my grandmother but she is still family so I do it anyways. I guess deep inside I hope I can make her smile alittle biut to before her time is up. I know it might be a lost cause but, I still give her alittle hope. Working gets me out of the house for a break, and trying to make new friends and get out helps too. I just keep hoping for better days, knowing sooner or later they will come and everything will be ok, no matter what pain or depresstion I am in now."

*Aerith stratens up as she stands and takes Jason's banana peel. Shocked with herself that she actully stood there and talked for so long. Her face turns a small shade of red.*

"And I have probley talked your ear off now so I should get back to work. It was really really nice to meet you Jason, and I hope to see you again!"

*Aerith takes the plate with the peel and heads behind the counter and heading for the backroom. Before disapearing behind the swinnging door Aerith throws Jason another warm and friendly smile.*

"You know if Rick catchs you up here again he is going to be upset."

*Katie speaks to Domino with a horse sleepy voice that has a hind of a smile in it. Reaching her free hand over Scott she scratches Domino's head.

Than leaning her head up off Scott's chest and rests it on his arm tilting it back to look at Scott in the eyes. Katie isent sure what words she should speak to match how thankful she was for Scott giving her the shelter she needed. Katie knows its not much but smiles the best she can up at Scott laying her hand on his chest.

She was broken and brused and hurting, but as Scott had his arms around her Katie could feel the healing start once again and could only hope and pray this time the would would stay closed. It would be a long hard process but it would be alittle easyer knowing she dident have to face it alone. Scott wouldent be waiting at the end of the tunnal, he would be walking aloneside her, offering his arms when she needed them.*

"Thank you Scott, for not giving up and for staying with me."

*Katie grows silent again as she just studys Scotts eyes, graspig to the hope and comfort he had to offer. Scott truly was an extraodanry man.*

Another way

Reese ponders Nate’s words and nods his agreement. He’s about to say more when they’re interrupted.

Attention is turned to the door as Misty suddenly enters. Carson’s eyes widen slightly as he realizes she’s probably heard everything Ashlyn had said, and the heat creeps up his neck again.

But as Misty speaks, Carson sees that there’s more fear there than anger. Her grip on his hand signals just how badly she didn’t want to lose him. Carson gives her hand a squeeze. “Everything’s going to be fine, Misty. I don’t know how we’re going to work this out, but no matter what, you’re not going to lose me, alright?”

He ignores Nate and Reese for a moment, turning to look Misty in the eye. “I’m not going down that road again.”

“But what road are you going to go down?” Reese intervenes. “Why do they want you back so badly anyway?”

“I don’t know.” Carson shakes his head, trying to think. “Because I was their best assassin? Because they know I know all about TJY now?”

“Those don’t sound like good enough reasons for all this trouble.”

“I know.” Carson racks his brain. “I don’t understand why I’m so important to them all of a sudden, but if this is Medridge’s doing, then there isn’t necessarily a good reason for this. It’s just manipulated chaos for the fun of it.”

Reese lowers himself into his chair, unable to even think of what they should do. “Well, we can’t give you up – that’s out of the question, just like Nate said.”

“But what about Mick?” Carson argues. “At least if the Agency gets me back, I might have a chance of getting myself back out.”

“There’s got to be another way.”

Carson shakes his head. “They’re not playing games, Reese. If they don’t get what they want, they will kill Mick.”

“We’re not sacrificing you!”

“But you’ll sacrifice Mick?”

“There’s got to be a way out of this!”

Carson sinks down into a chair overwhelmed by this sudden turn of events. This could change everything. If they could figure out no alternative, he could very well be taken and killed after the Agency got whatever it was they wanted. Yet he still didn’t to see Mick killed either – he had too much going for him.

Misty’s hand is still in his, and he pulls her down onto his lap, resting his forehead on her shoulder. This was serious, and he had no idea what to do. He had more at stake now…he had friends…he had a purpose…he had Misty. It wasn’t as easy anymore just to saunter into danger. But what alternative did they have?

Reese looks to Nate, back to Carson, then back to Nate. “Is there any way to double-cross them? Is there any way to make them think we’re giving them what they want just long enough to get Mick out?”

Jason can’t help but find Aerith’s story an interesting one. Talking to her was a much-needed distraction and she was nice, bringing his own irritation to a level he could control.

“Yeah, I was born and raised here…done some traveling, but this is where I’ve always called home.” For a brief moment, he thinks of his childhood and how it had been disrupted…and of his old home which had burned to the ground. It was strange he kept coming back, despite the bad things that had happened here.

“Guess it’s my job that’s kept me…” He pauses, wording his words carefully. “Law enforcement gets in the blood I guess and though I’ve tried to leave it behind, I never could.” He thinks of Con and is almost jealous that he’d been able to break away and stay away from TJY.

Jason finishes his banana and sighs, feeling his body getting back on track.

Movement catches the corner of Scott’s eye and he turns his head to see Domino’s head peeking up over the edge of the bed. He’d been laying with Katie for a while now letting her sleep and had forgotten that his dog was still in the room.

Domino sniffs a little, barely able to see Katie’s form, and straining to see Scott’s eyes.

Scott reaches over with his free hand to scratch her head. “Take a rest,” he directs quietly. “It’s okay.”

Domino gives a little whine and isn’t satisfied with the command to go lie down. Instead, she manages to get up on the bed once again, curling up by Scott’s free side and giving him a look that signals she’s determined to stay.

Not wanting to wake Katie with his voice or movements, Scott relents and just lets Domino stay.

You can't consider

*Aerith lets out a small laugh.*

"Yes I guess your right. In the last two weeks I have seen alot of people more than once. Sometimes even two times in one day. I guess that just proves the food is good."

*As if an unknown for wills her to stay Aerith half slids into the booth across from Jason lean aganst the wall her one foot keeping her standing and the other kneeling on the seat. It was strange the people in this town she had met so far were differnt. She never willingly carryed on a conversation with a perfect stranger before yet...this was the second time.*

"I'm from New York City. My grandmother lives on the other side of town and I came here to take care of her. Or I should say my mother and step father forced me to come take care of her so they dident have to. I guess I dont mind though. When I am not at her house I am pretty happy."

*Aerith cant help but let out a dry laugh.*

"She's not the nicest of people, so I figured geting a job to make some money one the side wouldent hurt. How about you? Are you found around here? Or just lived here long enough to lose any other accent?"

*Misty makes her way across te flood with a folder open in her hands Rick had given her on the nerve damage. She had looked them over and found a few things of intrest that should would like to try out but she would need Reese promition on it first. Seeing Susanne is out of the office right now Misty just continues to her uncles door. As Misty is about to push the door open a familure voice is hurd that turns her blood to ice causing a low growl in her throut. Ashlynn!*

*Nate just stands and listens as the call goes on with Ashlynn and Carson. The Agency did have Mick and now they wanted to trade for Carson. Nate goes over the options in his head. Both were a lose lose situation that would lead to someone ending up very sad. Carson had Misty and Mick had Rosetta and BJ that much he had known. After the call ends Nate thinks for a long moment before speaking look up at Reese than to Carson.*

"I dont think we do have an option. There is no garenty that they will give Mick back and if we give you up in hopes of that and they dont. Than they have 2 and we are left with nothing. Not to mention I dont think we could throw you to the dogs."

*Nates words trail off as he thinks leaning with both hands onto the desk. As the door to Reese office swings open with force Nate wherls around to see Misty standing in the door way non to happy.

Entering Reese office Misty true perpuse for coming is lost. Everything she had just hurd. The whole conversation hit hard.*

"You cant serously be considering give up Carson to the Agency to that woman. You know thats insaine. There is no telling what they could do to you. There has to be another way. Carson...dont even think about that as an option not now, not when things are good. Cant you guys call someone, do something differnt."

*Misty's eyes dart from Reese, to Nate to Carson panic corsing through them.

Nate lets out a heavy sigh. Not knowing what to do. Its was hard to see Misty infront of him, pleading for Carson. Knowing she could be losing him. It broke Nates own heart.

Misty goes over to Carson takes his hand in her and looking him dead in the eyes, no joking in her voice.*

"I dont want to lose you again."


Scott just holds Katie without saying any more, and it’s not long before he realizes that she’s drifted to sleep. She must have been exhausted.

Rick reenters the infirmary from his adjoining office, and stops, surprised to see Katie back, not to mention back with Scott.

Scott looks up and pleads with his eyes for Rick not to say anything. Katie needed this.

Rick’s mouth is open to say something, but the look on Scot’s face makes him stop. Instead, he approaches quietly. “Is she okay?” he asks softly.

Scott gives a little shake to his head. “Let her stay.”

“Are you alright?”

“I’m fine. Just do me a favor and lay off giving me another shot for now – I don’t want to lose my senses right now, for her sake.”

Rick gives him a little smile. “Alright. If you need anything, holler. I’ll be back in my office.”

“Who doesn’t come here a lot?” Jason shakes his head at Aerith. “I guess you could say I used to be here quite frequently…but I’ve been gone.” His eyes drift across the restaurant as he absentmindedly peels his banana. “Yeah…Herb and Mabel are the best…” He cocks his head slightly, for the moment drawn away from his mind’s depressing wanderings. “Your voice…you’re not from around here, are you?”

Carson is on Nate’s heels, also making it quickly to Reese’s office. What was going on?

Reese is fast behind his desk again, picking up the phone to put a hand over the receiver. “The Agency is on the line.” He looks between Nate and Carson. “I don’t know how they got this number, but apparently someone wants to make a deal.”

Carson lifts an eyebrow. “Ahh, they couldn’t resist, eh?”

“What do you know about this?”

“I’m the one who gave them this number.”

“And you didn’t tell me?!” Reese looks at him with exasperation.

Carson points to the phone. “Reprimand me later. Talk or you’re gonna lose them.”

Reese relents, nodding to both of them. “I wanted you both in on this so it wouldn’t just be me.” Reaching down, he switches the call to speaker phone. “Alright. I’m here with my men. What next?”

A female voice comes across the line. “Good. Now, I want to speak to Carson.”

Carson bristles. He recognized Ashlyn’s voice immediately, and he silently mouths her name to Nate and Reese.

Reese looks to him with question, gesturing if he wants to talk.

Carson finally nods and speaks. “I’m here. What’s the deal?”

Ahh, Carson…you really are on their side, huh? And just when we thought you’d fallen off the face of the earth. How ya been?

Carson grits his teeth, folding his arms across his chest as he stands by Reese’s desk. He ignores her question. “What do you want, Ashlynn?”

Ooh, I think you know the answer to that one.” Her next words cause Carson’s face to turn red in the presence of Nate and Reese, and he struggles to maintain his composure. He couldn’t have been more glad Misty wasn’t with them right now.

Instead of letting Ashlyn indulge in any more seductive speech, Carson cuts her off. “If you still think I’d come back to you, you’re not as smart as I thought. Now let’s cut the crap. What’s the Agency want.”


Carson lifts an eyebrow suspiciously. “What do you mean?”

We want you back, Carson.

“And…what’s the catch?”

You don’t come, we kill Michael Henson. That simple.

Carson swallows hard, looking to Nate and Reese again. He had to keep the negotiation going lest they lose this one. “And if I do?”

We deal,” Ashlyn states flatly. “We’ve got someone your team wants awfully bad, and we want you back awfully bad. I think it’s a fair trade.”

“So…me for Mick, eh?”

Glad to see you caught on so quick,” Ashlyn retorts with sarcasm. “What’s the answer?”

“Give me two days,” Carson barters.

You’ve got two hours.

“One day.”

Fine. We’ll be calling back in twenty-four hours. If you haven’t made a decision by then, or will not cooperate, Michael dies. If you’re smart and decide to do what we want, we’ll set up the time and place. You know how it works.” Ashlyn pauses, her tone resuming a sweet, persuasive edge. “And Carson…

Carson reaches down and hits the button to end the call before she can say anything more to compromise his integrity. His face grim, he takes a moment to think before looking up at the other two again. “Well…now we know. What kind of options do we have?”


*As Katie is wraped in Scott's arms she can feel the comfort, she can feel the protection. Katie sobs soften even more as she feeling Scotts Hand through her hair and the strong arm around her. As He head is on his chest the up and down motion and sound of his breath is hypnotic to Katie creating a soothing atmisfear. His words so soft and sweet filling Katie with watmth. With in minutes Katie's body relaxes completly sliping into a dreamless sleep of comfort and peace for the moment.*

*Aerith keeps her smiles as Jason talks opening just a bit leting the longing show through his rough shell.*

"For about a week or two now. I'm pretty new around here still. I was lucky to stumble on this place. Herb and Mable are pretty nice people. How about you? Do you come her alot? This is the first time I have seen you but it seems you know Mable and Herb well."

*Nate gives a jump as Reese breaks the silence and call from him down the call. The tone in his voice proving it was an emergincy. Jumping out of his chair Nate leaves his papers where they are on his desk and sprints to Reese office.*

"Reese what wrong? Whats going on?"


As Katie crawls up next to Scott, he’s suddenly overcome with an overwhelming desire to lift her burden. He’d always wanted to help her, but for some reason, that feeling right now was intensified, and it was as if he could almost feel the tension that needed to be lifted.

Slowly, Scott turns onto his back so his arm can go under and around Katie, and with his free hand he reaches across himself to just hold her head against his chest, resuming the motion of combing his fingers through her hair.

“Shh,” he comforts softly as he feels her quiet sobs. “Settle down…it’s okay.”

He doesn’t care about the throbbing in his side, nor how long Katie needs him there…he would be here for her as long as she needed.

Jason can’t help a short dry laugh as Aerith gives him the fruit along with his drink. Mabel knew him too well. His hands had already started to shake a little, and he’s quick to take a large swig of his orange juice.

Receiving Aerith’s greeting, he looks up at her with some curiosity. As far as he knew, she could have been working here for quite some time. He gives her a nod in response to her own introduction. “Been working here long?”

Reese raises an eyebrow as the phone in his office rings. The light indicates the secure line. Who would be calling him on there?

Picking up the phone, he answers hesitantly. “Hello?” His eyes widen as he listens. “No, give me one minute to gather my team.”

Moving quickly, Reese sets the phone on his desk and goes to his door, looking out onto the main floor. “Nate!” he yells. “Carson! In my office NOW!”