
Scott turns his head to see Katie’s eyes…those eyes that just went on forever. He knows it’s hard for her to smile, but seeing it gives him hope.

He gives her a little squeeze. “Quit thanking me.” He reaches with his free hand to take hold of hers, interlocking their fingers. Gazing on her face, he continues. “I stick with you because I want to…and I’ll keep on…” His stare searches for the answer his heart desires…the answer that Katie’s actions had displayed the evening before…but he wanted to know for sure if this was what she wanted…if she truly wanted to form a deeper relationship with him despite the struggle with Jason. “…if that’s what you want.”

Jason finds himself giving Aerith a bit of a grin as she concludes their conversation. She was an interesting young woman…seemed to have her own set of struggles, but there was a peace about her that was driving her forward despite circumstances. What it was…Jason couldn’t quite put his finger on it.

He shakes his head a little as she walks away. “Nice to meet you too, Aerith.”

Polishing off his orange juice, he sits for just as little while longer, not wanting to leave. But he knew he should… Leaving payment and generous tip on the table, he takes his apple with him. On his way to the door he looks back to the counter to see Mabel and gives her a short wave. He hadn’t seen her in a long time, but right now he wasn’t feeling up to a boisterous conversation, so he leaves it at the distant greeting before slipping outside.

Jason takes his time riding back to TJY, and makes it slowly to his office, keeping a wary eye out for anyone who might want to stop and talk. His goal was to get back in to the privacy of his four walls.

Making it without any interaction with anyone else, he enters his office, shutting the door quietly behind himself. Heaving a weary sigh, he slides in behind his desk and sinks down into his chair.

Suddenly his eyes fall to the desk where his thrown-away photo lay, along with a handwritten note. Furrowing his brow, he reads it, recognizing Nate’s handwriting. What the…what did Nate think he was doing? Frustration surfaces again. Could no one leave him alone? Move on…get over it…leave the past behind…the implication from everyone was everywhere. And besides all that, sure, Jason had memories, but most weren’t good, and those that were good hurt just as much to think about as the bad ones because they were gone, never to be repeated.

Nate’s note crumples under Jason’s hand before it gets tossed into the waste basket. His hand slams down on top of the photo, his fingers threatening to give it the same fate. But for some reason…he doesn’t. Something stops him, and he just lets his palm rest on the memory for several minutes.

Angry with himself, he finally swipes the picture off his desk and stuffs it into a drawer underneath a pile of paperwork and notes.

Carson starts shaking his head as Misty talks, and continues through Nate’s suggestions. “No,” he states flatly. “We’re not involving Misty and that’s that.”

Reese didn’t want to consider risking a second agent either, but the idea did have potential. “But…”

“No!” Carson stands up, forcing Misty to slide off his lap. “She’s not getting involved. I’m the one the Agency wants, it’s my neck on the line, and so I say no.” He glances down to Misty, the concern showing in his eyes. “I know how well you handle yourself, and I know you want to help…but this time I’m putting my foot down. You’re staying where it’s safe, and that’s final.”

“But what if she’s right?” Reese argues. “What if her going in with you will be just the amount of distraction we need?”

Carson whirls around to glare at him. “Look, if you want to risk another life here, be my guest, but I’ll have no part in it.”

Reese’s expression changes to one of exasperation. “Well do you have a better idea?!”

Carson grits his teeth. “We take them down.”


“You heard me. We find out the location, station men and take them out. It’s a hostage situation…we need snipers, and I’m one of the best. So is Jason if he can have a level enough head. If Misty wants to help, she can be another pair of eyes and so can Nate. We need a negotiator to deal with the other side and we need open communication.” Carson glances to Nate, then back at Reese. “Otherwise you’re trading me.”

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