
Wrong Time

*Katie cant help but laugh as Rick enters and makes his comment to Scott. Shaking her head she sits up and picks up Domino seting her on the ground. Turning back to Scott she smiles again.*

"I think tonight I am going to sleep in my own bed. I think I have forgoten what it felt like to sleep there, But I will be back in the morning or if I need you in the night I will come and see you."

*Katie looks down at Domino as her whole body shakes as if asking a question puting both her paws on Katie's legs.*

"You wouldent mind if I took the kid home with me would you? I'll get her out and running alittle bit. And she can keep me company too."

*Misty nods to Carson and returns his kiss.*

"I'll be ready in the morning as for right now I probley should get back to work before Rick thinks I ran off."

*Turning and heading for the door Misty turns again.*

"I'll probley see ya later stop by you apt with some food or something. This time I promise though I wont sing on your steps."

~*~Later that night~*~

*Nate heaves a heavy sigh as he exits Reese office. His mind going a million miles a minute. What were they going to do about mick? What was going to happen? Heading to Jason's office Nate knocks on the door than opens it slightly. Seeing the room is dark Nate knows he is not there. He probley wouldent see Jason the rest of the night eather, and they needed him there early tomarrow. Pulling out his phone Nate dials Jason's number. Leaving a message Nate figures at least he might answer it and come in.*

"Hotshot its Nate. Listen we have 24 hours to come up with a plane or Mick died. The Agency wants Carson. But we arnt going to give him up. So we are going to come up with a plain to take them down. We need to all meet at Reese office early in the morning. We only have till noon. Gives me a call if you have any questions. If not see ya tomarrow morning. Later."

*Shrill yelling rings through the air only to be muffled as Aerith closes the door behind her. Leting out a heavy sigh Aerith can still hear her grandmother inside probley calling her mother now. Aerith makes her way down the steps and to her car. She had to get away clear her mind. Tonight had been the worst night yet. The food wasent right, the bath was to cold or to hot, the bead wasent made right. Aerith couldent take it. The pressure was wairing on her. She just need some time to regroup. Pulling out of the driveway Aerith starts down the road. It had been at least a few weeks now and Aerith pretty much new her way around but tonight she dident have a destanation, she just wanted to drive. After more driving and no intention Aerith finds herself outside mom and pop's. How strange it was for her to be back at work, but there was something about this place that offered comfort and a reson she should be there. Aerith drives to the normal spot she parks only to find it occupied by someones motercicle. Shruging Aerith parks next to it and gets out. Heading inside she gives a wave to Herb and Mable. Passing several booths Aerith makes her way to the back where it is quiet and away from costumers. As she pass by one of the booths movment catches her attachen causing her to stop and turns smiling at Jason giving a friendly wave.*

"Long time no see! Guess you came for a late night snack too huh?"

*Misty make her way up Carson apartment Misty carrys a big pull of BK food and two drinks. Knocking lightly on Carson's door Misty waits hearing his voice inside. When no on answers Misty rolls her eyes and sets the drinks down grabing the keys from her pocket and grabing the one Carson had given her for the apaerment. Opening the door Misty steps inside shuting the door lightly behind her seeing Carson is on the phone. Still his back to her she movies to put the bag and drinks on the table only to relize just who he is talking to when the name is said. Anger boils inside her but Misty snuffs it out before it can take over. She would let Carson explain what was going on before she jumped to any conclutions. Waiting for Carson to get off the phone she finally speaks.*

"I always seem to pick the wrong times to come to see you dont I?"

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