

Axel gives a nod at the suggestion. "Sounds good to me." He opens the door and holds it for Jess before sidling out behind her. Stepping into the parking lot though, he suddenly stops. Glancing around, he gives a little groan.

He walks to the side where one bay was open. "Leo!" he hollers. "Where's the truck?"

"Jed just took it," Leo responds loudly, followed by the clang of a dropped tool. "Got called to tow. Why?"

Axel shakes his head. "It was personal use anyway. Forget it."

Leo steps out from behind his car to look out at Axel and Jess. "You going to lunch?"


"Well..." He quirks an eyebrow and gestures to Jess' car. "She said it was running. What's your problem?"

Axel throws him a withering look. "Never mind." He had his reasons. He had planned on driving separately. It was better that way. Safer. But left with no choice, he wasn't going to embarrass himself or Jess.

Turning back to her, he shrugs. "Guess you're the driver today. Unless it's close enough to walk to."

Jason grins and catches the bottle of pills. "I wish you woulda been out there too. It was one of my best performances."

He rattles the bottle. "And yes. I'm lucky you're around. Thank you."

Starting to leave, he stops and glances back over to Misty. The subject was out of the blue, but he knew Misty well enough to ask. His tone grows more sincere. "How's things with you and Carson?"

Something strange flickers in Scott's eyes as his sister explains where his better cameras had gone and why. His gaze lowers for a moment and he tries to stay on track.

Hearing her question, he looks back up at her again. "Um... I was thinking about it. Thought it might...you know... be something other than..." He shrugs. "This."

He pauses as if not really knowing how to end the short conversation. "...Thanks. I... guess I'll see Katie then, and... I'll start there." He gives a little nod. "Appreciate it."

Turning, it's as if he wants to stay for just a moment, but has to pry himself away. Things had changed... feelings had changed... priorities had changed. He'd be stopping by his sister's desk more often from now on.

Scott's hands go back in his pockets for the route down the row of cubicles. Sidling past several other people, his body language clearly communicates that he isn't comfortable with the thought of stopping to chat.

Getting to Katie's space, he stops and taps lightly on the wall, only after glancing to Austin's office to make sure he wasn't around.

"Katie?" Scott doesn't want to bother her, even though he knew she wouldn't mind. He skips over any morning greeting... having a goal in mind was something new. "I was just, um, talking to Sapphire and..."


He turns quickly at the sound of Susanne's voice, startled to discover she was standing so close. "Oh...sorry, am I in your way, I..."

"No, no." Susanne shakes her head. "I just saw you here and it reminded me that I was having trouble printing from my computer yesterday, and I wondered if you might take a look at it."

Scott swallows hard, then looks down, around, and back towards the hallway. "You should ask Dalton."

"Well I thought you..."

Scott shakes his head to cut her off. "I don't... I mean... I don't think I would do a very... very good job at the moment. So, um... yeah... ask Dalton."

Susanne is almost ready to argue further, but seems to realize that it would only upset him. "Okay." She gives Scott a warm smile. "Thanks."

After she'd gone, Scott turns back to Katie, now more awkward after having lost his train of thought, and growing more and more on edge the longer he was out on the main floor.

"Cameras... um... Sapphire said you might have a couple that I used to have?" He pauses, feeling strange about asking Katie this. The cameras were his... but then they'd been hers. He didn't want to just outright ask for them back. It didn't seem fair to her. "Could I maybe... borrow one?"

Reese flips open his phone, his thumb hovering above one of the buttons. Sighing, he shuts it again and stuffs the phone back in his pocket. If Angelica hadn't answered her phone yesterday, she probably wouldn't answer it today.


As Axel wraps his fingers around Jess hand for a moment a strange tingle runs through her. It was unexspected and make her jump a little on the inside. Though it wasnt a horrable feeling it was one that made her stop and think for a moment and wonder.

"I guess you know what they say, rain is always around the corner. I guess this time the statment is more true than known."

Thinking for a moment Jess trys to think of a nice place to eat. Nothing to fancy but she did want something a little more than the norm.

"Mmmm...how about the bar and grill thats not to far from here. I hurd they have some pretty good food there and I could go for some BBQ chicken. Thats my fav."

A smile pass across Jess face. It felt good to ask Axel to lunch and not have a problem. It felt strange but good non the less.

Looking up from her desk Misty gives a small smile as she see Jason. It had been quiet around the office and a little boring to say the least without Katie and Jason there. Even if Misty didnt see them much, she could always here there voice outside the infermary and just the though of them not being there hurt.

"Good Morning Hotshot. Sounds like you made a pretty intresting display out there. Wish I would have known so I could of watched."

Giving a sly grin Misty opens her desk draw and pulls out a small bottle tossing it to Jason.

"Good thing I am a dr or you would be P.O.L. you know that!"

Giving a small jump after being in her own world Sapphire looks up from her desk to look face to face with her brother. It wasnt often he ever went out of his way to talk to her, not in a long while anyways so seeing him now was a bit of a saprise.

Drawing quiet for a moment Sapphire just thinks about here most of her brothers stuff ended up. It had been split between so many people and the rest had just been tossed it was hard to remember who got what.

"I got some of your less exspensive cameras and than the ones that were most important to you I believe Katie took. I think she said she wanted to keep them safe because they held memories to them that shouldnt be thrown away."

Thinking again for a moment Sapphire wonders if maybe she offered to much information on that one. Figuring one way of the other it probley didnt matter she cocks her head at her brother for a moment as a little bit of hope fills her. Maybe her baby brother was starting to feel better if he wanted to take some pictures.

"Were you going to take some more pictures?"