
Life you Deserve

Alice's eyes widen a little bit more still unbelieving that all this was happining. She new it was but it was unreal and one of those once in a lifetime things.

"You have your own movie theater too? Is there anything you don't have? Tennis court? Flower garden?"

Giving a grin Alice nods and looks back to Kyle.

"I guess that is a yes than. Just grab our stuff and we are ready. A new adventure awaits and I do believe this is going to be quite the ride."

Giving a chuckle and another shake of her head Alice looks to Erik a big grin.

"Nah, we should be ok. We dont have much just a few bath and shower things and some clothing. Oh and my old laptop, thats about it."

"Yes Sir, thank you for giving me the time off to go out. Have a good night."

Turning and heading off to porch again Dan lets out a long sigh making his way across the grass. It was quiet this late at night, the bussle of people dieing down as everyone layed quiet in there beds fast asleep. Dan didnt mind the quiet though, quiet was good sometimes.

Finally making it to his bunkhouse Dan makes his way up the steps but getting to the top he turns and sits down just stairing out across the darkend ranch. Only one light was on maybe a bathroom, or someone checking on there baby. But it flickers and than goes out.

Leaning aganst the railing Dan new chores would come early in the morning but he didnt mind. He needed to unwind from the fun filled night. He hoped maybe sometime again soon he would be able to do it again but next time he would be more carfel. He had almost lost his head more than once tonight.

Giving a soft smile Hope stands and looks at Gunner for a moment.

"She might have alot going for her, but I think your something special to her and she would be pretty heart broken to lose that."

Walking over to the far courner where a metal chair sat Hope grabs it before bing it over to where the bed was before sitting down. Leaning forword just a little Hope puts a finger under Gunner's chin and tilts it upwards so she can look at him, a silent signal that there was nothing to be ashamed about.

"Now, your going to continue to get better and I will help, your going to get out of her, and your going to go on with live and live the one you deserve."

A lot more going on

"Oh." Erik looks at Alice grimly. "Sorry... you can't go get any of your stuff."

"You turkey!" Twila gives him a shove, sending him off his chair and onto the floor. She smirks with triumph, looking back to Alice with a giggle. "I stay here all the time. I'll even stay here tonight so you're not the only girl here to start off."

Kyle can't help it that his eyes are wide and he just shakes his head. "I can't get over this... you realize this all sounds so unreal."

Erik picks himself up off the floor to sit back in his chair again. "Meet reality."

"Why though? You could have... anything. Yet you sought me out, you're offering your home... I don't get it."

"I was brought up to give, Kyle," Erik explains. "It's just the way my family is. My parents happen to be extremely blessed financially, and me too as a result. The group of us here..." He gestures at the rest of the band. "We're all kinda like family too. As strange as it may seem, everyone here is welcome to come and go from here all the time. I'm not going to let that offer stop with you, just because I haven't known you for as long."

Kyle laughs, still amazed. "Wow... okay..." It did seem strange, and had it been anywhere else, he would have been weirded out. But there was something about this group... this home... these people... it was full of peace. There was a Godly peace here and Kyle felt it. There was no fear.

He looks back to Alice. "Well, if you want, I guess that means we go get out stuff."

Theo quirks an eyebrow. "I feel a movie night coming on."

"Nothing like a movie night before the real work begins," Russ agrees.

"And you've never experienced a movie night like one here," Theo adds. He grins. "Can you say 'home theater?'"

Erik laughs and shakes his head. "Alright alright, we can have a movie night. Then we gotta start practicing tomorrow if we're gonna be ready to show our stuff." He looks to Kyle and Alice again. "You need any help bringing stuff over?"

Mick takes a deep breath, letting it out slowly. His eyes did not stray from Dan's. The young man was a hard worker - of that, Mick couldn't deny. He did a good job, he was faithful, and he could be trusted around the ranch. But there had been something from the beginning that Mick sensed and he didn't like - though he hadn't figured out what it was yet. Tonight, that feeling was still there. He searches Dan's eyes deeply, though still finds no answers.

Finally, he gives a little shrug, his lips pursed. He didn't want to be mean - he knew Dan was telling the truth, and it was obvious from the time that had they not had a flat tire, they would have been back on time. And Mick trusted the group as a whole. It wasn't really what he had a problem with. But what he did have a problem with, he couldn't put his finger on.

"I know you're not lying, Dan. Crap happens. Jade's home safe, so I'm not worried about it." He grins a little. "And stop shaking in your boots - you're making an idiot of yourself."

Turning around, Mick aims for the door, stopping for another moment to look at Dan again. "You only got a few hours left until chores - I suggest spending them wisely... in bed."

It seems forever, but eventually, Gunner begins to calm down. He felt sick to his stomach and his head throbbed. He felt like such an idiot, yet at the same time, he didn't care. He was sitting on the floor of a mental hospital... if he were normal, then there would be something wrong.

He might not have responded to Hope's words, but he heard them... he heard them and he did think about them.

"Bree's... got a lot more going on than... than just seeing me." He swallows hard, his voice dry and raspy.

Quiet for several minutes, he finally moves back a little relieving Hope and resting back against the bed. His eyes burned like never before, and it hurt just to keep them open. He doesn't look up... he doesn't feel he can. Not and face Hope.

"What's gonna happen to me now?" he asks quietly. How long would he have to stay here? What would it take to get out? If he promised he wouldn't walk off a bridge, was that his ticket out?