

*Nate heads over to his desk grabing his gun and more ammo. Along with a knife he slids into his boots. After geting the rest of what he needs Nate joins the other again. With in minutes they are all at the house and in position waiting to strike.*

*Katie answers her phone fumbaling for a moment as it scaired he tar out of her.*

"Ok J. Please be safe. I'll be praying. Ok..Later."

*As Katie hangs up the phone she closes her eyes and prays everything will go well.*

*As Carson leaves the basment a dark figures hids in the shadows. Waiting. Carson had hesatated, for somereson he let Jamie get to him. He had betrayed them. Joe staired out from the dark. He would finish what Carson couldent.*


Jason nods. “We need to be armed, no doubt. I suggest Wyatt being on the other side of the clearing here…” He points on the map. “Then Nate, you and I can go in from this angle, and…”

“If you think I’m staying out of it, you’re crazy,” Con interrupts.

Jason looks over to him with seriousness. “Con, you’re half dead yourself. I think it would be better if you were over here at a good lookout point to be our eyes and…”

“Dang it, Jason!” Con’s palm slams down onto the table. “Quit treating me like a rookie!”

Jason looks into his bloodshot eyes, thinking this move unwise, but feeling not alternative at this point. “Alright. Fine. You and Nate go in, and I’ll hang back to get a grip on the big picture. We should have Hal and Chris about a quarter mile down from there a backup if we need it, but they’ll be far enough away not to get in the way or tip anyone off. They can also call back here in case anything goes wrong.”

The men stand up from the table, and Wyatt gestures down the hall. “Let’s gear up with what we need. We’ll take two vehicles, and I’ll inform Hal and Chris to be standing by.”

Jason throws on his holster and pistol, dialing on his cell phone at the same time. “Katie. Just wanted to throw you and update. We’re heading to that place you found. We think it might be the spot. I’ll call you again once we’re back here.”

Laura watches from a distance, feeling just a little helpless. She knows there’s nothing she can do at this point, but her worry lingers.

Surprise flickers in Carson’s eyes at Jamie’s words. He draws back just slightly, unable to think of a response.

As Jamie goes limp, he reaches out to catch her head before it hits the hard wall. Feeling her pulse, he knows she’s not going to make it much longer. He just studies her for several minutes, a strange feeling welling inside of him that hasn’t been felt for so very long.

He hears his buddies shout at him from upstairs, telling him to hurry up and either get answers or kill her off.

Carson stands up, pulls a gun from behind his back and cocks it, holding the barrel aimed at Jamie’s head. But for the first time, he hesitates. I forgive you. His blood runs cold and his hand starts to shake.

Uncocking the gun, he holsters it again and turns around heading for the stairs. “She’s dead already,” he yells up. “Nothing here but dog meat now.”

The Secret Told

*Nate nods at the other two looking between them.*

"Ok, so we know ten to one says they are armed. So that means we are going in armed too. Next question is should we get more people to back us up, and how are we gonna do this. If anyone stands in our way we know what to do. But what about the guys who dont. We cant just let them go free."

*Nate looks between Jason and Wyatt for addvise. It was his operation and desitions that were listened to but he always like listing to what his other team members had to say.*

*Katie smiles at Laura and nods.*

"Anytime Laura. I'm always around to listen. Night."

*After Laura leaves Katie flicks the tv to nervouse and worryed about what the day break will bring for everyone. Fliping thought the channels Katie find a movie to watch finally falling a sleep with the phone by her head incase a call came in.*

*Nate lets out a yawn as he downs his 4th cup of coffee. He HAD to be awake and alert this morning for this. Lising to Jason he gives a nod. Jason was smarter than anyone he ever met for his young age. He would never argue with one of his planes. He had helped Nate out of many sticky situations before.*

"Sounds good to me Hotsot. Lets get the stuff we think we will need and get rolling."

*Jamie maniges to open her eyes to look at Carson. The cold hard steel that was there yesterday is now gone. Love and compation only remains. Coughing Jamie speaks softly Never leaving Carson's eyes.*

"You think its to late for you Carson, But its not. God can save you still Carson. I forgive you."

*Jamies eyes close and her body goes limp.*


Jason looks up to see Nate and offers an offhanded salute of greeting before receiving the questions.

“No, the idiot still hasn’t eaten anything, nor has he taken a rest. He headed towards his office a few minutes ago, but he hasn’t been back – I don’t know what he’s doing or what’s taking him so long.

“As far as Wyatt’s concerned, I haven’t heard anything…” He suddenly glances behind Nate. “Speak of the devil.”

Wyatt makes his way to the table and grabs a chair, hyped, despite the late hour. “That house has got to be it. I parked a ways away from it and went on foot through the strip of woods there. I saw a light on and several guys come and go… you can’t tell me it’s legit business at this time of the night.” He looks back and forth between Nate and Jason. “All we got to do now is figure out how we’re gonna get in there without somebody getting killed. We can bet that anyone in there is armed. I saw about three guys tonight, but there’s no telling numbers tomorrow.”

Laura smiles at Katie, grateful for the encouragement. “I know…thanks. I know it’ll all work out somehow…it’s just hard to see at a time like this, I guess. And I suppose I worry too much…I know Con’s heart…I know he knows what’s right and will come back around…. But when I heard he’d killed a guy today I guess I just had a moment of question ya know?”

Laura takes a deep breath and looks back at the clock. “Thanks for letting me talk, Katie…I feel better…” She smiles a little. “I should get on home for a few hours sleep before I head back to TJY at daybreak. I know we’ll call you if anything changes.”

She rises from her chair and gives a slight wave. “Night, Katie.”

The sun begins to peak over the horizon, creating a grayish pink atmosphere. A fog has settled over the land, giving an eerie feel to the already stressful early hours.

Laura gets back to TJY, ready to help out, and spots all the guys where she last saw them at the table.

Con runs his finger along the map as the four discuss a plan of action. “These woods here, where you were last night, Wyatt, would be a good entry point, but we should have someone here on the other side in case they run.”

Jason polishes off his orange juice and nods in agreement. “Once we’re there, we have to determine how many we’re up against, and figure out a way in. After that, it’ll be playing it by ear. Dangerous, but necessary.” He looks across at Nate. “Well, Captain, whadya think?”

“Rise and shine!” Carson shines a bright flashlight into Jamie’s face and reaches down to drag her over to the wall, propping her up in the corner. “Well, little missy, sorry to barge in here on you like this, but apparently we’re giving you one more chance to talk before we simply leave you down here and go on our merry way.”

A knife blade glints in his hand as he squats down in front of her and reaches out to take her chin and shift her face towards him. He stares in her eyes for several moments, and suddenly seems to decide not to use the weapon, putting it back in his pocket. “If I were you, Jamie I’d talk. You got one more chance. Don’t make me leave you here.”

Lean on Me

*Katie gives a soft grone as Jason shovers her. Oping her eyes she wasent in a deep sleep.*

"Since when did I become you mother."

*She replys in a playful tone. Finally noting Laura.*

"Oh Hey Laura!"

*As Jason leaves the room Katie rolls her eyes and giggles.*

" I'll try not too."

*As Katie turns her attachen back to Laura she can tell something is not right. A deep pain had formed in her friends eyes. Smiling softly she nods.*

"Its ok Laura, its will be nice to see ya and have someone bedsides the guys here all the time."

*As Laura talks Katie takes what is said in. Not knowing any of this about Con. He was such a sweet guy it was hard to believe. Puting a hand on Laura shoulder Katie smiles not speaking till she is done.*

"Wow Laura and I though my past was rough. I am so sorry. Its ok to be scaired though, but ju7st remember God is in controll. He will take care of your worrys Laura. Con has alot of people praying for him. Things will work out in the end Laura. You just have to trust God. And be there for Con. He needs his little sister as much as you need him."

*Katie smiles giving Laura's shoulder a friendly squeeze.*

*Nate walks across the floor with a coffee cup in hand. His eyes with heavy bags under them but alart non the less.*

"Hey Hotshot."

*Looking around Nate dosents see Con.*

"Did he decied to go to sleep or get something to eat? Also is Wyatt back yet?"

*Nate knows he is asking 20 questions but being the leader of the team had its responsiblitys to know what was going on and when, where everyone was.*

"As soon as we hear back from Wyatt or when he gets back we can sit down with a game plane hoping this is the spot where Jamie is. I'm keeping my fingers crossed. If this isent than there is no way she is in Navada still."

*Nate takes another sip from his coffee and sits down in a chair.*

*Jamie trys to hold her head up to take another drink of water from Sam but cant. She hasent eaten in 2 days her small farm having a hard time handling it loses its strength. Jamie trys to speak.*

"Sorry Sam but I dont think I will be going to Texas for you after all. I cant take this much longer."

*A tear rolls down Sam's face as she holds her new found friend close.*

"They are coming Jamie. They are coming. Your gonna be ok. Just hold on."

The Past

Laura looks over from her desk at the table where her brother still is. It was the middle of the night, and the other guys had rotated leaving off and on, but she’d wanted to stick around just to make sure Con was okay. It had been an awfully long time since she’d seen him like this…an awfully long time.

Leaning her elbows on her desk, she picks up a framed picture of her and Con so many years ago. The memories come back to her, burned into her mind forever…

Glancing at the clock, Laura realizes that Jason wanted her to call him so he’d come back to TJY for another shift. Weary of sitting here though, and just wanting some company other than the guys around here, she decides to take a break herself. It was late…but maybe Katie wouldn’t mind…

“Mm-hmm.” Jason listens to Katie, though has a hard time staying alert. Before he knows it, he’s drifted off, still in the chair.

Laura knocks lightly on Katie’s door, letting herself in. It was one o’clock in the morning, and she hated to wake Jason now, but he’d be upset if she didn’t. “Hey, Jase…” she speaks quietly. She approaches him cautiously and puts a hand on his shoulder.

Jason had been in a deep sleep on the verge of a nightmare, and jumps as Laura touches him.

“Whoa, easy,” Laura steps back, giving him space. “It’s just me.”

Jason blinks in the dim room, finally bringing her into focus. “Aw, man, I was out.”

Laura giggles. “I see that. Sorry…but it’s one o’clock.”

Jason groans and stretches out, turning to see Katie. He reaches out to give her a playful shove to the shoulder. “How come you let me sleep so long?” He yawns and springs to his feet, shaking his head to wake up. “Alright. I’m heading back.”

“I’ll be along in a while,” Laura tells him. “Call me if anything happens.”

“Yeah, sure.” Jason grabs his jacket, throwing Katie a quirky grin and a wink. “See you later, Hero. Try not to miss me too much.”

As Laura watches Jason leave the room, she raises an eyebrow before turning back to Katie, question flickering in her eyes, though she doesn’t ask. Easing herself down in the chair, she sighs deeply. “Oh, Katie…what’s happening, hmm?” She shakes her head. “I know it’s late, but…I just couldn’t stand waiting down there anymore…and seeing Con like he is. I hope you don’t mind.”

Before she realizes it, a tear has escaped and runs down her cheek. She forces a laugh at herself. “I’m sorry…I guess this got to me more than I thought…it’s just… it’s been a long time since I’ve seen Con like this…so angry…so hurt.” She swipes her eyes with the back of her hand and takes a deep breath, knowing that she will feel better if she gets this off her chest.

“I was only seven…our parents were out for the night…Con was sixteen…he stayed home to take care of me.” Laura’s eyes grow dim as she recalls the event. “It got late…about ten o’clock. A policeman came to the door and Con went with him into the kitchen. A few minutes later the officer left…and Con came to see me in the living room. I’ll never forget the look on his face. He’d decided not to put me through hearing the news from a stranger, and shouldered the task of telling me that there had been an accident. Mommy and Daddy weren’t coming home.”

Another tear slowly makes a path down the side of Laura’s face. “Con fought tooth and nail not to let us get split up, or be taken to strange homes. He threw a social worker out of the house once, and I dare say the poor little man was scared to death by that lanky teenager.” Laura can’t help but laugh a little. “We had an aunt and uncle who offered to take us in, but I was scared to death and Con didn’t want to put me through any more trauma. By God’s grace alone, we were able to stay together and Con took responsibility for me, as long as our aunt and uncle had contact with us, and supported us financially. Con worked his tail off for me…he dropped out of high school when he was seventeen and got his G.E.D. so he could go out and get a job. Six months later he was getting me up to school in the mornings, going to work all day, picking me up at night and taking care of me in the evenings.”

Laura pauses, thinking back. “He sacrificed so much…he was just a kid himself but he played mom and dad, and never uttered a complaint.” A small chuckle escapes. “He had to call Uncle Danny and Aunt Ellie a few time for advice, but overall he took everything in stride. He got in with the police academy and rose quickly. It wasn’t until later that I realized everything he was holding inside…everything he was hiding just to protect me from emotional strain.”

Laura sighs, sinking lower in her chair. “When he was twenty, he was called in on a sting operation and there was an explosion. He was hurt pretty bad and was in the hospital for about a month. I was just eleven then…so Aunt Ellie came to stay with me until he got out again. After that I started hearing things about him getting suspended for beating guys up who he arrested…I guess he had quite a reputation. It seemed so strange to me…at home he wouldn’t hurt a fly. I heard once that the department would bring him in specifically for cross-examinations because he could scare the tar out of anyone…it wasn’t a surprise with his size and strength I guess, but he was too tough…too angry…I remember I didn’t even want to believe all that stuff.”

“A couple years later he ran into the guy who had set the explosive on that one operation and beat him so bad that the guy was put in the hospital for six months. It was the last straw at the department, and he was kicked off the force for good.” Laura pauses to rethink those events. “He got discovered by Carter, and before he knew it, he was a part of TJY. Of course… Carter wouldn’t have any of his temper and somehow worked it out of him, slowly but surely. Con started to gain more control…I think he probably worked through the past a bit, then he and I started going to church and we both became Christians, so I know that really topped it off. The brother I’d seen at home was who Con became all the time.”

Laura wipes the remaining tears from her eyes. “Once I was out of high school and on with my own life, we finally got our own places, though we stayed close. And now…” She shakes her head. “I saw that look in his eye again today…the one that was there so long ago…it’s like his old self has just come to the surface and taken over. I just don’t know what to do, Katie…I’m scared…”

Jason chews on a ham sandwich as he heads back down between the cubicles on the work floor. “Hey, how’s it going?”

Con looks up, not having understood what Jason said, but assuming the question. “It’s got to be that house with the bomb shelter – the one Katie found. It’s a quarter mile off the lake.”

“Got anyone out there?”

“Wyatt. He said he’d take a quick look, but Reese insists we wait until daybreak to move in.”

“You know that’s best.”

Con tosses him a glare. “Not when it’s life and death, Jase.”

Jason sinks into a chair. “She’s going to be okay, Con. We’ll find her, alright? Nate back yet?”

“Any minute.” Con doesn’t want to keep receiving empty reassurance, and rises from the table without another word. He heads to his office and snatches up his cell phone, seeing he’s got a message. As he listens to Katie’s voice, his walls start to weaken, and he flips the phone shut again. He leans on his desk and takes a deep breath, trying to stay focused. He knew better than to let himself go like he was, but his anger was what was keeping him going, and he didn’t want to stop.

Glancing down, he notices blood on his shirt, and rolls his eyes. Great. He aims for Rick’s office to get a clean bandage before the other guys give him too hard of a time.

Darkness Falls

"Ok Reese. I will for you. Thank you for keeping me informed."

*Katie hangs up her phone and leans her head back softly say a prayer.*

"Dear Lord, Please calm Con soul and help him remember you in this time of hardship. And that when he feels hoplessly lost he will lean on you. Also please keep Jamie safe. You know we are all worryed for he, but keep you Angel's with her and let her know your there watching over her. Don't let her give up hope that your there. Amen."

*Nate goes over and over the map, and in and out of headquarters check out differnt sites but coming back empty handed every time. As the day turns into night Nate takes Ed from Wyatt's car and brings him into TJY heading for Con.*

"Con, I though you could take care of Ed for Jamie. He is quite the hero ya know. I'll be back in a bit need to get some sleep. You should do the same."

*Nate turns and heads out to be back in a few hours.*

*As the night falls Sam stays close to Jamie helping her drink water every now and than and drying the blood from her face. Doing what she can to make her feel comfortable.*

*Katie smiles up at Jason as he enters the room. She had hardly seen him all day and understood why but had missed him.*

"Hey Hey look who the cat draged in. Rough day huh? Thats a bummer. I am sure you guys will find Jamie soon. God will keep her safe. I just wish Con wasent killing himself over this."

*A look of saprise forms on Katies face at the mention of Con and Jamie together.*

"I new there were really close friends but nothing more. Mable said something about it when I was at the restront before but I dident think anything of it. Mable has a way of, twisting what she thinks and knows bless her heart. Well I better let you get your rest. Your gonna have alot of long nights till this is over J. Sleep well J."

*After a few minutes Katie picks up her cell phone and dials Con's number only to get his voice mail. Quietly as to not wake Jason Katie leave a message.*

"Hey Big Brother. I'm told your taking this whole thing pretty hard. I cant say I dont blame you. I think I might be the same way if Jason was ever taken again so dont worry I wont harp on ya. I just wanted to call and make sure your talking care of yourself. You need to get some sleep and some food in your tummy. That way you stay stong for Jamie and are thinking clearly. Remember I love ya Big Brother. Talk to you soon."

*Katie hands up and places the phone by her bed where the flowers from Con and Jamie sat. Please let her be ok and give Con peace. Turning her head to face Jason, Katie smiles as he sleep. Closing her eyes she finally drifts off herself.*

End of the day

Con keeps a hand on his wounded shoulder as he relents and follows the others grudgingly. Though Nate’s comment about quitting brings a few chuckles, Con’s face remains stiff, finding no humor.

As they get to the car, Con wills himself not to feel the pain in his arm as he’d done so many times before. There was a bigger pain…a deeper pain that was much harder to ignore.

“He did what?! Oh, for crying out loud.” Reese rubs his temple where a headache is forming as he speaks with Wyatt who is on his way with the others back to TJY. “No, I guess leaving the poor bloke there is the best decision. Most likely in that part of town there’s so much crime, it’s not going to mean much and they’ll assume it’s gang oriented. I’ve seen cases there where they haven’t even done investigations anymore.” He sighs. “Alright, well, yeah, get back here and we’ll set up a station to work on those locations. Thanks.”

Reese hangs up the phone just to have it ring again. “Yeah, hello? Oh, hi, Katie.” He listens for a moment. “Down by the lake, huh? Interesting. Yeah, I’ll have the guys check it out. They’re on their way back here now with several possibilities, so I’ll add this one to the mix.” He pauses, contemplating all he should say. He wanted to keep Katie informed so there would be no surprises. “I just finished talking to Wyatt. I guess there was a shooting down at the house and Con was hit in the shoulder. Sounds like their man tried to run and Con gunned him down…that’s as far as I’ve gotten with information. Con turned in his gun and ID this morning...I’m not sure how all this is going to turn out, Katie…just keep praying, will ya?”

“Good land, Con!” Reese meets the four men on the floor as they make their way into TJY.

The whole side of Con’s shirt was by now soaked in blood, the pressure from his hand doing little good from the front, and nothing from the back.

Con barely reacts. “Rick here?”

“Yeah, in his office,” Reese points. “Get yourself down there.” Once Con is out of earshot, he turns to the others. “We’ve got to keep a handle on him before anything else happens. In the meantime, I’ve got a table set up over here with several maps of the city. Have at them.”

“Well, this is nice.” Rick starts to clean the bullet wound after Con has pulled off his shirt. “In one side and out the other. At least I don’t have to dig anything out like I did the last time.” He points to a scar only inches from the new injury. “That one took me three hours.”

Con grits his teeth. “Just patch this one up.”

Rick raises an eyebrow at Con’s impatient tone. “Alright, tiger, settle yourself down.”

It takes a while for Rick to finally stop the bleeding and sew up both sides of the wound, taping a bandage over it. When bringing a sling though, Con refuses. “I’m fine.”

“Conrad Gibbs!” Rick throws his arms in the air. “When will you learn to take care of yourself? Every time you come in here, you walk right back out as if you’re fine!”

“So when will you learn that I really am?” Con grabs his bloody shirt and tosses it in the trash. “Don’t worry though – this was the last time you’ll have to do this.” Exiting Rick’s office, he goes to his own where he has a spare change of clothes, and grabs a fresh shirt.

Rick looks after Con in bewilderment. He’d heard that Con was on the case of Jamie’s disappearance, but something really must have gotten under his skin to be acting like this. And what had his last statement meant?

Con joins the others at the table of maps, staring down at the streets and markings. They had to find Jamie before it was too late…this was their only chance.

“Hey, Hero.” Jason enters Katie’s room wearily. It was late evening, and he was exhausted. Tossing his jacket aside, he sinks down in the chair next to Katie’s bed, leaning his head back and closing his eyes. “I’m here for just a couple hours to get some rest. We’ve been pouring over maps all day and have had men out scouting locations the last several hours. We got two possibilities…one is a warehouse, and one is that house you discovered. Reese wants to make sure we know the location before barging in…so we’re hoping to get that figured out soon, then we’ll have to wait until daylight to go in, unless we want to make it a suicide mission. Of course, Con did a good enough job on the last incident, the idiot.”

Jason takes a deep breath after his long spiel, his eyes still closed. “He won’t even take a break – hasn’t slept a wink and is starving himself until this thing is over. Right about now, I think I’m the only one who knows his reasoning though. Did you know he and Jamie were getting serious?”

My Story

*Nate hangs up the phone with Reese and heads back into the kitchen sighing and pulling up another chair.*

"Reese wants us to stay put for now untill our friend here gives us any clues at all about where Jamie might be. And it needs to be handled in a profestional manor as well."

*Nate looks at Con his eyes full of worry about what is going on in his head. Nate new Con was capable of much, and even though he was about as big as Con but alittle shorter he new it would be quite a challange to bring Con down even if there was 3 of them. A man of Con's size with a hot temper behind him would be like trying to stop a tank. Nate sits and listens to that Dirk is saying. Taking every bit of information in. As the shots rings out Nate falls to the ground like many times in the past befor standing he scans he room making sure his friend are. Finally standing and leting out a long sigh. Con killed someone..sure Con killed lots of people in the past but something about this was differnt. Standing Nate says nothing and goes over to Con checking his shoulder. He couldent scold Con, if it has been him in Con's shoes he wasent sure if he would of done anything differntly. Helping Con up Nate nods.*

"Ya I'll drive Con's car and follow you guys back to TJY."

*Giving a heart laugh and trying to lighten the mood a bit Nate exclames as they walk out of the house.*

"I think we all have quite one or two times before. I know I have. And Reese keeps leting us boneheads come back like we are important to him so something."

*Nate gives a sly grin.*

*Slowly Jamie turns her eyes twords Carson at the new of Con's death. Her eyes filling with pain and the tears siting on the edgh of her lids waiting to come out. Jamie's heart breaks. What was the point now. It dident matter if she told or not Con was dead. She had learned to love again and be loved in return only to have it taken away now. Why, This wasent fair. Jamie's eyes follow Carson as he stands and heads for the steps. With eyes of steel and a voice drained of life Jamie calls.*

"You'll burn in hell for what you've done, but its never to late."

*Joe makes his way over to Jamie as she speaks backhanding her across the face. The rings on his fingers catching on her skin causing a gash from the courner of her mouth up across her cheek. As the blood starts to fill Jamies mouth and run down her face he gives out a low cackle.*

"Dident you mom ever tell you if you dont have something nice to say dont say anything at all?"

*Turning he leaves following Carson up the steps closing the door behind him.*

*Once the door is shut Sam inches her way over to Jamie as she holds her stumic from where she was kicked. Moving the glass of water she sits down in the chair.*

"Oh Jamie, I'm so sorry. I know how it feels to have the ones you love taken from you by the Agency. Its not fun. Not fun as all. I was marryed and had a sun at one point in time. Both are still alive but neather know me anymore. They both live in Texas now. MY husband dosent even know that they boy he see almost every week is his son."

*Sam lets a long drawn out sigh.*

"Little BJ. I took him to that Ranch out there the R/M so he would be safe with people I new would love him. and Even his family. His uncil Mick, and Aunt Annie. We were triplit taking by the Agency split up. They dont even know BJ is related to them eather. Along with some of my other brothers there."

*Sam looks at Jamie studing her face before talking again. Filling her in on everything of the past that happend with little BJ and Damien. How she worked for the Agency cuz she had to. An hour pass when she is finally done.*

"...your the only one who knows the truth Jamie. I know your friends are one there way to finding you. So I ask a request from you. When you get out of here and are able to travil will you go to Texas and let them know about Little BJ and let him know his mother loved him very much and was ever so sorry for everything that happens."

*Jamie starts to shake her head, in a low quiet voice replys.*

"When my friends come to rescue me, I'll make sure they get you out too."

*Sam smiles. It was sweet how Jamie dident just think of herself as a time like this.*

"Even if they do get me out along with you Jamie, my body has been through so much at the hands of the agency and I have been here for so long, I wont make it for very long. Its not my destiny to make it out of here. But if it helps we can hope anyways."

*Sam trys to keep a positive smiles as she gently washes the cut on the side of Jamie's face unable to stop it from bleeding.*

"When you get out if its soon enough your going to need stickes on that."

*As Katie searchs though more files on her computer she comes across a spot that talks about an abandon house that at one time had a bombshelter connected to it. The wheels in Katies head start to turn. What a perfect place to keep someone. There crys, screams, please, even a gunshot would be unhurd of. It was down by the lake. It was worth a shot. Katie dials Reese's number.*

"Reese...I was going through some files and I came across a section about an old house that had a bomb shelter connected to it. Ya I thought maybe it was worth a shot. Its down by the lake."


Reese grumbles a little to himself, not happy with the way things have been handled by Con. “I guess you three stay there with Con until you get some information from Dirk. That way you’ll all know what’s going on, and if Con does anything stupid, it would probably take all three of you to take him down anyway.” He pauses, still thinking. “Once you’ve got some ideas on a location, if any, come back here and leave Dirk the way he is. Nothing he can tell the Agency after this will be news to them anyway. …Give me a call back when you’re headed this way. Thanks, Nate.”

“…There’s that abandoned school out on fifth that they use sometimes.” Dirk runs his tongue over the split in his lip, staring at Con, fear still on his face. “Not sure why they like it since it’s so close to downtown but…”

“I don’t care about your opinion!” Con slams a fist on the table, making Dirk jump. “I want facts, Dirk! Where else might they be?”

Dirk swallows hard. “I…I don’t know, man! There’s that shelter down by the rock quarry about six miles out of town…and I know sometimes they’ve met at that old place that used to be a restaurant out on Maple.”

“What else?”

“Sometimes I know they’ve gone down to the north side of the lake too, you know, where those vacant houses are.”

“What else?”

Dirk shakes his head. “That’s all I know!”

Con grabs Dirk by the shirt collar again. “There’s more, I can see it!”

“Alright alright! There’s a house, east of…”

Without warning, there’s the sound of a shot and breaking glass. Con is hit with such force it throws him back into the table before he sinks to the floor.

“Everybody down!” Jason orders, immediately going to his stomach on the floor, along with the others, adrenaline racing through his veins.

Dirk seizes the moment and jumps up from his chair, making a mad dash to the adjoining living room.

Still dazed, Con moves a bloody hand from his left shoulder and sees Dirk fleeing. Without hesitating, he grabs his gun that fell to the floor with him, and aims it at his enemy’s back.

Jason’s eyes widen. “Con, no!”

A second shot rings out.

Con’s gun remains outstretched as he watches Dirk slump to the floor after an instantaneous death.


Jason stares at the scene in shock. Had he just witnessed his friend gunning someone down? Shooting him in the back, no less? It takes several moments for him to right himself from the floor, along with Wyatt, who is also stunned.

Con manages to sit up, wincing as he moves his left arm, the blood still coming.

Finally finding his voice, Jason glances over to him. “How bad is it?”

“Went right through.” Con grimaces as he applies pressure to the wound. “Must’ve been a sniper across the street. He’ll be long gone by now.”

“And now we’ve got a body on our hands.” Jason holsters his gun, throwing his arms in the air as finally his own irritation surfaces. “How could you do that, Con?! Now we won’t find out anything else, let alone the fact that you just killed Dirk in cold blood! What were you thinking?!”

Con grits his teeth as he pulls himself up off the floor to stand. “Go ahead, Jase. Tell me you would have handled it differently. Tell me that you would have sat here for hours on end talking nice to him and just hoping he’d make a slip of the tongue so you’d actually gain some information. Tell me you would have let him go alive after knowing where we were headed. Go ahead, Hotshot – tell me.”

Jason searches his friend’s eyes, a strange emotion rising. He didn’t even know what to think or what to feel. This cold-heartedness was something new, and it caused disappointment…anger…almost a fear.

Wyatt cautiously goes into the living room to check Dirk, finding him, in fact, to be dead. Something behind the window curtain catches his eye though, and he moves the drapery to the side. His eyes widen. A sawed-off shotgun had been hidden from view. He looks to the kitchen, revealing the weapon.

Jason sees the shotgun, then looks back to Con. If Con had not shot Dirk, or if he’d only given him a wound that wasn’t fatal, Dirk would have turned on them, and one of them might now be dead instead.

Con glares at Jason. “…And tell me that you would have let him shoot us all down.”

Jason swallows hard. There was so much anger in Con’s eyes…so much hate. Was there no remorse for what he’d just done, even if it had been for their own protection?

Wyatt interrupts his thoughts. “We need to go back to TJY, table all of these locations and pinpoint where we think is most likely Jamie is being held. We won’t know if Dirk was telling the truth or not until we look.” He nods to Con. “And you need Rick to take care of that shoulder of yours before you bleed to death.”

Con rolls his eyes. “I’m fine.”

“You just got shot!” Jason exclaims. “Stop trying to be a one-man army, Con! There’s nothing more here now. We have to work on this as a team and you know it!”

“I can’t go back to TJY. I quit this morning.”

“I’ve quit multiple times,” Jason counters. “Now come on…Nate, can you drive Con’s car?”

Carson’s eyes narrow at Jamie’s silence and he finally lets go of her head, shoving her back into the chair. His phone rings and he answers it, ending the call after only a moment, then looks back at Jamie. “Sorry, babe, but your boyfriend just bit the dust. One shot right to the chest. You can be glad it was quick though – he went down immediately.” He looks into her distant eyes, the anger building in his own. “It doesn’t get any better, Jamie, it only gets worse. The longer you stay quiet, the more suffering occurs.”

Leaning his arms forward on the backrest of his own chair, he’s quiet for several moments, just letting silence envelope the misery. “You remind me of my sister, you know that?” Something in Carson’s tone has changed. “Same pretty face…same attitude…but her silence didn’t get her anywhere but the grave. The Agency doesn’t pull any punches, and they follow through with their threats. I watched my family die right before me as they stood there, strong, just like you, only to die in the end, leaving nothing behind but a family to mourn their deaths.”

A scoffing laugh escapes. “I chose the route of survival. Work for the Agency or die – that’s my motto. Keep quiet or watch even more family die – that’s my incentive.” Carson reaches out to turn Jamie’s face towards his. “You think your silence shows bravery? You think it keeps your loved ones safe? No…” He shakes his head. “All it does is prolong the inevitable. I turned into this monster you see, just so I could make people like you talk. Why? Because the Agency is gonna win one way or the other. It’s too late for me to get out – you, on the other hand, have a chance to save yourself and your friends. Tell us what we want to know, and you’ll go free. It’s that simple.”

He stands up and starts to walk away, but turns instead to fill a glass with water and set it on the now-empty chair in front of Jamie. “Think about it.” Spinning around, he heads for the stairs.


*Even though Reese cant see Her Katie nods.*

"Ok, I'll see what I can find for you Reese. I'll talk to you soon. Call me with any updates."

*Katie hangs up her phone and grabs her laptop. Oping files sifting for anything important. Turning up empty handed Katie sighs and starts to look for any old building around in the area making a up a list for someone to check out.*

*Nate shakes his head and sighs holstering his gun.*

"Jason, Wyatt stay with Con and Dirk I have to go call Reese and see what he wants us to do."

*Walking out of the kitchen Nate walks into the living room dialing Reese number on his phone. giving him a lowdown on what was going on and what was the next step.*

*As Carson grabs Jamies head and pulls her closer feeling the rough tug on her head and her body being jerks around she lets out a painful cry. Con, her family all as risk of being hurt. When she first started to work for TJY she was trained for this and new she couldent say anything, but now that it was actully happing it was so much harder. They was no way of knowing if what Carson spoke was true or not. Jamie couldent say anything...no matter how she wanted to she couldent. As Jamie remains silent she opens her eyes and just stairs into the distine at noting paticuler she braces herself for another blow that was bound to come her way. Memories play though Jamie's mind. Con's smile, there lunches together, there kiss it braught a small smile to her lips as she staired at the wall behind Carson. Memories of her mom and dad, all they have done for her. She had to remain strong for them. They were depending on her. If she gave up the location of TJY she would be puting so many people in danger. That was something she could not let happen no matter what happend or was said to her. Sooner or later her whole body would go numb and she wouldent feel a thing how Jamie prayed that would come soon.*

*After shuting the door behind himself Joe pulls out his cell phone and dials Troy's number.* "Do it." *Joe hangs up the phone to make his way down to Carson again, noding at him.*


Jason hears Nate come up behind him, but doesn’t move, still keeping his eyes on Con, not wanting to make any wrong decisions.

Con holds his glare at Jason, though shifts slightly as Nate enters the room. His eyes blaze with a deep anger. “Y’all just had to come, didn’t you? Reese just couldn’t let good be good,”

Nate’s words hit him below the belt as images of Jamie flash through his mind. He wanted to find her so badly…he wanted to hold her in his arms…he wanted to know she was safe. He knew he didn’t want to kill anyone…he knew that the consequences of such were great enough to keep him from pulling that trigger. Nate was right. But he was so desperate.

Wyatt looks back and forth between the other men, his gun held down. He’d never dreamed he’d be seeing this…what was happening? “Come on, Con…Nate’s right.”

Con’s jaw tightens as he weighs his options. Finally he uncocks his gun, setting it on the table, aimed towards Dirk. He turns his attention back to his captive, the anger unresolved. “You’re dang lucky they showed up,” he hisses. “But you better start talking before that luck runs out.”

“I told you I don’t know nothing!” Dirk insists, now looking to the other men, hoping they’ll stop Con.

Con sends another backhanded blow to Dirk’s face, fresh blood spurting from Dirk’s mouth.

Wyatt takes a step forward to stop him, but Jason puts out his arm to hold him back. As much as he didn’t want to see Con beat the life out of anyone, if they interfered now, Dirk’s fear would be gone, and if he didn’t have any fear, he wouldn’t talk.

Dirk recovers from the blow and tries to get up from the chair, only to be shoved back down so hard that the chair almost tips over. Con takes him by the collar, threatening another punch. “You tell me all there is to know right now, or so help me I’ll kill you with my bare hands in front of three witnesses without so much as blinking.”

“So just kill me then!”

“Oh, did I say it would be quick?” Con takes hold of Dirk’s right arm, putting pressure on the joint until Dirk squirms.

“No, don’t break that one too!”

“Then talk!”

“Alright, alright!” Dirk’s eyes are wide with fear. “The Agency just hired me a month ago. I don’t know all them details or nothing. They just wanted me to get you poisoned, and that’s all I’ve ever done, I swear!”

Con applies more pressure to the arm. “And Jamie?”

“I don’t know!” Dirk winces in pain and squirms until Con puts a knee to his ribs to hold him still. “I knew they were going to take her, but I don’t know where she is. Honest! They didn’t tell me!”

“You sure about that?”

Dirk cries out as more force is used. “Yes!” He hurls a curse in Con’s direction. “There’s only a few places they would have taken her around here, but they didn’t tell me where it was. My job was over when I caught you at the auto shop. End of story.”

Con can tell that Dirk is telling the truth, and finally releases his grip. “You’re a wise man, Dirk. Now…how about you telling us where these few places are, hmm? Then you can go on your merry little way and you’ll never have to see the likes of me again… But if you resist…or lie…I’ll hunt you down like a dog, and you can believe that when I get through with you, you’ll wish you were dead.”

Jason looks to Wyatt and Nate, not knowing what to do. They couldn’t take Dirk to TJY for security reasons…they had their own work they were supposed to be doing, but they couldn’t just leave Con alone again. He glances at them with question.

…Outside and across the street, a dark figure lies on the roof of the abandoned brick building. The rifle scope zeros in on the target, the house’s windows giving ample sight for a clean shot. All he needed was the ‘ok’ to pull the trigger and Con would be out of the way.

Reese sighs deeply. “I’m not sure what you can do, Katie, other than pray. If you want to sift through some computer files on your laptop, feel free…if Con finds this guy he was looking for, we might get a location on Jamie, but if you want to hunt out some prime targets for holding someone…abandoned buildings, that sort of thing, go for it. I’m really at a loss here until one of the boys calls me back.”

Carson receives Jamie’s spit to his face without flinching. He takes a hand and slowly wipes it off, just looking at Jamie for several moments. “Bold move…very bold, missy. I’m surprised you’d let your friend die…but if you want it that way…” He waves to Joe. “Get back up there and call Troy. Tell him to take Conrad out. I’m tired of playing games.”

As Joe leaves, Carson runs the back of his hand over Jamie’s face before grabbing the back of her head his fingers latched onto her hair as he pulls her closer towards him. “People like you don’t live very long, Jamie…If you care about you friends, I suggest you tell us everything you know. Otherwise you’re gonna have an awful lot of funerals starting to attend, starting with Con’s, and ending with your parents’.”