

Jason nods. “We need to be armed, no doubt. I suggest Wyatt being on the other side of the clearing here…” He points on the map. “Then Nate, you and I can go in from this angle, and…”

“If you think I’m staying out of it, you’re crazy,” Con interrupts.

Jason looks over to him with seriousness. “Con, you’re half dead yourself. I think it would be better if you were over here at a good lookout point to be our eyes and…”

“Dang it, Jason!” Con’s palm slams down onto the table. “Quit treating me like a rookie!”

Jason looks into his bloodshot eyes, thinking this move unwise, but feeling not alternative at this point. “Alright. Fine. You and Nate go in, and I’ll hang back to get a grip on the big picture. We should have Hal and Chris about a quarter mile down from there a backup if we need it, but they’ll be far enough away not to get in the way or tip anyone off. They can also call back here in case anything goes wrong.”

The men stand up from the table, and Wyatt gestures down the hall. “Let’s gear up with what we need. We’ll take two vehicles, and I’ll inform Hal and Chris to be standing by.”

Jason throws on his holster and pistol, dialing on his cell phone at the same time. “Katie. Just wanted to throw you and update. We’re heading to that place you found. We think it might be the spot. I’ll call you again once we’re back here.”

Laura watches from a distance, feeling just a little helpless. She knows there’s nothing she can do at this point, but her worry lingers.

Surprise flickers in Carson’s eyes at Jamie’s words. He draws back just slightly, unable to think of a response.

As Jamie goes limp, he reaches out to catch her head before it hits the hard wall. Feeling her pulse, he knows she’s not going to make it much longer. He just studies her for several minutes, a strange feeling welling inside of him that hasn’t been felt for so very long.

He hears his buddies shout at him from upstairs, telling him to hurry up and either get answers or kill her off.

Carson stands up, pulls a gun from behind his back and cocks it, holding the barrel aimed at Jamie’s head. But for the first time, he hesitates. I forgive you. His blood runs cold and his hand starts to shake.

Uncocking the gun, he holsters it again and turns around heading for the stairs. “She’s dead already,” he yells up. “Nothing here but dog meat now.”

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