
Catch a Rainbow

Feeling a bit of color that comes to her face Jess dosnt take her eyes from Axel's. Feeling the emotions inside of her cluster Jess is not sure how she would describe how she felt but it was there non the less and the comfrot her felt was nice. Something about Axel just something she had taken to and had grown to form a feeling she wasnt quite sure of. The smile on Jess face could lite up a dark room the moon just reflecting what was already there.

"To some I guess storms are amazing to look at, but to me its the rainbow after the storm that captured my gaze..."

Bringing her other hand up Jess brushes a peace of stray hair from Axel's forhead as her hand gently cubs his face her thumb running along his jaw bone.

Axel always made her feel good and dispite the scares, and the cuts, the bruses that remainded on her it was almost as if when she was with him they were gone. He never took not to them, or pointed them out like so many other people would. To Axel Jess was normal.

But was she good enough for someone as wonderful as him? Did she deserve this happyness she felt. Her fear is what kept her back from saying what she truly felt.

"... But how do you catch a rainbow that is so far out of reach for the likes of a lowly storm."

Staying seated Nate looks to Laura his eyes held a sadness. Some might interpertie as a disapointment or even a longing for something that was missing. But to Nate it was a feeling inside that couldnt be discribed, it was an emotion that made him want to cry even though he wasnt sure why.

"I'd...wish you would talk to me Laura. Its what I am here for. I dont want to pretend everything is ok when its not."

Nate couldnt help the emotion that was in his voice. He was so tired, and sad, maybe even a little bit of depression was thrown in there. He felt so many things at once it was hard to disypher them all.

"I just wish you woul let me be there for you. I dont like being on the outside and having to look in. I know you deserve your personal space and thats alright I just wish..."

Nate's words trail off as he moves his shoe through the grass the dim light reflecting off the blades. He wanted to say more, but he didnt want to say more. He wanted Laura to know how he felt but he didnt want to step over the line. Nate didnt know how far to go and how much to hold back. He was just so confused.


"Yeah, I'm always trying to find good hiding places, or lookout points," Axel admits. "Every once in a while I happen on a view that really is amazing."

Feeling Jess' hand on his, he instinctively realizes that something is different about this time. It wasn't his sore hand, and she wasn't trying to help... Turning his head, he catches her eye. A look was in her stare that hadn't been before. His gaze pierces her own as he tries to figure her out.

"I think I might have just found another one."

Laura looks down and gives a little nod. "I'm okay." She lifts her eyes to Nate again. "It's just... yeah." A short laugh surfaces. "I told Con I didn't want to see anybody 'cause I don't know... I just needed time to think... to clear my head."

She pauses again, swallowing hard. "Look... I don't know if now is a good time or not... After all the trouble you went through to get here, I'd rather just let the hard stuff go for now."

Laura stands up again, fidgeting with her gloves. It was obvious that there was a whole lot she wanted to say, but wasn't.


Getting to the outside of town Jess cant help but be amazed. Following Axel Jess gladly lets him take the lead out of town not knowing where they were going.. Everything was so amazing she couldnt help but look in aw.

Coming to the tree and just watching Axel climb it Jess cant help the smile that makes its way to her face. Taking Axel hand Jess climbs the tree with him.

For a moment Jess felt young again. There were times in her young life when she would forget all her cares and feel free. This reminded her of that and she liked it.

Fiding a comfortable spot next to Axel Jess swings her legs just a little. Looking out over the land Jess feels a contentness settle over her.

"Oh Axel this is amazing. Its like nothing I have even seen before."

As the sit is taken in the moonlight shines through the banches casting its light onto Jess making her eyes sparkle even more as the smile like non other remainds on her face. Bringing her hand down to rest it on the tree branch and give her more stability Jess hand goes ontop of Axel's. Looking down at it for a moment Jess dosnt move her hand. Finally looks up again she smiles at Axel as the strange flutter comes into her heart again.

Still sitting and leaning over Nate smiles. He new Laura must be jumpy and he didnt blam her one bit.

"I startled you I am sorry for that. Was trying not to but I new there really was no way around that."

Finally starting Nate turns to Laura searousness eched on her face.

"I came to see you."

Nate lets out a small sigh.

"I wanted to make sure you were ok with my own eyes. Its important to me to know you will be alright. Just...wanted to make sure."


Axel cocks his head a little, finding Jess' choice interesting. Even though she'd said that she trusted him despite his past record, this proved it, and it made him feel good.

"Alright. Dirt road it is then."

Taking the lead once more, Axel heads out of town. They ascend a small hill where the road becomes dirt, then once over the other side, the town is simply hidden from view. But as such, Axel had been right - it felt as though they were out in the middle of nowhere.

Walking just a ways farther, Axel stops where there is a big oak tree that grew up beside the road, it's branches hanging over the way. "I used to come here to think," he muses. "I did that a lot at one time... before Cryptic came along. It was always quiet out here... not many people come this way out of town. But..."

He looks to Jess, a small smile creasing his lips. It was almost sly, but not quite. "...you really can't get the full effect of the view until you see things the way I did."

Walking over to the tree, he finds the lowest branch and starts to climb up to the next nearest that was a long, sturdy limb. It was a little more difficult than anticipated with a numb hand, but he makes it, then offers Jess a hand up. Still grinning, he helps her up, then climbs two branches higher. One would think he was crazy to do it in the dark, but even after a year, he knew right where to put his feet. Helping Jess up again, he finally sits, scooting over just far enough so Jess can sit next to him, their legs dangling off the sturdy limb. And from there, the view was amazing.

Up above through the branches, the moon and stars shone brightly, a million little lights, twinkling in the clear sky. Across the land one could see the lights of nearby cities, and the darkness of forests where a shimmering river ran through.

Axel takes a deep breath of the fresh air. "A little bit of heaven," he muses quietly.

Still shocked by what she'd done, Laura can't even laugh, though something deep down wanted to. She sits down next to Nate and takes off her gloves. "I'm sorry," she apologizes again. "Mm... jumpy I guess."

Pausing, she looks down at her hands. "So what... why did you come?"


Walking with Axel in the fresh air feels nice. It had been a long time since she had just felt walked with out a destination.

Not even relizing how long they had been walking Jess wouldnt mind walk for miles more. It felt good, the fresh air felt even better.

Being given the three choises Jess thinks them over carfuly. Each one in her own mind meaning something differnt.

" I think, I'd like to take the dirt road and be in the middle of no where. I've never seen the stars and moon before."

Jess gives a smile to Axel. She trusted him whole heatedly, and had no fear that he would try to hurt her.

Not given enough time to react Nate is hit and drops to his knees holding his stomach. Silent for a moment he trys to catch his breath as the pain courses through his body and legs. Finally looking up at Laura with tears in his eyes he trys to smile at her.

"Well, I am glad to see you too."

Giving a cough Nate stands again though he is a little shaky. Going to sit down on a large stump he continues to try and catching his breath. Looking up at Laura again he can see the remnints on her face of what Bryace had done, once again thinking he had taken it to easy on the man who hurt his love.

"Remind me to stand farther back from now on so you can reach me eh?"


With a faint smile, Axel stands up too, and leads the way back upstairs. Telling Jess he'll be right back, he takes to the upstairs two steps at a time reemerging a few short minutes later with his sneakers on, and a hoodie thrown over his t-shirt.

Glancing into the living room, he sees that Derek and Gina had joined the kids in front of the tv. He catches Derek's eye and motions that they're stepping out, and Derek returns a short wave. He wouldn't lock the door until after they'd gotten back.

Axel opens the door for Jess so she can go out first, and within minutes, they're walking the sidewalk through the crisp night air. It was much cooler here than in Nevada, but the air had a refreshing feel to it. Though spring was around the corner, it still got a bit nippy at night.

Axel keeps the pace fairly slow, his hands tucked into his pockets. "It's been a while since I've walked this neighborhood," he mentions. "I used to all the time..."

Walking to the end of the second block, he stops and points. "There's a park up there a ways if you're interested. Or there's an all-night coffee shop the opposite way. Or..." He points straight ahead. "Town ends on a pretty dirt road that makes you feel like you're out in the middle of nowhere."

Laura had not even heard anyone come up behind her. She is so engrossed in taking her frustrations out on the woodpile that it didn't matter whose voice it is. Before it can even register in her mind, she is taken totally off guard.

Reflexes kick in. Without even thinking, she whirls around, not looking before she twirls the ax around and swings. The handle hits Nate squarely in the stomach before being turned again, the blunt side of the head coming up right where it counts.

Seeing Nate go down to his knees, Laura gasps, dropping the ax and putting a hand over her mouth. "Oh, Nate!" She kneels next to him and puts a hand to his shoulder. "I'm so sorry."

Only now in the dim light can the bruises on her face be seen, and the split lip that was slowly healing.

"Are you okay?" Worry courses through her eyes, and she feels stupid for having reacted so quickly.

As ever

Smiling back at Axel Jess cant help a flutter that happens in the bit of her stomach and the pitter of her heart. Looking down for a moment at Axel's fingers intertwined with her own before looking up at Axel again.

Moving her legs to stand Jess smiles still holding Axel's hand.

"A walk sounds great."

Giving a nod and returning the handshake to Paula Nate smiles and tells them thank you before going out the back door. From the pourch Nate can make out Laura's form by the wood pile. For a moment he just stands there before making his way over.

Drawing closer Nate stops again and just watches her for a moment. A new fear surfacing. What if she still didnt want to see Nate and turned him away? Nate didnt know if once he was there next to her he would be able to leave if asked without making things worse. Swallowing his own fear Nate makes his feet move on, he had to. He had come this far and even if Laura turned him away he just wanted to make sure she was ok. Thats all he wanted.

Standing back to keep enough room that Laura didnt feel as though she was crowded Nate gives a smile as he puts his hands in his pockets. He didnt want to startle Laura be he felt as though it might be inevitable.

"You know, even with the sweat and dirt from working so hard you still look as beautiful as ever."


Axel moves his fingers to curl around Jess' hand, stopping her from rubbing for a moment. "Jess..." He shakes his head. "No one is going to make you stay at a hotel. If you try, you're going to insult this family..."

He can't help a small smile. "...and me."

His eyes roam to the stairs, his nightly habit kicking in. "You wouldn't want to go for a walk, would you?"

Dan opens the door slowly, the look on his face one of caution. But hearing who this man is, a small smile forms. "Hi, Nate, nice to finally meet you. We've heard a lot about you. Yes, Laura's here, please come in." He opens the door wider for Nate to enter.

A few of the grandkids are in the living room watching a movie before their parents come to pick them up, and they turn around to eye Nate curiously, but none get up.

Dan leads Nate through to the kitchen where Paula is washing dishes. She turns around, a warm smile coming to her face. "Well, you must be Nate." She dries her hands and approaches to offer her own handshake. "Welcome."

Dan gives his wife a nod. "He'd like to see Laura."

Paula's eyes fill with a sadness. "She's been out back for several hours now." She looks to Nate with sympathy. "She wouldn't eat supper... said she wanted to blow off some steam, so she went for the wood pile. You can find her out there." She gestures to the back door.

Dan gives Nate a look of approval. "If you need anything, let us know." He opens the back door for him.

Laura takes another swing, the ax coming down hard into its target, splitting the piece of wood in half. The loud chop echoes through the dim yard. She only pauses a moment to wipe her brow with the leather glove on her hand before aiming and swinging again.

Her hair is sweaty, hanging down the sides of her face after escaping the rubber band that was meant to hold it back. One of Dan's flannel shirts hangs loosely over her t-shirt, the sleeves having long since been rolled up as the task had made her warm.

Another swing. Another small log split. Another frustrated yell. The muscles in her arms ache, but she doesn't stop. Anger glistens in her eyes.

The evening was darkening slowly, the sky clear and hanging onto the last light of dusk. A cool misty haze envelopes the yard, hiding most anything else from view. Laura didn't mind. She felt more alone this way. And that's why she'd come out here.

Her back to the house, she doesn't see the door open, and doesn't hear anyone approaching.

An angry yell comes forth along with another swing. The log doesn't split. Another chop follows, and another and another until the stubborn wood finally breaks in half. Laura stops to catch her breath, bending over as her heart raced from the exercise. Her jeans were damp and dirty, proving she'd been out here for hours already. She was tired... so tired. But she didn't want to sleep. She wanted to kill this terror inside of her. She wanted to destroy the weakness she felt.

Another log. Another chop. The ax's blade is driven down into the wood fibers.


Following the directions Nate feels like he is getting no where till finally breaking the harizon he sees a small farm house. Coming closer Nate can feel his heart beat faster. He hadnt seen Laura in so long, and thats all he wanted right now.

Pulling into the driveway it takes Nate a moment before getting out of the car. Just looking around he takes note to the few toys that layed in the yard, and the bikes that leaned up aganst the house he sure did hope he had the right place.

Walking to the door slowly Nate straitens out his shirt. Before coming here he had run home quick and changed cleaning up his own knuckles as well making sure he didnt look like a lunitic. Knocking on the door Nate waits till the door open. Smiling he inquires.

"Hello I'm Nate Driers."

Nate holds out his hand for a handshake as an offer of friendship and a sign of peace.

"I am looking for Laura if she is around?!"

Giving a soft smile it made Jess feel good that Axel liked when she helped with his hand. Meeting Axel's eyes Jess cant help but smile bigger forgetting the pain that is caused her as her cuts were being streched,

"It feels nice knowing that I can help you like that. Being needed for something. It feels nice. Thanks."

Continuing to help with Axel's hand Jess moves a little on the couch so she is face Axel more bringing her legs up and sitting indian style on the couch. She felt so comfortable and relaxed, for once in her life it felt like her worrys just melted away.

Thinking about Axel's offer to stay Jess smiles.

"I wouldnt mind sticking around. Maybe you could show me some of the sights. Though as for staying here, I can always find a hotel to stay at. I dont want to put Gena and Derek out or anything. They have a full house as is, and I dont mind staying close by."

Jess wanted to stay, she wanted to spend more time with Axel after coming such a long way, but she didnt want to impose saying she would stay here when an offer hadnt even been made. She really didnt mind staying in a hotel.