
As ever

Smiling back at Axel Jess cant help a flutter that happens in the bit of her stomach and the pitter of her heart. Looking down for a moment at Axel's fingers intertwined with her own before looking up at Axel again.

Moving her legs to stand Jess smiles still holding Axel's hand.

"A walk sounds great."

Giving a nod and returning the handshake to Paula Nate smiles and tells them thank you before going out the back door. From the pourch Nate can make out Laura's form by the wood pile. For a moment he just stands there before making his way over.

Drawing closer Nate stops again and just watches her for a moment. A new fear surfacing. What if she still didnt want to see Nate and turned him away? Nate didnt know if once he was there next to her he would be able to leave if asked without making things worse. Swallowing his own fear Nate makes his feet move on, he had to. He had come this far and even if Laura turned him away he just wanted to make sure she was ok. Thats all he wanted.

Standing back to keep enough room that Laura didnt feel as though she was crowded Nate gives a smile as he puts his hands in his pockets. He didnt want to startle Laura be he felt as though it might be inevitable.

"You know, even with the sweat and dirt from working so hard you still look as beautiful as ever."

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