

Getting to the outside of town Jess cant help but be amazed. Following Axel Jess gladly lets him take the lead out of town not knowing where they were going.. Everything was so amazing she couldnt help but look in aw.

Coming to the tree and just watching Axel climb it Jess cant help the smile that makes its way to her face. Taking Axel hand Jess climbs the tree with him.

For a moment Jess felt young again. There were times in her young life when she would forget all her cares and feel free. This reminded her of that and she liked it.

Fiding a comfortable spot next to Axel Jess swings her legs just a little. Looking out over the land Jess feels a contentness settle over her.

"Oh Axel this is amazing. Its like nothing I have even seen before."

As the sit is taken in the moonlight shines through the banches casting its light onto Jess making her eyes sparkle even more as the smile like non other remainds on her face. Bringing her hand down to rest it on the tree branch and give her more stability Jess hand goes ontop of Axel's. Looking down at it for a moment Jess dosnt move her hand. Finally looks up again she smiles at Axel as the strange flutter comes into her heart again.

Still sitting and leaning over Nate smiles. He new Laura must be jumpy and he didnt blam her one bit.

"I startled you I am sorry for that. Was trying not to but I new there really was no way around that."

Finally starting Nate turns to Laura searousness eched on her face.

"I came to see you."

Nate lets out a small sigh.

"I wanted to make sure you were ok with my own eyes. Its important to me to know you will be alright. Just...wanted to make sure."

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