

*As Bret makes his way up Charlotte neck her pulse quickens just a bit and a smile along with a tiny giggle form.*

"Your a little frisky tonight arnt you."

*Turning her head slightly she starts to give give Bret a kiss when the doorbell rings. Letting out a sigh and shaking her head she watches Bret leave the room. Leaning down in the fridge she grabs some of the veggies, some garlic and than some chicken to add in.

As a few moments pass Charlotte stands at the counter and chops some veggies and throws them into a skillet along with the chicken the sizzled. As Bret puts his arm around and over Charlotte she automatically puts the knife down and brings her hand up to his arm and lays her head back for a moment closing her eyes and taking the moment in.

Before Charlotte never though about the future with a guy. It was living it one day at a time not looking at what was to come. But for the first time in her life, she could actually see herself looking ahead with Bret. Wondering if this was who she was to be with for the rest of her life.

Turning around to face Bret, Charlotte smiles wrapping both her arms around Bret's neck and pulling him closer to her till she was pressed up against him.*

"I think we were here."

*Leaning in Charlotte press her lips to him and her hands find the back of his head and her passion is brought forth. Letting the kiss linger for a while.*

*Katie can't help but smile at the Domino's enthusiasm to see her. Katie loved the little dogs energy and excitment it braught a smile to her face that would never fade no matter her mood.

Beinding down and peting Domino on the head and than throwing her toy Katie makes her way into the livingroom just looking around for a moment. Seeing Scott pat next to him giving the ok for her to sit Katie does so sinking down into the coutch. Leaning over Katie leans her hand on Scott and snuggles into him. Katie wasn't sure why or if it was even her answer but it felt like this might be on of the last times and how she was going to miss it. Just thinking about it made her sad. Bring her arms around Scott she just holds him he bodys warmth keeping her roomtempature and comfortanle. Katie's fingers interlocking with Scott's.*

*Jess gives a small nod as they head back to Mom and Pop's Jess can't help but feel a tad better after her conversation with Carson. He'd helped her feel better once again.

Walking a tiny bit close to him Jess keeps an eye on her sarroundings though feel much safer having Carson near.

Getting to Mom and Pop's Jess gives a small wave as Herb and Mable leave for the night showing a small bit of humor letting them know she would keep Carson in line. Once they are gone Jess siting at the counter and watches Carson listing to the music he had playing as well.

The more Jess watched the more she wanted to help untill finally She stands and comes behind the counter. Grabbing a rag and some cleaner she goes out to the floor and starts to clean off the tables and whiping the window cills and shakers down. Finishing up a few tables Jess looks up at Carson.*

"I need to earn those milkshakes some how dont I?"

*Giving a little wink Jess goes back to cleaning the tables.*


Bret throws up his hands. “I know, I know…I couldn’t keep a house clean if I got paid to. It’s my downfall. I guess I just need a good woman around here to keep me in line.”

Suddenly realizing the implications of the words he just said, his face reddens slightly and he tries to recover by reverting to the subject of food. “Stir fry sounds good…as a matter of fact, anything you whip up sounds good.”

He comes up behind Charlotte as she looks in the fridge, and puts his arms around her waist. “Mmm…looks like I got a few veggies…and there’s some meat in the freezer.”

Bret leans forward to kiss her neck teasingly, moving up to her cheek as he whispers. “And a cook that is to die for.”

The ringing doorbell makes him give a frustrated sigh. “Whoever that is has terrible timing. I’ll be back.” Leaving Charlotte in the kitchen he goes to the door, slowing as soon as he’s out of sight. He approaches the door with caution, opening it just a crack at first.

A tall black man is on the porch with a large manila envelope in his hand. Bret grits his teeth and opens the door wider, stepping out halfway, holding open the screen. “Lee, what are you doing,” he hisses. “You weren’t supposed to come here.”

Lee hands over the heavy envelope. “Johnny got the plates and Dan said to bring ‘em here. I’m just following orders.”

Bret snatches the package from him, displeased. “Well next time use your head. Just you being here puts this at risk.”

“Hey, off my case,” Lee defends. “As far as anyone is concerned, I’m just paying a house call. Just hold up your end of the deal and we’ll be fine.”

Bret gives a sarcastic laugh. “Sure. Leave it on my shoulders. Just like old times, right? I don’t even know why Dan wanted me back in on this. I thought he’d learned the first time.”

Lee cracks a sly smile. “Don’t tell me you’ve forgotten you’re the best.”

“I figured Dan would be scared I’d rat on him.”

“Not with what he’s got over your head.”

Bret scowls. “Don’t remind me. Just get out of here will you?”

“Fine. But be there tomorrow for the warmup.” Lee turns and steps off the porch.

Bret watches him until he’s gone, finally backing up to shut the door again. He goes to the nearby closet and puts the envelop up above the coat rack, pausing a moment. This was stupid…he was stupid…but he’d made his choice… He shakes his head then ambles back to the kitchen. Coming up behind Charlotte again, he drapes his arms over her shoulders. “So…where were we?”

Scott gives a slight nod. He was more than willing to finish off this evening together. Though maybe a bit awkward, he did not want it to end on a sour note.

Once the meal is paid for and Katie has her leftovers, they head out. The drive is quiet… Scott lets the silence be, not trying to overcome it with needless talk. Sometimes quiet was just better anyway.

Getting to his place, he waits for Katie and lets her inside ahead of him. Domino gives a short bark and comes bounding in from the living room, her whole body wiggling with glee. She jumps up on Katie’s legs and begs to be petted, nuzzling and licking her fingers. Then just as fast, she’s racing back to the living room, grabbing her favorite chew toy and running back. Skidding on the linoleum, she runs into Katie’s leg, unable to stop herself. Shaking her head a little, she looks up at Katie, begging for more attention.

Despite previous tension, Scott can’t help but chuckle. “You still girl,” he croons. He takes off his jacket and throws it over a chair, leading the way to the living room. Sinking down on the couch, he looks up at Katie. Maybe they would be taking this easy between them for a while, but he didn’t want her to feel unwanted. He pats the cushion beside him, offering her a place to sit, or a shoulder if she needed it.

Carson’s shoulders drop a little at Jess’ tone, even though she thanks him. “I could tell you this same thing a million times, and you could still choose not to believe it. It takes your heart, Jess.”

He nods at her. “It takes you believing in yourself…not just some words that I rattle off.”

He pauses a moment, softening his tone a little. “That guy waiting for you could be standing three feet away and you wouldn’t see it until your own heart was ready. Don’t give up…don’t grow hard…’cause in the long run, you’ll regret it.”

The sound of nearby traffic prevents peaceful silence, but there is still peace here within the quiet park, and Carson leans back again, letting his mind roam for a few minutes before he stands up. “We better get back before Herb thinks I deserted him. Not to mention, I’m getting cold.”

The walk back to Mom and Pop’s is brisk, the night air growing chillier. Arriving through the back door, Carson finds things just closing up. Cleaning still needs to be done, but Carson offers to do it, letting Herb and Mabel go home for the night.

Shedding his jacket, but keeping his ball cap on, Carson cranks up the radio in the kitchen and grabs a mop and bucket, going out onto the front floor. “Make yourself at home,” he offers Jess. “Won’t take me long, then if you want, I can still make those milkshakes.”

Stir fry

*As Charlotte walks into the kitchen with Bret she cant help but stop and place her hands on her hips looking around for a moment shaking her head. As the humor shows itself in her eyes.*

"Didn't I just clean this kitchen a few days ago? What am I going to do with you?"

*Charlotte smerks as walks past Bret and looks in the fridge. He didn't have much but she was sure she could whip something up.*

"How about stir fry? Sound good to you hun?"

*Jess listens to Carson, and takes in his words. How right he was about alot of stuff, and how his words made sence. Now if only Jess could get her mind to believe it.*

"Yeah, I'm sure he's out there somewhere just waiting for someone light me huh?"

*The sarcastice tone is in Jess voice and after the words were said she relized it. Looking back to Carson her eyes dim just a little.*

"I'm sorry I know your trying to help and I apresheate it I really do. Its just hard thats all. Keep telling me all this stuff though and sooner or later I might start believeing it."

*Jess gives a small smile.*

"Thanks Carson."

*Katie lets out and than sucks in a sigh trying to contain and controll herself. Pulling away from Scott she just sits silent for a moment. Finally turning to him she gives a smile.*

"I think going to see Domino would be nice. I'd like to finish out our evning anyways. If thats ok with you."

*Katie waves Aerith over for the check and asks for a box for there left over food.*

*As Kyle drives out of sight Misty gives on last wave. She had, had a good evening and everything was good with Kyle. It always was. Now that his voice was starting to come back there was even more laughing and joking that was throw between them both. Turning Misty makes her way to the pourch and just sits down at the step for a moment.

It was a nice night out. A bit chilli but Misty liked it. Glancing up to the moon for a moment Misty's mind wonders to Carson and what he was doing. Hoping he was doing ok now her mind goes once again make to Kyle and she sits just reflecting.*

What you deserve

Bret smiles at Charlotte's offer. Something about having her stay here and cook was appealing...perhaps it made this house feel less empty.

"Mm...your cooking sounds too good to pass up...and seeing as though I've got a mountain of movies I never watch, surely there's one to keep us occupied."

He grins slyly. "As if we need any more entertainment."

He stands up and stretches, heading for the kitchen. "Come on... I'll help you cook if you can find something in this mess of a kitchen."

As Jess talks, Carson just listens. He keeps his eyes fixed on the sky or the park, hearing the pain in Jess' voice, and unsure what to do with it. He had so much pain himself...it was hard to take on another's. But she did bear so much on her shoulders...it was more than just a stupid incident with Peter...her hurt went clear back to her childhood when she'd felt rejected and abandoned...completely alone.

Carson mulls over her words as she ends, wondering at his own response. "Oh...I don't know, Jess... Sometimes I wonder if being loved in the first place was worth it... I suppose in the end I'd say it was... I guess maybe the pain is different for someone like me, who knows it was their own fault they're alone now."

He sighs, letting his breath out slowly. "Supposed to make a wish, eh?" A wry grin forms on his lips. "I think any of my wishes would be too impossible to ever come true."

Thinking a little more, he can't help but go back to Jess' words about her past. He'd seen that tear, though hadn't drawn attention to it. He knew Jess just well enough to know that she wasn't one to cry easily.

"People say the past makes us who we are... I guess there must be some truth to that, looking at my own past... my childhood... my family experiences. I could blame my father for a lot of things today if I wanted to. But I guess...even if some of my experiences molded the way I think, I can't let myself be bound to it. I've been a jerk...I've been worse than an enemy...I've done things that I deserve to die for... but the only one I can blame is myself. And if that's the case...then I figure I have just as much power to change my future."

He shrugs, avoiding details about his own childhood. He had never spoken to anyone about it, not even Misty, and wasn't planning to discuss it now. "I guess...even if your past was dim, Jess, you have the power to be whoever you want to be now. Whether you never felt loved or not...that doesn't mean that you never will... whether you never had true friends or not... that doesn't mean that you never will. There are too many variables in life... too many times that it's our own choices that take us down certain paths. You may think you're too scared to love, to ever get that far. You may think you're not worthy of being loved back. But that's all based on a past that's history... and to believe it now is to lie to yourself, which is a shame."

Carson finally turns his head to look at Jess. "Don't let a bum childhood ruin what you've got going for you now. You've got guts, determination, a heart that wants to love, good looks and a future that hasn't been written yet. You've got too much potential to let it go down the drain - to throw it away is to be totally unfair to yourself."

He knew this all too well...he'd thrown everything away at one point, and it had led him to eventual misery. Only when he'd been caught by TJY had he started to see it.

Searching Jess' eyes for a moment, he finally looks back up at the moon. "Don't be afraid of those who want to show you they care...if you are, then you'll never find that one you deserve."

Scott shifts his weight and moves over a little for Katie, slipping his arms around her to return the hug. He holds her close, resting his head against hers and rubbing her back. "Don't be sorry," he whispers. "It's okay."

A tear rolls down his face to be lost in Katie's soft hair. Scott's voice remains hoarse and quiet. "Sometimes that which we love the most we have to give up, simply because we do love it that much."

Rocking her a little, he just holds her, not caring who sees them, not caring how long they sit. They both needed this.

Finally though, he knows that they can't be here forever...at some point, they do need to move on. Giving Katie's head a kiss, Scott pulls away, reaching out to wipe away her tears. He forces the best smile that he can to the surface, trying to mask the pain in his eyes. He didn't know the future...no one could...and things could change...but deep down...he knew that this was only the beginning...something told him that the marriage he'd hoped for with Katie would never be realized. But he would not let those thoughts take him down...not a second time. Katie was too important.

"You want to come over to my place for a little while?" he offers. "Say hi to Domino...wind down before going home?"