

Bret throws up his hands. “I know, I know…I couldn’t keep a house clean if I got paid to. It’s my downfall. I guess I just need a good woman around here to keep me in line.”

Suddenly realizing the implications of the words he just said, his face reddens slightly and he tries to recover by reverting to the subject of food. “Stir fry sounds good…as a matter of fact, anything you whip up sounds good.”

He comes up behind Charlotte as she looks in the fridge, and puts his arms around her waist. “Mmm…looks like I got a few veggies…and there’s some meat in the freezer.”

Bret leans forward to kiss her neck teasingly, moving up to her cheek as he whispers. “And a cook that is to die for.”

The ringing doorbell makes him give a frustrated sigh. “Whoever that is has terrible timing. I’ll be back.” Leaving Charlotte in the kitchen he goes to the door, slowing as soon as he’s out of sight. He approaches the door with caution, opening it just a crack at first.

A tall black man is on the porch with a large manila envelope in his hand. Bret grits his teeth and opens the door wider, stepping out halfway, holding open the screen. “Lee, what are you doing,” he hisses. “You weren’t supposed to come here.”

Lee hands over the heavy envelope. “Johnny got the plates and Dan said to bring ‘em here. I’m just following orders.”

Bret snatches the package from him, displeased. “Well next time use your head. Just you being here puts this at risk.”

“Hey, off my case,” Lee defends. “As far as anyone is concerned, I’m just paying a house call. Just hold up your end of the deal and we’ll be fine.”

Bret gives a sarcastic laugh. “Sure. Leave it on my shoulders. Just like old times, right? I don’t even know why Dan wanted me back in on this. I thought he’d learned the first time.”

Lee cracks a sly smile. “Don’t tell me you’ve forgotten you’re the best.”

“I figured Dan would be scared I’d rat on him.”

“Not with what he’s got over your head.”

Bret scowls. “Don’t remind me. Just get out of here will you?”

“Fine. But be there tomorrow for the warmup.” Lee turns and steps off the porch.

Bret watches him until he’s gone, finally backing up to shut the door again. He goes to the nearby closet and puts the envelop up above the coat rack, pausing a moment. This was stupid…he was stupid…but he’d made his choice… He shakes his head then ambles back to the kitchen. Coming up behind Charlotte again, he drapes his arms over her shoulders. “So…where were we?”

Scott gives a slight nod. He was more than willing to finish off this evening together. Though maybe a bit awkward, he did not want it to end on a sour note.

Once the meal is paid for and Katie has her leftovers, they head out. The drive is quiet… Scott lets the silence be, not trying to overcome it with needless talk. Sometimes quiet was just better anyway.

Getting to his place, he waits for Katie and lets her inside ahead of him. Domino gives a short bark and comes bounding in from the living room, her whole body wiggling with glee. She jumps up on Katie’s legs and begs to be petted, nuzzling and licking her fingers. Then just as fast, she’s racing back to the living room, grabbing her favorite chew toy and running back. Skidding on the linoleum, she runs into Katie’s leg, unable to stop herself. Shaking her head a little, she looks up at Katie, begging for more attention.

Despite previous tension, Scott can’t help but chuckle. “You still girl,” he croons. He takes off his jacket and throws it over a chair, leading the way to the living room. Sinking down on the couch, he looks up at Katie. Maybe they would be taking this easy between them for a while, but he didn’t want her to feel unwanted. He pats the cushion beside him, offering her a place to sit, or a shoulder if she needed it.

Carson’s shoulders drop a little at Jess’ tone, even though she thanks him. “I could tell you this same thing a million times, and you could still choose not to believe it. It takes your heart, Jess.”

He nods at her. “It takes you believing in yourself…not just some words that I rattle off.”

He pauses a moment, softening his tone a little. “That guy waiting for you could be standing three feet away and you wouldn’t see it until your own heart was ready. Don’t give up…don’t grow hard…’cause in the long run, you’ll regret it.”

The sound of nearby traffic prevents peaceful silence, but there is still peace here within the quiet park, and Carson leans back again, letting his mind roam for a few minutes before he stands up. “We better get back before Herb thinks I deserted him. Not to mention, I’m getting cold.”

The walk back to Mom and Pop’s is brisk, the night air growing chillier. Arriving through the back door, Carson finds things just closing up. Cleaning still needs to be done, but Carson offers to do it, letting Herb and Mabel go home for the night.

Shedding his jacket, but keeping his ball cap on, Carson cranks up the radio in the kitchen and grabs a mop and bucket, going out onto the front floor. “Make yourself at home,” he offers Jess. “Won’t take me long, then if you want, I can still make those milkshakes.”

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