
Stir fry

*As Charlotte walks into the kitchen with Bret she cant help but stop and place her hands on her hips looking around for a moment shaking her head. As the humor shows itself in her eyes.*

"Didn't I just clean this kitchen a few days ago? What am I going to do with you?"

*Charlotte smerks as walks past Bret and looks in the fridge. He didn't have much but she was sure she could whip something up.*

"How about stir fry? Sound good to you hun?"

*Jess listens to Carson, and takes in his words. How right he was about alot of stuff, and how his words made sence. Now if only Jess could get her mind to believe it.*

"Yeah, I'm sure he's out there somewhere just waiting for someone light me huh?"

*The sarcastice tone is in Jess voice and after the words were said she relized it. Looking back to Carson her eyes dim just a little.*

"I'm sorry I know your trying to help and I apresheate it I really do. Its just hard thats all. Keep telling me all this stuff though and sooner or later I might start believeing it."

*Jess gives a small smile.*

"Thanks Carson."

*Katie lets out and than sucks in a sigh trying to contain and controll herself. Pulling away from Scott she just sits silent for a moment. Finally turning to him she gives a smile.*

"I think going to see Domino would be nice. I'd like to finish out our evning anyways. If thats ok with you."

*Katie waves Aerith over for the check and asks for a box for there left over food.*

*As Kyle drives out of sight Misty gives on last wave. She had, had a good evening and everything was good with Kyle. It always was. Now that his voice was starting to come back there was even more laughing and joking that was throw between them both. Turning Misty makes her way to the pourch and just sits down at the step for a moment.

It was a nice night out. A bit chilli but Misty liked it. Glancing up to the moon for a moment Misty's mind wonders to Carson and what he was doing. Hoping he was doing ok now her mind goes once again make to Kyle and she sits just reflecting.*

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