

Typing away at her computer Sapphire works diligently. She wanted to try and get her work done early today. There was a fair in town and last night she had promised to bring Gage. They were going to need all the time they could get with showing him different things before the fire works that night.

Looking up at her brothers voice Sapphire gives a smile as she stands and pulls her brother into a strong embrace. It was good to see him again even if after the last few years that hadnt been close. Sapphire had missed seeing him just the same.

"Oh Scott, its so good to see you again."

Pulling away Sapphire takes a few steps back to look at her little brother. He looked like he was doing alot better on the outside she only hoped the inside matched.

"How are you feeling?"

Entering TJY Katie keeps her head down not really looking anyone in the eyes. Her head had been killing her this morning, and nothing seemed to bright. She just wanted to get what she had come for done, and put things into motion. For her sake....for Jason's sake.

Entering the tiny office Katie gives a small wave to Susanne point to the office. Receiving a nod that Reese was in his office Katie knocks and than enters.

"Morning Reese."

Making her way to the chair that was across from Reese desk Katie sits down drawing silent for a long moment as she looks down at her hands. She new what she wanted to do it just seemed so hard to do it. But finally looking up though Katie's eyes lacked much they also held a bit of emotion.

"I came because I wanted to request some time off. I know you need me around here but...I cant be here right now. For the last feel weeks I have been trying to convince myself and everyone else I am ok, but deep inside I am not ok. I'm broken, damaged..and I need time to heal."

Looking around the room for a moment Katie's eyes just rome the room as she trys to contain what little bit of dignaty she had and not break down in front of Reese.

"I need to find who I am again and I cant do that here. I was thinking about going home for a little while, back to Texas. I'll be back I'm just not sure when. So if you could grant me that time off that would be great."

When she was ready Katie new she would like to come back to TJY though she wouldn't ask Reese to hold her job for her because she new that was a lot to ask seeing as she didnt even know what she would be back. She only hoped that in time there would always be a place for her here.


Scott slowly enters TJY, letting his eyes adjust to the inside. It was early yet. He'd had a late evening with Hope at the lake, having just talked for the longest time before finally getting back home... but even that couldn't keep him away from an early start this morning. He'd been hesitant to come... feeling almost that he wanted a day just to adjust again. But... no, he needed to come.

Only a few people were here yet. He knew Reese was in the back. He'd seen Rick and Misty's vehicles. As he wanders down the row between cubicles, he hears the clicking of computer keys and a small smile surfaces. Maybe they still did think alike in some ways.

He stops and leans quietly on the cubicle wall. "Hey, Sis."

Jason hits his alarm for the third time, sinking his head back down into his pillow. Ever since yesterday, he'd had a headache, and it was stuck with him, even this morning. It was late... and getting later. But Reese would just have to wait.

Trooper groans and nudges his arm, but Jason just rolls out of the way, ignoring his dog for now.

Simple Time

Hope gives a nod to Scott seeing the worry in his eyes. She new this would be hard and she hated knowing that Scott thought this was his fault. Turning a little more Hope looks at Scott with senserity in her eyes.

"I know I didn't do anything wrong. Its all been a miss understanding and it will be straitend out. Please dont worry Scott because there is nothing to worry about."

Hope ment it, and even if she did lose her licence she got to know Scott out of that, and somethings are more important.

"Now about those subs. I'm starving..."

Taking Scott's hand Hope gives it a small kiss, as a smile spreads on her lips.

Just letting Jason's emotions flow Katie runs her hands gentily through his hair. She could feel his termoil and new how upset he was. She felt badly for him and wish there was something more she could do, but right now there wasn't.

One day you will get your wish Jason...one day soon! Its not always your fault.

Not really wanting much of a reply Katie starts to hum a soft tune trying to sooth herself and Jason as she filtered both there emotions. Her mind went from step to step on what to do next. She needed to talk with Reese and explain to him she needed some time off.

Looking down at Jason Katie's heart aches for so many differnt reasons that they seemed to mush into one. Katie just wished they could go back to a simpler time.

Inner storm

Scott’s foot automatically lets up a little on the accelerator as he listens to Hope. They were already close to the sub shop he’d been thinking about anyway, so he pulls up to the curb and kills the engine.

Turning his head, he studies Hope for a moment. Though he’d felt alone and shoved in a corner for almost two months, gunner had taught him a lot… and one thing he’d learned was listening for the way someone spoke… and there was something in Hope’s voice that said there was more to this than just some misunderstanding with a no-name client.

Scott swallows hard, and fidgets with the car keys. “It’s me, isn’t it…” The embarrassment had already seeped into his tone. “But… but why? Or how? I mean… you haven’t done anything wrong…”

Jason manages to pick himself partway up off the floor, but he sinks down again, this time with his head in Katie’s lap. Picking at the orange, he finally eats a small slice or two, waiting for it to take effect.

It’s not going to work out… not until something breaks. Ever sine the beginning, it’s just been… waiting to happen. Everybody winds up hurt… I’m always the one instigating the problems. If I could just learn to… to… I don’t know.

His eyes are closed and though he doesn’t want to rely on their connection, with his body so weak, the emotions take over, flowing steadily to Katie, soothing his inner storm.


Giving a laugh at Domino the smile continues to stay on Hope's face. As she glances at Scott and than back to Domino before looking out the window.

Watching the scenes pass by Hope was excited about he lunch with Scott. Continuing to watch things pass by Hope hears Scott's question to turn and look at him giving a smile.

"I've been pretty good. I have a court date on Friday."

Hope hated to have to tell Scott about what was going on but she needed to. He was part of this to and he had a right now know. Not to mention Hope never made a habbit of lieing to people.

"...There has been a mix up with some things and I am being charged with inapropreat conduct with a pashent. But I have Angelica as my lawer and I know this will get straightened out and things will be fine."

Handing Jason the orange Katie lets out a sigh. As she goes to sit down on the ground next to him. Picking at a string at the bottom of her pants Katie looks up again.

"You didn't mess anything up Jason. Its going to work out, No matter what It will. Eat this you need it."

Katie new she would be going, She would take the medicen and so would Jason. Though it would hurt her...she would do it for Jason its what he wanted and though she didnt like it she would learn to some how deal.


Watching Katie walk away, Rick’s shoulders drop. From the beginning, he’d always wished he could fix this thing, and he still wished it now. He didn’t know what the key was, or what would ever solve it. If two people really weren’t meant to be together, how would they deal with this? Katie’s request for the antidote hits Rick hard. He knew that was an option she loathed. Yet she was willing to take it, if it would do any good. Was it really a good sacrifice for her to make? Who was he to judge?

Sighing, Rick shakes his head and goes to the cabinet to retrieve the bottle of pills he’d taken from Katie the day before. “Misty, how come things like this have to happen?” He didn’t really think he’d get an answer… he didn’t think there was one. He’d been asking the question of God for years and still didn’t know.

Jason has broken out into a cold sweat and is shivering in his still-wet clothes when he feels Katie nearing him. He hated it when she saw him like this. In the beginning, he’d been embarrassed. He was beyond that now… now he just hated it, period. He was supposed to be the strong one… but he was the one that was constantly taken down and beat up by these stupid emotions.

“I’m sorry,” he murmurs. “I just keep… messing things up, don’t I?”

Domino wiggles all over and gives a little woof as Hope gets in the car. She isn’t satisfied with just a scratch on the head, and crawls into Hope’s lap, getting a leg tangled in her purse strap. Tumbling forward, she plows into Hope’s lap head-first, somehow managing to fumble and turn around then sit up. Shaking her head, she lays her ears back and stares up at Hope with a look anyone would swear was sheepish. Giving Hope’s chin a lick, she turns around again to stare out the windshield, quite ready to go.

Scott rolls his eyes at his dog and starts the engine again, pulling away from the curb. “You ham,” he chides teasingly.

Driving down the road, Scott searches for a good place to get their food. He felt a little awkward with Hope all of a sudden, and tried not to let it show. “So, um… you know all about what’s been going on with me… so… what about you? How have you been?”

For me

Feeling the warmth from Rick Katie leans into it. The warmth the comfort, maybe thats all she really wanted.

"I just...dont know how to feel anymore. I need to find how I am again because I feel so lost, and I feel alone, and I dont know whats right or wrong anymore. I hope I make it through this...I just it hurts alot."

Sliding off the ledge of the windowsill Katie takes a few stops till she stops. Feeling Jason's emotions she gives a little cry as the tears fall from her eyes. Was is from the hard blast of emotions, or her own emotions she felt that made her cry.

Finally as the pain subsides Katie looks to Rick again her eyes slightly dull.

"I'm going to need able bottle of that antidote you mead up for when I leave. I dont know how long I will be gone."

Letting out another quiver of a sigh Katie's shoulders drops. She could now start feeling his suger drop.

"Take care of him for me while I am gone ok? because I dont know if he will take care of himself without me!"

Letting out another sigh Katie hangs her head just a little as she exits the infermary and to the breakroom. Getting an orange from the fridge Katie takes it and aim for the rec room.

Finishing up in the bathroom Hope gives herself a once over. She had jeans on with a little green flower on them to match her green top. Her hair was tied back nicly. A smile on her face she goes to the living room to look out the window. Seeing Scott's car parked out there Hope grabs her keys and heads out the door locking it.

Getting into Scott's car she gives a smile.

"I was worry you weren't going to come."

Looking down next to Scott seeing Domino Hope smiles and scratches her head.

"I missed you too little lady."


Rick watches Katie for a moment, deeply saddened by the state this thing was in. He knew that both Katie and Jason had reacted differently since the beginning. Neither was right, neither was wrong. But with different goals and ideas about their connection, things like this would just keep happening.

Setting down his tools, Rick approaches Katie quietly, slipping an arm around her. He wasn't sure he'd ever done that before, but it felt like the right thing to do.

"It'll be okay," he soothes. "And you'll be okay too. If you need to go home then... then that's what you should do. You and Jason are... so different. But you have so much in common too. This will pass. I promise it will and... and you'll make it through everything you're dealing with now too."

Jason stalks downstairs, opening the rec room door with a bang. Pain shoots through his skull and he sinks to the floor, his legs giving out on him. With a little cry, he lets the negative emotions out more forcefully than intended. One of the lightbulbs above him shatters, spraying fragments of glass all over the place.

Wincing, he stays on the floor, feeling as though he were in the middle of a tornado, except it wasn't wind - it was raw emotions coming out... emotions he'd been holding back, harboring so that Katie wouldn't have to deal with them... so that she wouldn't question his intentions or misinterpret what he was feeling.

Tears stream down his face until he's curled up into a ball on the floor, tortured by something he himself had created. Tortured by the upheaval of emotions and the knowledge that things had evolved to a new level. He could no longer filter out his emotions and save them to let out later. It had gotten worse, this... thing.

Finally, slowly, the rampant emotions begin to fade. Jason's whole body feels numb and weak as he just lies on the floor. He breaks out in a cold sweat and starts to shiver, his bloodsugar at a rapid nosedive. But he just lies still, closing his eyes as if hoping when he opened them again, the nightmare would be gone.

Scott pulls up in front of Hope's house, not knowing if he should honk, park and go to the door, or just wait. He settles on just waiting, and reaches over to scratch Domino on the head. He'd chosen jeans and tennis shoes and a loose tee. They were going to the lake, not some fancy restaurant.


Watching Jason leave Katie just stands there for a long moment before heading over to the small window that was in the infirmary. Sitting own on the windowsill Katie leans her head back as she looks out a few tears rolls down her face. Her voice was soft, and the pain was apparent.

"My life...its out of control Rick. Everything is so messed up. I...need to...heal."

A few more tears ran down her face as the pain still coursed through her. Everything with Jason, everything with the Agency it was ripping her apart inside.

"I..need to go home."


As Jason looks at Katie, his temper subsides for the moment. A strange sorrow floods his eyes as he takes her hand in his. "I just want to be able to live like normal people," he repeats quietly. "Just... to not have problems. I don't like the nightmares... I don't like the pain... I don't like my emotions taking control over me and attacking my weak spots."

I don't like being weak in front of you.

Letting go of her hand, Jason turns to head out of the infirmary and turns right, towards the downstairs.

Rick sighs and looks at Katie. He was glad Jason was going, but the damage was done. Would Katie go with him?

Let it out

Katie cant help but jump at both men raise there voice and Jason slams his fits on the table. She could feel her pulse race, and she could feel her own tension rise as her head starts to throb.

Hearing Jason's words Katie cant help the sharp pain that hits her heart, and she can feel the little bit of happiness she had today slipping away once again. She had thought this was a healing step, but now that was gone.

Looking up into Jason's eyes she saw that he didnt blame her but in another sence it was her fault they stopped the meds.

"But...dont you ever listen to me Jason? I don't get sick when you have a nightmare, and the pain isnt that when you give your anger to me. It doesn't bother me anymore, why don't you understand me? You hurt me more this way....I...I don't know what to do for you anymore Jason to make you understand."

Katie closes her eyes as she steps a few steps closer laying her hand on Jason's arm.

"I'm so messed up right now I dont even understand whats going on with me, my life is spiraling out of control but I do know one thing. I dont want anything bad to happen to you. Let your emotions anger out J, and than we will go from there. You have to Jason."

How much longer

Hearing Katie's frantic voice, Rick is immediately on alert. He tries to slow her down, asking her where she is, and is surprised that they are out in the parking lot.

Dropping everything else, Rick sprints down the hall, almost running Hal over as he goes. Across the main floor, he ignores a few strange glances, and he takes the stairs instead of the elevator to get up and out.

Once in the parking lot, he spots Katie and Jason and is by them within seconds. "Jason... Jason, can you hear me?"

Jason is still on the ground, but he manages a nod as the pain starts to subside again. "I'm not deaf," he grumbles.

Rick rolls his eyes and looks to Katie. "Help me get him up and inside."

Struggling a bit, Jason finally is able to get to his feet, though his knees want to buckle. His feet dragging, he leans on both Rick and Katie, making it into TJY and out of the rain. On the main floor, others are quick to realize something is wrong and start for them, but Rick waves them off, not wanting to deal with anything else, and he knows that it would just make Jason mad to have more people involved. Though Rick hadn't been told any details, he knows that this has something to do with Jason and Katie's connection.

The infirmary is quiet. Misty is there but Jeff has gone for a walk in the building. Rick moves Jason to the table so he can sit, and Jason does so without argument. His head felt like it was going to explode and he cringes, putting it in his hands.

Rick forces him to look up as he shines a light in his eyes. "Tell me what happened."

"It just... hurts." Jason couldn't really describe it much better than that.


"I think so."

"You haven't been on your dose?"

"No. Neither of us." Jason finally straightens a little as the intensity begins to wear off.

Rick stands back, a little bewildered. "Just happened out of the blue?"

"Pretty much."

"Not doing anything strange? Or trying things, or anything odd with your emotions?"

"No!" Jason growls. "I've told you everything!"

As his temper flares, Rick glances to Katie, not seeing much of a reaction. "Where's your anger, going, Jase?"


"Where is it going?"

Jason looks to Katie, then back to Rick, then Katie, then Rick again.

Rick folds his arms, starting to frown. "You're keeping them from her again, aren't you?"

Jason swallows hard. "So what if I am? Is it so wrong for me not to want to see her in pain because of my own emotions?"

Rick shakes his head. "It's not wrong, but we've been through this how many times?!"

"I don't care!"

"You're killing yourself!" Rick's own voice raises. "Slowly but surely, you're killing yourself, Jason. No matter you reason, you're hanging onto your anger, your frustration, irritation, whatever, and it's eating you alive!"

"Why can't I just decide for myself what I do or don't do?!" Jason slides off the table to stand, his emotional storm still kept out of Katie's reach.

"It's not just about you, you know that! How many times must we go through this?! Let your negative out with your positive! Katie needs it all, whether it hurts or not, you know this!"

Jason looks helplessly at Katie before he looks at Rick again. "If I can't keep it in, then we have to find another way for me to let it out without hurting Katie."

"You know that's not possible."

"It has to be!" Jason's hand comes down hard on the table.

Rick isn't going to take Jason's temper lying down, and he matches the tone. "Why?! Why can't you move on from this and accept this for what it is?!"

"Because I want to be normal!" Jason throws his arms in the air. "Is that such a crime? Is it so bad that I just want to be a normal human being again? To not have to worry about breaking something if I shout too loud? To not have to worry about making Katie sick if I have a nightmare?"

Rick looks to Katie, apology in his eyes. He knew none of this was his fault, but he knew that this had to be horribly hard for her. He finally looks back to Jason. "You need to let your anger out now, before you kill yourself," he states calmly. "I suggest you go outside, or to the rec room, but whatever you choose, let it out. Katie would rather endure a little pain than see you dead."

Jason's fists are balled at his sides and his eyes drift from Rick to Katie. He didn't blame her. He didn't. This was nobody's fault. It was just the way they were. But he was so tired of all this. He was so tired of new things popping up all the time. The last time he'd withheld things, he'd gotten a little sick. This time it was so severe that Katie couldn't even give him any emotions back to communicate because it was too much for his body to take. How much longer would he have to endure this??

Help Please

Getting off the bike behind Jason Katie pulls her helmet off and puts it on the bike. Turning back to see Jason down on all fours the rain is forgotten and Katie is down next to him. Placing her hand on his arm again.

"Jason, whats wrong."

Katie's heart races as she can feel her insides churn and does flips. She could feel a little panic setting in as Jason doesn't say anything.

Pulling her phone out Katie dosnt care if it gets water damage or not. Dialing TJY she waits to get Rick before she cant help the panic in her voice.

"Rick, its Katie..we need help something is wrong..please hurry...please."

Going crazy

Hope's comment about Gunner brings out a mischievous glint in Scott's eye. "Yeah, well... I'll leave him in ignorance for now. Tomorrow I'll tell him to stuff a sock in it."

Watching Hope as she gathers up her things, he tucks his hands in his jeans pockets, his eye following her out the door. Looking around the room, he takes a deep breath, letting it out slowly. Now alone, he was feeling the shock of the day.

Having seen Hope leave, Gunner pokes his head around the corner. "You alright?"

Scott nods. "Yeah, I... I think so." Turning around, he exits into the hall, his expression a thoughtful one. "Guess it all just feels a little strange."

Gunner starts to walk with him. "You mean freedom?"


"I think you'll get used to it." Gunner grins. "Least you'll get rid of me tomorrow."

Getting back home, Scott sinks down in the couch, closing his eyes as Domino comes to jump on his lap. He absentmindedly strokes her head, as his mind went in a million directions at once. He was stronger than he'd thought. It made him feel good... it made him feel... worth something, maybe. At the same time though, it also proved there was more about his captivity that he didn't remember. And he dreaded the day it would surface.

For now though... "You ready to see Hope tonight?"

Domino wriggles on his lap and gives him kisses.

"That's what I thought." Scott grins and moves to stand back up again. "Come on. We better think about what we're gonna wear."

Jason revvs up the bike's engine to turn around and head back down to the main road. He takes it a little easier this time, paying more attention to Katie than he had before. Only once does he experience enough pain that he has to pull over for a minute or two before getting back on the road.

It's still raining when they make it to TJY and Jason grits his teeth as another wave of pain hits him. Easing the motorcycle onto its kickstand, he takes off his helmet, gasping as the rain washes down over his head. Another step forward and his world seems to flip on him. Losing his balance, he goes down on all fours on the hard parking lot pavement, unable to stand the pain.

He wants to tell Katie he's okay, he wants to tell her to go get Rick or something, anything so she doesn't panic, but he can't get the words out.


Silly smiling Hope catches the glint in Scott's eye and it makes her smile grow even more as a worm feeling washed over her that she had never felt before. Yes she had had boyfriends, and guys she liked, but she had always felt out of place with them like she just didnt fit in. But now with Scott that feeling was there and it was form and inviting.

"That sounds like a great idea, and yes Domino can come too. I think she would like the exercise."

Hearing Gunner's voice Hope cant help but giggle as she leans in a little to Scott the humor showing in her eyes.

"You know, you can tell him to stuff a sock in it now right?"

Giving Scott another quick kiss on the cheek Hope moves to the table gathering her things up. Looking back at Scott she gives a small nod.

"Seven, I will be ready. See you than."

Hearing that the communication was making things worse Katie cuts off talking to Jason that was and moves back on the bike. Wrapping her amrs around Jason and holding her hands to his chest Katie just lets her emotions draw from Jason.

"Just drive slow and if you have to pull over do so."

Katie new they had to get back and see Rick before anything else happend to Jason. Her worry escalated. She was messed up enough without having anything else bad happen to Jason.


Receiving Katie's communication, Jason cringes. "Don't... gah, that hurts." Taking a deep breath, he turns back to the motorcycle, still visibly in pain. "Don't use your emotions to talk to me right now, 'k babe?"

Getting to the bike, he leans on it a moment and shakes his head. "You crazy?" he mutters. "I don't care if you know how to drive or not, this bike is too big for you and we'll both wind up as roadkill."

He forces Katie to scoot back again before getting on in front of her. Then putting his helmet on, he turns to her one more time. He didn't know why he was telling her this, but somehow, he knew what to ask. "Put your hands on me." Even through leather, the closer Katie got, the better. It was almost like someone sucking off the foamy top of a soda pop to keep it from overflowing. Her emotional draw was just enough to take off the edge... for just long enough that he knew he could make it back to town. Deep down, he feared he knew the problem, but he would see Rick first. Would this thing never end?

"Well..." Scott gives a short chuckle. "I guess I wasn't expecting to be free at this point so... I have no idea where to go tonight."

He holds up Hope's hand, his thin fingers wrapping around hers. "How about... we grab subs on the way out of town and have a nice sunset supper on the edge of the lake somewhere?" For the first time in a long time, a shimmer is evident in his eye. "And... I even know someone who would like to come along... and she won't eat much."

"Scott!" Gunner has been left alone in the hall, and raps his knuckles on the door. "I'm missin' a game, let's go!"

Scott quirks an eyebrow. "You don't watch sports!"

"See? Then I'm missing a game, aren't I?" Though they couldn't see him, Gunner grins, lazily leaned back against the wall. "And yes, you can borrow my car."

Now Scott can't help a laugh and he looks back to Hope. "Looks like I can pick you up then. Seven?"

I'll drive

Feeling Jason's whole body tremble Katie can feel something is wrong, and it feels a little comfortable for her even though its ten times worse for Jason.

Turning to go back to the bike Katie can feel Jason's resistance and his own worry. She rode a bike once before when she was thinking about getting her own an test drived one so she new how to drive. Cutting this outing short was ok since it was for Jason. She would always do whatever for Jason no matter the cost.

Squinting her own eyes against the pain of her own headache she had, had for days Katie turns to look at Jason in the eyes.

"We are going back to see Rick. You get to hold me while I drive, and dont try to talk me out of it J."

Katie gives a nod. She had made up her mind and there was not talking her out of it.

I am messed up enough right now, I don't need to lose you on top of it. I couldn't handle it.

Putting on her own helmet Katie holds Jason's out to him before getting on his bike.

Pulling back just a little to see in to Scott's eyes the smile on Hope's face remained as her eyes twinkled. It felt so good to be close to Scott again and even though there words were few it was good to know they could talk once more again as well.

Her heart still pounding, Hope wondered if Scott felt the same way, his kiss made her say yes, and his question to dinner was a slight confirmation as well. Now where would they go from here? Continues to be friends and was this just the joy of seeing eachother again or was this to go deeper into a relationship that could grow. Hope, hoped it was the later of the two. It would be nice to continue to see Scott on a deeper level.

Giving a small nod to Scott's question Hope did have time. She was free for the next few days with having to cancel all her appointments. What a better way to spend her free time than with Scott.

"I would love to have dinner with you tonight Scott. You pick where we want to go. Spending more time with you sounds like a great idea."

Hope's hand slips down to Scott's as her fingers interlock with her own giving his hand a gentil squeeze.


Jason shakes his head, gritting his teeth as he just stands shakily for a moment. "No... no I'm alright."

I don't know wha-

As soon as he tries to communicate with his emotions, he receives another shock. Cringing, he puts his hands to his head, feeling like a two-way radio that wasn't tuned in. It was almost like getting high-pitched feedback from speakers while playing his guitar, except it wasn't an audible sound. It was just... raw emotions.

Trying to catch his breath, he can feel his pulse racing. The thunder suddenly seems ten times louder. "Holy cow..." His whole body was trembling now. As much as he wanted to take Katie's question and leave, he wasn't even sure right now if he should be driving.

Another clap of thunder makes him jump. Looking down at Katie, he tries to get past whatever this was. "I'm... I'm okay now I think. Let's just... um... keep walking."

Scott can feel a bit of heat creeping into his face as Hope draws near. Her hand through his hair sends a tingle down his spine, and though a bit unsure, he lets her pull him closer.

Still somewhat in shock over the whole thing, and now surprised by Hope's affection, at first, he's not sure how to react. But as her lips touch his, his tenseness seems to melt away.

His hands move to Hope's waist, holding her close before slowly sliding his arms around her. Returning the kiss, feelings for her surface, that maybe he didn't even realize he had. It seemed like a lifetime ago that they had embraced one another. Now... the nightmare was gradually fading.

Scott feels as though his whole world is tipped upside down and spun in the wrong direction. Finally, slowly, he pulls back just a little, his eyes still closed as he rests his forehead against Hope's. His arms are still around her and he sways just a little to soft overhead music he hadn't heard until now.

"I missed you too," he manages quietly.

Drawing back even a little more, he looks into her eyes to make sure he wasn't imagining things. She really did want this? She really did feel this way about him? It wasn't just some surface emotional thing?

Swallowing hard, his heart is still racing. "Are you... free for supper?"


Smiling at Scott as they were alone Hope rocks back and forth on her feet once or twice.


She felt like a little kid again witch was a strange feeling but she wouldn't trade it for anything. Stepping close to Scott Hope smiles and she runs her hand down the side of his face gently running her hand through her hair and cocks her head just a little.

"You've changed. Not a bad change its a good one, I can see it in your eyes. You look good Scott."

Searching his eyes Hope's hand finds the side of Scott's face again and than moved down to his neck and wraps her hand around his neck gently pulling him close to her.

"I missed you Scott more than u know."

Feeling his breath on her skin Hope cocks her head a little and leans gentily pressing her lips to Scott showing him how much she had missed him. The emotions, the feeling washing over her. It was a moment she didnt want to end to soon and it didnt matter where they were.

Gently kissing Jason back Katie lets the feelings wash over her until Jason finally pulls away. Taking his had as he helped her off the bike Katie watch the lights brighten up the sky.

There are some good memories here.

Getting ready to walk forward with Jason Katie stops and gives a small jump before turning and seeing Jason. For that split momet Katie forgets about her own troubles and is down in the mud with Jason.

"J, whats wrong?"

Resting her hand on Jason's shoulder Katie cant help but feed a little more on his emotions trying to help him feel better. But seeing him stand Katie stands with him.

"What happend? Do you need to go?"