

Smiling at Scott as they were alone Hope rocks back and forth on her feet once or twice.


She felt like a little kid again witch was a strange feeling but she wouldn't trade it for anything. Stepping close to Scott Hope smiles and she runs her hand down the side of his face gently running her hand through her hair and cocks her head just a little.

"You've changed. Not a bad change its a good one, I can see it in your eyes. You look good Scott."

Searching his eyes Hope's hand finds the side of Scott's face again and than moved down to his neck and wraps her hand around his neck gently pulling him close to her.

"I missed you Scott more than u know."

Feeling his breath on her skin Hope cocks her head a little and leans gentily pressing her lips to Scott showing him how much she had missed him. The emotions, the feeling washing over her. It was a moment she didnt want to end to soon and it didnt matter where they were.

Gently kissing Jason back Katie lets the feelings wash over her until Jason finally pulls away. Taking his had as he helped her off the bike Katie watch the lights brighten up the sky.

There are some good memories here.

Getting ready to walk forward with Jason Katie stops and gives a small jump before turning and seeing Jason. For that split momet Katie forgets about her own troubles and is down in the mud with Jason.

"J, whats wrong?"

Resting her hand on Jason's shoulder Katie cant help but feed a little more on his emotions trying to help him feel better. But seeing him stand Katie stands with him.

"What happend? Do you need to go?"

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