

Would you stop apologizing?

Jason leans in closer, pressing his lips to Katie's for just as moment before leaning back again.

It's not your fault... so stop saying you're sorry and stop thanking me. I'm here because I want to be, not because I have to be.

Sliding off the bike, Jason holds out his hand to Katie, offering to walk her further up on the ridge in the middle of the rumbling storm.

Before he can make a step forward though, his body fills with a shooting pain. If he didn't know better, he would have thought he'd just been struck by lightning. Without realizing it, he's dropped to one knee, a hand to his chest as he gasps for air.

As quickly as the pain came, it was gone, leaving him with a strange, almost-empty feeling, but one that also made his head throb and his stomach churn. What was happening?

Trying to shake it off, he gets to his feet again, letting the rain bring him back to his senses.

Still staring at the small group, Scott gropes for answers. "What... what's going on?"

"You're free to go, Mr. Johnson," Barkley informs.

Scott's eyes widen in shock. "But... what... how..." He looks to Carson. "Did you... find it?"

Carson nods slowly. "I did, Scott."

Scott waits, but still nothing. "I'm sorry... I don't understand."

Reese steps forward and places a hand on Scott's shoulder. Emotions had flood his eyes, showing just how proud he was of who Scott was. Under all the quietness, nerdiness and strange quirks, he was the one who shone. "You are a strong man, Scott. Carson found proof that you resisted the Agency's brainwashing."


"You don't remember it, but they recorded your assimilation as a failure. We know you have the data though so... Carson put the puzzle pieces together."

Scott swallows hard, suddenly finding it difficult to control his own emotions. "You mean I... I didn't conform? I didn't give in?"

"No." Reese shakes his head. "You didn't. You did it for us... the Elite. You've done what no one else has... you beat the Agency at their own game. And now... not only are you officially back on the force but..." He pauses, glancing to Brown then back to Scott. "...but you're back on as lieutenant."

Scott's mouth opens in shock. He was being... promoted? All the way to lieutenant? He blinks, overcome by a million and one thoughts and emotions. He really wasn't a coward? He really hadn't caved? He'd beaten the Agency?

"I have another hearing in five minutes," Barkley announces. "I must go now. Gentlemen, I trust you can handle the rest of this yourselves." Shaking hands, the judge leaves.

"And I need to finish up some paperwork with you." Reese nods to Brown. "We might as well do it now that we're together."

"Sure. We can slip down to the office, no problem."

With those two gone as well, Gunner sets his hands on his hips, looking to Hope, Scott, then Carson. Rolling his eyes, he moves and takes Carson by the shoulder, pushing him towards the door. "We'll be outside," he mutters.

Scott can't help a light chuckle. He and Hope were alone in the room and he finally looks at her again, searching her eyes. There was so much he could say. He was so grateful... so shocked... so overcome... so confused... it was all so much to take in at once. But all he can muster is a small smile. "Hi."

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