

Getting onto the back of Jason's motorcycle Katie's heart pounds. Being close to Jason and riding the motorcycle was always fun and exciting for her. Putting her helmet on Katie wraps her arms around his wast before resting her head on his back.

As the start out Katie enjoys herself the cool breeze washing over them and the cool water splashs on her skin and soaking through her close felt nice after the last few hot days. Hearing the thunder crash in the sky Katie looks up a little.

I dont care what anyone says I like rain storms and they are better with you.

Continuing to ride with Jason squinting Katie could make out were they were and it had been so long since this place had been seen. Katie enjoys the time out. The fresh hair felt nice and though her head still pounded.

Coming to a stop and having her helmet removed Katie takes in a deep breath of the nice fresh air. Looking through the rain Katie gives a small smile at Jason as her eyes still hold the lost look though somewhere behind them someone who new Katie on a deeper level could see the twinkle that wanted to come out to let her emotions for Jason show.

Feeling Jason's warm skin on her face Katie leans her head into it a little the tingles washing over her. Opening her eyes to look at Jason Katie brings her hand to his running her fingers over his fingers.

I love you too Jason. I'm....I'm sorry I am so messed up right now. Thank you for sticking it out with me though. You mean alot to me and I hope one day to be myself again and spend the rest of my life with you.

Continuing to listen to Jason Hope nods her head here and there trying her best to understand what Carson was saying and to follow along alot of the things her didnt know about.

Hope can't help the small that makes its way to her face she she finally starts to understand what was going on and exacly what Scott did.

"Yes Carson is right. Someone could push something so far away and out of reach that they themselves wont even remember it. Than slowly over time, and an involvement shift he could of known now was the time for the information to come out and wala."

Drawing silent once more Hope can't hide the smile on her face as it just stays put there. Maybe even a tear or so slipped from her eyes.

As Scott enters the room again Hope beams. Giving a small nod of reassurance to Scott that everything was ok. She wanted to hug and talk to him, but she would have to wait till Scott himself new.

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