
Few Trucks

Smiling as he worked next to Jade Dan enjoyed having someone he could chat with while he worked. It helped pass the time and made the jobs go by quicker. Glancing over at Jade again Dan cant help but chuckle .

"Here hold the pitch for like this, it makes it easer on your back here..."

Dan runs a hand up and down Jade's lower back showering her where most of the strain would be holding the fork the way she was and the way she could do it now.

"...This just takes a little pressure off that area."

Giving a smile and shaking his head Dan went back to work till Mick entered the bran. Watching him say nothing and walk to the tack room he through a look of question at Jade before going back to work. For now he would leave Mick be, he probley feeling the after affects from last night.

Stepping into the barn Wes catchs sight of his brother. He had planed on coming to see him yesterday but Kayle was sick and he was trying to take care of her with Cindy, and now coming from the shop he had seen him stagger into the barn not knowing what had happend the night before.

Making his way through the barn he stops when he sees Jade not relizeing she was there. Giving a big grin he says his hellos and lets her know she needs to come up to the house to see her cousin. Than making it to the tack room slipping in to talk with his brother.

"Hey Bro, I had something I need to talk...to..you..."

Wes words trail off as his brother turns and he can see the look on his face. Not being able to help the consern for his younger brother Wes steps in more.

"Mick, it looked like you just got hit by a few trucks. Are you ok?"

Hearing Dr. Schreider's voice on the other end of the phone Hope was instantly alert wondering if something was wrong.

"Yes yes of course give me about a half hour and I will be there."

...Exacly a half hour later Hope pulled into the parking lot and was out of the car and heading inside. Once let in and letting the Dr know she was there Hope scaned the pashents that sat around a tv watching a show. Spotting Gunner Hope made her way over to him sitting down in a chair next to him. She was a bit worryed and hoped everything was ok.

"Hey Gunner, How is everything going?"


Jade tries to compose herself as Dan joins her, managing a smile at the hot cocoa. "Thanks, Dan..."

Just sitting a while, she mulls over what he's said. "Yeah... yeah, I'll be okay. I'm just worried I misjudged Dad is all. It's been over a year since I came looking for him because I felt I didn't belong at home. Then I worked things out with Mom... now I feel like I'm right back in the place again. Except this time, maybe I don't really belong here either. I don't know."

She takes a sip of the hot drink, closing her eyes as it slips down her throat. "Mm... making hot chocolate is your job from now on."

Staring back at the fire, Jade tries to change the subject, just wanting to end on a good note tonight. At least that much is accomplished until they say goodnight. But as she slips quietly into the house a while later she had a hard time not dwelling on what had happened that evening.

The next day dawns clear. There was as crispness to the air, but not much more than a jacket was required to be comfortable outdoors. It's early yet - breakfast hasn't been put on yet. But the ranch is starting to move as the morning begins. Horses need to be let out, and chores need to be done.

Jade had decided to get up and keep her hands busy for a while, so she'd pitched in to help with barn chores alongside the other guys, sure to tell Dan good morning as well. She felt a little better this morning, and hoped this day would be easier than the last. Working next to Dan and seeing someone else enter the barn though, she wonders.

Mick slowly makes his way into the barn, speaking to no one and looking no one in the eye. Though having cleaned himself up a bit, he hadn't been to the house, which meant he hadn't shaved or changed his clothes from the day before. It was odd to see him without his hat, but that had been misplaced somewhere yesterday. His head hurt like nothing else, his eyes felt like they had needles sticking in them, and his bad knee wanted to buckle with every step. But he enters the barn anyway. Despite his downcast eyes, his shoulders were square.

He walks past the others working, not stopping to satisfy the questioning glances that are thrown his way. His route takes him straight to Remmington's stall. The tall bay is eager to get out and he willingly takes the halter, standing still as he's tied in the aisle.

Mick's eyes are bloodshot, underlined with dark circles - hardly the picture of anyone wanting to ride. But he goes to the tackroom anyway, emerging with his saddle and Remmington's bridle. Within minutes, he's cinching up the girth, his hands, though shaky, too experienced to fumble with the leather.

"...Yes, Dr. Garrison? This is Dr. Schreider from Northside Hospital." He sighs deeply into the phone as he looks across his office to the slouched figure in the chair. "I've got Brent Franklin here with me this morning, and he won't talk to me at all, but insists that if you come, he will talk to you. I'm at my wits end... would you come?"


Helping Sparky get Mick to the bunkhouse wasnt to hard as mosly Mick was out of it and couldn't put up a fight. Dan wasnt sure if that was a good thing or a bad thing considering Mick really didnt like him to much to start with.

"Yeah it does look like he got you good. The joy of having an older brother huh?"

Dan gives a small laugh before breaking off from Sparky and heading to the dinning hall once again. Glancing around the room Dan see Jade over in one of the chairs and lets out a small sigh. The night was over, and all fun forgotten once again.

Heading into the kitchen it only takes Dan a few minutes to whip up some hot coco with extra whipcream on top before he makes his way back over to Jade.

"I thought maybe you could use a drink to warm you up. I know I could."

Giving a little smile Dan sits down at another over size chair by Jade one he had sat at many times before when he couldnt fall asleep. Now was another time when sitting here seemed good.

"Your dad is gonna be ok. He'll just have one whopper of a headach in the morning and feel alot of regret probley."

Thinking for a long moment Dan takes a sip of his hot coco before speaking again a sad look passing in his eye for a moment.

"In the morning, dont be to hard on him. Not knowing if you son is alive or not is a hard thing ya know? Not saying his actions where good, just...has to be hard. Now are YOU going to be ok?"

I will, thanks J. I am gonna do a look around the ranch and make sure everything is ok than probley head to sleep myself. I'll talk to you in the am.

Going over to Jeff Katie gives him a kiss on the cheek and a squeeze. She had, had a nice time with him today and even cryed a little over hearing about her mother. She was going to miss him when she went back home but she would see him again and that braught her joy.

Right hook

Mick's eyes narrow at Rosetta's suggestion that he sleep in the bunkhouse. He takes a step towards her and BJ, but Sparky blocks him.

Sparky nods to Rosetta to keep on going before looking back to Mick. He wipes his lip again before pointing to the bunkhouse. "Come on. You're not going in here tonight."

"Th's is my house!" Mick barks. "You c'nttell me t' stay out. I told ya to leave an'wy."

Sparky has had enough, and he grabs Micks shoulder, giving him a quick shove. "Git!" he growls.

Mick stumbles, falling onto all fours on the gravel driveway.

Sparky sees Dan and gives a nod of thanks. "Help me get him to the bunkhouse will you?" With the young man's help, Sparky is able to get Mick back up and drag him most of the way to the bunkhouse. By the time they get there though, Mick is about ready to pass out, making the job easier.

Ten minutes later, Mick is on the bed, barely conscious. Sparky doesn't bother to takes his boots off or undress him. "He can lay just like that for all I care," he grumbles to Dan. "Let's leave him be. He'll be out cold for hours and I don't want to be around when he wakes up."

Getting back outside and heading towards the dining hall, he wipes his lip again, seeing that the bleeding wasn't slowing. "Dang it, Mick," he mutters under his breath. "He always did have a mean right hook."

Yipes... sounds like fun.

Jason sighs and rolls over onto his side.

I'm gonna try to sleep. Tell me about it tomorrow... be safe.

Jade sinks down in a chair by the fireplace. Not much of a fire was left, but she didn't care. She'd been staying at the house... but she was so embarrassed by her father, that she didn't even want to see Rosetta right now. She just wanted to find a corner to curl up and cry. But all there was here was an easy chair. It would have to do.

She pulls her knees up close and curls up in the chair, just letting the silent tears fall.

Jeff watches her for a moment and sighs. There wasn't anything he could do. This whole thing was confusing and it made him sad, thinking of how Rosetta must feel right now. He slowly picks up the playing cards. The game was obviously done for the night.

Kick In

Feeling Mike jerk is leg back only makes BJ cling tighter thinking he was playing around the smile on his face big and bright.

"Nooo...its not bed time yet we still have to play checkers you promised."

BJ looks up at Mick with his big toothy grin. But finally relizing that Mick was not playing around BJ was confused by his tone that he'd never heard Mick use before and it scared him. Finally letting go of his leg BJ takes a few steps back looking up at Mick as tears started to form in his eyes, his face showing how scaired, upset and confused he was to what was going on.

Hearing the words Mick spoke really did no damage to Rosetta. She was a adult and could handle it knowing it was the alcohol talking and not her husband, but the moment he snapped about BJ, and cursed infront of him Rosetta changed her stance, and felt sorry for Mick for a different reason now. Trying to keep her own temper at bay for BJ's sake.

Stepping off the pourch Rosetta scoops BJ up in her arms and gives him a big hug rubbing his back gentily as the small boy sobbed into her shoulder.

"Its ok Buddy, I'll go inside and play checkers with you ok? Maybe we can even eat some popcorn huh?"

Throwing a look at Mick Rosetta shakes her head the look on her own face showing she wasnt happy and was disapointed in Mick for his actions.

"Sparky this is your home to, you will be staying. Please take Mick to the empty bunkhouse for the night. I'd rather not have him around BJ when he is like this."

Not saying anything more was very hard as on the inside Rosetta's heart broke. She wanted to yell at Mick, and ask what was wrong with him and what was he thinking but if she did that or even trying to talk to him while he was still drunk they would get no where and it would only make things worse. For now, this was better.

Walking with BJ back in the house Rosetta whispers a thank you to Sparky as she pass. She would be awake for a while now having had all this happen as she sat and thought. Once inside Rosetta closed the door behind her not saying anything more as she put BJ down so he could set up the game, while she made some popcorn and hot coco.

Continuing to looks out the window Katie shakes her head and frowns hearing Jade's words. She new Mick had, had a drinking problem a while ago but he had been sober for so long now it was a shame he had runed that tonight.

Receving Jason's message Katie had completely forgot that she had sent her startling emotions his way.

Yeah, I am sorry. Its a long story, I dont even know all of it. I guess Dylan Mick's son has been missing and no one would tell him whats going on and now Sparky found him in town drunk. Its just...not very pretty right now. I guess the bodyguard in me kicked in.

Continuing to watch out the door and hearing Jade's words Dan turns his head to see her. The last person he though he would see drunk out of been Mick. Seeing the look in Jade's eyes Dan cant help the fist that clenches his chest. He had see that look before, that hurt so long ago, and memories start to flood Dan's mind for a long moment before he tryed to refocus again.

Reaching out to Jade, Dan puts one hand on each of her shoulders and cocks his head to look her in the eye. His own look convaying how sorry he was, for her father, and maybe something inside of him was pleading for his own forgiveness to a woman he'd never see again.

"You wait here with the other ok? I am going to see if Sparky need any help. Its going to be ok. I'll be right back."

Giving half a smile Dan turns from Jade again and heads out the door and across the lawn giving a small nod to Sparky.


Mick is thrown off balance as BJ grabs his leg and he starts to stagger. Sparky steps close, only because BJ is there, and tries to steady him, but Mick gives him a hefty shove. "I told you to leave," Mick growls. He looks down at BJ, then up at Rosetta on the porch, his vision skewed. "What is he d'ng outta bed? It's late, you should allll be'n bed! Or didja wanna come see the fool come home, zthat it?"

He jerks his leg a little, trying to get BJ off. "Rosetta! Put 'em to bed," he barks. "'r d'ntcha know how?"

Sparky frowns, hardly able to believe Mick was doing this. He glances to Rosetta. "He was at the bar. I only happened to see his truck so I knew he was there. He'd been there for several hours."

"Shut up!" Mick hurls a curse at his brother before swinging his gaze back to his wife. "Get th's boy in bed b'for I do it mys'f."

Ryder, burn down the house?

Jason grins.

He's in enough trouble with Reese the way it is. Got caught on the news wrestling a cro-

He cringes and misses catching his tennis ball as it ricochets back to him.

What the... you alright? What's wrong?

Jade feels an odd churn in her stomach at Dan and Katie both get up to see what's going on. For some reason, she didn't want to. She looks to Jeff, who is clueless but without wanting to spend his energy on getting up and going to the window.

Finally she puts her cards down and gets up slowly, joining Dan at the open door. She folds her arms against the chilly night air and squints to see Sparky's truck and the others gathered around as Mick shouts. She feels like throwing up.

"He's drunk." Her voice is laced with disbelief, disappointment, anger and embarrassment. "I don't believe it." Tears well up in her eyes as she hears the swearing uttered in Sparky's direction and she backs away so she can't see the scene anymore, turning away from the others. That was her father out there... drunk... She wanted the ground to open up and swallow her right now.