
Few Trucks

Smiling as he worked next to Jade Dan enjoyed having someone he could chat with while he worked. It helped pass the time and made the jobs go by quicker. Glancing over at Jade again Dan cant help but chuckle .

"Here hold the pitch for like this, it makes it easer on your back here..."

Dan runs a hand up and down Jade's lower back showering her where most of the strain would be holding the fork the way she was and the way she could do it now.

"...This just takes a little pressure off that area."

Giving a smile and shaking his head Dan went back to work till Mick entered the bran. Watching him say nothing and walk to the tack room he through a look of question at Jade before going back to work. For now he would leave Mick be, he probley feeling the after affects from last night.

Stepping into the barn Wes catchs sight of his brother. He had planed on coming to see him yesterday but Kayle was sick and he was trying to take care of her with Cindy, and now coming from the shop he had seen him stagger into the barn not knowing what had happend the night before.

Making his way through the barn he stops when he sees Jade not relizeing she was there. Giving a big grin he says his hellos and lets her know she needs to come up to the house to see her cousin. Than making it to the tack room slipping in to talk with his brother.

"Hey Bro, I had something I need to talk...to..you..."

Wes words trail off as his brother turns and he can see the look on his face. Not being able to help the consern for his younger brother Wes steps in more.

"Mick, it looked like you just got hit by a few trucks. Are you ok?"

Hearing Dr. Schreider's voice on the other end of the phone Hope was instantly alert wondering if something was wrong.

"Yes yes of course give me about a half hour and I will be there."

...Exacly a half hour later Hope pulled into the parking lot and was out of the car and heading inside. Once let in and letting the Dr know she was there Hope scaned the pashents that sat around a tv watching a show. Spotting Gunner Hope made her way over to him sitting down in a chair next to him. She was a bit worryed and hoped everything was ok.

"Hey Gunner, How is everything going?"

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