
We can't

*Jess sits listing to Jess and Sean talk. A strange feeling inside of her. Velvet, her own friend had been cheating on Carson. Oh how the web was weaved by the one she called a friend. Shaking her head Jess stratens.*

"We can't just leave him. We don't leave anyone behind. Carson, might be caught but I dont think he is stupid enough to rat us out."

*Jess flops back on Peter leaning her head on his shoulder. She felt warn out.*

*Peter throws a glance to Velvet giving a cocky grin before he talks.*

"I saw we leave him. There is still 4 of us, and the most that will happen will be we brush up more, and try again. We were fine before we met him we will be fine now."

*Jess sits up and looks at Pete scowling. She dident like they wanted to leave Carson behind. She had considered him a friend, a real member of the team but now they wanted to turn there back on him.

There was nothing she could do to stop them and if she herself dident agree to go she had no doubt they would leave her as well.*

"Fine, lets pack up and go. But this dosent mean I agree with this."

*Jess stands discusted and grabs her bag heading into the dimlit bedroom to pack her things.*


For what seems like a small disruption to onlookers, it feels like mad chaos to the five teammates as they’re split up on the run.

Velvet is a safe distance away and simply turns her back at the bar, downing a drink and keeping her head low as the security men and bouncers shove their way by. Seeing Jess and Peter struggling out of the corner of her eye, she hesitates, but knows to stay put and stay out of the mess. It’s not until a quiet settles that she casually makes her way back up to the room.

Sean slinks along the back wall, watching the action and feeling his way to the side door. Too soon though he sees a bouncer coming in his direction, and puts on some speed, making it out the door just in time. Once out, his feet pound the pavement until he vaults over a fence and into a clump of bushes until everything is quiet again. Peeking around the darkness and seeing no one, he finally heads back toward their meeting place.

Carson catches on quickly and is fast to make a beeline for the back door, skirting around a woman who shrieks at him, and whirling into a waiter with a tray of empty drink glasses. Unfortunately, the crash draws more attention, and he’s caught near the back by a tall, broad bouncer who isn’t in the mood for games.

Before Carson knows what’s happening, he’s been belted in the mouth and is on the floor. Being picked up by the collar, he jabs his knee into the other man’s gut. Dropped back to his feet, Carson hits the floor running, stumbling into a table and finally making it out the back door.

But just as he thinks he’s clear, a figure steps out of the shadows, blocking his path. It was an irate gambler who had caught on as to what was happening, and feeling cheated, he wanted his money back.

Carson tries to avoid a fight by dodging around him, but it doesn’t work. A scuffle ensues and Carson hold the upper hand easily until the man suddenly grabs a brick from the ground and slams it into the side of Carson’s head…

Velvet paces the hotel room floor impatiently. “I don’t know where he is!” She throws up her hands in response to Sean’s questioning. “Everyone was out of sight before I came back here.” She looks to Jess, then Peter, then Sean again. The clock on the wall ticked away the minutes. “Maybe he got caught.”

Carson groans and rolls over, feeling the blood oozing down from the gash on his head. Putting a hand to the side of his face, he can feel the blood smear, and he grimaces. How long had he been out? He didn’t think it had been long.

Getting himself in a sitting position, he spies his wallet a couple feet away. Retrieving it proves that it’s empty of all money. His ID was still there, but he was now holding no plastic or cash.

Growling a curse under his breath, he picks himself up and staggers for a moment down the dark alley behind the building. His head felt as if it was splitting in two.

Making his way inside, he’s careful not to see too many people who might gawk at his condition, and finally makes it up to the quiet hall where the room was. Reaching the door, his hand is just resting on the knob when he hears Velvet’s voice.

“I say we leave.”

Sean raises his eyebrows. “What? Leave him here?”

“As if you care?” Velvet crosses her arms as she sits on the edge of the bed. “He obviously got caught, and if he did, then he’s not good enough to be on this team. He could be telling them right now who all of us are and we’ll never be able to come back anywhere near this place.”

Sean paces a little, unsure of this. He glances to Jess and Peter, then back to Velvet. “Give him five more minutes.”

“Why?!” Velvet rolls her eyes. “We’ve been waiting long enough. No-shows are left behind.”

“Even though he’s your boyfriend?” Sean’s words come out a little sarcastically.

Velvet smirks at him. “Was. Isn’t this what you wanted anyway? I told you I was going to get rid of him – this just speeds things up.”

Sean’s face reddens slightly.

Velvet grins. “What? You think you and I were the only ones who knew?” She throws back her head and laughs. “You poor thing. The rest of the world isn’t as naive as you, ya know.” She stands up, slinging her arms around Sean’s waist from behind. “Come on…you know I’m right. Let’s just walk away. Then you can have me without hiding behind corners.” A sly look of arrogance is tossed in Peter’s direction.

She then looks around Sean to Jess. “If Carson still has two feet to walk on, he’ll make it back. Let’s get out of here while we still can. I don’t want any goons coming up here and sniffing around. We’re still at risk here.”

Carson’s hand slips from the doorknob and he stares at the closed door for several seconds. The words he’d just heard shouldn’t affect him, but they sent an unexpected shock through his system.

Velvet wanted to get rid of him? And she’d been seeing Sean? For how long? Had Carson been that blind? And now Velvet was going far enough to just leave him here? Stranded? That was going beyond hitting below the belt.

An anger begins to boil within him. How dare anyone treat him like this. He had half a notion to kick the door in, then go punch Sean’s lights out. It would certainly make him feel better. Not to mention he’d have a few choice words to say to the woman he’d been living with.

But as Carson grabs the doorknob one more time, something stops him. It was a feeling he didn’t recognize, but it was strong enough to hold him back. It was strong enough that it crept up beside his anger, overcoming even that.


It was a new sensation and one that Carson didn’t like. He’d just been proven to be a total loser in more ways than one, and in front of people he’d just been calling friends.

Gritting his teeth, Carson slowly backs away from the room and goes around the corner to go unseen. He reaches up, wiping away some more blood from the side of his head. What kind of fool had he just been made out to be? What kind of fool had he really been? And how on earth had he let himself get into this vulnerable position? He’d just been put down and outsmarted, by a woman no less. The feelings this all evoked were ones that he didn’t know how to handle.

He’d never been one to back down from a fight. He’d never been one to let something go like this. And suddenly Carson comes to a hard realization. He’d never have let this go before…but…obviously he was not the same man he used to be. No matter how hard he’d tried to slide back into this lifestyle, he had failed. He wasn’t a good guy and he wasn’t a bad guy. He was stuck between worlds, and it was an uncomfortable position to be in…one that evoked embarrassment for his blindness, and an ire for what had happened.

Unable to just stand here any longer, the anger and humiliation drive him to leave the corner and stalk down the back hall to the side exit. Velvet wanted him gone, so be it. She hadn’t heard the last from him, but for tonight…it was to his advantage to walk away. The table was no longer hot, and it was time for him to get out before getting in any deeper. He had lost this hand.

Kyle laughs and shakes is head. "I better not fall asleep behind the wheel."

After grabbing the blanket to throw in the backseat and closing the tailgate of the truck, he slides in to the driver's seat to start the long drive home.

The night is clear with a bright moon lighting their way along with a million stars smiling down on them. Kyle keeps the radio going to help keep him from becoming drowsy as he sings along, especially when they get closer to town and a JetStream song comes on. Making one stop for something to drink, it's on to town.
Finally getting back, the truck clock reads one-thirty a.m.

Kyle pulls into the parking lot at Mom and Pop's. It was strange being here at this hour. Everything was dark. There was no activity.
He parks next to Misty's car so she doesn't have to walk far, and lets out a weary sigh.

"Well..." He turns to grin at her. "Drive safe." He tosses her a wink. "I had fun. We'll have to do this again sometime."

Waiting until he's sure Misty is safely on her way back home, Kyle pulls back out onto the street to head across town...

Kyle lets himself into the apartment, locking the door behind him and quietly making his way through the living room. The tv was still on, but Phil wasn’t moving on the couch, apparently asleep.


As Kyle makes it to the hall, he’s stopped.

“Welcome back.”

He swings back around to go up behind the couch and lean on it, looking down at his sleepy brother. “Hey.”

“Have a good time?”


“Where’d you go?”

“Amusement park.” Kyle stands up straight, wandering to the kitchen were he flips on the light to get a glass of water.

Phil sits up, watching him. “Jam session went well.”

“Good, good.”

Phil cocks his head. “So…since when does my brother stay out with a girl until the wee hours of the morning?”

Kyle downs a glass of water, then puts the glass in the sink. Shutting the light back off, he returns to the living room. “Since the girl needed to get away and laugh for a while.”

“And you?”


“It was all for her? You, uh…didn’t do it for personal enjoyment either?”

Kyle squints in the dim light at his brother’s face. “What are you getting at?”

Phil grins up at him. “Kyle and Misty…” His tone indicates his teasing. “Don’t think I would have ever guessed that one.”

Now that Kyle sees what Phil is doing, he rolls his eyes and turns around. “Good night.”

“So now what?” Phil calls after him with a laugh. “You be leaving the band so you can spend more time on dates or what?”

Kyle spins around to glare at him. “Drop it, Phil.” His voice warns his brother. “Just cut the jabs and let me be for once alright?”

Phil’s eyebrows shoot up as he watches his brother stalk down the hall to his bedroom. “I didn’t…” His voice trails off, knowing Kyle can’t hear him. “Mean to rile you…” That was strange. Kyle hardly ever snapped at anyone, let alone from being teased about a girl. The guys teased him all the time, and he fed off of it, he didn’t retaliate. Maybe things hadn’t gone as well tonight as he’d indicated? Or…?

Phil shakes his head and shuts off the tv. He’d wait until morning to test those waters again. For now, he’d just let his confusion lie.

The chase

*Taking in Kyle's kiss for the long moment Misty feels like she is almost floating. This moment now, these emotions who would of know that they would have exsisted. The feelings that were buryed who would of relized they were there till now.

As Kyle pulls away and they lock eyes again Misty grins. She could tell her own cheeks were red but really dident mind much.

Giving a laugh at Kyle's comment Misty playfuly swats his arm. His humor helped make the embaresment a little less.*

"Well I am glad you will stay awake on the way home. I could not have you falling alseep on me now could I have?"

*Giving another laugh Misty turns and jumps into the front of Kyles jeep and before they are on there way home. Misty's mind raced as the scenery of the night past. The good feeling inside of her made she smile, yes the road to happyness was coming again. With any hope That could continue and Misty would be ok.*

*The night goes good and everyone follows the lead well, hot tables come up than get cold signaling to move on. The card are kept count and never was anyone confused. They were doing it, actully doing it and they were making a killing.

As the night draws on and the morning hours come Jess keeps her eyes out untill she stops Sean and see his signal. Scanning the room fast she catches the bouncers that are moving in fast. Geathering her own chips up and lets out a yawn and runs her hand through her hair before saying.*

"Welp I better stop here before my luck changes. Thank you for the games."

*And like a chain reaction Peter does the same passing the running hand message along.

As Jess goes to leave one of the bouncers reaches out and grabs her arm turning her around.*

"We'd like a word with you."

*Jess blood rushes the look in his eyes showing they new.

Peter acts fast and moves to the bouncer that had Jess. Giving a low kick he takes his feet out from under causing him to let Jess go. Pete grabs Jess arm and gets her to her feet.

Bending down Jess grabs her bag and looks to the other.*

"Run, get out."

*With out a second through Jess gives a jump and starts booking it. A few more bounces on her tail Jess dosent slow down. Running around people, around tables, up steps, jumping over table she dosent slow down and doent look back she can only hope her friends had made it out as well.

Bursting out of casino door Jess keeps running and than takes a sharp turn down an ally way sliding on the pavment and scrapping her knee. Wasting no time her jumps up again and heads to behind a dumpster waiting for the bouncers to go by.

The minutes go by as Jess stays in hidding till finally she comes out and causily exits the ally way looking left, and than looking right. Making her way back to the hotel room she keeps her head down and goes to the room. Opening the door Jess enters.

Peter sits up fast as he hears the door open. Seeing Jess enter he relaxes and gives a wave.*

"You made it?"

*Jess looks at Peter and nods.*

"I'm here aint I? The others back yet?"

*Peter shakes his head.*

"Not yet."


As Misty turns around to face Kyle, he feels himself drawn in by her stare. He knew what was going through her mind...the look in her eye says it all. Even still, as she moves in and her lips touch his, his reflexes cause him to tense, wanting him to pull away. But he manages to refuse the impulse. It was too warm...too sweet.

Kyle's pulse races as he receives her kiss, a tingle running throughout, and for a moment, he finds himself unable to move. But allowing it to linger, he gradually moves his hands tighter around Misty, one hand on her shoulder, the other letting his fingers cradling her face, then sliding back to comb through her soft hair. Slowly, gently he begins to return the kiss, caught up in the feelings it evoked.

Eventually, Kyle softly pulls away, his eyes locking with Misty's. He knew his face was beat red but he didn't care. The night hid it well. The moonlight reflected in Misty's eyes, and he felt as though he could stare at them for eternity.

But his playful nature won't let sentiment last too long, and a grin quirks the corner of his mouth . "Now that's a ride worth going on twice." His grin widens and he reaches up to tip her nose with a finger. "I think I'll be able to stay awake on the way home now."

Carson's eyes are everywhere yet focused at the same time. He was good at acting, and dropping his accent for the evening wasn't hard. Settling in at a table, he keeps track of who's there and all the cards that are being played. For a while it's quiet. Nothing exciting.

A couple rounds later, Velvet appears to make her way into the scene, flirting with several men, and throwing Jess a glance only once to let her know she was on top of her role.
Sean settles back against the bar, surveying the room, striking up a conversation with someone slightly inebriated. It's easy to keep the dialogue up while at the same time keeping an eye on all the entrances and exits. Spotting bouncers and security, within a few minutes, he knows who to look out for.

The night goes on. It's early in the morning, the place is crowded, and people have come and gone, the crowd shifting like a wave. The five teammates have played their parts well, though impatience is on the verge.

Sean sighs as he plays with a corner slot machine for a while before returning to the bar. He'd memorized the room by now. He knew exactly where to head if anything went down. Their room was upstairs, but they'd all head outside first and scatter, then meet back at the room. Otherwise they might have trouble on their hands inside the building, and no one wanted that.

Carson tilts his chair back slightly, watching the players around him. He keeps a yawn from surfacing. Alcohol had been consumed slowly, his intention to keep his head clear enough to play smart.

Finally, a signal is spotted. A table is hot. Then the game really begins and mathematical skills are pushed to the limit. Sean watches the game. Jess, Peter and Carson were involved. Velvet was wandering the floor, acting just a little more intoxicated than she really was.

Sean casually lets things progress, but suddenly he spots one of the security men sniffing around the table and watching a little too intently. The man makes eyes with the bouncer across the room, then moves around behind Jess, then behind Peter. A slight nod is made to another security man.

They knew.

Sean puts his glass down and shakes hands with the man he'd been conversing with. After a brief exchange of farewell, he walks casually to the other side of the room. Once he's in a spot where Jess can see him, he stretches and yawns, running a hand through his hair and making a comment to someone that he should hit the hay before he passed out.


*As Misty feels Kyle move up behind her and can feel his arms run over her shoulders and to the front she reaches up and takes the teddy bear. Looking at it for a moment and running her fingers over the fer. So many things run through her mind but one this is certine sometime you need to let go and taking a chanse.

Holding the bear in one hand Misty's other stops Kyle's arms from retreating, keeping them around her. His warmth, his presence it was differnt, it was welcomed, it felt naturil. Leaning back a little into Kyles chest Misty thinks for a moment, she new she was reading Kyle right but she was still a tiny bit nervouse. Not of Kyle himself but about the feelings she was feeling. They were differnt but felt good. Misty sits up and turns so Kyles arms are still around her but she is not facing him. In her own soft voice she whispers back.*

"Thank you."

*Leaning forward her eyes lock with Kyle's again, she can feel herself being drawn in. Bringin her one arm that held the bear around to Kyle's back and her free hand to his face to cradle it, Misty takes a chanse as her lips press aganst Kyles. A shock of emotion running through like being zapped from an elecricl socket. Her heart races, and her adreninal rushes once again. As she lets the new feeling wash over her.*


Kyle listens to Misty, wondering if he read her tone correctly. Was she just having so much fun because she was getting away from thoughts of Carson, or was she really enjoying he time with Kyle because it was Kyle?

He is silent for several moments, just thinking. Crawling down to the end of the tailgate, he slides forward so his legs are dangling off the edge on either side of Misty. Reaching around her with both arms, he gives her the teddy bear that she’d left in the bed.

“You forgot someone,” he mentions quietly.


*Misty smiles back at Kyle and tilts her head finally sliding off the tail gate and streching before leaning aganst it again.*

"Mmm...I wish the firewords could go on forever to, because I don't want to go eather. I guess there are just some moments we wish could last for ever and this is one of them."

*Closing her eyes for a moment Misty can feel the heat rise on her neck and she replays what she said in her head. How cheesy did she really sound right now. She couldent help it though. For the first time in a while she felt good, semi normal again. Though she still had a long road ahead it was a start.*

Light up

Kyle rolls onto his side, propped up on an elbow as he accepts the picture. A smile spreads on his face. "Looks like we were having a lot of fun doesn't it?"

He glances up, studying Misty's face for a moment. "I don't think I could forget this either. Thanks for letting me have fun with you."

A gold firework shoots into the sky, sending a bright brilliance everywhere. Kyle cocks his head a little, a grin forming as he continues to study Misty's face. "Seeing your face light up was worth the miles it took to get here."

He gives a dry laugh, knowing that probably sounded stupid, and he looks back down, finally shifting his weight to sit up, leaning his head back against the window of the truck. He looks at the picture again, enjoying it for several seconds. The odd sensation was back and he tries to suppress it.

Swallowing hard, he looks over at Misty. "I guess the dwindling fireworks are our cue to get on out of here." He pauses, knowing he'd better shut up while he's ahead, but controlling his tongue never had come easily. "I don't want to leave."

Cloud Nine

*Misty holds the blue teddy bear Kyle won her as she sits in the back of the truck bed. The day had been wonderful and the distraction she needed. Now she only wish they dident have to go back. Running away from life was fun, it was the going back part the hurt the most sometimes.

If someone had asked Misty a few days ago who she would feel on this night she wouldent have been sure how to answer, but sitting here, now, she dident feel half bad. The day had been fun with Kyle. The laughing, the joking, the compatition that went on between them. It was a differnt side to Misty and not one she hated. Acting like a kid again had been fun.

Looking up at the sky as more fireword go off Misty lets out a sigh. In a word of hurt and a word of chaos there was still special moments, there were still fun times. Misty only hoped there would be more and that soon maybe oneday she could smile all the time again.

Turning her head Misty watches Kyle for a long moment. Watching as the firewords one by one go off lighting up his face. There was something differnt about him. Misty couldent put her finger on it but she new it was there. His jokes, his horseplay, everything he did seemed to coming to life and spread like a wild fire to each person that came into contact with him. Misty really had been enjoying what time she had been spending with him. Watching him a little while longer, her cheeks turn a light red color as an unexspected urge comes over her. Her heart raced and she felt herself move a little to Kyle as she could feel herself wanting a kiss from him. Misty dident understand where the feeling came from. Kyle was her friend, he had made no notion that he liked her more than a friendship not even a little bit. Misty dident want to rune her friendship if he dident, not to mention she couldent remeber when the last time she kissed anyone was let along even remember how.

Finally giving Kyle's arm a pat she slids forward alittle as the fireworks start to slow down. Turning her head she looks over her shoulder sweetly smiling at Kyle.*

"I had a really fun time today Kyle. Thank you for helping me forget my problems today. I had a great time. I have something for you."

*Misty hold up a picture from one of the rollercoasters of her clinging to his arm smiles on both of there faces.*

"That way you can remember this day too and I have my teddy to remember and a pic for myself as well. Though I dont think I could forget having this much fun."

*Jess enters the hotel room with the other and looks around. It was a fairly nice looking room and that pleased her. After going over a few more things a few more time Jess finally thinks everyone is ready.*

"Ok yeah thats a good idea Velvet. Don't wait to long though. The sooner we can just drive right in the less weary we will look."

*Jess exits the room and both boys follow her as she heads downstairs to where the cards tabels were.

Leaning on the railing she over looks everything servaying the area and making sure both Carson and Peter have some cash on them to start out. Finding two tables that are just starts Jess gives a nod.*

"Carson I want you to take the left table there and Peter I want you to take the right. Keep count...win some, lose some...keep you eyes out for Sean and Velvet, when the tables become hot give the signal so her and I can come in and long as you keep count and use the right code word to let us know what the count is at we should be as good as golden. Anyone asks your name give them a fake, dont get to drunk and most of all don't lose count. Good Luck boy, we are gonna hit it big."

*Jess smiles at Peter and Carson giving them a nod and a confadent look. If all went well they could be walking on cloud nine with a nice heafty load of dough to cast there worrys away.

Once the boys are at the table Jess stays leaning on the railing and orders the redbull and Vokda keep her eyes scaning the floor and the sarrounding areas, taking in and everything waiting for Sean and Velvet.*


Kyle can’t help his grin as Misty drags him to the first rollercoaster. As they get in, he rattles off dialogue as always. “Ladies and gentlemen, thank you for flying Misty Miller airlines.” The coaster starts to climb. “The weather seems calm and pleasant today so we home this will be an enjoyable flight.” The coaster reaches the top of the hill. “In case of an emergency, the exits are…” The coaster shoots downward, and Kyle’s last statement is lost to Misty’s shriek. His laughter rings out, his free arm held in the air, taking the ride for all it’s worth, his own whoop accompanying Misty’s scream.

Staggering alongside Misty once they’re off the rollercoaster, Kyle is breathing heavily and spins around once, as if totally having lost his bearings. “Methinks that is a definite ride to come back to,” he agrees.

As the day moves on, the merriment continues as well. The sunshine is warm, and the activity and excitement at the park is contagious.

Kyle is totally himself, goofing off at just the right times to bring an extra smile, or saying the right thing to bring on laughter.

Rides are conquered one by one, the competition started as to who can stand the most times on one ride. Supper is forgotten as concession stand food is downed, making stomachs a bit queezy but not enough to quit going for the rides.

Walking to the other corner of the park, Kyle licks his ice cream cone to keep it from dripping. Giving Misty a sidelong glance, he moves quickly, running a finger through the cold treat, then reaching over to swipe Misty’s nose playfully.

Trying to contain his laughter, he steps out of the way in fear of being swatted. “Got something on your nose,” he points out.

Time flies yet seems to go slow enough for the enjoyment of the day to last. With each ride comes a new adrenaline rush, and with each rush, more screams and laughter.

“Melady…” Kyle bows low, handing Misty a blue teddy bear that had been won at a game of luck. “For you.” He ends with a flourish of the hand. “And you better hang on to him tight, ‘cause I hear that rollercoaster calling my name again.”

On impulse, he grabs Misty in a playful side headlock to drag her to the rollercoaster again. “Hurry before everyone gets there first!” His statement is met with irony as there is no one in line, but he runs anyway, pulling Misty along with him until he’s laughing too much to keep it up.

With evening comes the chirp of crickets and a soothing quietness in the air. The few milling people in the park create ambient noise along with music and the rushing sound of the rollercoaster still going. But darkness has settled, bringing about an end to the excitement, a good feeling of weariness seeping into the bones.

“Ooh, that one was nice.” Kyle lies on his back on the blanket in the bed of his truck, looking up at the fireworks display.

A loud boom makes him cringe. “Yowza. And I thought Jason was loud with his guitar amp.” He chuckles, watching as another firework shoots into the air. “This’ll be a good one,” he predicts.

After a lame pop and a few fizzling colors, he has to laugh. “Okay, so maybe not.”

He sighs with content and puts his arms behind his head, not looking forward to the drive home. At least Misty could keep him awake on the way back. It was already late and he was getting tired. But it was a good tired. The day had been fun.

Velvet nods to Jess. “Yeah, last I knew he was still coming. Since we’re all riding together, I told him we’d pick him up on the way out of town.”

Carson leans back in his chair, his mind mulling over everything that had been discussed. He’d never been a card player in a scheme like this, though he’d been the lookout several times. He knew how the game worked, the rules, and how to get around them with numbers. With Jess’ expert leadership, this should be an easy take. If luck was with them and the right hands came along, they could definitely hit the jackpot.

The four remain at the bar for several more hours until finally splitting up to go get ready. Once four o’clock rolled around, they were back together again in Jess’ car, picking Sean up, and on their way.

Vegas. Lights. Activity. Action.

The hotel room was dim with a window looking out onto the highway. On the outskirts of the city it provided the base they needed. Here’s where they started out, and here is where they would meet again once everything was over.

“So how about you, Jess, and Peter and Carson heading out first and splitting up. Sean and I will follow up in a bit so we don’t all arrive at once.?”


*Misty smiles and gives Kyle a nod as her own quivering hand takes Kyle's. As they both walk to his truck Misty glance down at there hands as both fingers are interlocked together. Some would think that maybe to Misty that would of felt strange. The only person she had held hands with in a long time was Carson and now after everything that happend you would think it just felt bad to her. But as Misty looked she dident feel strange. Her hand shook but it wasent from fear, it was more from the situation they just came out of. Kyle's touch was warm and unexspectily comfortable not feeling out of place at all.*

*The rest of the lunch at Mom and Pop's is enjoyable and most try to stay off the subject of what happen earlyer. The rest of the time filled with laughter and jokes, old storys and new till finally its time to get back to work and continues the day.*

*Misty smiles as Kyle turns on the music and she watches the road signs. She couldent help but feel a little bit excited. She had been to an amusmint park since england. This would be alot of fun not to mention Kyle seemed like the best kind of person to take to a place like that.

Seeing a sign Misty points and yells over the music.*

"Take a right at the next exit. Thats the one we want...I think."

*Misty continues to look out the window checking the signs and listing to Kyle sing along to the raido joing in once and a while herself.*

*Getting to the bullseyes and ordering there food Jess finally starts up the conversation asking questions and making sure everyone new what they were doing.*

"Ok so....if I cross my arms behind my back like this.."

*Jess makes an X with her arms.*

"..than means the table is hott and come sitdown to play. Key words...if nothing alse remember the key wards so you know what the count is at, at the table. If I use paycheck in a sentince that means the count is at what Peter?"

*Peter takes a bit of his food than a swig of his beer before finally answering.*

"That means the count is at +13."

*Jess nods*

"...and if I say luck that means?"

*Peter pips up again ready to reply.*


*Jess smerks.*

"Good for you, you are paying attachen."

*Peter ignores the comment and goes back to eating.*

*Jess just rolls her eyes and continue.*

"One of the most important things to remember is a hand running through the hair means get out fast we have been spoted. Other than that its pretty smooth sailing. When we are out on the card floor you dont know eachother. Don't let on that you do. After your out whatever, but in there we are strangers and just suddaly watch our movments."

*Jess takes a swig of her own drink weting her dry throut.*

"Velvet is Sean still coming to be the look out?"

*Finally making it to the park and inside Misty scans the area. It wasent to busy today because it was the middle of the week and Misty dident mind it that way. Not many people ment no long lines to wait in.

Taking Kyle's hand once again Misty pulls him twords the first rollercoaster she see. Throwing him a grin she is bound to let this be a good time and not give her mind time to think.*

"If there is one thing I love more than anything in the world its rollercoasters. The faster, steaper hilled, loopyer the better even though I scream my head off."

*Still holding Kyles hand Misty walks through the empty line making her way with Kyle upfront. Not having a line was great as they were able to just get right on. Picking the front row seat Misty gets in and grins to Kyle next to her.

As the ride starts Misty sits with her hands on the safty bar as the climb the hill. Finally reaching the top and looking out over the whole park Misty addrenial rushes as they plung down the hill. Out of pure instince Misty takes hold of Kyles arm and gives a scream as the go down the hill, up another around a turn, through a loop down and up another spiraling and than finally coming to a stop where Misty is still clinging to Kyles arm only to finally let go when they come to a stop.

Staggering a little as they get out of the car Misty cant help but laugh as she looks at Kyle, her face was red but it wasent from crying this time it was from screaming. Her blood pumped, her heart raced and that was only the first ride they went on. Now she was ready for much more fun with Kyle. Misty eyes lock with his for a moment, and a strange sensation rushes over her. Figuring it was just her adrenialin from the ride Misty brushs it off trying to catch her breath.*

"Ok, that was fun...we are gonna have to ride that one again before we go I can tell you that."

*Misty walks along side Kyle following him to the next ride wonder what one he will pick.*