

*Misty smiles and gives Kyle a nod as her own quivering hand takes Kyle's. As they both walk to his truck Misty glance down at there hands as both fingers are interlocked together. Some would think that maybe to Misty that would of felt strange. The only person she had held hands with in a long time was Carson and now after everything that happend you would think it just felt bad to her. But as Misty looked she dident feel strange. Her hand shook but it wasent from fear, it was more from the situation they just came out of. Kyle's touch was warm and unexspectily comfortable not feeling out of place at all.*

*The rest of the lunch at Mom and Pop's is enjoyable and most try to stay off the subject of what happen earlyer. The rest of the time filled with laughter and jokes, old storys and new till finally its time to get back to work and continues the day.*

*Misty smiles as Kyle turns on the music and she watches the road signs. She couldent help but feel a little bit excited. She had been to an amusmint park since england. This would be alot of fun not to mention Kyle seemed like the best kind of person to take to a place like that.

Seeing a sign Misty points and yells over the music.*

"Take a right at the next exit. Thats the one we want...I think."

*Misty continues to look out the window checking the signs and listing to Kyle sing along to the raido joing in once and a while herself.*

*Getting to the bullseyes and ordering there food Jess finally starts up the conversation asking questions and making sure everyone new what they were doing.*

"Ok so....if I cross my arms behind my back like this.."

*Jess makes an X with her arms.*

"..than means the table is hott and come sitdown to play. Key words...if nothing alse remember the key wards so you know what the count is at, at the table. If I use paycheck in a sentince that means the count is at what Peter?"

*Peter takes a bit of his food than a swig of his beer before finally answering.*

"That means the count is at +13."

*Jess nods*

"...and if I say luck that means?"

*Peter pips up again ready to reply.*


*Jess smerks.*

"Good for you, you are paying attachen."

*Peter ignores the comment and goes back to eating.*

*Jess just rolls her eyes and continue.*

"One of the most important things to remember is a hand running through the hair means get out fast we have been spoted. Other than that its pretty smooth sailing. When we are out on the card floor you dont know eachother. Don't let on that you do. After your out whatever, but in there we are strangers and just suddaly watch our movments."

*Jess takes a swig of her own drink weting her dry throut.*

"Velvet is Sean still coming to be the look out?"

*Finally making it to the park and inside Misty scans the area. It wasent to busy today because it was the middle of the week and Misty dident mind it that way. Not many people ment no long lines to wait in.

Taking Kyle's hand once again Misty pulls him twords the first rollercoaster she see. Throwing him a grin she is bound to let this be a good time and not give her mind time to think.*

"If there is one thing I love more than anything in the world its rollercoasters. The faster, steaper hilled, loopyer the better even though I scream my head off."

*Still holding Kyles hand Misty walks through the empty line making her way with Kyle upfront. Not having a line was great as they were able to just get right on. Picking the front row seat Misty gets in and grins to Kyle next to her.

As the ride starts Misty sits with her hands on the safty bar as the climb the hill. Finally reaching the top and looking out over the whole park Misty addrenial rushes as they plung down the hill. Out of pure instince Misty takes hold of Kyles arm and gives a scream as the go down the hill, up another around a turn, through a loop down and up another spiraling and than finally coming to a stop where Misty is still clinging to Kyles arm only to finally let go when they come to a stop.

Staggering a little as they get out of the car Misty cant help but laugh as she looks at Kyle, her face was red but it wasent from crying this time it was from screaming. Her blood pumped, her heart raced and that was only the first ride they went on. Now she was ready for much more fun with Kyle. Misty eyes lock with his for a moment, and a strange sensation rushes over her. Figuring it was just her adrenialin from the ride Misty brushs it off trying to catch her breath.*

"Ok, that was fun...we are gonna have to ride that one again before we go I can tell you that."

*Misty walks along side Kyle following him to the next ride wonder what one he will pick.*

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