
Whole story

Alice cant help but laugh at the display that Kyle and Hunter were putting on knowing it was all done in good fun. The joking really helped Alice feel at home like maybe she did belong here.

Looking at Kyle, than turning to look at Hunter, than back to Kyle Alice's smile grows a little bit bigger. A light laugh in her voice at the joking.

"Two men hungering for my affection what ever shall I do. Maybe it should be a duel."

Laughing again Alice just shakes her head before leaning back a little and giving a stretch.

Sitting down at the table in the back with some water Aerith takes a small sip. It hadnt been a hassle but it was more work than she would of thought of.

Looking up at Con Aerith smiles. It had been a while since she had seen Con. Mable and Herb has told her he was doing ok, but it was nothing like actully seeing him.

"Oh I am doing pretty good. I've been just consintrating on working and spending time with that boyfriend of mine. How about you? Any luck with finding a job?"

A bit saprised to see Carson Angelica smile as he comes in. Before to long she has the whole story and the whole low down on everything that was going on.

Once he is finished talking Angelica goes over everything in her own mind for a moment before looking to him and grabbing a new peace of paper.

"That morning that your daughter showed up at the restront where were you and the night before too? Where you with Misty that she can vouch for you that you had nothing to do with this?"

Continuing to think Angelica knows this is something very delicit that would need to be delt with. When a child is involved in anything its hard.

"Mmm...I am going to have to talk to the people who are taking the other side as well and see what they are going by. If the only have one person who says this is what happend the really dont have much to go on."

Fair Maiden

As the group jogs around the park on their last lap, Kyle spots Alice at the far end. "Later guys." He breaks off from the others, heading in her direction.

"Hey, not so fast." Hunter goes after him.

Kyle looks over his shoulder and grins. "Last one there has to ride on top of the bus!"

Within a moment, both men had gone from a slow jog to an all-out sprint across the park, cutting through the grass instead of staying on the path. Halfway there, both start to tire, but they remain side-by-side, neither letting the other gain ground. Getting closer though, Kyle takes the lead.

Racing to Alice, he skids to a stop right as he gets to the bench, sliding in next to her, totally out of breath. "Good morning!"

But as he speaks, Hunter has reached them as well, and slides down on his stomach behind the bench, reaching under it to grab Kyle's ankles and pull.

Giving a wail, Kyle is yanked off his seat, falling forward, then pulled backward under the bench.

With his adversary out of the way, Hunter vaults over the bench to plop down next to Alice instead. "Hey babe!"

"Not fair!" Kyle hollers from the ground. Picking himself up, he scoots in on the other side of Alice, slinging an arm around her shoulders to claim her as his triumph, not Hunter's. "Don't let him scare you, my fairest maiden. I shall protect you!"

Con chuckles and shakes his head at Aerith. "Well, I think I remember a thing or two Herb's shown me. We'll get things shut down without burning the place up."

He puts his car keys in his pocket and comes all the way into the kitchen, ready to help. It doesn't take long, and the task of shutting everything off is complete. Con helps clean off the counter, then gives everything a glance again to make sure it looks okay. Leaning back against the sink, he cocks his head at Aerith. "How are things with you anyway? I haven't been around here much lately."

A slight smile forms on Carson's lips. "Thanks, Nate. I appreciate it. I'm just going around in so many circles right now, I don't know which way is up. I got Herb giving me a restaurant, I got Ryder who hates me for killing his brother, I got a brother in the TJY brig, and now this whole thing with a daughter showing up out of the blue..." He takes a deep breath. "Right now all I want to do is stay out of trouble."

Getting to TJY, Carson is able to see Angelica, and tells her the whole story, giving her all the details he could remember, and ending on asking her for help. He couldn't afford much, but he'd pay her when he could if they could work something out.

Pacing back and forth, Carson finally stops and looks at Angelica lamely. "So that's it. I gotta appear in court and I don't know what they're going to try. I'm just glad they didn't hold me."

Figure it out

Turning around to Con's voice Aerith gives a small smile as she walks over closer making sure she was closed enough he could hear her.

"Well its a big long story that I wont get into now but Carson had to leave, and I cant run this place at lunch time alone it get WAY WAY to busy. Well I can but not efficiently, so Carson told me to shut it down."

Aerith takes in a deep breath knowing she didnt leave to make space in her sentince.

"So I got everything but the kitchen done. I am not sure how to turn this stuff off and I dont want to mess anything up so I thought maybe you could help me figure it out."

Nate gives a nod as Carson as he gets into the car. Nate new Carson had been doing so well with staying on the right path and getting the feeling that maybe this time was not really his doing Nate didnt have a hard time agreeing to help.

"Yeah I am pretty sure she is in the office at the moment. If we are lucky we can catch her before she leaves for another case she was working on."

Pulling away from the curb again Nate is quiet as he listens to Carson and the reason for needing a lawyer. Not being able to help a bit of saprise that was more than likly plasted all over his face Nate gives a small shake of his head.

"You must have some kind of way to prove you didnt kiddnap her. I have no doubt that Lockheart will be able to help you. Let her know to if you need anyone to vouch for you about how you have changed I'll be the first one to say something."

Feeling bad for Carson Nate let out a small sigh. The guy couldnt get a brake for anything no matter what he did and it killed him to think things like this kept happing back to back.

Coming up to her Jeep with coffee in hand Alice unlocks the door and pulls out her laptop. Ambaling over to a park bench she sits down to just relax and wait knowing that the other were on there morning run. Her walk had been a little longer than planed as the coffee shop was a bit farther away than planed but it felt good and the strech was nice.

Watching as the group runs around one of the bends Alice gives a smile. Watching them train was nice and seeing there enthuseasm had its own pumping rush for her as well to continue.

Looking back down at her laptop Alice new they would be a little bit and didnt mind at all. Not being cramped in her jeep felt good and the air was nice too.