

Though startled, Ryder doesn't hesitate to wrap his arms around Thirteen's shaking frame. He starts to rock her gently, running a hand through her tangled hair. "Shh, shh... it's okay. Calm down... you're safe, you're safe." His tone is soft and comforting.

Trooper gave another little whine and sat down to watch the both of them, seeming to be satisfied that someone had finally come to rescue the girl from her sleep.

Ryder holds Thirteen for a few more minutes, doing his best to calm her down. Holding her, he realizes just how malnourished she is. He wonders when her last good meal was, if ever. Feeling her course hair, he wonders when the last time was that she'd been pampered, if ever. Seeing her clothes, he wonders when the last time was that she'd been shopping, if ever. She was a number... that's all she'd ever been. Ryder didn't know her story... he didn't know if she'd been with the Agency since birth, or just the last month. But he didn't have to. It was instincts that told him this girl had been with the Agency for most of her life, and he knew good and well that if they were willing to trade her off, that she had not been an agent of status. And if you didn't have status with the Agency, you were just a tool to be used and abused.

"Shh..." Ryder finds Thirteen's face to wipe her eyes. "It's okay."

He takes a swipe at his own lip, wiping away the slowly-flowing blood. That was all he needed to add to his day. He didn't want to scare the girl.

"You're alright... do you want to tell me about it?"

Laura blinks, stunned by the words that were flung in her direction. They come fast and strong, almost biting. She takes a step back, not used to Nate talking to her this way.

"I... But... it..." She tries to get a word in, but it doesn't work. Nate was too fired up to pause long enough for her to say anything.

Laura tries to make sense of everything Nate was saying, though her own temper started to flare. Her fists ball up at her sides and she grits her teeth, wanting to shout at him for taking out his frustrations on her and Ryder. But even so, she held her tongue as he continued.

She saw conflict in his eyes. She saw his anger, his hurt, and his disappointment. She saw that he didn't want to be saying these things, but felt the need. She saw tears backed up behind his eyes and she knew that once again, she had hurt him.

As Nate's hand touches her face, she doesn't move. She only stares him in the eye, not pulling away, but not leaning into his hand either. And watching him walk away makes her want to scream.

Spinning around, Laura takes several deep breaths, wincing and putting a hand back to her side. This was all wrong. This was just all wrong. It was stupid. She had no idea where Nate was getting this. She and Ryder were just friends! What was Nate's problem? If he'd had a problem in the first place, he should have said he didn't want Ryder living at the house in the beginning! But he hadn't! So now he decides to lambast her when he was stressed out over who knows how many things?

Growling under her breath, Laura stalks back to her cubicle. Windows or not, she was taking Henry and going home. She was supposed to have several days off to recover anyway. She'd wanted to be here so she wouldn't be alone, but apparently she wasn't wanted.

Within minutes, she's aimed for the door, not even stopping to tell anyone she was leaving.

Reese lifts his eyebrows at Nate's request. It wasn't strange that anybody wanted time off. Everyone had been so stressed out over finding Katie, that several others were taking a couple days as well.

"Um, no, that's okay. We got a lot of things backed up after putting all our resources to finding Katie, but... we can manage."

He cocks his head, studying Nate's face. He didn't need to know Nate's personal reasons... it might not be any of his business. But they were more than an office around here, and he felt compelled to ask. "Is... there something wrong?"

The court session seemed to drag on forever. Carson's headache grew worse, and halfway through, his hair was wet with sweat. Though he knew the room was air-conditioned, he felt hot and just wanted out.

Through further questioning, he did his best, sticking to his and Angelica's plan. Surely the judge would see the truth... wouldn't he?

Carson doesn't have time to meet Misty's eyes again, and it was just as well. Not only was she his girlfriend, but she was a doctor and had probably already picked up on his symptoms and figured out what they were from. For that reason alone, he avoided her gaze.

The only strange feelings he got were from a man that sat back in the corner of the room. He never moved, and was never a part of the proceedings. But he was watching and listening intently, studying what went on.

Carson's attention is whipped back to the case as the judge has his words. Now they would find out.

The judge sighs deeply, looking at both the prosecution and defendant. "This case has many more sides to it than it appeared on the surface. I feel a lot of underlying motives that can never be proved or disproved."

He pauses in thought, checking his notes. "Mr. Banks, I find that you could very well have benefited by kidnapping Mackenzie. There are many ways you could have taken advantage of that situation and received personal gains."

Carson's heart sinks as he slides a little lower in his seat.

The judge continues. "However, I see no proof of this. While a case has been built against you, there is no proof that you intended to kidnap your daughter, or even gain from her being with you. Nor have you even shown signs of ever wanting custody of her. What I do have proof of, is Miss Jones' strong feelings against single fathers and their fights for custody. Because of this, I'm inclined to believe that while she may or may not have been involved in any plots, she indeed took advantage and may have blown this case out of proportion."

Heather's eyes flicker with anger and she shoots Carson an icy stare. He ignores her.

The judge pauses again, folding his hands. "All evidence presented in this case has been circumstantial. Whether I believe Mr. Banks to be innocent or not, I cannot rule that he be found guilty, simply because it is not beyond a reasonable doubt. If he wishes to fight for custody of his daughter, that is to be taken up in another court. As for this case, I am hearby releasing Mr. Banks and closing this case." He taps his gavel. "Case dismissed."

Murmurs spread through the room as the prosecution bench argues within itself about whose fault the loss was.

Carson closes his eyes for a moment, breathing a sigh of relief, and thanking God. It was over. Looking to Angelica, his gaze shows he's sorry for being such a mess, but he's thankful for her work. "Thank you." Standing up, he offers her his hand. "I had a feeling that with you around, it would be hard to lose."

Making his way out into the large hall, the moving air felt good. But his knees were wobbly and he just wanted to sit a moment before trying to walk home.

Finding a bench, Carson eases down and rests his elbows on his knees, putting his face in his hands. He didn't think about the fact that Misty would have to walk by on her way out. It was over. It was all over. And yet... he tries to push aside the little nagging in his heart. No... no, no. It was over.... over, over, over.

He sighs. His head hurt. His tailbone hurt. How ironic that he could feel so badly after winning their case.


Just stairing back at Ryder something inside Nate softens a little and gives him a small feeling a guilt wells inside for hitting his friend. His anger is great though and as hard as stone not letting the feeling could out.

Watching Ryder leave Nate dosent even hear Laura come over untill she talks. Bringing his head back to face her Nate just eyes her a long moment as he trys to calm his temper down. He didnt want to be angry with Laura, he didnt like that feeling but it was so hard right now.

Finally finding the words to talk Nate new his anger would not cool anymore. He had stood by for to long and watched.

"I liked to know how you think its ok to let somone kiss you? or close enough for a back rub that was rather intamint. While your answering questins maybe you can answer me how its ok to let someone know personal details about you that I havent even seen. Your scar it not exacly in a hey looks at this spot. You probley would like how it made you feel seeing another woman kiss you would you and you would probley have your bother pummel me. Did you ever think about how that stuff made me feell?"

Nate is quiet again for a moment, he tryed not to let the words come out that he wanted to say, but he had to, It hurt so much and Laura had to know.

"Luara I will love you till the day I die, your the woman I want, and your the woman I need. But I cant sit by any longer and watch you flirt with Ryder, and let things happen that shouldent. I have been pashent, and let go on for quiet a while now. Its turning me into the guy I dont like to be."

Nate sucks in a breath and he searches Laura's eyes..his own heart was breaking and he didnt know if his eyes were watering or not.

"I have to think about my sister and myself now. I promised I would never push her away again and because my anger is getting in the way I am. I cant have that happen. I am sorry Laura but this cant work like this. Once you figure out what you want and if you come to the conclustion it really is me, You will know where to find me and I will be there."

Running one last finger down Laura's face Nate steps through his cubicle and turns to head twords Reese office not even letting Laura the chanse to reply. If he stayed he would see the look in her eyes and change his mind about this whole thing, but he could.

Giving a small knock on Reese door he waited to him to reply before entering. Talkng a seat in one of the nice soft chairs Nate is quiet for a moment before looking up at Reese.

"I know now it not the best time but I need a leave of absence for personal reasons."

Nate looks at Reese, he hurt, he didnt know what to think or what would happen he just needed some time away. Maybe take Maggie camping, or to a fair, he just need time.

Lost in her dream Thirteen can hardly feel Ryder shaking her. She new she had to awake, she new she had to get away. Hearing his familure voice break through the darkness of her sleep Thirteen shoots up from bed with another scream.

Turning her head to see Ryder she scoots closer to him and calapses into his lap tears coming from he eyes as she holds on to him for comfort.

Listening intently Angelica sits and waits for her turn, just listing to everything that was said to Carson.

When her turn finally comes up for every questions she had an answer and every answer she had a question. Firing one after another to the procicuter, or Carson even Heather herself.

Angelica did her best bring everything out and not holding any punches. She defended Carson and made his rep know that he was not that man anymore and thought he new it was not safe for his daughter he was a good guy and should at least be able to see her when she wanted. She did all she could for Carson.

Sitting down again and keeping her arms crossed Angelica looked to Carson with a reasurning nod. It was time to wait now, they had done all they could for now.


Ryder is taken totally by surprise. He doesn't even see Nate's flying fist coming. As it connects with his mouth, he reels backward, knocking into another cubicle and falling to one knee.

Fighting reflexes kick in and he's back up in an instant to face Nate, but does not retaliate. Nate's words are like a second slap to the face, stinging all the more. Ryder's eyes are wide with confusion, hurt and anger for being hit.

Wiping his lip, he glances down at his hand where he finds blood. He looks back up at Nate and just stares at him for the longest moment. He could easily try to defend himself. He could easily try to explain. He could easily fight back. But he saw the look in Nate's eye and knew that nothing he did would matter. He had crossed a forbidden line.

Without a word, he spins on his heel and walks away. More than his lip had been broken.

Laura is just coming up from paying attention to Henry when she glances across the room. What she saw made her jaw drop and her heart skip a beat. What on earth... Her eyes narrow as she makes her way over to Nate's cubicle as quickly as she can, holding a hand to her sore side.

Arriving just in time to see Ryder disappear down the hall, she whips her head around to Nate with a glare. "What do you think you're doing? What did you do that for?!"

Ryder stalks down the hall, aiming for the bathroom to nurse his wound. His stomach churned and fire burned in his eyes. He knew exactly what had just happened, and he knew exactly the consequences that would occur. And it didn't feel good.

Getting to the bathroom door, he's just about to open it when he hears a scream. Backing up, he realizes that it's coming from the spare room. A chill runs down his spine and he forgets about himself. Sprinting to the door, he throws it open, ready to fend off somebody, but he finds only Thirteen and Trooper.

The dog was pacing and whining, nudging Thirteen lightly with his nose, but unable to wake the sleeping girl. Ryder sees her writhing on the floor, obviously in the middle of a nightmare.

His heart still pounding, he slides down on his knees next to her. Reaching out, he takes her shoulder gently. "Hey, hey," he croons. "Come on, wake up. You're okay... it's just a dream, wake up."

Guilt is written all over Carson's face. He knows that while he was mostly sober, someone as smart as Angelica could easily deduct what he'd been up to. He's just as glad that they don't have enough time for her to give him a reprimand.

Going over last-minute details, Carson can feel the knots forming in his stomach. They had a won case... he knew they did. But that didn't mean the process would be pleasant. They knew that Heather had a personal grudge against single fathers, but Carson would still have to endure an interrogation in front of the judge.

It was too soon before Carson was on the stand. There was a handful of other people there. Heather had several others with her, all of their noses in the air with a confidence that made his blood boil. And then there was... Misty? Surprise flickers in Carson's eye as he catches her gaze for an instant before his attention is drawn back to the slick lawyer in front of him. The games began. Questions were fired, answers were given. Carson had a hard time concentrating, his hangover worsening each time he had to think.

"Mr. Banks, is it true that when Mackenzie was with you, that you had a phone conversation with Heather Jones?"


"And is it true that she told you to take Mackenzie to your local authorities?"


"And did you do as you were told?"

Carson grits his teeth, his hands fidgeting in his lap out of sight. "No. I didn't want to-"

"Why didn't you do as you were told, Mr. Banks?" The prosecutor paces in front of the stand. "Why didn't you do as Heather Jones requested?"

"I didn't want the girl to go through any unnecessary trauma."

"But staying with you - her kidnapper - that didn't seem traumatic to you?"

"I didn't kidnap her."

"Mr. Banks, were you aware that keeping Mackenzie with you was illegal?"

Carson hesitates. But he and Angelica had agreed to total honesty. "Yes."

"And yet you still chose to keep her. Why?"

"I just told you."

"Isn't it true that you wanted to keep Mackenzie and gain custody?"


"Isn't it true that you saw an opportunity for control by gaining access to your daughter?"


The prosecutor's voice rises as well. "Isn't it true that you hired someone to kidnap your daughter, so she would be brought to you, so you could hold her for personal gain?"


The prosecutor chuckles and shakes his head. "You... have a record, Mr. Banks."

"I've been pardoned."

"Do you deny having a criminal past?"

Carson keeps himself from rolling his eyes as his shoulders drop. He hadn't been ready for this one. "I do not deny it."

"And... you think while having this past that your living quarters is a safe one?"

"I don't claim that it is or isn't. But-"

"Do you really think it's a safe environment for a little girl?"

Carson's had just about all he can take. "I never said I wanted her to live with me!" His tone rises with irritation. "I never said that I wanted to keep her or gain custody! Whether my residence is so-called "safe" or not doesn't matter because I never claimed to even want her with me."

The prosecutor remains calm. "So you did kidnap her for something else. Money? I understand you're renting an apartment with your sister. Are you financially stable?"

"Money doesn't have anything to do with this! I didn't kidnap Mackenzie!"

The prosecutor spins on his heel to stalk back to his table with a smug look on his face. "I'm done here."

Carson rubs a hand over his face, thoroughly agitated. To anyone watching, he knew that he looked guilty. There were so many reasons he could have had for kidnapping Mackenzie. They had to prove he hadn't. But in his state, it might even be harder than they'd thought. His eyes catch Misty's again. His own were bloodshot and still held a slight glaze. She would know... he knew she would know without even being close to him. He looks down, feeling the guilt for his actions the night before. He couldn't have chosen a worse time to fall to pieces.