

Just stairing back at Ryder something inside Nate softens a little and gives him a small feeling a guilt wells inside for hitting his friend. His anger is great though and as hard as stone not letting the feeling could out.

Watching Ryder leave Nate dosent even hear Laura come over untill she talks. Bringing his head back to face her Nate just eyes her a long moment as he trys to calm his temper down. He didnt want to be angry with Laura, he didnt like that feeling but it was so hard right now.

Finally finding the words to talk Nate new his anger would not cool anymore. He had stood by for to long and watched.

"I liked to know how you think its ok to let somone kiss you? or close enough for a back rub that was rather intamint. While your answering questins maybe you can answer me how its ok to let someone know personal details about you that I havent even seen. Your scar it not exacly in a hey looks at this spot. You probley would like how it made you feel seeing another woman kiss you would you and you would probley have your bother pummel me. Did you ever think about how that stuff made me feell?"

Nate is quiet again for a moment, he tryed not to let the words come out that he wanted to say, but he had to, It hurt so much and Laura had to know.

"Luara I will love you till the day I die, your the woman I want, and your the woman I need. But I cant sit by any longer and watch you flirt with Ryder, and let things happen that shouldent. I have been pashent, and let go on for quiet a while now. Its turning me into the guy I dont like to be."

Nate sucks in a breath and he searches Laura's eyes..his own heart was breaking and he didnt know if his eyes were watering or not.

"I have to think about my sister and myself now. I promised I would never push her away again and because my anger is getting in the way I am. I cant have that happen. I am sorry Laura but this cant work like this. Once you figure out what you want and if you come to the conclustion it really is me, You will know where to find me and I will be there."

Running one last finger down Laura's face Nate steps through his cubicle and turns to head twords Reese office not even letting Laura the chanse to reply. If he stayed he would see the look in her eyes and change his mind about this whole thing, but he could.

Giving a small knock on Reese door he waited to him to reply before entering. Talkng a seat in one of the nice soft chairs Nate is quiet for a moment before looking up at Reese.

"I know now it not the best time but I need a leave of absence for personal reasons."

Nate looks at Reese, he hurt, he didnt know what to think or what would happen he just needed some time away. Maybe take Maggie camping, or to a fair, he just need time.

Lost in her dream Thirteen can hardly feel Ryder shaking her. She new she had to awake, she new she had to get away. Hearing his familure voice break through the darkness of her sleep Thirteen shoots up from bed with another scream.

Turning her head to see Ryder she scoots closer to him and calapses into his lap tears coming from he eyes as she holds on to him for comfort.

Listening intently Angelica sits and waits for her turn, just listing to everything that was said to Carson.

When her turn finally comes up for every questions she had an answer and every answer she had a question. Firing one after another to the procicuter, or Carson even Heather herself.

Angelica did her best bring everything out and not holding any punches. She defended Carson and made his rep know that he was not that man anymore and thought he new it was not safe for his daughter he was a good guy and should at least be able to see her when she wanted. She did all she could for Carson.

Sitting down again and keeping her arms crossed Angelica looked to Carson with a reasurning nod. It was time to wait now, they had done all they could for now.

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