

Trying to pull herself from the darkness that held on to her so tight Ryan. The familure voice, that had almost been long forgotten cutting the darkness like a knife through butter.


Prying her eyes open the tiny stilts let the light shine through causing her to squint just a little letting them get use to the light before she opens them the rest of the way with what little strength she had. Seeing Eli a small smile formed on her face. It had been so long since she had seen her brother but he looked just the same as the last time maybe just a little taller.

Her voice sounded weak forming the words she wanted to say though they went strong like her voice normally was.


Ryan's smile grows a little more as she closes her eyes again and swallows having a bit of a hard time but managing than open her eyes again her brother still standing in front of her.

"Your still....here, your not a dream. How...did you know?"

Thinking for a long moment Hope lets out a sigh as she shakes her head a little. Letting out a small breath she had held in she couldn't help but be a little re-leaved that Gunner hadnt hurt him.

"Well, at least it was just to say he was sorry. I mean its not excuse but...I guess its better than trying to help him again."

Leaning back and taking a sip of her coffee Amanda just lets the warm liqued go down her throat. Letting out a small sigh she tryed to let the stress of the day out before she continued.

"Well right now I dont have much time to myself. Its been that time of year around here. But when I do find a free moment I like curling up on the couch with a good book or movie."

Giving a smile Amanda was about to continue with a shadow was cast onto the table. Looking up and seeing Bree giving a wave as she stood there in she scrubs she smiled.

Seeing her uncle with dr Fuller Bree made her way over to the table a silly smile on her face as her eyes danced with a teasing humor.

"Hi Uncle JT, Hi Dr Fuller. I came here to pick up some books from the hospital library and look into a root beer float for a friend when I caught sight of you guys. I just thought it would be nice to come over and say Hi. Didnt want to bother you for to long."


Eli complies with everything, never questioning Amanda's decisions. He knew Ryan's life was in their hands, and he had to trust them.

JT gives Amanda a little grin and nods. "Yeah, coffee sounds good. I'll join ya."

Walking with her to the lunch room, JT poors their coffee and then eases down in a chair across from her. "I can tell this is gonna be a long day already," he muses, shaking his head. "So tell me... We work in the same hospital but hardly cross paths. What keeps you busy outside of this place?"

Eli cooperates with the nurses, and once the blood they need for testing is drawn, he's free to go see Ryan. Slowly entering the room, he pauses, then goes to the bed. His leather chaps creak just a little as he sits on the edge of the bed. Staring down at his sister, his heart aches for more than one reason. Reaching out, he brushes her cheek with a rough hand. "Oh, Ryan..."

Reese nods quickly. "Yeah, JT was ok. Apparently, Gunner went to apologize to him. At first, JT was just gonna let it go, so that's why he waited, but then he decided he better report it. He didn't feel threatened but he knew Gunner wasn't supposed to be there. I went ahead and told him what had been happening on this end."

The doctor cocks his head. "Family."








The doctor stops and studies Gunner quietly. "Do you have hope?"

"No. I was referring to Hope Garrison." The corner of Gunner's mouth twitches. He was tired of the stupid word games.


Gunner sighs, relaying once again, the first word to come to mind. "Me."









The doctor pauses again. "You know you're not alone."

"Cut the crap, doc." Gunner shakes his head. "You think I don't know where you're going with this? All you're doing is trying to figure out who I am and how I think. It would be easier if you just asked."

"Hmm. Storm."

Gunner rolls his eyes to the ceiling, muttering under his breath. "You want games, I'll give you games."


Giving a nod to JT Amanda agrees. She was a little shocked herself.

"I am hoping his will work too and his blood is the right blood. I cant help but worry a little even though I know its it the lords hands."

Taking the papers from Eli Amanda looks over them quickly making sure everything was signed and nothing was left out that could cause problems.

"OK Eli, I am going to set you up in this room here..."

Amanda walks with Eli giving him a bref overview on what he was being testsed for and everything that would be going on. A nurse would be handling it but as soon as it was done, herself or JT would be right there to examen, and determ his blood than head right for his sister.

Also Amanda told him that wight might be a little bit so he was more than welcome to go see his sister though be warned she didnt look how he might remember.

Once getting Eli settled Amanda lets out a sigh as she exits the room and finds JT again. Leaning on the counter next to him she runs a hand through her hair before giving a small smile to him.

"I could use some coffee right about now, want to head down to the lunch room with me to get some?"

Looking up from the cubicle to Reese's voice Hope was a bit suprised that Gunner had been to see JT again but it was just not being told about it.

"Is he ok? What did he say happend and why wernt we told sooner?"

Taking some notes down on paper Hope thinks for a long moment consering what should be done. She hadnt called the hospital yet today to find out how Gunner was but maybe she would show up.

"I was thinking about going to see him a little bit later, but not till after lunch."


Eli nods at Amanda seeming unhindered by anything she says, even him needing to stay there. "I'll do anything I have to," he assures. 'I don't care what it is."

Accepting the paperwork, he leans on the counter of the nurses station ans starts to fill it out the best he can, sometimes having to stop and think.

JT stays nearby to observe and help if need be. Off to the side, he leans closer to Amanda once, speaking quietly. "I hope this works. Eli is a whole lot more willing than I thought he would be."

It takes a little while but Eli finally finishes with the papers and hands them back to Amanda. "Alright, Doc, here you go. I think I caught everything except where I have to sign over my firstborn." He gives her a wry grin. "Lets get the tests over with - I don't like the needle part."

Jade bites her lip, still grinning, "Yeah... I'll make sure they leave you something."

Turning, she heads from the barn to take care of the horse.

Reese groans as he hangs up his phone. Sighing, he picks it up again then decides to get up instead. He needed a walk anyway.

Heading out across the main floor, he finds Hope at her temporary desk. "Just got a call from Jack Timble before he headed back to work. Apparently Gunner had paid him a second visit the other day after there was a restraining order. At this rate, he's gonna lose his job for good whether I want that or not." He shakes his head. "You going to see him today?"