

Trying to pull herself from the darkness that held on to her so tight Ryan. The familure voice, that had almost been long forgotten cutting the darkness like a knife through butter.


Prying her eyes open the tiny stilts let the light shine through causing her to squint just a little letting them get use to the light before she opens them the rest of the way with what little strength she had. Seeing Eli a small smile formed on her face. It had been so long since she had seen her brother but he looked just the same as the last time maybe just a little taller.

Her voice sounded weak forming the words she wanted to say though they went strong like her voice normally was.


Ryan's smile grows a little more as she closes her eyes again and swallows having a bit of a hard time but managing than open her eyes again her brother still standing in front of her.

"Your still....here, your not a dream. How...did you know?"

Thinking for a long moment Hope lets out a sigh as she shakes her head a little. Letting out a small breath she had held in she couldn't help but be a little re-leaved that Gunner hadnt hurt him.

"Well, at least it was just to say he was sorry. I mean its not excuse but...I guess its better than trying to help him again."

Leaning back and taking a sip of her coffee Amanda just lets the warm liqued go down her throat. Letting out a small sigh she tryed to let the stress of the day out before she continued.

"Well right now I dont have much time to myself. Its been that time of year around here. But when I do find a free moment I like curling up on the couch with a good book or movie."

Giving a smile Amanda was about to continue with a shadow was cast onto the table. Looking up and seeing Bree giving a wave as she stood there in she scrubs she smiled.

Seeing her uncle with dr Fuller Bree made her way over to the table a silly smile on her face as her eyes danced with a teasing humor.

"Hi Uncle JT, Hi Dr Fuller. I came here to pick up some books from the hospital library and look into a root beer float for a friend when I caught sight of you guys. I just thought it would be nice to come over and say Hi. Didnt want to bother you for to long."

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