

Scott keeps his eyes to the floor, wanting to find Katie's and Jason's words as a comfort. But it was as if he were surrounded by a steel wall. He could hear the words and understand their meaning, but they simply couldn't penetrate to his being.

He swallows hard and gives a little nod. "Katie, can you... can you take Domino for me?" Finally he lifts his gaze to look at her. Though one eye could no longer show his emotions, his other could, and it was flooded with a mixture that one almost couldn't decipher. "She, um... she can't come back to TJY anymore."

A bit of fear enters his voice, thinking about not only Austin harming Domino, but thinking of being without his little friend too. "I... I don't know what... to do with her... or anything. I..."

Jason isn't sure what happened back at TJY, but what Wyatt had said had been enough. "Don't worry about it," he assures. "Nothing's gonna happen to her."

"But I don't have... any food or.. or anything."

"Scott... do I have to repeat myself?" Jason bends to see Scott's face. "It's as good as taken care of."

You wouldn't mind taking Domino back to your place, would you?

"We can take Domino back to Katie's place on our way to TJY, alright?"

Scott looks down at the little dog before leaning down to pick her up and bury his face in her fur. Finally he nods. "Okay."

Jason purses his lips, thinking, trying to decide a plan of action, but all they could do was just that... go to TJY.

Yeah, I know... I'm not going to let him spend another night alone, no matter how upset he gets. At this point though, he might actually give in to staying at TJY again. I don't know what happened, but whatever's been going through his mind hasn't been good. I'd almost say I thought he was scared.

"Alright... come on. You got anything to bring?"

Scott looks around to the few little things others had brought him, then shakes his head. He'd barely touched any of the food, and the things Susanne had provided could stay. "No."

"Let's go then."

Jason leads the way out of the small house, then lets Katie and Scott walk ahead of him, closing and locking the door behind them.

Scott stops halfway down the sidewalk, Domino still in his arms, and looks to Katie for just a moment. "Thank you..." Dropping his gaze again, he steps forward, slowly until Jason is in the lead again so he can follow him to the pickup.

Before long, Domino has been dropped off at Katie and Laura's place to stay indefinitely once again, then both vehicles make their way to TJY. Arriving, Jason slides from the truck, putting his keys in his pocket, and shoving all his apprehensions aside. He didn't want to be here... he didn't want to see his grandfather... he didn't want to step through those doors and see again how much things were changing.

Turning around, he realizes that Scott isn't behind him. Waiting, he cocks his head, motioning that it's okay.

Scott takes a deep breath and finally exits as well, stuffing his hands in his hoodie pockets, his shoulders drooping as he walks with Jason and Katie.

What are we going to do, Katie? Isn't there anything we can do at all? I just feel so... bad.

A bit of guilt rises from deep in Jason as memories surface of the day he'd taken out all his pent-up anger on Scott, who had been helpless. And now... things were turned around, and he was trying to help.

I guess I should just be grateful that he trust me at all now.

Getting inside and making their way to the infirmary, Jason throws a wave to Laura, and a nod to Nate, acknowledging them as they pass. Down the hall, they pass the couple offices, and Scott hesitates as he passes by Dalton's open door. Turning his head just a bit, he spots Dalton and catches his eye for just a moment before looking away and walking again.

Rick greets all three warmly, not asking questions, but just taking it all in stride. "Hey, guys. Katie... Jason... Scott, how are you?"

Scott shrugs, trudging to the bed and sitting down on the edge, simply waiting for further instructions. He was here because he couldn't think for himself anymore.

Rick lifts an eyebrow, but moves about the infirmary casually. "Got some breakfast here, Scott, if you want it."

Jason looks to Katie and nods to a couple chairs. He wanted to wait just a little while before leaving to make sure everything was alright.

Scott shrugs at Rick again. "I'm not hungry..."

"I know. But I got some eggs and toast from Janet... at least try them?"


Rick nods with satisfaction. That was more like it.

Scott settles back on the bed, figuring he'd be here a while again. Things are fairly quiet... Jason and Katie stick around for a while and Scott does his best to make Rick happy with eating something.

Rick starts some other work, then excuses himself for a while, leaving the three alone. It's a bit quiet for a while, other than some forced small talk. Jason didn't know whether they should go or stay, and Scott didn't know what Rick would be doing with him.

But no sooner had he tried to relax, than he proved that his stomach hadn't been ready for the morning meal. Suddenly, and without a word, he slides off the bed to make it as fast as he can to the infirmary bathroom, throwing up all that Rick had tried to get in to him.

Having been startled, Jason is on his feet, then realizing what was happening.

Aw man... You think he needs help?

Scott slides down onto the bathroom floor without the energy to stand. Just leaning his head against the wall by the toilet, he waits as another wave of nausea hits him. His body had nothing more to give... he had no strength... no way to fight off the fatigue.

Rick thumbs through the phone book in the break room, finally finding the name he was looking for: Hope Garrison. He'd heard about her... she was young and fairly new, but he'd heard she was good. And right now, they needed good.

Reaching for the phone, he dials, receiving an answering machine. "Hello, Miss Garrison. My name is Rick Johnston - I'm a physician for the law enforcement branch, the Elite. One of our agents recently endured a traumatic experience, and it's my opinion that it would be in his best interests to see a professional counselor. However, there are details that I should only share in person before he is denied or accepted. So, if you could give me a call back at your earliest convenience, that would be great."

Rick leaves the number of the infirmary line, then ends the call. "Would love to set up a meeting to discuss this issue. Thank you so much for your time."

"So..." Carson pauses his work, wiping his hands on a towel, and wincing a little. His finger was a whole lot sorer today than he'd like to admit. "...Dani and I talked, and I'm gonna try living with her for a while. Clear up the back room here... see how it goes."

He looks to Herb, hoping for approval in his older friend's eyes.

"I can walk from her place to work every day and I talked with the insurance company the other day, and I'm gonna be able to lessen my payment amounts starting next month, so then I'll have a little cash to help with Dani's rent, even though she said I wouldn't have to."

Moving easily around the kitchen, it seemed at times he could do this job with his eyes closed. He sets a pan in the sink to wash later, them moves back to the counter where he was preparing food. "Anyway, I guess I just thought it might be a nice change, ya know?"

Jen bites her lip and reaches up for a book on the shelf. She was alone in the den at the back of the house, her parents in the living room watching television.

Unable to reach the book, she sighs and stares up at it with irritation. Reaching again, she can just get about two inches away from what she wanted to read.

Frustrated, she sits for a moment, not wanting to have to call for her dad, or go out and recruit help. After a couple seconds, she places her hands on the armrests of her wheelchair, bracing herself. She'd been warned by her therapist about trying things like this... but there had been no improvement in months... what damage had been done was permanent, and couldn't get any worse than it already was. Therapy wouldn't even continue next month if there still was no sign of change.

Gritting her teeth, Jen raises herself up out of her seat slightly, just enough to steady herself with her hands, and then grab for the shelf for support. Misjudging the distance though, she gropes thin air, and before she knows it, she's on the floor. A sharp pain surges through her back, making her cry out. Most of the time she was patient... most of the time she endured her condition with humility. But sometimes... at times like this... no one saw how frustrated she really could feel.

Managing to pull herself into a sitting position, she leans back against an overstuffed chair, feeling a tear run down her cheek as she breathes through the wave of pain. Staring up, she spots the book she still wanted to read. But now she's have to call for help.

Having already had a bad day just made her feel worse. All she wanted to do was just curl up in a ball and pretend that things were back to the way they used to be.

Drawing her legs up to her chest, she rests her forehead on her knees, too tired now to call anybody just yet.

But suddenly her head rises, a strange flutter moving through her stomach. Glancing down, the pain she felt turned to a chill that ran up and down her spine.


Entering the house and seeing her friend almost in the same position as the day before Katie's heart acks even more. Walking over to Scott Katie bends down for a moment laying a hand on his arm.

"Hey there Scotty. We are going to make sure you ok, alright? We are gonna bring you to TJY, get ya cleaned up and some food. Your not a bother to us at all. We love ya buddy. Your our friend and we would do anything for you."

Katie gives a wry grin to Jason. She didnt like hearing Scott talk like this, and she didnt like seeing him so helpless.

We got to get him to Rick Jason. He's got to find help for Scott and we cant let him alone anymore untill that help is given.

Helping Jason lift Scott Kaite keeps a smile on her face for Scott's sake. Helping Scott stand and move all she can Kaite keeps on talking. She wanted Scott to know they were there, she wanted him to know he was not alone. They would be there for him.

Watching Kyle leave Misty can't help but crings a little at his last statment. Something about it felt so final like maybe, they might NOT see each other again.

Leaning back in her chair Misty runs a hand over her face as she lets out a long sigh. Leaning forward again Misty takes the tin from her desk and puts it in the draw for the moment. Memories, sometimes it was better to let them go and sometimes it was better to keep them. when did you know what one was the best.

Trying to get to her work Misty's mind wonders not letting her land on one thing. She couldnt think, she needed air. She had just gotten here but she felt like she couldnt breath.

Standing she grabs her jacket putting it on and than looking to Rick before heading to the door.

"I have to get some air Rick. I'll make up my time and stay later I'm sorry."

Exiting Misty makes her way across the main floor heading for the outside world.