

*Katie gives a little giggle as she puts her sunglass on.* "Its very nice to meet you as well." *Katie follows Scott out of the airport.* " No I think I am ok. I had something on the plane. Thank you though." *As Katie follows Scott to the car she thorws her bags in the back seat. Geting into the front they are off. After a bit of silence Katie looks to Scott. I am kid of scaired to go to TJY. Last time I was there it was with a friend, and now without him...it just feels strange." *Katie looks out the window again. Everyone would be waking up now. And Jason probley found her note. Katie missed the ranch already and she had just left.*

~*~Somewhere Alse~*~

*A tiny voice calls from the back seat.* "Sham, I is hungry."

*Sam is jolted out of thought and looks into the backseat.* " Ok, The next place we pass we can get some lunch ok." *As the come closer to a BK sam stops and helps BJ out of the car.*

*Without warning BJ starts to dance around the parking lot next to Sam.* "Sham, Sham I have to pee...I have to pee."

*Sam looks down at BJ.* "We are going in now."

*BJ has a look of aggony on his face.* "SHAM...I HAVE TO PEE."

*Relizing that he really has to pee bad Sam picks up BJ and runs into BK aiming for the bathroom.*

*After enter and geting situated on the seat BJ looks up at Sam.* "Sham...I dont have to go anymore."

*Sam looks down at BJ finding it hard not to laugh.* "Just sit there till you go silly."

*After a long while Sam and BJ emerge from the bathroom. They order there food, eat than hit the road again.*


"Oh, hi!" The young man holds out his hand to offer his greeting, while accidentally dropping the sign. "Oh, dear..." he leans down to pick it up, bumping a woman behind him. "Oh, I'm sorry." His face reddens as he grabs the sign. Standing up too quickly, his elbow catches a man walking by, who throws him a withering look. "My fault, pardon me."
Clearing his throat, he tries again, looking back at Katie. "I'm Scott Thimblewig. Pleasure to meet you. Reese told me all about you, and I'm honored that I got to come pick you up. It's very exciting to have a new team member, especially one like you that I've heard so much about." Realizing he's rambling, he shuts up, throwing the sign in a nearby trashcan. "Here, let me help you with your bags." He takes the larger one from Katie, his arm dropping as he tries to lift it, and he struggles until he finally takes both hands, waddling down the crowded hall of the airport. Huffing just a little, he keeps up a dialogue. "It's just a short ways to headquarters - it won't take us long. Have you eaten lunch? Do you need to stop anywhere? Reese said to take all the time you needed."


*Rosetta wakes again after finally falling back to sleep. Geting up she slowly heads into the shower after stand in the water for a long while Rosetta gets out and gets dressed. Leting out a long sigh she heads out to the mess hall to get some coffee. Katie was now gone. It had only been a few hours but for some reson it felt alittle bit emptyer at the ranch*

*Wendy sits at the mess hall table drinking her coffee and reading the news paper wait for Clint to come in. The last time they went riding it has been a desaster, but maybe she could get him to go again on one of the better trails.*

*Looking around again Katie see the man with the sign. Walking over to him she looks up seeing her name miss spelled she smiles at the man.* " Hi, I'm Katie. You must be who Reese send to pick me up. I've got all my stuff and am ready to go when you are."


Con doesn’t say much as he drives Katie to the airport, and waits for her to get her tickets. As Katie embraces him, he gives her a bear hug in return, along with a light chuckle. “If you don’t call me, Reese will, but I’d feel better hearing your voice, knowing you made it all right.” He stands back and gives Katie a wave. As she walks away though, he remembers something. “Hey, Kat, wait!” He jogs up to her while reaching in his pocket. “I, um…don’t know if you really want this or not…if you don’t, just leave it on my desk back at headquarters, but if you do, it’s yours.” He pulls out the CD in the tattered envelope, that has “Jason” scribbled in marker on it. It’s the one he played for her weeks before at the hospital. “There’s a few more songs on it than the one.” Con shrugs, handing it to her. “Safe flight. Talk to you soon.” He gives her a casual salute and turns around, getting lost in the crowd.

The Nevada airport. People are everywhere. Chatter, flight announcements, constant movement. A young man in his twenties stands to the side, raising himself on his tiptoes to see who’s coming off the plane. His tie is loose around his collared shirt, and he pushes his glasses up on his nose for the hundredth time. As he begins to see people from the plane that just pulled in, he whips out his cardboard sign, holding it boldly above his head. It reads “Kaytee Pent.” He scans the crows expectantly, looking at every young woman who passes, despite the distasteful glances he receives in return.

Jason grabs his crutches and is just ready to leave his bunk when he sees an envelope. That was strange. Where had it come from? He bends over, wincing as his knee stretches, and retrieves the note. He tears it open and reads the handwritten words, his eyes widening with each sentence. Backing up, he sinks down on the foot of his bed. Katie had gone to TJY? Reese had invited her? By herself? The words of friendship didn’t seem to mean as much as they should, the news of her leaving and her destination having much more impact.
Tossing the note aside, Jason puts his head in his hands, his emotions boiling over. She was gone…she’d left. Surely what had happened hadn’t been reason enough for her to walk away like this. And why was she the one who got to go back to TJY? Jason would give just about anything to get out of here right now, but he’d made too much of a fuss about staying on the case for that. Now he was stuck, and his world was once again crumbling down around him.
Gritting his teeth, he straightens to stand, resuming his aim for the door. If that’s the way Katie wanted it, then so be it. He couldn’t change the circumstances, so he might as well buck up and deal.
The note is left on the bed, forgotten…for now.

Coming and Going

*As Sam's alarm goes off she looks at the clock 5am. Siting up and yawning she hopes in the shower and gets her and BJ's stuff together. He is till fast asleep. Very carfuly she picks him up and puts him into the car. Making sure they have everthing Sam starts the car up. Looking down at her phone she has 6 missed messages. They are all from Stan. Not even bothring she put her phone back into her purse. Sam pulls out of the driveway and starts down the road again. They have a few hours to drive before BJ will wake up and want something to eat. Sam glanes into the rerview mirror to make sure no one is following her. Than she turns to BJ sleeping. Leting out a long sigh she puts her attachen to the road again. They still had a full day of driving. But they should reach there destanation by 1am.*

~*~Somewhere Alse~*~

*Katie opens her bunk door and smiles up at Con. She is dressed and ready.* "You bugger if you had been 5 min later I would of been calling the Taxi." Katie cant help but laugh. It felt good as her heart was heavy.* "My bags are there if you want to grab them for me. I want to go say good bye to my aunt." *Katie takes anothere look around the room. She was going to miss it here. Katie sighs and makes her way across the lawn to her Aunts house. Katie taps on the door lightly. In a few minutes the door opens. Katie says nothing but inbraces Rosetta.*

*Rosetta hugs her back, seeing Con heading to the car Rosetta knows whats going on.* "Its that time already huh?"

Katie: "Ya, I'm going to miss you. You know my number call me anytime you need me."

*Rosetta eyes grow alittle glossy.* "Ok. Be safe and if you need anything please let me know sweetheart. I love you."

*Katie lets go of Rosetta and smiles up at her. Her own eyes growing teary.* "I love you too Aunt Rosetta." *Katie make her away to the car. When seeing its Petes Katie smile at Con.* "I have good memories of this car." *Katie hops in and with in moment they are off to the airport.
After geting her tickets and checking her bags in Katie turns to Con. Her tummy is in knots, and she is scaired to death.* " I guess this is it huh? But its not goodbye." *Katie reaches out and gives Con another hug.* "I'm going to miss you Con. As soon as I get settles and what not I will call you." *Katie smiles at him again.* " I wont say good bye cuz its not. But I will say I'll see you later." *Katie smiles again and than heads throgh her gate and gets on the plain. After several hours Katie arrives at the Nevada airport. Geting off the plane and geting her bags she looks around for someone who might look like they are waiting for her.*


Con smirks at Katie. "Of course I'll be here in the morning."

Jason doesn't notice anything being slipped under the door, and Jade comes and goes without either of them realizing it's on the floor. The night feels long, and Jason tosses and turns, both his leg in pain, and his mind in turmoil.

Night slowly turns to morning, the sun winning the battle over the darkness. Long shadows are cast on the ground, and puddles remain, proving the stormy day before. But this morning the clouds have dispersed, sending a blanket of warmth over the ranch.

Con parks Pete's car near the mess hall, and exits, noting that no lights are on yet. He makes his way quietly to Katie's bunk and taps on the door, jingling the car keys. "Your ride awaits," he calls softly.


*Katie smiles at Con.* "I'm doin ok. Not to hungry but I though I should make my presence known."

*Dinner is quiet and soon everyone is going there own way. Katie stands and looks down at Con.* "I'm going to be leaving early in the morning. Will you be there to say one last bye?"

*Finaly after a few house pass Katie makes her way back to her bunk. Once there she sits down and writes a letter know She probley wont have time to talk to him in the morning: { Dear Jason,
I know your upset with me but I hope you read this. I am going to be leave early tomarrow morning. I'm going back to TJY. Reese has some work for me to do that and I though it would probley be best for both of us right now seeing as we are angry with eachother. I just wanted to tell you goobye before I left and dont worry I will be around. If you need me at all you have my number and Con knows email. No matter what happens Jason your my good friend and I am wish you always. Take care and treat Jade good.
Your friend, Katie.} :Katie puts the letter into an envalope and heads over to Jason's bunk. Not know if he is there or not she puts the letter under the door. Than heads back to her own and falls asleep.*

*Night falls over the ranch all it quiet. As everyone sleeps.*

~*~Somewhere alse~*~

*Sam pulls into a motel taking the sleeping BJ out of the car. Grabing a room she tucks BJ in and sits watching tv for alittle bit. Looking at her watch she see its 1am. In a few hours Stan would be at her house looking to take BJ away. Sam quivered at the though of how angry he was going to be when he found out they wernt there. Sam wanted to be as far away as possable at that time. Sam sets the alarm clock for 5 so they can get up and be on the road again. Looking she see BJ and Mr.Snuggles sleeping. How lucky he was to be sleeping in a dreamland where there was no worry.* "Soon BJ, soon you will be safe."


Chatter erupts in the mess hall as everyone comes together for the evening. Clint finds himself next to Wendy again, while others grab their usual seats. Cindy sits down in the far corner after helping get supper on the table. She looks around the room, feeling just a little out of place for some reason tonight.

Con is one of the last to enter, and scans the faces. Seeing that Jason is not there, but spotting Katie, he aims for her instead of Austin tonight, sitting down across from her. He takes off his baseball cap, and offers something close to a smile. "How ya doing?"

Jason sighs as he looks at the clock. He knows everyone is eating supper, but he's just not in the mood to see everyone. Besides, Jade said she would stop by later, so he'd still get something to eat and have some company.


*Rosetta nods* "Ok..I'll finish up here and see you at dinner." *Rosetta smiles watching Mick leave.*

Katie: "Ok Reese thank you." *Katie hangs the phone up. Siting down on her bed she looks around the room. Was she doing what was right? Katie leans down on her bed her eyes heavy. Within minutes she is alseep.*

~*~The afternoon goes by fast as everyone is doing there own thing. Finally its time for dinner as the sunsets. Everyone starts to pile in for dinner.~*~

*Katie wakes with a start looking at the alarm clock to see what time it was. It was almost 6 she has slept longer than she planed. Geting up she brushes her hair and heads over to the mess hall for dinner. Entering she scans the room for Con. Not seeing him yet she sits down at the far table alone.*


Mick returns Rosetta's hug, reassuring her that it will be okay. Standing back, he cocks his head towards the bunkhouses. "I'm gonna go see Sparky for a few minutes. I'll catch you at supper, okay?"

Con returns Katie's embrace, giving her back a loving pat. "Go chase your dreams, Kat." He watches her leave, and sighs deeply as he whispers to himself. "I hope you're making the right decision..."

"...so we had another confrontation, and that was that." Jason sets his empty plate aside, leaning his head back against the wall.

Jade is sitting cross-legged on the bed, listening to him relate the day's events. Her expression remains thoughtful....compassionate. Poor Jason...he was on the outs with his own grandfather, he'd just had a fist fight with a friend, his relationship with Katie was in jeopardy... "I'm sorry, Jason. None of this has been easy on you, that much I can tell. You and Katie are kinda close, huh?"

Jason shrugs. "I guess. I thought so anyway."

Jade swallows hard, looking down. "So she was jealous of me...I didn't think...I mean...she told me you guys weren't together or anything so..."

"...don't blame yourself for anything," Jason cuts her off. "We weren't together, nor did I intend for her and I to be. She'll just have to get over it...as for not telling her everything....I still think I made the right choice...I mean, I had my reasons."

Jade gives his good leg a pat. "Well, don't beat yourself up about it. What's done is done. You just have to look ahead now. It will all work out somehow."

Jason gives her a smile, appreciating her company. "I know...thanks, Jade."

She leans over to give him a kiss, her eyes dancing. "I'm going to go see if I can't get my dad to say he'll go riding with me this week. I'll see you at supper?"

Jason nods, a grin on his face. "Yeah."

Reese confirms Katie's plans. "When you get to the airport, give them your name, and you'll have a flight booked already, and it's nonstop. When you get over here, someone will be there to meet you and bring you on over."

Dont want to bother

*Rosetta nods*" I cant help but be scaired anyways. Its going to be strange not having her here." *Rosetta gives Mick a hug.*

*Katie cant help but cry more and throws her arms around Con.* " I wont. I promise I wont. I'm going to email you every chanse I get Con. Your like a big brother I like to be around. I'm going to miss you." *Katie linger with Con for just a moment longer than lets him know she will see him at dinner. Heading away from Con Katie thinks of Jason. She new he was upset with her and she was upset with him but he was still her friend and she couldent leave without saying goodbye. Katie makes her way to Jason's bunk. As she steps on the porch she takes a deepbreath. Right as she is about to knock on the door she hears Jade's voice. She must have come to see him. Katie puts her hand down and turns around off the porch trying to make as little sound as possable. She dosent want to disturb Jason and Jade. Katie makes her way to her bunk. Once inside she dials Reese number again Leting him know she will be flyinf, leaving tomarrow, and wondering if anyone will be picking her up at the airport.*

Take care

Mick shrugs lamely. "Beats me. I guess if she wants to go, TJY seems like an okay place...I'm pretty sure they're on our side, so she should be alright."

Con's eyes widen slightly as Katie tells him her plans, and he just stands for a moment, thinking. Finally, he reaches over to lay a hand on her shoulder. "I'm sorry to see you go, Katie...but maybe you're right. Maybe you do need this time away...and you'll be in good hands over at headquarters." He has to lean down a little in order to look her in the eye. "I just hope you're not running, because if that's the case, you won't ever find what you're looking for." He gives her a solemn look, followed by a forced grin. "Don't worry - if you're at TJY, we'll be in touch. Besides, I've gotten used to having you around - I have to keep an eye on you now." He throws her a wink. "Just take care of yourself, alright? And if you run into any trouble, don't wait too long to call."

Talking to Con

*Rosetta has a look of bewhilderness on her face.* " I...I have no idea." *Rosetta blinks her eyes* " I wonder if her and Jason got in a fight or something." *Rosetta stands from where she was siting.*

*Katie see Con standing on the trail. Walking over to him she smiles.* "Hey. I wanted to start out by saying thank you Con. For everything you tryed to do. It means alot. Your a good friend." *Katie stops talking for a moment than looks up at Con.* "Con I'm going to be leaving the ranch. I'm going back to TJY." *Katie lets out a long sigh* "I think maybe I was in the wrong about alot of things Con." *Katies eyes start to well up.* "I'm embarssed for my actions..and I just think some time away would be good. For me and for Jason. I've already talked to Reese, and I am going to do some secratary work for him. I wanted to tell you cuz your one of my good friends and I dident want to leave without saying anything. I would like to keep in contact with you to Con." *Katies tears slowly fall from her eyes, it is evadent this chose is hard for her to make as much as it is for people to hear. Katie looks down again at her injored hand. More words just wont come to her though she wants to say so much more to Con.*


Mick's eyes widen as Katie talks, though he stays out of the conversation. Something just isn't right. It doesn't seem like Katie to do something like this, and it's obvious that there is more to the story she isn't saying.
When she leaves, he turns to Rosetta, his eyebrows raised. "Wow...what on earth brought that on?"

Jade knocks on Jason's door, and after receiving a response, she lets herself inside with the plate of food and a bottle of water. "Hey, you. I stole Con's job from him. Hope you don't mind."

A grin emerges, and Jason shakes his head. "Don't mind a bit."

Jade sits down on the edge of the bed and hands him the food. She looks at his face, noting he looks just as bad as Con. She lets Jason start his meal, then finally broaches the subject. "So...want to talk about it?"

Jason knows exactly what she's asking about, and shrugs lamely. How could he explain it to her? It was so complicated, and even he didn't understand everything. "Oh...I guess I must have messed up somewhere..."

Con steps off the porch of the mess hall, whistling to himself and heading to the trail, noting that the rain has finally let up. He sees Katie coming towards the building, and pauses, not sure if she really wants to see him again or not.


*Wes nods* "Ok. I'll be up to the mess hall in a bit. Have fun." *Wes gives a silly grin. As Cindy leaves Wes goes back under the call stoping to think for a moment. Rosetta had stoped Cindy from leaving. Things hadent worked out for them but he was happy they still could be friends. Wes smiles and gets back to work.*

*Katies voice changed to a smiled one as well and she nods her head even though Reese cant see her.* "I'm going to see if my Aunt will let me barrow one of her extra cars so when I am out there I will have one. But if she says no I'll let you know. Thx a bunch again Reese. Talk with you soon." *Katie hangs up her phone and enters her bunk house. Taking out a large sutecase she starts to throw her clothing into it. As the day pass Katie spends alot of time in her bunk geting things ready. She dosent have much to take with her. One sutecase full of clothing, the other has odds and ends. She cant take everything so she knows when she gets there she will have to buy some new stuff. Looking around the room to make sure she has remembered everything important she keeps her bags by the door than exits to find her Aunt. As Katie pass Jason's bunk. Her head hurts at the thought of leaving him. Would he be ok? Would they become friends again? all these questions where unanswered but Katie new this was something she had to do. She had to find her place.*

*Rosetta wonders around with Mick inside the barn as they fix something up and do odd and ends here and there. It was nice to be working on the ranch again with him. It had been to long. Hearing a noise Rosetta looks up seeing Katie enter the barn.* "Hey Katie whats up?"

*Kaite nervouse walks twords her Aunt. Is isent to sure how she is going to react to this news but hopes it will go ok.* "Aunt Rosetta I have something I need to tell you and I need to ask for your blessing before I go."

*Rosetta looks at Katie a bit saprised. She can sence a bit of sadness. Rosetta looks to Mick and than back to Katie.* " Is it ok if Mick is here?"

*Katie nods* "Yes thats fine." *Katie stops for a moment to regain her thoughts.* "I'm going to be leaving the ranch again. I'm going to be going back to TJY."

*Rosetta gets a look of shock on her face. Katie wanted to leave again, why.* "Why Katie? Following someone where ever they go is not a good thing Katie. I just dont undersand."

Katie: "Aunt, I will be going alone Jason wont be coming along. And You dont have to worry about me being in danger. For now all I will be doing is paper work. I haveto do this Aunt Rosetta. I need to find my place in this world. And right now I dont feel its best to stay here."

*Rosetta searches Katies eyes.* "Somethings happend...."

*Katie cutes her aunt off.* "Please Aunt Rosetta dont ask questions. Its to complacated."

*Rosetta nods and lets out a long sigh.*" Ok...Your old enough to make your own desitions. Be safe ok. How are you geting there?"

Katie: "Well I was going to ask if I could barrow one of the cars. If not I can fly."

*Rosetta thinks for a moment.* "I might not be able to tell you, you cant go, but I can worry and tell you I think it would be best you flew. I dont want you driving all that way yourself."

*Katie nods.* "Ok I understand thank you Aunt Rosetta." *Katie goes over and gives her a hun.*

*Rosetta returns the hug.* "When are you leaving?"

Katie: "I think tomarrow or the day after."

*Rosetta nods.* "Ok."

*Katie turns and leave the barn. Aiming for the mess hall to find Con.*

~*~Somewhere Alse~*~

*Sam and BJ stop at a restront after a few hours of driving.* "Are you hungry bud?"

*BJ looks down at his tummy.* "Yes Sham its talking to me."

*Sam smiles at BJ.* "Ok good."

*After eating there meal Sam makes sure BJ uses the bathroom than again they are on the road. After a few more house BJ is fast asleep in the back seat.*

Important Job

Cindy smiles at Wes gratefully. "Thank you..." She grows a little embarrassed. "I was ready to leave, but Rosetta stopped me..." She gives Wes' hand a light squeeze. "I better go see if Becky needs some help - she was going to be doing a bunch of laundry today."

Reese responds readily. "Alright. Sounds like a plan. Yes, do give me a call before you leave because I'll have a couple things you'll need to know when you get here." He pauses. "And Katie...like I've told many others who have come here, the job you're given may not be glamorous, but trust me that whether you're in Europe undercover, or making copies in the office, the work you do is important, appreciated, and does help in the big scheme of things whether it feels like it or not. Behind the scene tasks are the backbone around here." The tone of his voice hints that he is smiling. "I'll be awaiting your call. If you have a ride, great, if not, we'll fly you in."

Jason glares at the ceiling. He just didn't get it. What had he really done wrong? Katie hated him, Con wasn't approving of him...he'd thought he had been making the right decision! He rolls his eyes and tries to ignore the pain in his leg. He'd already lost Austin... what was left? Jade was the only one who seemed to take him for who he was right now. What had happened?

Con wanders into the mess hall, going to the kitchen to get something to eat for Jason. As he's gathering just a few things, Jade comes in. She looks at his face, seeing several bruises. "Con?" she asks timidly. "Is everything okay?"

Con turns and gives her a smile. "Yeah...it's okay, Jade."

"But you and Jason..."

"It was just a misunderstanding."

"I haven't seen him all day...is he alright?"

Con looks down, but forces himself to nod. "His sugar level crashed, so I'm taking him some food, but otherwise, yeah..."

Jade searches his eyes, wanting to understand, but seeing that he's respecting someone's privacy enough not to elaborate. "Can I take him his food?"

Con hands her the plate with a grin. Whether he agreed with what Jason had done or not, he wasn't going to begrudge him whatever happiness he had with Jade at the moment. "Sure."

He watches her goes, then cleans up the small mess he'd made. Wandering into the other room, he looks around, getting his bearings on where everyone is at. Clint was just walking out the door, he'd seen Mick near the barns, Jeff was at a computer, Wendy was at a computer, Eric was..... He glances into the living room. Eric was on the couch scanning some want ads. And Jim, Becky....Rosalynn? Con can hear the washing machine down the other hall, and wanders in that direction, going past the guest room. He stops as he hears voices, and identifies the three people he'd been looking for. Their tones sound hushed, and Con wonders if everything is okay, but he's not going to pry. As long as everyone was accounted for. He turns around and heads back out, grabbing his cell phone to call Austin and see what the days' plans were.

Off and away

*Wes smiles and puts his hand on Cindy hand.* " You can take all the time you need. I'll be right here with you every step of the way. Just let me know if I do anything wrong, or move to fast ok?" *Wes cant help but smile alittle bigger. He felt content.*

*Katie listens to what Reese tells her while still walking to her bunk. Being a secretary wasent what Katie had in mind but it was a good start.* "Ok just call me secretary Katie. Let Laura know she will have a new roommate to for the time being till I can get my own place. I'm gonna have to talk with my aunt and let her know whats going on. And than I will be able to head out in a few days if that ok. I can call and let you know when I leave."

~*~Somewhere Alse~*~

*Sam carrys BJ's bags down to the car and puts them into the trunk. Going back into the house Sam scans the rooms making sure she has remembered everything of BJ's going to the closet she pulls out his jacket. Yelling upstairs to BJ.* "BJ are you ready?"

*BJ emerges from his room trying to drag a big suitcase across the floor.* "Sham....Sham...dis is to heavy." *Tuging BJ continues to try and pull it to the steps.*

"Ok Ok....let me come and help you before you fall down the steps." *Sam starts up the steps and take a hold of the suitcase. Starting down the steps Sam calls.* " Did you remember Mr. Snuggles?"

*As if remembering somthing important BJ turns around and runs back into his room. Jumping on his bed he grabs his stuffed Monkey.* "Tum on Mr.Shunggles...we are going away." *As BJ walks to his room door he stops and looks around the room one last time than heads down the stairs.* "Otay I'm ready."

*Sam nods and puts BJ's coat on. Than ushering him out the door he puts him in the back seat of the car and staps him in.* "Ok I will be right back." *Sam goes back inside and over to her desk taking the picture of herself and BJ she grabs her purse and heads back out to the car puting the picture into one of BJ's bags. Jumping into the drives seat she looks in her rearview mirror.* "Ready?"

*BJ squels in the back seat. * "YAY!"

*Slowly Sam back up out of the driveway. Looking back at the house Sam knows this will be her last time ever seeing it.*

*BJ intently looks out the window.*


Cindy thinks for a moment, then shakes her head, stammering slightly. “Um, no, I..this is fine. Yes.” She looks down at her feet, her pulse quickening as her face reddens. “I…I just….about last night, I…I thought about what you…what you said about…us…” Cindy licks her dry lips and finally gets up enough nerve to look up at Wes. She can feel the heat on her face and wishes she wasn’t so transparent. “And…and I wanted to tell you that…..” She pauses awkwardly. “Um…” She takes a deep breath. “I like you too, Wes. And I want to try at something…something more too.” She stares into Wes’ eyes, pleading for understanding. “But…for me…please take it slow because I’m scared to death.” Having said it, she gives a little sigh, feeling some relief.

Reese listens to Katie, then speaks, his voice pleasant. “Well, I know that Carter wanted you two on a team, but if neither of you are for it, then it probably wouldn’t be wise.” He pauses for several moments in thought. “Hang on just a minute, Katie…” There is some background noise, a woman’s voice and the rustling of papers. Finally Reese gets back on. “Tell you what - if you can stand some secretarial work, we’ve got a spot open out on the floor. It wouldn’t be too exciting, but it might be good for you to get to know TJY and the staff here a bit better. On top of that, I know Laura’s been looking for a roommate to share expenses at her apartment. I don’t know how you’d feel about that, but you’d have a place to stay then, and Laura’s trustworthy. What do you think?”

Somewhere alse

*Wes pushes himself from under the car saprised but happy to see Cindy.* "Ya sure." *Geting up he whipes his hands off. * Would you like to go into my Apt its warmer and more comfortable. Its clean this time too!." *Wes smiles.*

*Katie takes a deep breath. This was it. There was no turning back.* "Hey Reese is Katie....Hey I wanted to let you know Jason talked to me about being on his team. Listen right now I dont think its a good idea for us to be on the same team. However I still want to be part of TJY, and if I could still get a mission somehwere alse, or even do some research or odd jobs around the office down there I would really apresheat it." *Katie pauses not sure what alse to say.*


Cindy’s hand shakes just a little as she opens the door and goes inside, the smell of gasoline and oil hitting her nose. She makes her way to the back of the shop, carefully stepping over hoses and tools. Finally getting to Wes, she squats down next to the car so she can see him. She tries to smile. “Um…do you have a couple seconds?”

Jason’s eyes narrow slightly as Katie speaks, though a strange feeling of dread rises up inside of him. It’s the same feeling he shut out weeks before, the night they’d stayed at his house. Why was she doing this to him?
He closes his eyes briefly, and takes a deep breath, fighting with logic. He’d finally started finding himself. He’d finally started realizing he didn’t have to wear a mask, and his confidence in himself had taken on a new level. And here was Katie, questioning his judgment. What was he supposed to think?
Jason looks at her with little emotion, though her words sting. Had he really hurt her that badly? Knowing the truth by the look in her eye put his stomach in knots. He’d caused that pain on her face. He’d caused that hurt behind her eyes.
As she mentions Jade, a whole new set of questions rises. Was he under obligation to let Katie in on everything? Was that what friendship was really all about? If that was the case, he wasn’t so sure he wanted it as much as he’d thought.
He opens his mouth to give a rebuttal, but it’s too late. As Katie leaves, flinging her final words, he feels like he’s been stabbed in the heart, and speech simply won’t come.

Con stares after her as she leaves, stunned. He knew Katie had been upset, but he really hadn’t thought she’d react quiet like this. He’d been trying to help, but apparently he’d just made things worse. He knew he couldn’t blame himself though, and he looks at Jason with raised eyebrows.

“What?” Jason frowns at him. “You agree with her?”

“I’m not going to takes sides in this one, Jase. I’m just sad things have gone this route. You two would have been good together, that’s all I can say. But if your mind is made up, there’s nothing to be done.” Con shrugs lamely and stands up. “You need something to eat whether you like it or not, so I’m going to the mess hall. I’ll be back in a few minutes.”

A voice at the other end of the line answers. “TJY, this is Reese…”