
Off and away

*Wes smiles and puts his hand on Cindy hand.* " You can take all the time you need. I'll be right here with you every step of the way. Just let me know if I do anything wrong, or move to fast ok?" *Wes cant help but smile alittle bigger. He felt content.*

*Katie listens to what Reese tells her while still walking to her bunk. Being a secretary wasent what Katie had in mind but it was a good start.* "Ok just call me secretary Katie. Let Laura know she will have a new roommate to for the time being till I can get my own place. I'm gonna have to talk with my aunt and let her know whats going on. And than I will be able to head out in a few days if that ok. I can call and let you know when I leave."

~*~Somewhere Alse~*~

*Sam carrys BJ's bags down to the car and puts them into the trunk. Going back into the house Sam scans the rooms making sure she has remembered everything of BJ's going to the closet she pulls out his jacket. Yelling upstairs to BJ.* "BJ are you ready?"

*BJ emerges from his room trying to drag a big suitcase across the floor.* "Sham....Sham...dis is to heavy." *Tuging BJ continues to try and pull it to the steps.*

"Ok Ok....let me come and help you before you fall down the steps." *Sam starts up the steps and take a hold of the suitcase. Starting down the steps Sam calls.* " Did you remember Mr. Snuggles?"

*As if remembering somthing important BJ turns around and runs back into his room. Jumping on his bed he grabs his stuffed Monkey.* "Tum on Mr.Shunggles...we are going away." *As BJ walks to his room door he stops and looks around the room one last time than heads down the stairs.* "Otay I'm ready."

*Sam nods and puts BJ's coat on. Than ushering him out the door he puts him in the back seat of the car and staps him in.* "Ok I will be right back." *Sam goes back inside and over to her desk taking the picture of herself and BJ she grabs her purse and heads back out to the car puting the picture into one of BJ's bags. Jumping into the drives seat she looks in her rearview mirror.* "Ready?"

*BJ squels in the back seat. * "YAY!"

*Slowly Sam back up out of the driveway. Looking back at the house Sam knows this will be her last time ever seeing it.*

*BJ intently looks out the window.*

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