

Mick's eyes widen as Katie talks, though he stays out of the conversation. Something just isn't right. It doesn't seem like Katie to do something like this, and it's obvious that there is more to the story she isn't saying.
When she leaves, he turns to Rosetta, his eyebrows raised. "Wow...what on earth brought that on?"

Jade knocks on Jason's door, and after receiving a response, she lets herself inside with the plate of food and a bottle of water. "Hey, you. I stole Con's job from him. Hope you don't mind."

A grin emerges, and Jason shakes his head. "Don't mind a bit."

Jade sits down on the edge of the bed and hands him the food. She looks at his face, noting he looks just as bad as Con. She lets Jason start his meal, then finally broaches the subject. "So...want to talk about it?"

Jason knows exactly what she's asking about, and shrugs lamely. How could he explain it to her? It was so complicated, and even he didn't understand everything. "Oh...I guess I must have messed up somewhere..."

Con steps off the porch of the mess hall, whistling to himself and heading to the trail, noting that the rain has finally let up. He sees Katie coming towards the building, and pauses, not sure if she really wants to see him again or not.

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