

Standing up Bree takes in a deep breath filling her lungs with oxygen before looking over at Gunner and being able to giggle a little that lets all the air out. Giving a playful roll of her eyes she looks back to JT and nods.

"Yeah I can bring Gunner home. I dont go that way anyways so it works out."

Raising an eyebrow to her Uncle Bree knows she said it backwards and it made no sense but she didnt much care. She was a little tired but far from ready to sleep. Givng JT a kiss and saying her goodbye to him she leaves with Gunner. Getting into the car and pulling out of the driveway she turns to look at Gunner for a moment.

"Ok, direct me to your house oh great navigator."

Leaning back totally comfortable except for the throbbing in her wrist Ryan felt pertty good for being a woman who just got out of the hospital. Turning her head again to look down at Leo he looked at peace and totally comfortable where he was right now. Feeling his tightened grip on her hand A smile forms on Ryan's face, the words that Leo spoke matched and Ryan could feel her heart tump in her chest.

"I'd like that very much so Leo. You have no idea how much I've missed you."

Bringing her hand to the side of his face Ryan just maps his cheeks bones and his jawbone her touch light. This time she had it right, this time it was by her own free will that Leo and herself would make it through.

Leaning down though it was uncomfortable Ryan brings her lips to Leo again. Not being alone she let the kiss linger only pulling away for a moment to switch her head the other way again, than continue the kiss, the seal, the answer to Leo's question.

Giving a smile to Jade and a small squeeze to her arm Dan nods. They had almost kissed back there, and not saying he didnt want to but it was probley best he didnt, not right now anyways.

"Bright and early if your going to help me with the horses again."

Making sure Jade got inside safly Dan makes his way back to his own bunk. Stopping before he got inside he took a deep breath of air and looks up at the stars for a long moment. Finally entering the building and getting at least a few hours of sleep.

Sitting outside Reese office at the small table to the right of Susanne's desk Thirteen hums a little toon as she doodles one the paper. Today she was going to try and stay home today by herself but an episode of people screaming outside the house in the street had changed her mind on that one.

So now content with her hums from just toons her had heard on the TV or in the car Thirteen waits and continues to doodle. Flowers, suns, but what look like to be her best work on the paper were the drawings of eyes.

Your preference

Leo just lets his head sink into Ryan's lap, his eyes falling shut again as she raked her fingers through his hair. She knew how to calm his nerves and make him feel relaxed. He tightens his grip a little on her hand, showing he liked being here.

"So what's this mean, Ry?"

He doesn't try to open his eyes again, and just speaks, his voice quite and a bit hoarse. "Are we gonna try again?"

Gunner flinches when he's elbowed, but a grin spreads on his face and he taps Bree with his foot again. He wasn't used to teasing like this, or being teased back... it was kinda fun.

Not much changes through the rest of the movie. Gunner manages to stay awake and every once in a while, he'd reach down to tug at Bree's hair, or give her another nudge just to get a reaction, at which point, laughter always followed.

As the credits roll, JT yawns and stands to stretch, glancing at the clock. "Well... this has been fun."

Gunner knows that this household is ready to call it a night, and he knows he should probably mak ea move to leave. Swinging a leg over Bree's head, he stands up as well, going to slip his tennis shoes back on. "I can walk home," he mentions. "It won't take me too long."

"You're not walking." JT rolls his eyes, not even letting Gunner argue. He glaces to his niece. "I can take him or you can - your preference."

Jade follows Dan's directions, helping round up the rogue horses and get them into the barn. Sliding the last stall shut, she latches it and turns to give a little laugh at Dan. "Well, that was exciting." She rolls her eyes, aiming for the barn door.

Getting there, she stops and scans the area, seeing the lights on in the main house. She did not know that her father had returned. Sighing, she knows she should probably go to bed and get some sleep.

Looking to Dan again, her expression fades just a little, replaced by something softer. "I guess... this is goodnight. See you tomorrow?"

Reese looks up from his paperwork, startled by the figure in the doorway. "Ryder! What are you doing here?"

"Well, you've been trying to get a hold of me and-"

"You could say that again!" Reese sets aside his work for now. "How many messages have I left on your answering machine? I'd think you were dead if you hadn't left messages for me with Susanne, which, by the way, I didn't appreciate when I was available to speak at any time. What do you think you're doing?!"

Ryder cringes a little and steps further into the office, though hesitantly. "Avoiding you?'

"Yes, it appears that way. Why, pray tell, have you been avoiding me and shirking your duties?"

"Well how would you feel with those angry messages on your answering machine? I figured I'd be getting sacked, so I wanted to let things cool for a while. Apparently, it didn't work."

Reese's eyes narrow. If he hadn't been so busy the last few days, he would have been all over Ryder. "You know why I called in the first place?"

"Um... the thing on tv?"

"Uh-huh. Do you have any idea how stupid-"

"I'm sorry, okay?!" Ryder throws up his hands. "I didn't know I'd be on tv and, and I know you're upset about the whole thing and me and Thirteen, I just-"

"You and Thirteen?"

Ryder stops and blinks. "This.... isn't about her and me?"

Reese rolls his eyes. "What, that you're dating in secret? That's old news, Ryder. I knew that the minute you moved in over there."

Ryder's eyes are wide. "You mean you... but... you're the reason I kept it a secret! Why didn't you say something?"

"What can I say? It was fun watching you squirm instead of admitting you'd fallen for our rescued damsel." Reese smirks a little. He'd wondered how long it would take Ryder to admit that he and Thirteen had something between them. "No, it's not about that - you know I don't like agents' involvement with clients like that, but I'm not a tyrant. I've loved before too, ya know." He shakes his head. "No, this is about your stupid crocodile stunt. It's bad enough my men are in danger in the field, then you go and tempt fate by teasing a crocodile with your life! And on tv to boot! The press did a great job making fun of the Elite, or didn't you notice?"

Ryder sighs and sets his hands on his hips. "I missed it, okay? I missed what I used to do. You got me stuck part-time in a cubicle, just because you don't want to let me go, but there's no real place for me here. You know it, and I know it. I'm just extra baggage."

Reese leans back in his chair thoughtfully. "Is that how you feel? I'll shift job positions if you need it - I thought you liked being able to concentrate on getting Thirteen on her feet."

"Well yeah but... I don't know... I just feel like I don't belong here anymore. I got a job offer from the zoo and... and... it's tempting."

"From the Elite to the zoo?"

"At least I can stay active."

Reese purses his lips. "Tell you what. Let this lie another night. Come in and talk to me tomorrow. I have an idea. I think you can have the best of both worlds if you and someone else are willing?"


"I'll tell you tomorrow."


Moving twords where the sound came from Dan lets his eyes get use to the dark making sure nether of them tripped on anything hurting themselves.

"There were three of them. It looks like one is over by the far barn. Why dont you go grab that one while I move this stuff out of the way for tonight so no one gets hurt. Put the horse into the barn and than we can see about the other two. They stick together a lot so find one and we have the other."

Moving to where the fence had broke Dan works quickly as he moved everything out of the way for tonight making a mental note he needed to fix it in the morning. Joining up with Jade once again to grab the other two horses.

"Alright lets get these horses back inside."

Smiling down softly at Leo Ryan gazed into his eyes not saying anything for a long moment. So many thoughts where going through her mind that she was trying to process. As Leo takes her hand Ryan can feel her heart pick up its beat.

"You had every right not to Leo. I did a horrible thing to you, for that I AM sorry."

Looking at Leo laying there all battered and bused made Ryan feel even worse. But it made it a good time to talk. Leaning back a little bit so Leo's head could rest in her lap Ryan leans back her one hand still in Leo's while the other hand ran through his hair gently.

"I am glad your here safe now. I was so worryed about you."

Giving a soft giggle as Gunner lets her go Bree brings one arm down but the other is still resting on his knee. Turning to him her eyes smiled as her moved her finger to her lips.

"Shhh...I am trying to watch this movie."

Feeling Gunner's toe nudge her Bree puts a little more into it making it look like Gunner had giving her a big shove. Bringing her elbow up she nudges Gunner's leg back playfully.

Quite fair

Jade is sure that her heart is going to pound right through her chest as she feels Dan moving in closer. But the moment is suddenly broken, making her jump, and all of a sudden she feels a wave of guilt for being in this position.

Finding out it's the horses, she's sure it's a good thing that it wasn't a ranch hand, but it's also a bad thing. She doesn't hesitate to help though, following Dan's directions and taking a lead rope of her own. Her heart was racing now for a completely different reason. "How many horses were out here?"

Leo forces his eyes to stay open, wincing just a little as another one of his cuts is cleaned. He didn't mind it so much though... not when it was Ryan.

"You don't have to thank me," he mumbles. "I just wish I... would have been strong enough to put that creep in his place."

Falling quiet, Leo stares across the room to the fire for several moments before lifting his gaze. The firelight danced across Ryan's face, illuminating each feature with soft shadows to define the smooth contours.

Reaching up, he stops Ryan's hand from wiping any more, and just holds her hand still. "And I wish I... I would have... swallowed my pride sooner too." His gaze drops once more.

Gunner grins. "Fair? I'd say this was quite fair, seeing as though you started it."

Eventually, he lets Bree go, releasing his hold and letting his legs stay one on each side of her. "But I'm a nice guy," he concludes. "But you never know... next time I might not let you off so easy."

JT eyes them for a moment, then goes back to watching tv, seeming to have heard a joke no one else had.

Now fully awake, Gunner moves one of his toes to nudge Bree teasingly, not letting the little row die.