

*Lockheart lets out a sigh and makes her way across the street leaving her car at the station for now. Entering the Cafe for the second time today Lockheart nods at the waitress and scans the room for Reese and Nate. Spoting them she walks over and sits down. Leting out a long sigh.*

"Well I got the story from him, and I have to now do the long process of forming something out of it without giving you guys away. Sometime the week I need to go talk with the judge as well."

*Lockheart shakes her head. This was all to familure to her. Memories of her brother come back to her, they were sad, but they also pushed her on to help Jason even more.*

"He trying to keep his head up but is having a hard time. Not that I blame him. He seems to be worryed more about Katie than himself. Which in a sence might be a good thing, maybe just the face of having her will help him push on."

*Lockheart orders a cup of tea and a light snadwitch.*

*Misty lay with her eyes closed her head was burning up but se could feel Carson and Rick rushing around her and it was making her feel nervouse something she rarly felt. In a quivering voice Misty trys to regain her sassy tone.*

"Watch where you put your hands, cuz I bite."

*Misty can feel the coolness from the cloth and it feels good. but it dident seem to be enough her still felt on fire. Misty opens her eyes again to see the room spinning, shuting them again tight everything still felt like her body was spinning, her tummy crunches again not liking the little bit of grilled cheese she had eaten, trying her best she leans over the bed and upcucks into a newby bucket.*


*Misty turns and rests her head back into the pillow. She wasent even sure what she was thinking anymore. Reaching her arm out to Carson again she gestures for him to come closer. In a small whisper she says*

"Caron...go to my b....bag and take out the vi...vial in there. Fill...the saringe....to..."

*Misty winces as another shot of pain shoots through her.*

"...fill it to the second little line..than in....inject it on the veil in my neck.....hurrrrysh."

*Misty's words starts to slear as she can feel her throt going dry. It felt like she was trying to swallow cotton. Misty's eyes goes shut again, as the voices starts to much together slowly she was sliping in a dark whole, the darkenss swallowing her up.*

*Katie smiles at Kyle and gives him a sisterly hug back.*

"I think we are gonna make it."

*Katie looks out across the water. For a moment she though her hurd her mom's voice but knows she couldent have. Though it dident make her feel sad but made her smile.*

"Ya lets go see Jen I could use a woman to talk to."

*Katie playfuly elbows Kyle. and heads slowly for the truck.*

On second thought

Jason is silent while Lockheart speaks, wanting to glean reassurance and hope from her words. If only he had more faith in the system. But he couldn’t be negative…

“Thanks, Lockheart. See you tomorrow then.”

An officer is standing by as Lockheart exits, and steps into the doorway. “Alright, Jason.”

Jason slowly rises, ready to head back to his cell without so much as a glance over his shoulder to watch the confident attorney leave. Trudging to the cell, the squeaky hinges on the door and clang of the lock feel all-too familiar for his short stay here.

Jackman watches from his parked car in the empty lot a block from the police station. His cellphone was pressed up against his ear. “Look I don’t care what it takes. Up the offer. Just get me that fax tonight. I don’t want it waiting another day. This deal is too big for me to want to lose it. We do things my way this time. …What part of ‘I don’t care’ don’t you understand? With Judge Barker’s signature, there’s nothing anyone can do, least of all Lockheart.” He eyes the attorney as she exits the station. “We’re not getting paid to do things by the book, Marcus. We’re getting paid to make sure that kid is convicted. Now get me that fax.” He flips his phone shut and leans back in his seat with a frustrated sigh.

Rick’s concern increases, and he takes a small blood sample quickly to spare Misty any more discomfort. “You just lie still now, okay? Just rest.”

Carson holds the ice water bowl and cloth, unsure exactly what’s going on, though something told him this was no common cold. Misty’s sudden and rapid decline was not something normal.

“Carson…” Rick looks at him with annoyed prompting.


Rick rolls his eyes. “Washcloth…” Seeing Carson’s cluelessness, he sighs. “Haven’t you ever brought someone’s fever down before?”

Carson’s defenses rise. “Well, I’m not exactly in the habit of playing nurse, if that’s what you mean. If I…”

“If you have any brains,” Rick intervenes, “You’ll get the cloth wet, wring it out and put it on the poor girl’s forehead while I test this blood.”

Carson looks down at Misty, feeling dumb. Seeing her outstretched arm, he sighs a little, and grabs a nearby chair, turning it around so he can straddle it, and bringing it near the bed. Using the small beside table, he gets the cloth wet and wrings it out, folding it up neatly and laying it across Misty’s forehead.

He sits back for a moment, not wanting to ask if he was supposed to do something else. He felt ridiculously inept…not something he was used to feeling.

Reaching out on instinct, he puts a little pressure on the cloth to disperse the coolness to Misty’s hot skin, then retreats again, just looking at her.

He sees her outstretched hand again, and bypasses his awkwardness to take it in his own. Doing so, though, he notices the small cut on her palm. It looked fairly fresh, though wasn’t deep and had hardly bled at all, already sealed up. But it was starting to get slightly red with infection…odd for a cut so fresh.

“Hey, Doc…”

Rick sighs, feeling as though he has a little kid under foot. “Yes?”

“Is an infected cut significant?”

Rick stops what he’s doing and comes to take a closer look. “Hmm…doesn’t look like much. She could have gotten that anywhere.”

“Yeah, but it wouldn’t have gotten infected in just the last couple hours, would it?”

“Who says she did it that recently?”

Carson looks up at Rick, with a slight smirk. “Trust me. I think I woulda noticed.”

Rick opens his mouth to say something, but then shuts it, realizing the truth in Carson’s statement, his annoyance for that morning’s event returning. “I’m sure you would have.” Studying Misty’s hand a little closer, he frowns, then returns to the blood sample. “Let’s hope it’s just a coincidence, shall we?”

“What do you mean?”

“I mean that I don’t like the looks of this.” Rick resumes his work at the counter over his microscope.

Carson lets his confusion go, turning back to Misty. He sets her hand down on the bed beside herself and sits back, just watching her.

“It would help if you wet the cloth again.”

Carson’s eyes narrow at the strong suggestion. Rick wasn’t helping him feel any less an idiot. For some reason though, he couldn’t retaliate. Rick was obviously not in the mood for games, and unafraid of Carson, having no problems ordering him around. Carson removes Misty’s cloth, rewets it and puts it back on her head.

Ten minutes later, Rick is shaking his head. “We got another one.”

Carson lifts his eyebrow. “What?”

“Poison.” Rick concentrates on the microscope and the printouts he had.

Carson rises from his seat and goes to Rick, looking over his shoulder. “Not Agency poison…”

“Yes, Agency poison, according to this,” Rick states flatly.

“But how…” Confused, Carson tries to get a better look.

Rick finally turns his head to stare up at him. “Do you know how to read these printouts or decipher what’s under the microscope?”

“Well, no.”

“Then would you kindly step aside? You’re blocking my light.”

Carson sighs and takes a step back. “You’re saying that this is the same poison that got Jason and Con?”


“But how? It doesn’t make sense.”

“Doesn’t it?” Rick throws him another glance.

Carson glares at him. “No, it doesn’t. The Agency doesn’t even know Misty exists. Besides, you think I’d let them get away with this?”

Rick doesn’t answer. “Then it’s that cut on her hand.”

Carson thinks for a moment before the realization hits him. “She was working with those contaminated samples today.”


“Well how bad is it?”

Rick straightens up, his lips pursed in thought. “I wish I knew. But as dangerous as this stuff is, I don’t like taking chances. The problem is, we haven’t developed an antidote yet. You…wouldn’t happen to know of one…”

Carson shakes his head. “Nope. Why would the Agency want an antidote?”

“Good point.” Rick turns back to his work. “Then there’s not a whole lot we can do. If Misty’s fever doesn’t go down any, I’ve got something to give her to help fight the infection, but lets just hope she didn’t get a large dose of that poison.” He pauses, then looks up, seeing Carson still standing there. “Her head isn’t going to stay cool by itself, genius.”

Carson grits his teeth, but retreats to the bed again to turn the cold cloth.

Rick doesn’t look up from his work, but calls over to him. “Take a second cloth and put it right below her neck on her chest where the most heat is. Then..” He lifts his eyes from his microscope, rethinking just who he’s asking to do this. “On second thought, why don’t I…”

Carson rolls his eyes and stands to get a second cloth. “I’ll behave myself, Doc. I may be bold, but I’m not stupid.”

Rick watches out of the corner of his eye as Carson resumes his duty over Misty, taking care of both cold compresses, seeming to get the hang of the simple task as he works with an awkward gentleness. An ever-so-slight grin twitches the corner of his mouth. Maybe there was some hope for Carson yet.

Kyle can’t help the laugh that escapes as a quirky smile spreads across his face. “I thought I was the one who was supposed to be doing the encouraging today.” He reaches over to wrap an arm around Katie’s shoulders in a brotherly fashion. “I do believe we’re going to make it, you know that?”

He chuckles and releases his hold, turning to look back up the beach to the pickup. “What say you to paying that sister of mine a visit? Our folks are out of town for a week and I bet ya anything she’d enjoy the company.”

God On Our Side

*Lockheart smiles and nods at Jason. The look in his eye told a story not to many wemon could see in a man. It was the story of a boy whos care for a girl ran deeper than anything.*

"You've been alot of help so far Jason. I'll do everything in my power to get you out of here. I havent given up and I am looking to the bright side. When I talk to Katie again I will reasure her again for you. I'll see what I can do about aranging a meeting again for you guys as well so at least you both can talk."

*Lockheart stands and makes her way to the door.*

"Your a good man Jason Stevenson, I have no doubt in my mind about that. Katie is might lucky to have someone like you with her, and you are lucky to have someone standing by your side like her. Not many people in this day and age can say that. A close person to me once was in the same position your in told me "They can take away everything from me and lock me up, but they cant take away my memories and my love." always keep that in mind and help you remain strong."

*Lockheart smiles and lets out a sigh of her own as memories of her older bother enter her mind. It had been so long ago but seeing Jason siting there brang back memories.*

"If they bother or rough you up again Jason let me know, but something tells me I'll know from a sorce before you even have a chanse to tell me. No matter what done answer any questions without me. No matter what they say they will do, demand to see me and if they dont they will be sorry. Keep you cin up Jason. I'll be back tomarrow morning."

*Lockheart exits the jail cell and makes her way down the hall.*

*Misty can see blurry visions pass through her eyes. She is able to make out the voices it was Rick and Carson. Slowly Misty opens her mouth though she isent sure if her voice comes out or not.*

" My head hurts real bad and my tummy feels like its in knots. It feels like there is a pile....a..."

*Misty as a sharp pain serges through her.*

"....like a pile of rocks on my head, and like someone has there hands around my tummy and are twisting and turning it."

*Misty trys to stay countios listing to whats going on around her. She trys to think back to what happend today and could have caused her to become sick. Misty shakes her head back and forth.*

"Rick.....Carson...he...dident...anything. This...was my own fault. Its...just a cold...I'll be....fine. I just...need to rest...just alittle sleep."

*Misty turns her hear to look at Carson trying to bring his blurry vision into view. Misty streches her hand out to him. She could make out he had something wet and cold. Her skin felt like it was on fire and new it would feel good. Not to mention for some reson she just wanted Carson close. He was her light in the darkness. As Misty arm turns over it reveals a tiny cut on her palm. Just an ordanry cut.*

*Katie's heart goes out to Kyle. He cared so much for his sister.*

"I guess we both feel helpless than for people we care about. Jen's gonna be ok Kyle. Like you told this is God's plane right. He knows what he is doing and wont give us anything we cant handle. Jen is a smart girl I think she knows what she can and cant do. Just babying her is gonna make it worse ya know. But I understand your consern, she is your sister and you care for her so much."

*Katie looks out at the water with Kyle thinking about both there lifes and how differnt they were yet they were the same. Katie's hand moves to Kyles arm and gives it a light friendly squeeze.*

"She's gonna be ok Kyle. She's so strong and so are you. And we have God on our side. Its gonna be ok. It sure is nice though to have friends to lean on when it gets real hard so Kyle thank you again for your friendship from the start."


Jason forces a short laugh to surface. "Yeah, alright. I don't know what I'm complaining about anyway. I've only been in here one day."

The look on Katie's face enters his mind, reminding him that whether it was 24 hours or 24 months, it wasn't any easier.

"Look, I appreciate everything you're doing, and I apologize if I seem like I don't. I don't have anyone else to fight the system for me right now, so I know we have to stick together. If I think of anything new, I'll let you know...but I think I covered about everything for this one scene."

Jason pauses, catching her eye. "Try to reassure Katie, will ya? If there anyone who doesn't need this, it's her."

Rick frowns and moves closer to Misty, automatically starting to check her vitals. Her pulse seemed a little rapid...he shines a light in her eyes. "Misty...does it hurt anywhere? What's it feel like?"

Carson can sense Rick's concern, and his eyes narrow slightly. "Normal procedure for a cold, Doc?"

Rick straightens up and looks at Carson. "You of all people shouldn't have to ask why we would treat any illness with the utmost caution."

"What do you..." Carson raises an eyebrow straightening a little. "Are you implying that I..." He pauses, knowing the truth in Rick's eyes. "Look, she was fine a while ago, alright? I don't know anything."

"Good. Then you get your hind end over to the sink, get some cold water in a bowl and a clean cloth. She's getting a fever and I want to catch it before it gets worse." Rick points to the counter sternly.

Carson opens his mouth to argue, but obeys, feeling unable to do anything but follow orders at this point.

Rick leaves Misty for a moment, coming back with a syringe. "Hon, I just want to take a small bit of blood from ya. How you doing, hmm? You still awake?"

Kyle lets Katie look him in the eye for a moment, before turning his gaze to the water. "Yeah, I'm sorry...I guess I've just been a little touchy lately, and I shouldn't have let it get so far that anyone else would have noticed it."

He pauses in thought. "I figured you'd ask eventually anyway. I just...guess I didn't feel much like talking about it, and the other guys respected that so they didn't say anything either."

Kyle thinks for a moment, tucking his hands in his pockets. "Jen fell last week at home. She was trying to get something off her bookshelf and got up out of her wheelchair to do it. Her foot caught on something and tripped her. She couldn't get herself back up, and nobody else was home at the time. She finally got to a phone and called me, so I could come home and help. She said she was fine, but she wasn't moving right. I took her to the doctor the next day and..."

He stops, letting another sigh escape. "When Jen fell, she snapped something in her spine that was already damaged. The doctor said that it was severe enough that he didn't want her doing anything...she needed to use her chair at all times, and reduce her movement to the bare minimum, in the hopes that her body would heal itself. If she were to cause any more damage by either falling again, or simply moving the wrong way too quickly, it could be permanent. As it is, all of her therapy has stopped, and she's immobile...back to square one, only worse."

Kyle shakes his head, still focusing on the water. "There's the hope that if no more damage is caused, her spine will repair itself. She does have an appointment in six weeks for the doctor to see if any improvement has been made. If not, he will then decide if surgery would help, or if it's indeed permanent."

He shrugs lamely. "Jen's determined not to change her routine. She's got it in her head to do just what she's been doing all along, and forge ahead, no matter what. I guess I can't blame her, and I'm proud of her attitude....but I guess I worry about her. I don't want her to live the rest of her life in a wheelchair...but I know it's her life and not mine so... yeah. That's what's happening in that end of the world."


* Lockheart eyes Jason a smile crossing her lips.*

"I'm not asking you to lie Mr. Steve....Jason. This isent impossable. Give me a few day to peace a story together and I will throw it by you. Its amazing how you can twist words but not lie. I dont lie in my cases. I dident become this good by lieing nor would I ask anyone alse to lie."

*Lockheart closes her brefcase and just looks across the table at Jason.*

"Nothing is impossable Jason as long as you believe. Dont give up and its gonna work out. I maybe your lawyer but I am your friend now too. I can lend you an ear if you need it. Dont keep everything bottled up. Need you clear headed through this all ok?"

*Misty trys to laugh at Carson's comment but it comes out as more of a dry cackle.*

"Ok, for you I'll go to see Rick."

*Misty walks down the hall with Carson leaning on him a bit. Finally making it to the infermary Misty makes her way over to the bed and hopes up laying her head down on the pillow. In a shallow horse voice Misty whispers.*

"I'm ok...I just need to reast. I am geting a cold or something thats all. Nothing magor."

*Misty's eyes flutter than drift shut, only to open again and try to focuse at everything around the room.*

*Katie nods and smiles at Kyle.*

"Your right. Thank you. I just have to try and keep my head up. Just seeing Jason in there today and than having to leave him. It was so hard Kyle. I just had to get away."

*Katie lets out a sigh as she stops walking and stands facing the water the sun warming her face.*

"Hows Jen doing? I couldent help things have been tence with you guys. Is everything ok?"

*Katie's face searches Kyles.*

Dry land

Jason ponders Lockheart's words, mulling them over in his mind. "Technically, Katie didn't get shot until after I'd gunned down the first guy..."

He continues to think. "About the witness, I don't know what happened to her and the other guy. We all got out of there, so I don't know. I didn't hear about TJY cleaning up a second body, so...that one is up in the air."

He rubs his face wearily, cringing a he hits a bruise. "Um...there's just still so much I know they're going to ask. My hunch is that the Agency will either have one of their own prosecutors or will at least have gotten to one, and they're going to dig into this like you wouldn't believe. First off, so Katie and I were taking a walk...that's true. We were walking. Why did I have my rifle with me? It wasn't even hunting season. Let alone, the target range was no where near the cabin. Second, a guy just jumps out of nowhere to take Katie? Then we have another problem." Jason's mind reels with all of the holes in the story. "The guy was shot from long distance. If I was walking with Katie and a guy got a hold of her, I would have shot him point blank. Why would she have been that far away from me?"

Jason stands up and starts to pace. "Then...apparently the body was found by the house where he'd dropped. So if Katie and I were casually walking through the woods, why did Katie wander off, and go snooping around a house?"

He shakes his head. "I don't like the thought of lying, Lockheart...it just gets deeper and deeper the more lies that pile on. Unfortunately, the truth of the matter is that Katie and I weren't just walking casually out in the woods. It's too simple...they're never going to go for it."

Jason continues to think. "There will also be hospital records of Katie's wound. Yet I'd be willing to bet that the police found the dead guy's gun fully loaded, because he wasn't the one to shoot her - it was the second guy. So then what...our story of a story has holes on top of holes."

He groans and sinks back down in his chair. "This is impossible."

Carson gets to his feet, concerned about Misty. "Don't go wandering off now," he chides. "You're liable to pass out somewhere along the way by the looks of it."

He comes up beside her and puts a firm grip on her arm to steady her and points her in the direction of the infirmary. "How about you just humor me and let Rick take a look at you, hmm?"

Rick looks up as he sees them both appear in the doorway. He raises an eyebrow, seeing that Misty doesn't look well. "Misty? Are you okay?"

Kyle sighs deeply, and simply follows along with Katie, walking in the sand. "I know...nothing seems fair. That's just the way it goes...I guess God never promised us life would be fair. Doesn't make accepting it any easier though."

For a moment, he gets lost in his own little world before turning his attention back to Katie. "I know most of the time I'm just a goofball...maybe it's my way of coping with all the unfairness. But I understand what you're feeling, Katie. There are so many things in my life that I wished hadn't happened...that I wish I could change. With me...my dad...my sister..." He stops, rethinking his words. "I guess I'm just trying to let you know that you're not alone in the way you feel. We're all in the same boat, just hoping that God will point us in the right direction, and keeping an eye out for dry land."

Thank you

*Lockheart sits and listens to Jason for a long while. Going over everything in his mind. This was deeper than she though and she wasent so sure this time how it would end. But she couldent give up she had promised Katie and Jason both she would do all she could and thats what she still intended on doing.*

"So when they day came that you were in the woods with Katie you wernt feeling well correct? Someone pulled a gun on her, it could of been anyone, again noting you were sick. So in shooting Black you were protecting Katie she had already been shot in the arm and probley would of been dead if you haden shot back."

*Lokcheart mind forms an answer, a story, twisting words so they arnt lies but they implay something differnt. Looking down at some paper she jots a few notes.*

"If we have to I'd like to use Katie as a witness. I know you probley dont want that, but she already said she would and it will help the case a great deal. I at least need to have someone who can go up there and I think Katie would be the best canadate."

*Lockheart plays Jason words his story in his mind. Coming across something that was thought unimportant but was.*

"This other agent there, the unimportant one? You said she is dead now, did she die that day or was she a witness to what happend? If she just left whoever there to die than we might be able to play that to our advantage."

*Lockheart sits back in her chair and thinks for a long moment. Contenplating the best action to take in this case.*

*As Misty moves her standwitch awy from her she stands the blood rushing to her head at once causing her to get dizzy again as she tummy tightens. She can feel the heat in her face rising.*

"I just...I just need to lay down for a bit. I should be ok. Just geting a flu or something."

*Standing again Misty uses the table and some chairs to steddy her. Making her way slowly from the breakroom as the pressure in her head increases.*

*Katie slowly turns and looks at Kyle.*

"I'm just so scaired. Seeing Jason behind those bars He dosent belong there. He shot and killed that man trying to protect me. If he hadent I probley would be the one dead."

*Katie trys to controll her emotions as much as she can.*

"I'm trying to be strong I am, and I know God will take care of everything but I'm still scaired. What if Jason dosent get out? What if I'll never be able to hold him in my arms again. I feel so helpless. I dont even know where to start trying to help. Jason is the world to me and it hurts so much. Its just not fair Kyle. Everything was going so well."

*Katie lets out a sigh as she starts to walk along the waters edge again remembering her first time here with Jetstream, than remembering when her and Jason came here. Those were the godo days.*

"Thank you Kyle, for coming and just being here."

How it happened...

Jason takes a deep breath and finally raises his head, keeping his elbows on the table. "First, quit calling me Mr. Stevenson." He stops, realizing his grouchy tone, and tries to soften it.

"I was in Texas because I was on the team from TJY sent to watch the ranch. We'd been there for a while before they even knew it. I was the one to come out in the open when some of their people got hurt and we met them at the hospital."

He thinks for a moment, trying to remember they day under question. "I was getting sick that day, so there are parts I don't remember too well. It all seems like a dream... Um..It was Jim's daughter, Rosalynn...she and her mom had gone home from the ranch and had been attacked by the Agency. Becky was left, but they'd taken Rosalynn. I think it was Rosetta that guessed where they would have taken her."

Jason pauses, replaying the events in his mind. "It was evening. I don't remember what day of the week. We got together a team to go out...Rosetta headed there with her car first, and the rest of us walked through the woods from the ranch. There was me, and Sparky, that's Tyler, and...Jeff....I think Angel came along, yeah...and Katie of course, and Austin, my grandfather. I think that was it. Jeff went down as a diversion and to find out how many guys were on the inside of the house, and Katie went to the basement window to go for Rosalynn."

Jason closes his eyes for a moment. "Something happened...I guess I'd moved away from the others to get a better angle and I saw a guy coming around the side of the house. He'd spotted Katie and Rosalynn who were escaping out the window, and he pulled a gun on Katie."

He swallows hard, remembering the feeling of dread that had come later for killing a man. "I had my rifle and took one shot. Killed him on the spot. Katie and Rosalynn ran. There was a second guy... He got a shot off at Katie. I took him down too. He was alive the last I saw him, but I'm not convinced he lived after that."

Jason shakes his head. "We were seen by another Agency member...ends up she was a relative of..." He stops and rolls his eyes. "Unimportant. She's dead now. Anyway, so Katie got taken to the hospital for her arm, and Rosalynn got back safe. We deserted the house. I..." He stops and thinks. "I made it halfway back to the ranch I guess...I was having a hard time dealing with killing somebody and was sicker than a dog at that point. I might have passed out....I think it was Katie that found me...but after that, the whole thing was over and done with. I was told that TJY had sent a cleanup crew and they were confident nothing had been left behind. The body was supposedly taken care of, so I don't know what went wrong."

He looks up at Lockheart, his eyes beginning to show a dullness. "The Agency wants me in here. You play this by the book or not, it's going to be an uphill battle and I'll be surprised if you get me out of here."

Carson eyes Misty with suspicion, noting that her face was paled slightly. "You're not looking to good." Something in his gut warns him. "How about you going and lying down, or better yet, going and seeing Rick?"

Kyle watches Katie on the beach and tails her at a distance, taking his time across the sand. He stops a ways back and gives her her own space for a few minutes, but then decides to approach. He hesitates, but then rests a hand on her shoulder, giving it a slight squeeze. "It'll be alright, Katie. I know that's what everybody says, and I know it sounds trite, but it's true."

He cocks his head so he can see her face, and reaches out to wipe away a tear. "I know probably nothing I can say will make you feel better...but everything has a purpose. I don't know all that's going on, but I know it's not good. Yet I know that God isn't going to let you down. And sometimes...as hard as it is...all we can do is fall back on Him and rely solely on faith to get us through because nothing else makes sense."

Kyle pauses, glancing out across the water. "I think the most we can do right now is pray for Jason...not only that he not be treated unjustly, but that he would find that reliance on God too, because I know he doesn't have that yet. And if he's facing anything like prison or worse, he's going to need to rely on something to get him through, and God's the only thing that will matter in the end."

He allows another pause and turns his focus back to Katie. "We're her for you, Katie. No matter what or when, if you need something, you let us know. We're not in the habit of leaving anyone high and dry. And if there's anything we can do for Jason too, we will." He smiles a little. "I know you two are close...I always thought it was meant to be that way. And if my guess is right, you're feeling worse than he does right about now."


*Katie stairs out the window for a long moment not saying anything to Kyle. Her mind was racing, her hear was hurting, and she wasent sure what to say.*

"The beach, can you take me to the beach? I just need to clear my head."

*Kyle dosent need to answer as they turn down the next street to there left. After a while, and the scenes pass by Katie can see the beach she had been so familure with. Once parked Katie gets out of the truck and walks over to the fence at the waters edge just stairing off into the distince, a small tear rolling down her cheek. She wanted to talk, she wanted to scream, she wanted to let Kyle know what was wrong but she dident know where to start explaining.*

*Nate stairs in the same direction as Reese watching the truck disapear over the harizen.*

"Its gonna work out in the end. We just have to have faith. At least they both have something to looks forward to. Tomarrow will be one step closer to Jason being free again."

*Nate gives a nods relizing how tired he was. It had been a while since he last cup of coffee.*

"Ya coffee sounds good."

*Lockheart sits across from Jason and studys him for a long moment. He looked so tired.*

"Dont give out on me yet Mr. Stevenson, we still have a long road. You have to stay strong for me ok and for Katie too."

*Lockheart lowers her eyes to her papers for a moment leting Jason have a moment to regroup.*

"Ok Mr. Stevenson if your ready I hurt the story from Reese but now I need to know it from you. What happend the day of the shooting? I need to know the smallest of detail. Time, Place, where and why? If I am going to find the loophole I need to know everything I can to peace it together. How and why you came to the ranch? How you need that girl was in the woods and why someone would of pointed a gun at Katie."

*Misty shakes her head at Carson and lets her sassy smile show.*

"Oh ya that sounds exciting real exciting."

*Once the dizzyness pass Misty smiles again but suddanly feels sick. Taking another bit of her sandwitch she windes as a pain goes though her tummy but trys to push it away. She couldent get sick there was to much to do.*

"Ya I should be ok. Just not feeling to well. Maybe am working to hard."

*Misty throws a wink at Carson as her eyes meet his. For a bref moment his face goes fuzzy but than clears up. Great this is just what she needed.*


Kyle answers his phone while jotting down an order and tossing it back to a coworker. “Yo! …Hey, Katie….” His voice becomes solemn as he hears the hurt in her voice. “You just sit tight,” he directs gently. “Give me a couple minutes.”

Hanging up, he puts his phone back on his belt and takes off his hat and apron. “Larry, I’m taking off,” he calls to the back.

A large man in the kitchen looks at him with surprise and slight annoyance. “Your shift just started.”

“Family emergency,” Kyle yells over his shoulder as he makes his way to the back door.

“But Kyle!” Larry shakes his head as his employee disappears. “That boy,” he mutters and rolls his eyes. “Sometimes I think he’s got a screw loose.”

Kyle wastes no time, getting into his pickup and leaving the Pizza Box behind. Heading across town, he worries a little, replaying the tone of Katie’s voice in his mind. He knew it had to do with Jason.

Arriving at the jail, he parks along the curb, and waves to Katie for her to join him. He sees two other men…he recognizes the one from the other night after the fundraiser, but didn’t know the older one.

After Katie is in the truck, Kyle pulls back out onto the road and gives her a sidelong glance. “You alright? Somewhere you want to go?”

Reese looks after the pickup as it pulls away, and shakes his head. “I think I feel more sorry for that girl than I do Jason. She’s been through heck and back the way it is, and now this.” He sighs and looks to Nate. “Well…want to step across the street for a cup of coffee or something while we wait?”

As Katie is pulled away, Jason turns to rest is back against the bars, unwilling to watch her leave. He stands and waits, barely hearing Jackman and Lockheart.

Jackman eyes Lockheart’s papers for a moment, then hands them back to her, slightly annoyed. “Well…I guess you can take your time, Miss Lockheart.”

He grabs a key and unlocks Jason’s cell. “Alright, young man, no trouble and I won’t cuff you. Come on.” He takes Jason by the arm and leads him back down the hall, to a private room, showing Lockheart in as well.

Once they’re alone, Jason slumps into a chair, burying his face in his folded arms on the table. He was physically exhausted and emotionally rung out. He’d told Katie to be strong…could he be strong too?

Carson quirks an eyebrow at Misty’s comment about his kisses, and gives her a nudge with his foot that’s on the chair beside her. “Don’t tempt me to give you another one. I’m trying to eat.”

He shrugs, taking a bite of his sandwich. “Oh, I’ve just been snooping through personal files, hacking into computers and making deals with the enemy.” He catches Misty’s eye, a teasing glint showing in his own. “I’m a prisoner here, what am I supposed to be doing?”

As Misty sits back down and teeters just a little, Carson cocks his head. “Hey, you alright?”


*Katie gives her best smile to Jason trying to keep her tears held back.*

"Once your hero always your hero. I'll try my best to stay strong. I'll help all I can J. I will count the days till I can hold you in my arms again."

*Nate gently places his hand on Katies shoulder guilding her twords the door.*

"Come on Kiddo we need to let Lockheart work now."

*Kaite streches her fingers as far and as long as she can till finally she has to let go of Jason's hand. As Katie gets outside with Nate her tears finally break free as her mind races. She needed to get away she needed time with some friends. She hurt and she needed someone who could comfort her. Pulling out her phone she dials Kyles number and waits for him to answer trying to hold back her tears but her voice quivers.*

"Kyle its Katie...can you come and get me from Jail? I just need a friend right now."

*Lockheart nods to Reese.*

"I'll call when I know more or need more information. Take care of Katie and make sure she is ok. I'll take care of Jason."

*After everyone leaves the room Lockheart looks to Jackman again.*

"Ok lead the way Detective, and I believe being his lawyer I get more time than a half hour."

*Lockheart pulls a paper from her brefcase and holds it up for Jackman.*

*Misty grins as she takes the other finishes sadwatch from the pan and puts it on another plat. Carrying them both to the table she places one in front of Carson and than sits down across form him.*

"I guess I am a mind reader. I love grilled cheese myself. I dont think I know anyone who dosent. I would of made some soup with it, but we dont have any here."

*Misty takes a bit from her sandwatch.*

"Now how could I forget about you Carson? Havent we been over this. I dont go around kissing people I forget about in a day. Not to mention with a kiss like the ones you give me how COULD i forget. So what have you been up to all afternoon?"

*Misty stands and grabs a glass of Milk, grabing on for Carson too she sits back down a suddon wave of dizzyness passing over her. Closing her eyes for a moment she stedys herself and opens than again taking a drink and smiling.*

Just when I thought

Jackman grits his teeth against Katie’s accusation, and is obviously trying to control his temper in the presence of these people. He receives Lockheart’s warning, forcing a slight smile, though empty of emotion. “Alright, Miss Lockheart. You win. However, I do reserve the right to deny any foul play here. You have my word that this young man fell to the hands of other prisoners here. This jail has been under investigation and found to be clean.”

Jason grips Katie’s hand, trying to convey reassurance to her. He nods to Nate, appreciating his words. “Thanks, Nate. And look…I only have one favor to ask of you. I need you to call Wes Henson, back in Texas. He’s my mom’s fiancé. They’re supposed to be married here real soon, and I don’t want my mom changing any plans because I’m in jail. I know she’ll want to, but please…tell Wes that I insist nothing changes. When I get out, I’ll get over to Texas to see them.”

He turns his gaze to Katie, locking eyes with her. “And you…all I want from you is to know you’re not worrying about me, alright? I need you to keep a level head and to help Lockheart all you can. I’m going to get out of this.” He lefts her hand to plant a tender kiss on it. “You need to be that hero, Katie…stay strong.”

Jackman pauses his exchanges with Lockheart, nodding slightly. “You’ve got your private room if you want it. But I must insist on it only being you with Mr. Stevenson. I must abide by the rules here, and outside interaction, other than an attorney, must only occur as it is now with the prisoner remaining in his cell alone. If the rest of your party would care to step outside, I will escort Mr. Stevenson to the room myself, and you may have half an hour with him.”

Carson lifts an eyebrow, grinning slightly at Misty. “Now, how did you know that I liked grilled cheese sandwiches?”

He pulls out a chair to sit down, propping his feet up on an empty seat on the other side of the table. “You’ve rescued the poor starving soul. And just when I thought everyone had forgotten about me.”