

*Katie stairs out the window for a long moment not saying anything to Kyle. Her mind was racing, her hear was hurting, and she wasent sure what to say.*

"The beach, can you take me to the beach? I just need to clear my head."

*Kyle dosent need to answer as they turn down the next street to there left. After a while, and the scenes pass by Katie can see the beach she had been so familure with. Once parked Katie gets out of the truck and walks over to the fence at the waters edge just stairing off into the distince, a small tear rolling down her cheek. She wanted to talk, she wanted to scream, she wanted to let Kyle know what was wrong but she dident know where to start explaining.*

*Nate stairs in the same direction as Reese watching the truck disapear over the harizen.*

"Its gonna work out in the end. We just have to have faith. At least they both have something to looks forward to. Tomarrow will be one step closer to Jason being free again."

*Nate gives a nods relizing how tired he was. It had been a while since he last cup of coffee.*

"Ya coffee sounds good."

*Lockheart sits across from Jason and studys him for a long moment. He looked so tired.*

"Dont give out on me yet Mr. Stevenson, we still have a long road. You have to stay strong for me ok and for Katie too."

*Lockheart lowers her eyes to her papers for a moment leting Jason have a moment to regroup.*

"Ok Mr. Stevenson if your ready I hurt the story from Reese but now I need to know it from you. What happend the day of the shooting? I need to know the smallest of detail. Time, Place, where and why? If I am going to find the loophole I need to know everything I can to peace it together. How and why you came to the ranch? How you need that girl was in the woods and why someone would of pointed a gun at Katie."

*Misty shakes her head at Carson and lets her sassy smile show.*

"Oh ya that sounds exciting real exciting."

*Once the dizzyness pass Misty smiles again but suddanly feels sick. Taking another bit of her sandwitch she windes as a pain goes though her tummy but trys to push it away. She couldent get sick there was to much to do.*

"Ya I should be ok. Just not feeling to well. Maybe am working to hard."

*Misty throws a wink at Carson as her eyes meet his. For a bref moment his face goes fuzzy but than clears up. Great this is just what she needed.*

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