
Dry land

Jason ponders Lockheart's words, mulling them over in his mind. "Technically, Katie didn't get shot until after I'd gunned down the first guy..."

He continues to think. "About the witness, I don't know what happened to her and the other guy. We all got out of there, so I don't know. I didn't hear about TJY cleaning up a second body, so...that one is up in the air."

He rubs his face wearily, cringing a he hits a bruise. "Um...there's just still so much I know they're going to ask. My hunch is that the Agency will either have one of their own prosecutors or will at least have gotten to one, and they're going to dig into this like you wouldn't believe. First off, so Katie and I were taking a walk...that's true. We were walking. Why did I have my rifle with me? It wasn't even hunting season. Let alone, the target range was no where near the cabin. Second, a guy just jumps out of nowhere to take Katie? Then we have another problem." Jason's mind reels with all of the holes in the story. "The guy was shot from long distance. If I was walking with Katie and a guy got a hold of her, I would have shot him point blank. Why would she have been that far away from me?"

Jason stands up and starts to pace. "Then...apparently the body was found by the house where he'd dropped. So if Katie and I were casually walking through the woods, why did Katie wander off, and go snooping around a house?"

He shakes his head. "I don't like the thought of lying, Lockheart...it just gets deeper and deeper the more lies that pile on. Unfortunately, the truth of the matter is that Katie and I weren't just walking casually out in the woods. It's too simple...they're never going to go for it."

Jason continues to think. "There will also be hospital records of Katie's wound. Yet I'd be willing to bet that the police found the dead guy's gun fully loaded, because he wasn't the one to shoot her - it was the second guy. So then what...our story of a story has holes on top of holes."

He groans and sinks back down in his chair. "This is impossible."

Carson gets to his feet, concerned about Misty. "Don't go wandering off now," he chides. "You're liable to pass out somewhere along the way by the looks of it."

He comes up beside her and puts a firm grip on her arm to steady her and points her in the direction of the infirmary. "How about you just humor me and let Rick take a look at you, hmm?"

Rick looks up as he sees them both appear in the doorway. He raises an eyebrow, seeing that Misty doesn't look well. "Misty? Are you okay?"

Kyle sighs deeply, and simply follows along with Katie, walking in the sand. "I know...nothing seems fair. That's just the way it goes...I guess God never promised us life would be fair. Doesn't make accepting it any easier though."

For a moment, he gets lost in his own little world before turning his attention back to Katie. "I know most of the time I'm just a goofball...maybe it's my way of coping with all the unfairness. But I understand what you're feeling, Katie. There are so many things in my life that I wished hadn't happened...that I wish I could change. With me...my dad...my sister..." He stops, rethinking his words. "I guess I'm just trying to let you know that you're not alone in the way you feel. We're all in the same boat, just hoping that God will point us in the right direction, and keeping an eye out for dry land."

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