
Play with me?

Rick grins a little at Katie and nods. "Alright. I'll get him taken care of."

After Katie leaves, Rick is able to help Scott, then get him settled again. Without anything to keep him occupied, it's not long before Scott is asleep.

Domino watches everything around her, keeping a close eye on her master. Finding him asleep once again though, her boredom takes over. Picking up her chew toy, she goes to the door and finding it open a crack, nudges it open some more and slips out. Looking both ways down the hall, she sniffs a little, then aims toward the main floor.

Her small size helps her go unnoticed by anyone who is sitting at their desks, and she slips by a whole row of cubicles without being seen. Stopping once to look around and sniff again, she aims for the end cubicle.

Turning the corner into Katie's cubicle, she drops her toy on the floor and looks up at her, giving a quiet little bark.

Con trudges into his apartment, throwing his keys onto the table. He was sweaty and dirty from being on the site all day and was exhausted. He glances at the clock. He had two hours before he was supposed to meet Jamie at the steakhouse downtown for supper. If he could just slip in an hour of sleep he might be worth something tonight.

Aiming for the living room, he kicks off his work boots and flops down on the couch. He sets the alarm on his watch and within minutes is sound asleep. Once sleeping though, he doesn't realize when he rolls over onto his right side. The alarm was set but would go unheard.

Wyatt pulls up in front of Mom and Pop's and parks. His arm now out of the sling he moves more easily, though walks with some hesitance. He was going to grab an early supper before heading back for some evening work at TJY. He could have chosen a different place to get his food, but for some reason he'd been drawn back here. Maybe it was Aerith...he still felt like a jerk for ditching her twice, and couldn't even make up for it now since he had to go back to work, but maybe the fact that he was still around and being sociable would be enough to help her stick around until he had another chance.

Stopping at the door, he looks to his right at a nearby shop. Thinking for a moment, he opts for the apologetic route. It's several minutes before he's back at the restaurant again, this time entering and going for the counter. A dainty bouquet of flowers is in his hand, tied with a little purple ribbon.

Wyatt throws a smile in Mabel's direction. "Hey, Mabel. I'm needing some supper and a piece of humble pie. Aerith around this afternoon?"

Angel's hand through Luke's hair is like a soothing breeze to calm the harshest storm. He looks her in the eye for a moment before leaning over and kissing her lips. "I know," he says softly. "This is kinda weird for me, but I know nothing is going to change...and my love certainly isn't."

He takes a deep breath, his gaze wandering to the mess hall again. Part of him wanted to go see Trent for himself, but he resists for now. That was one thing that could wait. He had some things to think through first before seeing him again...he needed to sort through what he was feeling first.

Instead, he takes Angel's hand. "You gonna help your cripple of a fiancé in the barn to find something he's capable of doing so he can earn his keep around here?"

Trent watches Wes leave, feeling more out of place here than he ever had in his life. He remembers the first time he'd been to this ranch...a rueful memory existed of him stealing his sister's jeep. How things had changed...

The afternoon is spent with awkward small talk, and conversations about the Agency with speculations as to where Mick might be and why. There are still things unknown about Trent, and there are still things he doesn't know about the gang...but peace is kept and no arguments arise. He is continually meek, showing at least on the outside that his intentions were as stated...he just wanted to start over before it was too late.

Sparky eventually offers to have Trent bunk down with him while Mick was gone... Though his offer is sincere, it's known that he's also motivated by the chance to keep a close eye on Trent.

Cindy is curled up in the one easy chair in the living room. Her lunch of potato soup is half eaten on the kitchen table, left uncleared and cold. She'd gotten halfway through her meal before feeling sick again and had wound up in the chair, with no motivation to clear the table or attempt finishing her food.

Hearing the front door open and footsteps, she recognizes that it's Wes. Overcome with a strange tiredness though, she stays where she is.

The Man for me

*Wes looks at Trent saspition still in his voice. He dident know Trent and how he use to be as well as the others. He only new most of the bad a a sliver of the good. Shaking his head he stands.*

"I better get back to Cindy at the house. She hasent been feeling too good. Clint if you can help me with that coutch later that would be cool. I have a few other things I could get help with too."

*Before exiting Wes heart softens a bit. Looking back to Trent.*

"It was good to see you alive Trent. If you want to keep busy too and help later you can."

*Wes exits and starts down the long path he walked this morning to the ranch see as it was so nice out. As he pass by one of the fields Wes smiles as he watching BJ and Wendy brushing his poney. It was nice to see some peace left for a few, and Wes new his peace and happyness was waiting at home for him. That in itself braught comfort and contenment to the caos around him.*

*Katie cant help but let out another laugh as she gives Scott hand a pat.*

"Ya I think I will leave that up to Rick let me go get him."

*As KAtie heads for the door she looks down at Domino.*

"Make sure he dosent go anywhere ok?"

*Making her way to Rick's office Katie cant help but hold her smile. She was still upset and sad. Her heart was still breaking but Scott had defintly helped lighten it alittle bit. Entering the office Katie stuffs her hands in her pockets.*

"ummm...Rick? Scott needs help using the little boys room and in his loopyness we decieded that it was best if you helped him while I went and did some work. So he is all yours."

*Katie nods to the next room than slowly exits take short strides to her cubicle. Work would help she hoped keep her mind off stuff for now.*

*Angel stops with Luke easing him down onto a bench outside the barn to rest for a moment.*

"Rosetta is happy to see her brother alive, but is being leery like everyone alse. Trent has clamed to be on ourside before only to backstabe us. So they are just taking it slow."

*Angel is quiet for a moment. There was no doubt that Luke would be ok, and that he trusted Angel but the memories had to be there anyways.*

"Ya I saw him alittle while ago. He's aged and has a weary look about him. But he still looks like the same old Trent."

*Taking Luke's hand in hers smiles look at him.*

"When I saw him I wanted to give him a hug as a friendship I am glad your alive, but I dident. I hesatated not knowing if he was on ourside as well. Luke, when I saw Trent I felt nothing more than a sarrow and maybe a friendship that could be rebuilt. I know I dont need to tell you this but I love you and nothing is going to change that. I'm marrieing you and its going to be wonderful. Your the only man for me."

*Angel takes her hand and runs it through Lukes hair. Love in her eyes and sensarity in her voice.*

Tongue Tangled

Scott's eyes lower to Katie's hand as it takes his own. He rubs his thumb over hers thoughtfully. Shifting his gaze, he looks over to her again, searching her face. His sudden quietness is a contrast to his babble only moments before, as if he's sensing the seriousness of Katie's words.

His eyes drift back to the ceiling. "You are worth it, Katie. Don't fool yourself into thinking you're not something special." Was that lucidness in his voice? Was he still high on the drugs, or was he actually processing what was happening? His fingers tighten around hers in a slight squeeze.

After a moment, he tilts his head again, his sheepish grin regained. "Uh, Katie, would you mind doing this poor fellow a huge favor and skidaddling on into Rick's office and informing him that his most obedient patient needs a bit of help here?" He gestures to the bed with his hands . "Since I'm supposed to be staying put here in this dang contraption of a bed, it's gonna be kinda difficult to..."

He stops himself short, blinking, trying to process. He's pretty sure he's on the verge of saying something stupid, but isn't quite aware of just what. "Um..." He points to the bathroom in the corner, squinting one eye. "That is my destination, but I don't think you want to help me with that one no matter how enthusiastically your kind hot...hort... that's not right either... heart! There we go. Yes, no matter how much you..." He pauses again having no idea where he'd been headed, and gives up. "Just go get Rick."

Jason looks up at Nate as he prepares to leave, questioning everything that's happening right now. His mind was not on this case, even if he did throw himself into it full force. His mind wasn't anywhere he wanted it to be. And questions lingered... If Nate hadn't promised to say no more, Jason wouldn't ask... but he had promised, and Nate was one of the few that Jason trusted to keep his word. Katie's name wouldn't come up unless it was spoken by Jason, and he was confident of that.

Why he really wanted to know the rest of the story, he didn't know...maybe he just didn't want to go back to TJY right now and was stalling... maybe he really was looking for answers even if he didn't want to admit it even to himself.

He gestures to Nate's empty chair. "Sit back down," he directs, request in his tone. "I want to hear your story."

Luke stops at the entrance to the barn and turns to look at Angel as she tells him that Trent is there. "Trent? Here?" He swallows hard, a million and one thoughts hitting him at once....the past coming over him like a wave. He remembers the rivalry...he remembers the competition between them over someone they had both cared for. There was no doubt in his mind now that he and Angel would soon be married and happily so...but the memories taunted him.

"I...see...that's...." He furrows his brow, trying to figure out just how to respond. "If he's on our side, that's...that's great...I'm sure Rosetta is thrilled and..."

Luke stops, knowing that if there was one person he didn't need to try and beat around the bush with, it was Angel. "I...don't quite know what to think here. Have you seen him?"

Trent catches on to Wes' distrust and tries to compensate. "I don't know what the Agency would want...maybe it's a 'who' and not a 'what.' I have no clue. It was just something that was implied."

He pauses, then shakes his head slowly. "I'm sorry....if I reveal who my friend is, I'll be putting them in more danger than they are now. You have to believe me that I'm on the up and up with this one."

I can deal

*Katie snaps her head back to Scott a bit of anger inside her but not to Scott, to Jason and to everyone who would look past Scott causing him to feel no bigger than a spec of dust. She was angry at Jason for making Scott fear him.*

“Scotty I don’t think my opinion of you is going to change one bit. I’m not like everyone ales and I like breaking the mold. I like you the way you are. I think the only think I’d want to change about you if you stick up for yourself more and maybe show you how to fight so next time you can defend yourself and put alittle bit of hurting on the other member as well. Other than that you’re great.”

*Katie thinks more on what Scott said about Jason.*

“Ya know Scott, Jason might have good looks right now but he heart doesn’t match anymore right now. All the popularity in the world couldn’t keep someone from losing themselves and pushing everyone the once loved away leaving them alone. Yes Jason has looks and is popular but he is certainly not happy right now and not himself. “

*Katie lets out another sigh and she turns her head and looks at Scott.*

“As for thinking about him, my heart is breaking Scotty. I walked away this morning and it was the hardest thing in the world I ever had to do. But it was for the best of both of us. I’m not what he needs right now and….He’s not the Jason I loved anymore. So I took the step back and broke it off, now my heart is just trying to deal with the pain of loss.”

*Katie’s eyes search Scott’s eyes as he makes the comment about defending Katie. Slowly her hand finds his.*

“I’d NEVER want you to go through this again for me. You might like me a lot but no one is worth getting the crap beat out of them like this. I can deal with Jason’s words they hurt a lot less than seeing you like this.”

*Nate searchs Jason's face for a moment.*

"Maybe we should go see Carson than."

*Catching a glimps of something in Jason's eyes he takes note that right now Jason isent all with him. His mind was alse where. Nate wanted to talk to Jason, try and help him feel better but he has promised not to bring the situations up again and Nate wasent one to brake his promises.

Taking the last sip of his coffee Nate gathers the files up.*

"If your ready Hotshot we can had back. We can talk to Carson or just sit on the thought for a day. Now that your staying with him maybe it would be easyer for you to try. Just fill me in on whatever he has to say."

*Nate stands and waits for Jason not sure if he was going to come along or stay. Nate felt so bad for Jason. He new this couldent be easy.*

*Angel slips Luke's arm around her shoulder to help him walk. It was good he was trying to walk keeping the blood flowing.

A certin nervouse feeling formed in Angel's tummy as Luke asked who had come to the ranch. She wasent sure how he would react. Shaking her head she replys.*

"You dont want to know."

*Helping Luke walks a few more steps Angel knows she has to tell him before he finds out on his own and it make sit ten time worse. Luke had a right to know.*

"Trent...its Trent. She showed up Rosetta said saying he has changed and wanted to help with Mick. I guess you could say he is going through an intarigation right now with Wes and Sparky in the lead. Other than that I dont know anything. Thats the only reson why he said he had come to the ranch."

*Angel keeps walking with Luke not sure how he took the news but she dosent take her eyes off him. A certin fear was in her eyes. One that couldent be explained. Maybe it was the fear that Luke would freak out and hurt himself more, maybe he would think she wouldent want him anymore when she did. Angel dident know what to exspect and thats what worryed her the most.*

*Wes eye narrow things dident add up. There were gaps, holes.*

"What could the Agency possably want from someplace alse?"

*Wes catches Sparkys eyes wondering if the other place was TJY. But what could they want from there. Should they contact Reese and let him know?*

"So who is this friend of yours?"


Scott smirks. "Not a nerd huh - now that's a funny statement. Stick around a little longer and pretty soon you'll have the opinion everybody else does, mark my words."

He tilts his head to the side so he can see Katie's face as she grows more solemn. He frowns, as his high nosedives before swinging back up again. "Maybe you look hot, but you're not feeling it, are you... I bet you're thinking about Jason again." He nods. "Yeah...I don't blame you. What kind of a chance does a guy like me stand against someone like him - he's the popular kind...nobody can not notice him, even I know that."

Scott moves his head to look back up at the ceiling, seemingly unhappy. "'Course it doesn't help that I'm scared to death of him now. He ever hurt you though, I'd take a beating all over again if it'd get him off your back."

Snapping back, his lips form a smile. "Can you see the look on Rick's face if he had to patch me up a third time?!" A silly laugh escapes. "Just call me the indefinite infirmary resident. Got a computer problem, just wheel 'er on in here and I'll work from bed!"

By now, Jason is paying little attention to what Nate is saying, concentrating just on trying to stay on top of his own thoughts. He nods absentmindedly. "Yeah...whatever. I don't know what else we could do."

He furrows his brow. "Something keeps nagging at my gut though...something about Carson and I don't know why." He shrugs, twirling his empty glass between his hands.

Luke pauses his trek as Angel comes up to him, and musters up a smile. "I just thought I should show my face around here today... looking for something productive to do, though I doubt I could do much to help anybody today." He glances back to the mess hall. "Saw we had a visitor so I didn't want to interrupt. Who's here?"

Trent shakes his head at Wes. "As far as I know, I've been one step ahead of the Agency through that friend of mine helping me out. I'm almost positive that they don't know I'm here... and I wasn't headed here until after I heard about Mick, so there can't be a connection there."

He pauses in thought. "My friend did tell me though, that there was something the Agency wanted from someplace else... I don't know what, but for some reason it made me think they were going to use Mick as a bargaining chip for something...it's total speculation though."


* Katie shakes her head and laughs at Scott. Poor guy, hoping he would remember this in the morning Katie reminds herself not to even mention it to him he would be to embarssed and she wouldent want to do that to him.

Katie lifts an eyebrow at Scott. She new he was being loopy right now from thepainkillers, but was this stuff that really went through him mind he was just aslways scaired to talk about or say. Did he really think about himself this way.*

"Scott your not a nerd, you just think you are. Just cuz you like computers and stuff dosent mean you earn the title as a nerd."

*Katie lets out a sigh trying to keep her own mind occupided so she dosent break down again. It was hard to keep the feelings that were paining her heart locked away, But Scott dident need to know or see them right now he was....far to occupied at the moment.*

"Your not a loner eather Scott. So dont think that about yourself. Your a great guy, I like hanging out with you."

*Katie rests her back aganst the bed leting out a low sigh.*

*Nate lets out a sigh as he leans forword on the table.*

"My guess would be the Agency thinks they they take away the leaders than the group would crumble. Or they simply think or no we will act and throw everything Lockheart has plained out the window. Could be a trap to try and make it look like we arnt innocent."

*Nate runs a hand over his face in throught. He wasent sure what to do anymore. Being on the DL was strange differnt. He was always using going in blazing and now they had to take it easy*

"Maybe we do need to wait. See if the Agency slips up giving us a clue or anyting. I guess it would be best to gather the information we can and just sit on it for now."

*Angel slowly stands from the table relizing she hasent seen Luke all day moving twords the door she lets everyone know she will be back later. Exiting the mess hall Angel see Luke struggling by the barn. Going over to him she smiles.*

"Want some help geting to you destination my handsome prince?"

*Rosetta studys her brother a while longer trying to find questions to ask but her mind felt blank. She hadent seen her brother in ages and she dident even know what to say. Just watching him making sure he is really there. Rosetta had wished Trent would come and God answered her. He has a reson for being there.*

*Wes perks up alittle bit as the silence lingers.*

"I have a question I guess. You said you were running to get away from the Agency. Are they still after you and are you sure they dident trace you back here? Do you think maybe they took Mick cuz they new you were heading here? Any information weather its told or new would help us."


Trent's gratefulness is evident in his eyes as Rosetta speaks. He could have been kicked out the minute he'd come and he knew it. But his sister was choosing to accept him back into the fold if he was deemed worthy.

"I...thank you," he replies meekly. He doesn't know what else he can say... There were details to his life since getting out of prison, but nothing of great consequence.... nothing that would affect anything or anyone here. And he truly wasn't sure why he'd decided to come... Maybe what he'd told Angel was true...maybe it was simply that his conscience had finally had enough and he couldn't stand living from the past anymore.

Trent offers a weak smile to his sister. "The only craving I have is to right what wrongs I've done...and I think that's about impossible."

At Rosetta's cue for people to take the moment to agree or disagree with her offer to Trent, he looks around at the others, giving his statement to everyone. "I know this doesn't make up for a single thing...nothing I could ever do or say can. But...I'm sorry. I was wrong...and if there ever was a man who wanted to go back and stop himself from the stupid things he's done, it's me."

His eyes glance towards Angel. "If ever there was a man ashamed of his actions...ashamed of letting down the ones he loved...it's me."

Sparky takes a deep breath, glancing at the others. With Mick gone again, he'd automatically stepped up to the plate once more, taking the lead alongside Wes and Austin. "It's alright with me if you stay, Trent. We're sitting dead in the water right now as far as Mick is concerned, but any additional team members can only help. Rosetta's right...you will be watched like a hawk...but I think you understand that."

"I do."

Jim nods his approval along with Austin and Jeff. Austin speaks. "I won't begrudge a man the same thing I was given...and that was a new chance."

As the agreement is made that Trent will be allowed to stay for now, Clint decides to make his exit, leaving the previous generation to talk.

Sitting back down a the table, Trent looks to his sister once more. "My life hasn't been worth talking about, but...I don't mind if you have questions."

Luke opens his eyes again. The bunk felt hot...it was early afternoon. He was still in bed...he should be out working... He should be out and getting things done... It was ridiculous that he was still in bed...he hadn't stayed inside this late before unless he'd been sick.

Pulling himself up into a sitting position, he manages to get his legs swung over the side of the bed. Looking up, he sees his own reflection in the mirror. He sighs deeply. Years ago after his accident, he'd been in a wheelchair for months until he'd healed enough to be able to walk again. Then it hadn't been so bad...he'd had his bad days when he'd used his braces, but he'd been able to function...able to live a normal life. But as the years progressed, it was getting harder. He feared there progressive nerve deterioration which would leave him in this state permanently. He didn't want to be confined to a wheelchair again. He knew what it felt like. He was just starting to really live...he was getting married...he was starting a new life...how could he do all that, while taking this step backward at the same time?

Forcing himself up, he uses the furniture in the bunk to help himself get around and get dressed. Strapping his braces in place over his jeans, he grits his teeth against the pain and takes his cane. The steps off the porch were the worst, but Luke finally makes it to level ground, and aims for the barn at a slow pace, leaning heavily on his cane lest his legs buckle.

Jason runs his finger through the wet ring his glass made on the table, just trying to keep his mind focused on one thing. It wasn't an easy task.

"You want to go against Reese, or Carter for that matter, feel free. I've gotten myself in enough trouble doing that. I don't see how we can act much until we see if those pardons go through. If they don't, we're all sunk anyway, so who cares what we do now? If they go through, then we'll have the law to back us up for once." He shrugs. "The Agency wouldn't have gone to the effort of kidnapping Mick if all they planned to do was kill him. They would have just sent an assassin in. But what they want - that's the question."

He rubs a hand over his face, his tiredness coming through. "Let's say they took him because he was the ring leader... Why? What do they care?"

Jason stops and polishes off his orange juice. His eyes drift around the room again, showing that he's struggling to stay focused. He'd started out focused, but he was losing it quickly.

Scott lifts his eyebrows at Katie's comment of not seeing him often without a shirt. He quirks a grin. "Is that something you would normally say? I guess you could switch places with Misty and check my stitches, though I'm not convinced that would be much of an enjoyable task except for me, 'cause just having you around is enjoyable, and by all means having you...."

He frowns as his train of thought is suddenly lost. "Hmmm...." Instead of trying to gain back whatever it was he was going to say, he listens to Katie for a moment about Jason. "Oh...that's why you look like you do. I guess I shoulda know that...but I don't think I'm thinking very well right now, what do you think...or not think...or...something.... At any rate, I think you're right...am I being loopy? I don't feel loopy... or maybe I do...is that what this is called?"

Katie's remark about him being hot causes another silly grin. "Oooh, the truth comes out!" A laugh escapes. "Misty didn't give you any of that...that stuff she gave me, did she? 'Cause something tells me that you wouldn't normally go saying something like that especially in front of me, to whom you were referring...to...me... 'cause that's just not the way you'd talk to a nerd like me anyhow, 'cause I'm far from hot, know what I'm saying?"

He lets his head flop to the side where he can see Domino. "'Cept my dog loves me, so what more can a guy ask for? If he's destined to spend his life on earth as a loner, at least he's got a dog...did you know they call dogs man's best friend?"

Did I just...

*Angel lets out a small sigh as Sparky breaks the silence. Slowly making her way to the table she sits at the far end. Her eyes never move from Trent as he talks. She studys his movments, his eyes trying to seek the truth.

Rosetta listens to Trent. Compation filling her heart for her brother. No matter how much he had hurt them, he was still her brother and she loved him.*

"If everyone alse will be ok with it, I'd like to have you stay around Trent. You will be watched like a hawk till we know we can trust you, but I'd like you to stay and be able to see your sister get married when we get Mick back."

*Rosetta looks around at everyone in the mess room. She wanted to make sure evenyone agreed. This was there home now too and she couldent make desitions without them.*

"As for beging for food. There is no need. Your my brother and you needent need to beg for anything. I will gladly shair my food for with you. What is it your craving for dinner?"

*Nate takes in everything Jason says about the Agency and Mick. About spliting everyone up.*

"Well we know what Reese and Austin think, but what about you? Do you think we should sit back and wait? or try and find Mick ourselfs? Surly they wouldent kill him if they want information or are waiting for us to make a move, but do we really want to take that chanse. I certinly dont. I have been keeping in contact with Austin the last few months and things had seemed to be going so smooth. I'm Just stuck at a rock and a hard place."

*Nate sighs and leans back in his chair taking a sip of his coffee just letting his mind wonder for a moment.*

"I cant sit by and let the Agency do goodness knows what to Mick, yet I dont want to cause to much trouble with the court date coming up. I dont want to put anymore strain on Lockheart than there needs to be. There has to be a suddle way of doing this but how!?!"

Be the kind of person you would like to be with. Some people come into our lives, making footprints on our hearts to last forever. If you are kind to them they will be good ones to remember.

*Katie cant help but giggle alittle at Scott.*

"You do know you dont need battle scars to be in the ranks with the others right? I think with everything you know how to do your already there. Though I do have to addmit, scars are kind of hott. Not that I see you much without a shirt off..."

*Katie stops for a moment not sure what she herself just said but feeling insanly embarssed.*

"...or something like that."

Girls blush, sometimes, because they are alive, half wishing they were dead to save the shame. The sudden blush devours them, neck and brow; they have drawn too near the fire of life and feel how silly they sound.

*Katie cant help but laugh again as Scott talks about her being hot. He certinly was being a goofball for sure but Katie dident mind. She needed a destraction. He mind needed to get away from Jason for the moment and what had happend. Her heart was so heavy she need the laugh to help her get through the rest of the day and this was defintly working. Scott was the light that helped Katie when she was down.

Like Jen had said God gives us people for a reason even if it was small.

Giving a smile as she looks down at Domino and throws a nod at Scott.*

"I think he is totally off his rocker."

*Domino wiggles her whole body with excitment at Katie's feet. Picking Domino up Katie looks back to Scott. trying to get passed her embarssment.. It wasent every people called her hot.*

"I think someone is jealouse you called me hot and not her."

*For a moment Katie is quiet, than slowly puts Domino down drawing closer to Scott's side.*

"Yeah, I'm ok. Or I will be anyways I think. Just some stuff happend with Jason today and its just really hard. Its taking its toll on me. When your alittle less loopy we can talk more about it."

*Katie throws Scott a half of a smile to let im know she would be ok sooner or later. Katie smile turns into a mischevus grin for a moment trying to stop her mind from wondering into the darkness of depresstion again where the tears romed*

"By the way Scotty, your pretty hot yourself and if you embaressed yourself than I just did too."

*Katies go wide for a moment as if in shock.*

"Did I really just say that?"

I can't tell

The corner of Trent’s mouth turns up and he gives a little nod at the mention of Luke. “I shouldn’t have had to ask. How long have you been…”

Sparky cuts him off, sensing the tension, even though Angel has willingly spoken to him. “They’re engaged.”

Trent turns to Sparky, question flickering in his eyes. Just engaged? After all these years?

Sparky seems to read his mind. “We split up, Trent…everybody. A few stayed here, but otherwise we were eighteen years apart.”

“All this time?” Trent furrows his brow. He would have thought the gang would have stayed together.

“It was the Agency…then they were dormant for eighteen years….then things started happening all over again. We thought Jim died and that’s how we all got back together again. We’ve all had separate lives…Mick’s got an ex-wife and two kids in Montana…all the kids you knew are grown up…” Sparky nods to Clint as an example. “Except for Jim and Becky’s third…they lost him as a baby.”

Trent’s eyes darken and he looks to Jim, who is staring at the floor.

Sparky continues. “Wes is married now…Jay’s wife and son died and he’s remarried now…Rosetta and Mick are engaged too…” He shakes his head. “Time hasn’t stood still for anybody. It’s not the same anymore.”

“I didn’t expect it to be…” Trent glances around at the faces again, landing on Rosetta, a bit of pride actually showing in his eyes, hearing of her engagement. He looks down again. “I…I don’t know what else to say. You’ve got my story and I guess…I guess I’ll move on if you want me to. I don’t have anywhere to go right now…I’ve been on the move, not wanting the Agency to find me alive…but…if I could…” He looks up to his sister. “…could just spend one night and maybe beg a meal off of you, I won’t ask for anything more.”

Luke glances at his bedside clock and groans. It was late…really late…and he hadn’t even gotten out of bed yet. He didn’t feel good…he didn’t feel like trying. He knew he should…he knew he needed to…but he was just so tired of trying so hard. Rolling over on his side, he lets his head sink back down into his pillow. Just a while longer…maybe all his legs needed was just a little while longer…

Leaning back in his chair, Jason throws a brief glare in Nate’s direction for his opening comment. Of course it hurt. But that didn’t mean it needed to be discussed.

Opting to stay rather than get up and walk out like his irritation wanted him to, Jason’s eyes drift to a sign on the wall. He didn’t want to hear this…he didn’t want to talk about him and Katie, whether Nate had figured it out or not. It was over, done with, and a painful sore that needn’t be rubbed with salt. He did wonder about Nate’s past…he’d never heard that story before. But any curiosity is driven away by his desire to shove his own circumstance out of the way so he wouldn’t have to look at it any more.

Completely ignoring Nate’s compassionate gesture and offer to be there, Jason shifts his focus to their job.

“The Agency could want Mick for a zillion reasons. They were after him from the beginning when he went back to Texas because he’d been working for them without knowing who they were. They had a working department that actually was in law enforcement, not illegal actions and that’s where Mick was. He started investigating and realized they were the culprits for years’ worth of torment on the Texan families. They caught on to him and he skipped along with another agent, Mel.”

Jason shrugs. “So that’s one thing. The Agency simply doesn’t like to lose, so will go out of their way to get agents back whether it makes sense or not. Another reason could be that it’s because Mick’s the ringleader of the Texas gang. Sparky, or Tyler, and Austin have taken over some, but Mick’s really been the driving force since the beginning – him and Rosetta. So from that angle, the Agency could just be trying to break up the team…take away the leader and see what happens.”

He pauses to take a swig of his orange juice. “They could want answers…they probably don’t know how much everyone on this end knows, so just being able to figure out all that we do know about them would help their plan of action. Or…they could want something in return. But they’ve remained silent… Personally, I think they’re toying with us. I think Medridge wants us to make the first move, which is why Austin and Reese opted to do nothing…they’re trying to stop the cat and mouse pattern.”

Jason stops again, not realizing how much he’s thrown himself into this case or how quickly, just to avoid other topics.

The longer Scott is awake, the more alert he grows, feeling more free to talk as his mouth loosens up, the effects of the drugs that were already in him, becoming more evident. He quirks an eyebrow at Misty, his fingers strumming the bedside. “Mm, loopy…I think I can handle that.” He gives her a grin. “This is one guy who won’t resist a shot. It’s not every day I can get doped up and have a clear conscience…”

He furrows his brow in thought as Misty leaves the bed, then returns. “But if I say anything stupid…keep that here, will ya?” Receiving the shot, his eyebrows raise. “I wouldn’t want everything floating around this office – I’m already the brunt of jokes the way it is without my rampant high babble being passed around through…email…or…something. There was once when I was on this high powered stuff and for three days my sister listened to me and didn’t tell me how stupid I was, and I didn’t remember a thing, but later on everybody else knew about me talking about the purple plants and the balloons…boy that was bad.” Scott suddenly stops and blinks, not at all sure how much he’s just said, but fearing it’s way too much. “And please tell me to shut up.”

…Scott manages to keep himself fairly subdued for several minutes, but turns his head when he hears the door. Looking up at Katie, he squints at her. “Well, I’ll be. She did come.” He shrugs. “Me, I hurt, but it’s not so bad when I’m as high as a kite, so I think I’ll live. At least now I can join the ranks of the other guys and have my own battle scar to show off.”

He raises an eyebrow at Katie. “You don’t look so hot though. I mean…yeah, of course you’re hot, you’re always hot, ever since I met you, you were…” His voice suddenly trails off and he pauses as if trying to figure out what he’d just said. “I don’t think that came out right did it….did I just embarrass myself, or is it just me? I can’t tell.”