
I can deal

*Katie snaps her head back to Scott a bit of anger inside her but not to Scott, to Jason and to everyone who would look past Scott causing him to feel no bigger than a spec of dust. She was angry at Jason for making Scott fear him.*

“Scotty I don’t think my opinion of you is going to change one bit. I’m not like everyone ales and I like breaking the mold. I like you the way you are. I think the only think I’d want to change about you if you stick up for yourself more and maybe show you how to fight so next time you can defend yourself and put alittle bit of hurting on the other member as well. Other than that you’re great.”

*Katie thinks more on what Scott said about Jason.*

“Ya know Scott, Jason might have good looks right now but he heart doesn’t match anymore right now. All the popularity in the world couldn’t keep someone from losing themselves and pushing everyone the once loved away leaving them alone. Yes Jason has looks and is popular but he is certainly not happy right now and not himself. “

*Katie lets out another sigh and she turns her head and looks at Scott.*

“As for thinking about him, my heart is breaking Scotty. I walked away this morning and it was the hardest thing in the world I ever had to do. But it was for the best of both of us. I’m not what he needs right now and….He’s not the Jason I loved anymore. So I took the step back and broke it off, now my heart is just trying to deal with the pain of loss.”

*Katie’s eyes search Scott’s eyes as he makes the comment about defending Katie. Slowly her hand finds his.*

“I’d NEVER want you to go through this again for me. You might like me a lot but no one is worth getting the crap beat out of them like this. I can deal with Jason’s words they hurt a lot less than seeing you like this.”

*Nate searchs Jason's face for a moment.*

"Maybe we should go see Carson than."

*Catching a glimps of something in Jason's eyes he takes note that right now Jason isent all with him. His mind was alse where. Nate wanted to talk to Jason, try and help him feel better but he has promised not to bring the situations up again and Nate wasent one to brake his promises.

Taking the last sip of his coffee Nate gathers the files up.*

"If your ready Hotshot we can had back. We can talk to Carson or just sit on the thought for a day. Now that your staying with him maybe it would be easyer for you to try. Just fill me in on whatever he has to say."

*Nate stands and waits for Jason not sure if he was going to come along or stay. Nate felt so bad for Jason. He new this couldent be easy.*

*Angel slips Luke's arm around her shoulder to help him walk. It was good he was trying to walk keeping the blood flowing.

A certin nervouse feeling formed in Angel's tummy as Luke asked who had come to the ranch. She wasent sure how he would react. Shaking her head she replys.*

"You dont want to know."

*Helping Luke walks a few more steps Angel knows she has to tell him before he finds out on his own and it make sit ten time worse. Luke had a right to know.*

"Trent...its Trent. She showed up Rosetta said saying he has changed and wanted to help with Mick. I guess you could say he is going through an intarigation right now with Wes and Sparky in the lead. Other than that I dont know anything. Thats the only reson why he said he had come to the ranch."

*Angel keeps walking with Luke not sure how he took the news but she dosent take her eyes off him. A certin fear was in her eyes. One that couldent be explained. Maybe it was the fear that Luke would freak out and hurt himself more, maybe he would think she wouldent want him anymore when she did. Angel dident know what to exspect and thats what worryed her the most.*

*Wes eye narrow things dident add up. There were gaps, holes.*

"What could the Agency possably want from someplace alse?"

*Wes catches Sparkys eyes wondering if the other place was TJY. But what could they want from there. Should they contact Reese and let him know?*

"So who is this friend of yours?"

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