
Tongue Tangled

Scott's eyes lower to Katie's hand as it takes his own. He rubs his thumb over hers thoughtfully. Shifting his gaze, he looks over to her again, searching her face. His sudden quietness is a contrast to his babble only moments before, as if he's sensing the seriousness of Katie's words.

His eyes drift back to the ceiling. "You are worth it, Katie. Don't fool yourself into thinking you're not something special." Was that lucidness in his voice? Was he still high on the drugs, or was he actually processing what was happening? His fingers tighten around hers in a slight squeeze.

After a moment, he tilts his head again, his sheepish grin regained. "Uh, Katie, would you mind doing this poor fellow a huge favor and skidaddling on into Rick's office and informing him that his most obedient patient needs a bit of help here?" He gestures to the bed with his hands . "Since I'm supposed to be staying put here in this dang contraption of a bed, it's gonna be kinda difficult to..."

He stops himself short, blinking, trying to process. He's pretty sure he's on the verge of saying something stupid, but isn't quite aware of just what. "Um..." He points to the bathroom in the corner, squinting one eye. "That is my destination, but I don't think you want to help me with that one no matter how enthusiastically your kind hot...hort... that's not right either... heart! There we go. Yes, no matter how much you..." He pauses again having no idea where he'd been headed, and gives up. "Just go get Rick."

Jason looks up at Nate as he prepares to leave, questioning everything that's happening right now. His mind was not on this case, even if he did throw himself into it full force. His mind wasn't anywhere he wanted it to be. And questions lingered... If Nate hadn't promised to say no more, Jason wouldn't ask... but he had promised, and Nate was one of the few that Jason trusted to keep his word. Katie's name wouldn't come up unless it was spoken by Jason, and he was confident of that.

Why he really wanted to know the rest of the story, he didn't know...maybe he just didn't want to go back to TJY right now and was stalling... maybe he really was looking for answers even if he didn't want to admit it even to himself.

He gestures to Nate's empty chair. "Sit back down," he directs, request in his tone. "I want to hear your story."

Luke stops at the entrance to the barn and turns to look at Angel as she tells him that Trent is there. "Trent? Here?" He swallows hard, a million and one thoughts hitting him at once....the past coming over him like a wave. He remembers the rivalry...he remembers the competition between them over someone they had both cared for. There was no doubt in his mind now that he and Angel would soon be married and happily so...but the memories taunted him.

"I...see...that's...." He furrows his brow, trying to figure out just how to respond. "If he's on our side, that's...that's great...I'm sure Rosetta is thrilled and..."

Luke stops, knowing that if there was one person he didn't need to try and beat around the bush with, it was Angel. "I...don't quite know what to think here. Have you seen him?"

Trent catches on to Wes' distrust and tries to compensate. "I don't know what the Agency would want...maybe it's a 'who' and not a 'what.' I have no clue. It was just something that was implied."

He pauses, then shakes his head slowly. "I'm sorry....if I reveal who my friend is, I'll be putting them in more danger than they are now. You have to believe me that I'm on the up and up with this one."

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