
Snap of the fingers

*Katie sits at her desk for a long while taping her pencil and trying to work on some report Reese was having her look into. Keeping her mind off everything seemed like the best thing to do right now but it was hard to get her mind still.

Finally giving up to try and do work at the moment Katie gets up and makes her way to the breakroom to try and find something for lunch. Passing Rick and Reese she gives a small smile and continues to the vending masheen. As it turns to show the fresh items in there Katie see the orange. Puting the money in and open the little door Katie takes the orange out. Heading out of the breakroom again Katie heads to the infermary knocking on the door lightly and waiting.*

*Lockheart listen to Carson for a moment finding his quest odd but the storm was possable. The weather in Cali was so funny it wasent out of the ordanary to change in the snap of the fingers.*

"Sure Carson I have no problem with that. As long as she dosent mind a messy apartment. I'm just in the middle of packing to go back to Nevada at the end of the week. So if she dosent mind thats fine. I have some stuff I have to do tonight anyways. It will give me someone to do it with since my sister is busy packing as well."

*Lockheart continues to move around the apartment as she gives Carson directions to her house a few towns over.*

Not good

Scott grins. “Alright, it’s a date then.”

At her offer to watch Domino, he raises an eyebrow. “Guess I just figured upsetting Henry wasn’t worth it. But you can ask Laura and then as Domino tonight how she feels.”

He gives her a wink. “I better get back to work. I got a few things left to box up, and I’ve got to hunt down something Susanne needs.”

Scott exits Katie’s cubicle, but turns one more time to throw her a smile before heading to his own desk. Singing down into his chair, his mind is reeling. This was so much…information. How could this be happening to Katie? And Jason? He simply had to let them work it out. Fearing it would not help anything.

As Jason tries to apologize to Katie, at first he senses almost a strange feeling of frustration, as if he’s trying to enter a house, but the door has been locked without him knowing it, and he’s standing, trying to get in. But after a moment, it’s relief he feels, the pressure dispersing, releasing the emotions. He wonders for a moment about it…and can only imagine.

Carson responds to Lockheart in a positive tone. “Ah, well, I’m hanging in there. I’m actually around your neighborhood at the moment, taking in the sights.” He pauses, not quite sure how to keep going. “Um, listen…I got a sister up here. In twenty-four hours, a storm will have passed, but in the meantime, she’s needing a neutral, safe place to hang out. I know this is quite an imposition, but…well you’re the only one I trust around here. You got room for her for one night? Or know of someone else?”

Reese wanders across the main floor, his purpose really just to stretch his legs and get his mind on something else for a few minutes. He says hi to a couple people, then winds up en route to the break room.

Just as he’s entering the hall though, he runs into Rick. “Oh hi, Rick. I was just thinking about coming and see you. How’s Jason?”

Rick sighs deeply and leans up against the wall, eying the main floor, then focusing back on Reese. He wasn't sure who all should know everything right now. He hadn't even talked to Jason much about it yet. Several people were within earshot, but he went ahead anyway. “Not good.”

“Oh? What happened?”

“Infection. His body didn’t like the metal in the pins I guess.” Rick shakes his head grimly. “I’m not sure what will happen now. Originally, when his knee was smashed, JT replaced most of the cap with an artificial one. That’s really how Jason was able to recover as well as he did before, since those bones didn’t have to be repaired and heal. Anyway, the other night, he must have hit his knee on something, then it got bashed around and yanked real hard. It tore the ligaments surrounding the knee and shifted things too much.” Rick demonstrates by using his own hands and arms as an example of leg bones. “See, it’s supposed set like this, but it got twisted, like this…. The artificial cap wasn’t enough, and then one of the parts that was still his own bone actually fractured. At any rate, the solution seemed to be to put a couple pins in to hold everything together, then once the muscles were able to reattach and heal, he’d have mobility. But…”

Reese frowns, not liking the sound of this. “So what exactly are you saying?”

“I put a different kind of pin in, and we’ll see if that works. I’m just afraid there’s been too much damage.”

“Too much…for what?”

“Walking…running… oh, he’ll get back on his feet, I’m sure, just because he’s stubborn. But will it always give him problems? Probably. Will he be able to walk straight? I have my doubts. Run? It’ll probably be too painful.”

Reese swallows hard. “In your opinion, would this affect his position and job here?”

Rick looks Reese in the eye for a long moment, not wanting to say what he believed the answer was. “Only time can tell that.”


*Katie smiles up at Scott. He always had a way of making her feel better how matter how down she was. She still felt upset with Jason and had him partuly blocked but she Scott had calmed her down enough that her emotions wernt haywire.*

"I think that sounds good. After work I'll hop on over. Scotty, thank you for being you. You always make me feel better."

*Kaite's eyes were dry of tears now and though red alittle, the sparkle was back in them.*

"Ya know to, just something to think about and I'll ask Laura if its ok. Maybe Domino would be more comfortable staying with me for a few weeks till you come to get her? I'd like the company not to mention I love the little girl."

*As Katie talks with Scott her emotions start to relax even more. Like a child peeking around a door to see if a fight was over, Katie prys open the little bit of emotions she had shut off from Jason. As if testing to see if his emotions had calmed. Like water sliping through the cracks Katie feel's Jason's sorrow and guilt for what he said. Giving a sigh on the inside Katie prys the rest of her mind open as if to say your forgiven. Leting her mind be totally open to Jason again.*

*Misty lets out a sigh and leans her head on Carson as they walk the image of Jason and Carson in that ring vived in her mind.*

"Yeah I know, I still can see both your faces in my mind."

*Misty gives a slight shake as a chill runs down her spine thinking about that night all over again.*

"..and no probley not, but whats done is done right. There will be time for make up for it later."

*As Carson pulls out his phone to talk Misty draws silent.*

*As Lockhearts phone rings she stops puting some stuff into a box and answers her phone. Hear Carson's voice she gives a smile.*

"Hi Carson. I'm doing well thank you. How are you?"

*As Lockheart talks she places more items in boxs.*

*As Nate finishs up at home he gives his sister a kiss on the head and promise to be back when he can. Thank thanking Janet for looking out for Maggie on late notice. Taking his bag and puting his gun in its holester Nate makes his way out of the house and throws his stuff slidding into the car.*

"Dear Lord, Please let this go the way you want it and keep everyone safe. Guild me to do whats right. Amen."

*Opening his eyes again Nate pulls out of the driveway and starts his long drive to Cali.*


Reese watches Nate leave, and sinks back in his chair wearily. He wanted to call Brown. He wanted to send a whole troop out to California to pick up Carson and get Misty out. He didn't want to believe Carson would hurt her...he'd seen a change in him. But he'd been trouble since coming here. He'd dealt with the Agency multiple times, he'd gotten himself in scrapes, he'd run off, had a questionable lifestyle, and had currently been involved in some pretty heavy illegal activity. What kind of a double life had he been leading? And what was he trying to prove now? He hadn't said what this was all about...why had he run, just to call back? Had he been so afraid of prison that he'd had Misty help him escape from jail, then ran into trouble? Had Misty gone willingly? Had Carson manipulated her? Had Carson mistreated her? Was there a logical explanation to all of this? But if so, why hadn't he said so earlier?

"God, somehow, some way... bring the answers into the clear," Reese whispers. "And please, please keep my niece safe." He regretted letting Carson into TJY...he regretted not putting his foot down about the relationship between Misty and Carson.

Laura raises her eyebrows at Nate, partly disappointed, partly surprised at his sudden exit. “Um…okay…be safe?” She watches in bewilderment as he walks away, and finally just shakes her head and tries to concentrate on her work again. She wondered what was going on, but she’d learned long ago not to ask too many questions around here. Too many times, nothing could be said anyway.

Carson gives a little sigh and nods at Misty as they head back around the park. “Yeah…I agree. We’ll just have to keep an eye out when Nate gets here and go from there. If he’s alright, we’ll have to tell him what’s going on so he knows how serious this thing is.”

Looking a the ground as they walk, he puts his free hand in his pocket, his mind wandering a little. “Jason had to have surgery on his knee again…I could kick myself for that.” He shakes his head. “I guess we both went a little crazy…he ‘bout choked the living daylights outta me, but I knew his weak spot…” The guilt toys with him. “I never should have fought him.”

He takes a deep breath, trying to move on from it. “Anyway…you had a good idea a while ago…” He picks up his cell phone again and scrolls through some random numbers. Dialing, he waits for the female voice to answer. “Lockheart…Carson Banks here, from TJY. How ya doing?”

Scott just rocks Katie a little bit, rubbing her back as she talks. At first, her explanation was somewhat disturbing…unnerving. What was this thing? How was it possible? It was nothing logical…nothing normal…nothing that happened everyday. If it were true, it was beyond what humans should be able to do. But…he’d seen the effects…he could not ever say that he thought Katie was lying. He couldn’t deny this…this thing that was happening.

Part of him really didn’t like it… He still felt and odd pang when thinking about Jason and Katie…it wasn’t jealousy…maybe just a little bit of worry. And then he was leaving too…would he just worry more while away.

Scott leans his face into Katie’s hand and swallows all of these uneasy feelings. Katie was going through a very hard time, and even if he didn’t understand it, she deserved his support. She needed someone to hold her up right now…a blessing or a curse, this ‘thing’ could not be easy.

“I guess you really are a hero.” He offers a smile, taking her hand to kiss it. “A superhero in my book.”

Cocking his head, Scott looks her in the eye. “I’m gonna miss you too, Katie… But absence makes the heart grow fonder, eh?” He tweaks her chin playfully, not even letting her dwell on the problems she’d just discussed. “But I think my heart is pretty fond right now…so fond in fact that you’re coming over to my place tonight where I’m gonna treat you to supper, desert and the movie of your choice while we cuddle on my couch.”

He puts his arms around her again in a hug. “Besides, Domino wants to see you again too. She’s nervous about living with Wyatt for a few weeks and is distraught about me leaving.”

Scott draws back a little, a twinkle in his eye. “She needs a woman’s loving as much as I do, and we need all we can get before tomorrow’s big day.”

Light enters the darkness, groping, pulling, beckoning to be seen. Jason opens one eye just far enough to see a blurry version of the infirmary. He could hear movement around him...his leg hurt...his throat was dry...he felt rather miserable.

Gradually, as the anesthetic wears off, he opens his eyes more and blinks in the light. The last thing he remembered was feeling really tired, and Rick telling him to relax. How long the surgery had taken, he didn't know. What Rick was able to do or repair he didn't know. But for some reason, he did feel miserable.

Then he remembers why. It was what had happened before the surgery. It all comes back to him now. Talking with Katie...the whole experience with her...then getting upset, saying things he shouldn't have...it had been a mess alright.

Jason shifts his weight a little, trying to get comfortable. He didn't know where Katie was now...maybe she wasn't even at work anymore. He felt badly...he felt sorry... Time had a strange way of making someone see things more clearly. He'd been wrong.

Closing his eyes again, despite feeling weak, Jason musters up how sorry he feels...the guilt, the shame for his words, his apology in the form of emotions, emitted to the wind, seeking out its destination.


*Nate sits in the chair office listing to Carson's demands.*

"Yeah, I got it."

*Once Carson hangs up Nate is silent for a long while deep in through. His elbow rests in his hand as the other is on his chin.

He'd gotten to know Carson pretty well over the time he's been here. He'd seen the change that took place, He's seen the good and the bad with Carson since he first got here. Now listing to Carson's voice on the phone it was differnt. There was a strain of urgency and the coldness rang through proving they were in trouble but just by the single way he said Misty's name there was almost like a tint of softness that not the normal persob would pick up on. No Nate new Carson wouldent hurt her. Standing he makes his way for the door than stops turning back to Reese.*

"I think its best if we follow his instructions for now. Carson is smart, and weather he really would hurt Misty or not he has her brains too. They with both know if something is up. I'd rather not take that risk. If anything happens you know where I am. I'd rather go alone first than risk anyones life. I better get going if I am going to make it there in time. I'll call you when I can."

*Nate heads out of the office paper in hand of where to go. Walking part Laura's desk he stops and smiles.*

"I just wanted to let you know I have to cancle dinner tonight Laura. I'm sorry..."

*Nate looks at the paper than back at Laura and gives it alittle wave.*

"I'm going to Cali for some exciting work."

*Nate rolls his eyes but cant help the grin that forms.*

"I'll make it up to you when I get back. I promise.*

*Nate gives Laura a kiss on the forhead and a tight hug before making his way out of TJY again.*

*Misty walks with Carson keeping quiet her arm around his wast. She couldent help but chuckle alittle as he talked to Reese. Though inside she did feel a little bit bad. Her Uncle was probley worryed as was about her and now this was added on top. But this had to be done. What they were doing maybe wasent right, and maybe they went about it the wrong way but whats done was done and now that only thing that mattered was geting Zane and keeping Dani safe.

Misty ears perk as Carson empasis surgary. Jason was in sergary again? Misty could only hope her friend would be ok. She had seen the damage to the knee and new it was bad, but they had hoped the pins would work and fix the problem. Obvesily it dident and not Misty could only wonder and hope Jason would be ok.

Geting her mind back on the task at hand she trys to run some stuff through in her head. She diden't know Nate to well, but from what she saw he could be trusted. Right now though she wasent even sure of that. Her and Carson were as her Uncle said on the "wrong" side of the law right now. Still keeping her arm around Carson she lets out a small sigh.*

"Nate seems like an ok guy than can be trusted, but to be safe I think we should feel him out first. Than before this all goes down tell him the truth. That way he can have a level head going into this and so can we not worryed about what if he trys to do something stupid."

*Kaite returns Scott's kiss soking in his words, his touch they were so gentil. Wraping her arms around him Katie nuzzles her face into Scott's chest.*

"Its my whole sixth sence thing Scotty. Its evolved far more than what it was before. Its goten to the point that..."

*Katie lets out a sigh this was so hard for her to explain she only hoped Scott could understand. Katie's face remains burred into his chest.*
"...I cant not feel any time his emotions go haywire...anytime the spike, bad....or good. Jason had been learned to shut off his feelings without totelly suhting down like he did in prison..."

*Katie continues to talk to Scott trying to explain things the best she could. Going from on detail to the next. Scott had a right to know. He was apart of her life, and she was apart of his. Her pain was and and vice versa it was his right to know.*

"....and than to conclude the wonderful day, I went back in the infermary to get my keys and hurd Jason say some unplesent things. He dident mean to hurt me he was upset, but his words still cut like a knife. I just, I want to know why I have this ability, what does this have to do with God's plane. I just wish I new. This is something that will probley never go away, and slowly we are learning how to controll it so we can have our sepret lifes. Its just till than its so hard."

*Kaite removes her head from be burryed and looks up at Scott trying to search his eyes to find the answers to what he was thinking. She dident even know how Scott would take all this information. She only hopes it would scair him or make him turn away from her. Bring a hand to his face she continues to talk.*

"I guess on top of all that, I'm scaired to death that your leaving. I'm going to miss you so much. I know this is great for you and I am so happy, I'm just being selfish to I guess. I'm just gonna miss you so darn much Scotty."

Phone call

Scott takes Katie in his arms, holding her close as he feels her longing for comfort. Looking down into her teary eyes, his heart aches. "Oh, Katie..."

He sighs deeply, just studying her face, her emotions. "You know I can't pass this by." He reaches up with a gentle hand to wipe a tear from her cheek. His voice quiets, his tone softens. "You're far from ordinary, Katie Pent. I don't know what wonderland would do without you."

Tilting his head, he plants a tender kiss on her lips before drawing her close to him again. "I'm sorry you've had a rough morning." In the back of his mind, there was slight question as to what had happened...this was yet another time he knew she'd been around Jason, then had come away upset. "Do you want to talk about it?"

Carson chuckles a little at Misty. "Either you're too good at this game, or you've watched too many movies." He scans the area again, his eyes revealing his nervousness. "I don't know...I just...If Zane can see our every move, he's going to know anything. Without us knowing him or his goons though, we can't even tell if we're being watched or followed."

He shakes his head. "I like any and all of those ideas - they're great. I just...don't trust them in this situation."

Walking a short ways, he strolls casually, nodding to a passerby. Stopping, he turns to Misty. "We need someone Zane doesn't know...someone who's good undercover, who can hold him and manipulate him into a position we can take him down. And I hadn't thought about Lockheart being so close."

Carson reaches for his cell phone hesitantly. He looks at Misty again. This whole thing was risky. But he they needed the help. Finally, he dials.

Reese rolls his eyes as his direct line rings again. Would he ever get anything done this morning? "Yeah, hello, this is Reese."

Carson gives Misty a sidelong glance as he speaks. "Well it's just the bloke I wanted to talk to."

"Carson! Where are you?"

"Now, now, don't get all excited."

"Dang it, Carson, what do you think you're doing? Tell me what's going on!"

Carson slings an arm around Misty's shoulder as they continue to walk, drawing no attention to themselves in the park. "Oh, don't worry, you'll find everything out. But right now, I need a bit of help."

"You need help alright. Quit playing games with me."

"Alright. Here's the bottom line. I got your niece. You want to see her alive again, you do what I ask."

"Carson, you swine!"

"Hey, hey, easy, mate. You know how this works. You do what I ask and no one gets hurt. It's that easy."

Reese pauses. "What do you want?"



"I got a job here and I can't do it myself. I need a good man."

"Well sorry to burst your bubble, but Jason's in surgery for the second time now, thanks to you."

Carson stops walking and glances at Misty, a look of remorse crossing his eyes as for a moment he forgets his role. "Surgery?"

"Yeah. You did a fine job on his knee."

Carson closes his eyes for a moment, trying to regroup. He hadn't wanted to hurt Jason that badly. They both had just lost it in the ring. They'd both been flying around in there with pure survival instincts. But he couldn't dwell on that now. "Alright. Then it's Nate."

"What do you want him for?"

"Get him in your office."

Reese doesn't hesitate, and summons Nate quickly, putting the speaker phone on, and resumes contact within minutes. "Alright, he's here."

"Good. Now...if either of you call the cops, tell Brown about this, or let anyone else in on this, Misty's dead. Got it?"

The coldness in his tone makes Reese cringe. Carson wasn't playing games. Had he snapped? "Got it."

"Alright." Carson goes on to explain the vicinity where he and Misty are, directing Nate to the motel where they'd stayed the night before. "I want Nate here by three in the morning."

"But what is he going to be doing?"

"You don't worry about that. Just get him here - got that, Nate?" Carson keeps on walking with Misty, still talking. "No questions, no cops, no one gets hurt. Don't show up, and you can read the obituaries to figure out where we are."

Reese runs a hand over his face, tight with tension. "Anything else?"

"Nope. But I'm sure we'll be in touch." Carson flips his phone shut and puts it back on his belt, keeping an arm around Misty. "Well...now we can watch from a distance. We just have to decide if we can trust Nate once he's here...you think we should keep him in the dark and manipulate him still with this line of mine, or tell him the truth? I don't want anything to be spilled until we've got Zane in hand."

Reese hears the click at the other end, and looks up at Nate, the confusion and concern in his eyes. "I have no idea what's going on. Carson's gone off the deep end. I knew it was bound to happen sometime, but with Misty..." He shakes his head. "We've got to get her out of there. Do you want to follow his instructions to the letter, or implement our own strategy?"

Normal Girl

*As Katie hears Scott's voice and feels his hands on her shoulders she lifts her head. Lifting her head the stress shows on her face, the tiredness in her eyes. Turning around she stands and wraps her arms around Scotty.*

"Oh Scotty, Its been one heck of a morning. I'm so frustrated and so tired."

*Katie clings to him for the comfort she so desperitly wanted. Soon Scott would be gone too. SO many things happening at once. Everything changing so fast. Katie burys her face into Scott's shoulder.*

"Your going to be gone soon too. Than what am I going to do."

*Katie looks up at Scott a few tears in her eyes.*

"Do you really have to go?"

*Katie had shown much emotions except excitment about Scott leaving. But not that the time was drawing even closer it was hard to hide it.*

"Alice is nothing but an ordanry girl without the white rabbit."

*Misty leans up aganst the front of the tree with her sunglass on scaning the saroundings. Trying to take in the sights, places where people could hide trying to take in everything.*

"Well first things first I think we need to get Dani to a safe place. If we do this tonight and nab Zane there is not telling what his cronies will do. They might go to ANY and all lagnths to get him back. Angelica Lockheart live two towns over. I dont know if My Uncle has talked to her but we could see if Dani can stay with her and if you dont feel comfortable with that I would say she can stay with us. But if something goes down I dont want her to witness it. So we might want to think of something along that lines."

*Misty stops and thinks for another moment still scaning the park.*

"If we can get a rent a car, and set up a dcoy..."

*Misty is silent again for a moment throwing out idea's to herself but out loud still.*

"..set up a camra and a moniter in my car so we can drive but still see the money so when Zane nabs it we can see where he goes.
I could dress up like a begger pushing a shopping cart and if Zane see I am going to take the bag he might come out of hiding to find it.
You could try calling Zane, and telling him you have something extra for him and I can be waiting with the money. I'm good at acting. Than you can follow up.
We could use the sewer lines some how.
If we put a layer of wadded up paper in the bottom of the bag and han a layer of cash it will make it look like all the money is in the bag. Than that call tracing decise I can turn it into a becon to track where Zane takes the money...."

*Misty's words trail off again as she removes her sunglasses looking back at Carson.*

"...Did any of that babble sound good to you?"

Too tired

Jason sinks into his pillow, glaring at the ceiling as Rick sweeps up the broken glass. He knew Katie was upset with him…he could tell now… It wasn’t the same as the way she could feel his emotions, but he was beginning to figure out how to read the fluxes in the magnetic pull, and this time he knew he’d probably crossed a line he shouldn’t have.

Sighing, he shuts off his surface emotions to leave her alone. This whole thing was just one big mess.

Rick finishes up cleaning, and comes to Jason’s bed again. “Hungry for breakfast?”


“Did you have anything already?”

“Some juice.”


“When are you going to do my knee?”

Rick glances at his watch. “Now, if you’re up to it. The sooner the better.”

By this time, Jason is too tired to put up any more of a fight. “Fine…just put me all the way under. At least for a while then, Katie and I can have some peace.”

Scott ambles closer to Katie’s cubicle, a strange nervousness entering his veins. He wasn’t sure what it was…he hadn’t felt it a few minutes ago. But he almost thought it had something to do with Katie.

Glancing around to her desk, he seeks her head down, and thinks for a moment. He starts to leave, but then stops, changing his mind. Entering her cubicle quietly, he comes up behind her and sets his hands on her shoulders to rub them gently. “Hey…you alright?”

Carson leans up against a tree in the busy park, sipping on his leftover soda pop. “Alright…so we’re supposed to leave the money under that bench over there, and just walk away. I want to nab Zane before he can get away. But if he’s got eyes everywhere, he’ll know if we stick around.” He glances over to Misty. “Suggestions?”