

Reese watches Nate leave, and sinks back in his chair wearily. He wanted to call Brown. He wanted to send a whole troop out to California to pick up Carson and get Misty out. He didn't want to believe Carson would hurt her...he'd seen a change in him. But he'd been trouble since coming here. He'd dealt with the Agency multiple times, he'd gotten himself in scrapes, he'd run off, had a questionable lifestyle, and had currently been involved in some pretty heavy illegal activity. What kind of a double life had he been leading? And what was he trying to prove now? He hadn't said what this was all about...why had he run, just to call back? Had he been so afraid of prison that he'd had Misty help him escape from jail, then ran into trouble? Had Misty gone willingly? Had Carson manipulated her? Had Carson mistreated her? Was there a logical explanation to all of this? But if so, why hadn't he said so earlier?

"God, somehow, some way... bring the answers into the clear," Reese whispers. "And please, please keep my niece safe." He regretted letting Carson into TJY...he regretted not putting his foot down about the relationship between Misty and Carson.

Laura raises her eyebrows at Nate, partly disappointed, partly surprised at his sudden exit. “Um…okay…be safe?” She watches in bewilderment as he walks away, and finally just shakes her head and tries to concentrate on her work again. She wondered what was going on, but she’d learned long ago not to ask too many questions around here. Too many times, nothing could be said anyway.

Carson gives a little sigh and nods at Misty as they head back around the park. “Yeah…I agree. We’ll just have to keep an eye out when Nate gets here and go from there. If he’s alright, we’ll have to tell him what’s going on so he knows how serious this thing is.”

Looking a the ground as they walk, he puts his free hand in his pocket, his mind wandering a little. “Jason had to have surgery on his knee again…I could kick myself for that.” He shakes his head. “I guess we both went a little crazy…he ‘bout choked the living daylights outta me, but I knew his weak spot…” The guilt toys with him. “I never should have fought him.”

He takes a deep breath, trying to move on from it. “Anyway…you had a good idea a while ago…” He picks up his cell phone again and scrolls through some random numbers. Dialing, he waits for the female voice to answer. “Lockheart…Carson Banks here, from TJY. How ya doing?”

Scott just rocks Katie a little bit, rubbing her back as she talks. At first, her explanation was somewhat disturbing…unnerving. What was this thing? How was it possible? It was nothing logical…nothing normal…nothing that happened everyday. If it were true, it was beyond what humans should be able to do. But…he’d seen the effects…he could not ever say that he thought Katie was lying. He couldn’t deny this…this thing that was happening.

Part of him really didn’t like it… He still felt and odd pang when thinking about Jason and Katie…it wasn’t jealousy…maybe just a little bit of worry. And then he was leaving too…would he just worry more while away.

Scott leans his face into Katie’s hand and swallows all of these uneasy feelings. Katie was going through a very hard time, and even if he didn’t understand it, she deserved his support. She needed someone to hold her up right now…a blessing or a curse, this ‘thing’ could not be easy.

“I guess you really are a hero.” He offers a smile, taking her hand to kiss it. “A superhero in my book.”

Cocking his head, Scott looks her in the eye. “I’m gonna miss you too, Katie… But absence makes the heart grow fonder, eh?” He tweaks her chin playfully, not even letting her dwell on the problems she’d just discussed. “But I think my heart is pretty fond right now…so fond in fact that you’re coming over to my place tonight where I’m gonna treat you to supper, desert and the movie of your choice while we cuddle on my couch.”

He puts his arms around her again in a hug. “Besides, Domino wants to see you again too. She’s nervous about living with Wyatt for a few weeks and is distraught about me leaving.”

Scott draws back a little, a twinkle in his eye. “She needs a woman’s loving as much as I do, and we need all we can get before tomorrow’s big day.”

Light enters the darkness, groping, pulling, beckoning to be seen. Jason opens one eye just far enough to see a blurry version of the infirmary. He could hear movement around him...his leg hurt...his throat was dry...he felt rather miserable.

Gradually, as the anesthetic wears off, he opens his eyes more and blinks in the light. The last thing he remembered was feeling really tired, and Rick telling him to relax. How long the surgery had taken, he didn't know. What Rick was able to do or repair he didn't know. But for some reason, he did feel miserable.

Then he remembers why. It was what had happened before the surgery. It all comes back to him now. Talking with Katie...the whole experience with her...then getting upset, saying things he shouldn't have...it had been a mess alright.

Jason shifts his weight a little, trying to get comfortable. He didn't know where Katie was now...maybe she wasn't even at work anymore. He felt badly...he felt sorry... Time had a strange way of making someone see things more clearly. He'd been wrong.

Closing his eyes again, despite feeling weak, Jason musters up how sorry he feels...the guilt, the shame for his words, his apology in the form of emotions, emitted to the wind, seeking out its destination.

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