

Wes picks up the phone in the shop as some music plays in the background. Clint close by as Wes continues to work while on the phone. Hearing Cindy's voice brings a smile to his face. He always loved hearing from his Wife.

"Its ok Hun, I like when you call."

As the conversation continues and Wes hears the baby is ready to come he drops his tools with a claddder.

"Ok, I'm coming hold tight...I'm on my waaaaa.......WAHHHHH"

Wes is rickashayed backwards the phone cord only goes so far and finally hits resistince. Laying on the ground he looks up at the roof for a moment holding the phone to his hear still.

"Ouch, I'm..I'm on my way Hun hold tight."

Wes gets up in a hurry and puts the phone on the hook yelling to Clint.

"Hold the fort down Clint I need to go. The baby is having Cindy, I mean Cindy needs the baby..NO I mean Cindy is having the baby."

Standing for a moment Wes shakes his head and than heads out the door as he his out side he lets out a loud whooping sound and drives away twords home.

Pulling in the driveway Wes dosn't even shut off the truck as he hops out of the truck and sprints inside. Opening up the screen door he goes to step inside but gets caught in the latch the door swinging back and slaming on his arm. Giving a little yelp he struggles with the door trying to get himself unstuck till finally he does and stumbles inside.

"Cindy...I'm here."

Seeing her sitting at the kitchen table he gives a smile his face beaming. Heading into the bedroom Wes grabs Cindy's overnight back that was ready and waiting and heads out the door throwing it in the car than jumping into the passangers seat. Pulling out of the driveway Wes starts to head back to the ranch when he stops and rolls his eyes at himself. Geting out again her goes back inside. Smiling at Cindy once again.

"I bet you thought I forgot about you huh?"

Coming over to where Cindy was siting Wes slings her one arm around his shoulder and than gently slids his one arm around her back and his other under her legs Wes gently lifts her up and carrys her out the door with great care. The smile never leaving his face as he beams down at Cindy. Wes whole word had come together and this was another wonder avent that was taking place.

Puting her into the truck Wes finally makes sure everything is ready and heads back to the ranch and Angel's office.*

Misty shakes her head and brings a hand to her mouth as she giggles at Kyle. Heading for the door she turns and walks backwards grinning at him.

"Ok, your turn to drive. Where are we going anyways? Now that you can talk I probley wont be able to get a word in edge wise."

Misty cant help but let her grin grow as the humor dances in her eyes proding Kyle to play back.


Bret chuckles and heads for the door with Charlotte close behind. "Alright then...the mountains it is."

Locking the door, he aims for his car, sliding in behind the steering wheel, now fully awake. The necklace Charlotte had given him still hangs from his rearview mirror, swaying gently as the car moves.

Backing out of his driveway and seeing no one coming from either direction, Bret steers the car's tail in he wrong direction. Gunning it, then slamming on the breaks and twisting the wheel, he spins the car back around in a circle, then burns rubber, squealing down the street going the way they want to. "Yeehaw!"

A figure watches from the shadows, lifting an eyebrow at the driving. Making a mental note, they slink away.

Kyle looks up at Misty and nods, though is a bit confused. He knew she and Rick hadn't been discussing lunch.

Rick stops Misty once more before she can leave, his voice still low. "We better find a cure fast...because if that poison gets through with his vocal cords, it will just move on to something else until eventually it will kill him." He sees in her eyes the concern and her sincere want to help Kyle, and Rick knows she cares about him. "I know we'll figure this out...just keep cool. In the meantime, don't give him too bad a time about talking. The poison is doing more harm to him than him using his voice."

Finally he turns back to Kyle, offering a little smile. "Well, other than some added strain, not a whole lot has changed. I know I said three weeks the last time, but I'm giving you he okay to talk a bit. Just don't strain too hard, and if there's pain, stop. Got it?"

Kyle nods with enthusiasm and gives Rick a thumbs up. Sliding off the table, he looks to Misty again and holds up his keys, jingling them as the mischief shines in his eyes.

Jason looks at his computer screen, tapping his fingers on his desk. He felt deceptive. He hadn't lied, exactly...he'd just...left things out....hadn't said everything... but... He hadn't known how. He hadn't known how to tell his mom those things...he didn't want to be a failure...a disappointment. He hadn't wanted her to worry.

He reads her email again, realizing though, that he might have gotten himself in more of a mess than planned...

Yes, the days just seem to get longer and longer. Wes is around more lately though, so it's nice to have the company. Clint's taking care of things well at the shop. The only drawback for him was he didn't get the vacation for a road trip with his motorcycle like he wanted. Now he's thinking next year.

You forgot to answer me about the dresses - did Camryn decide if she was going with the blue or purple? I wanted to get a dress to match. I know, I know, don't ask - it's a woman thing. ;)

Glad your knee is doing so much better. I'm sure if you wanted, Reese would put you back in the field at this point.

By the way, Austin might be coming back to TJY. Reese doesn't like it that he's been gone this long. He'll have to send a replacement though, so I don't know what will happen. I asked Austin the other day about what he'd heard through Reese about you and he seemed a little evasive. Know what's up there?

Anyway, it's time to dust the living room. It's the little things that keep me busy.

Love you and talk to you more soon.

"Jason, you've got a call."

"Thanks, Susanne." Jason picks up his office phone, closing out his email and reverting his mind to other things. "Yeah, this is Jason."

"Hey, Jase."

Jason raises his eyebrows at Phil's voice. "Since when do you use the TJY phone?"

Phil laughs. "Since all I get is your voicemail on your phone."

"Oops." Jason turns around and grabs his cell phone, realizing that he'd turned the ringer off. "Sorry."

"No problem. Hey listen, I just called Rocky...the guy from Cryptic."


"Well, good news and bad news."

Jason leans back in his chair with a sigh. "Shoot."

"The good news is that Cryptic isn't disbanding. They're just coming back home and staying in the area, taking things easier than they have been."

"And the bad news?"

"They're in Washington state at the moment. They were going to come back tomorrow, but a flight got canceled and they got stuck."

Jason purses his lips, disappointed. "So Rocky can't come."

"Nope." Phil pauses. "Said he would have if he could have...he'd love to still get together with us sometime. I told him about Kyle and he couldn't believe it. Said the guys would be praying."

"Mm-hmm." Jason nods absentmindedly. He was used to the praying and the talk about God all the time now. In the back of his mind, something always started asking questions when the subject came up, but he'd always dismissed it. It was getting harder though... Bringing himself back, he sighs again. "Well...that's that, then. Who's gonna call to cancel the show?"

"I will if you tell Kyle."

"Oh, thanks a lot."

Cindy walks slowly through the kitchen, one hand on her back, and she stops to stare at the large pile of dishes. Everything seemed to take twice as long to do lately, and not having done the dishes for several days made this task the biggest for the day.

Giving a little sigh, she goes to turn the water on, but stops as she experiences a sudden pain. Wincing, she leans on the counter until it has passed. Catching her breath, she shrugs it off and starts forward, but again, another sharp sensation sends up the red flags in the back of her mind.

Turning around, she changes her route and finds a kitchen chair to sit in. Resting for a moment, she thinks it has passed, but another wave hits her.

Grabbing the cordless phone, she dials Wes' cell. He'd gone to work just a half hour ago after Clint had called, needing help with something. Hearing him answer, she tries to keep her voice calm. "Sorry to interrupt your work hun, but...I need to get over to Angel...I don't think this baby of ours is going to wait much longer."


*Charlotte smiles as she watches Bret walk away and head back up the steps. Turning she lets out a small sigh and looks down in the sink piled with dishes. Didn't I just do these the other day? Men! Laughing she fills the sink and starts to do some more up. Charlotte really didn't mind cleaning for Bret. She found it fun and it was nice to tease him about something. Not to mention it meant spending more time with him and she certainly didn't mind that. Ever since she had first met Bret Charlotte liked spanding time with him, never did she regret one moment.

Hearing Bret come down the steps Charlotte drains the water from the sink and turns just in time to catch the coin that was thrown at her.

Giving a smile she flips the coin in the air.*

"Sounds good to me. Heads we go to the mountains to hike, Tails we go on the swamp trail."

*Slapping it down on her hand Charlotte removes the other. Revealing heads."

"Alright to the mountains it is..."

*Letting out a sigh Charlotte can't help her grin that curled on her lips.*

"I have fond memories of those mountains."

*As Rick pulls Misty aside to talk to her she cant help but feel her heart sink a little bit. Kyle had to get better, he couldn't let his dream go not like this.*

"Well if we can find out what the added substince is I am sure I can come up with another antadote. I have to, we have to and I wont rest untill we do. Kyle has to get better Rick."

*Misty's eyes show her secsarity as she looks at Rick. Than turning away she smiles at Kyle.*

"Ready for lunch?"