

Wes picks up the phone in the shop as some music plays in the background. Clint close by as Wes continues to work while on the phone. Hearing Cindy's voice brings a smile to his face. He always loved hearing from his Wife.

"Its ok Hun, I like when you call."

As the conversation continues and Wes hears the baby is ready to come he drops his tools with a claddder.

"Ok, I'm coming hold tight...I'm on my waaaaa.......WAHHHHH"

Wes is rickashayed backwards the phone cord only goes so far and finally hits resistince. Laying on the ground he looks up at the roof for a moment holding the phone to his hear still.

"Ouch, I'm..I'm on my way Hun hold tight."

Wes gets up in a hurry and puts the phone on the hook yelling to Clint.

"Hold the fort down Clint I need to go. The baby is having Cindy, I mean Cindy needs the baby..NO I mean Cindy is having the baby."

Standing for a moment Wes shakes his head and than heads out the door as he his out side he lets out a loud whooping sound and drives away twords home.

Pulling in the driveway Wes dosn't even shut off the truck as he hops out of the truck and sprints inside. Opening up the screen door he goes to step inside but gets caught in the latch the door swinging back and slaming on his arm. Giving a little yelp he struggles with the door trying to get himself unstuck till finally he does and stumbles inside.

"Cindy...I'm here."

Seeing her sitting at the kitchen table he gives a smile his face beaming. Heading into the bedroom Wes grabs Cindy's overnight back that was ready and waiting and heads out the door throwing it in the car than jumping into the passangers seat. Pulling out of the driveway Wes starts to head back to the ranch when he stops and rolls his eyes at himself. Geting out again her goes back inside. Smiling at Cindy once again.

"I bet you thought I forgot about you huh?"

Coming over to where Cindy was siting Wes slings her one arm around his shoulder and than gently slids his one arm around her back and his other under her legs Wes gently lifts her up and carrys her out the door with great care. The smile never leaving his face as he beams down at Cindy. Wes whole word had come together and this was another wonder avent that was taking place.

Puting her into the truck Wes finally makes sure everything is ready and heads back to the ranch and Angel's office.*

Misty shakes her head and brings a hand to her mouth as she giggles at Kyle. Heading for the door she turns and walks backwards grinning at him.

"Ok, your turn to drive. Where are we going anyways? Now that you can talk I probley wont be able to get a word in edge wise."

Misty cant help but let her grin grow as the humor dances in her eyes proding Kyle to play back.

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