

Carson leaves one hand manning the stove, the other slipping around Misty as she puts her arms around his waist.

Looking down at her, the same grin remains on his face, the same mischievous look in his eye. "Mmm... yes, you never did do every well with those consequences, did you? How many more times would it take to get you to remember them?"

The tone in his voice lures her as he leans in closer. But his teasing continues as he doesn't kiss her like he acts like he is. "That's ok though," he relents. "If I didn't have to remind you now and again, things might get awfully boring around here."

Finally unable to hold off any longer, he kisses her again, but his own laugh breaks up the exchange. Giving Misty a squeeze, he turns back to the stove. "Now that we've successfully gotten through desert, it's breakfast time."

He scoops the omelets up and slides them off onto the waiting plates. "Because.... if I end up late, and Herb asks me why, there's no way I'm going to tell him anything other than I stopped for breakfast." He swivels around to hand Misty her plate. "So I better not make a liar out of myself."

For a moment, Carson's eyes lock with hers, the teasing turning into a more mellow emotion - one that showed how much he really did care, aside from all the flirting. "Thanks for waiting for me, Missy," he says quietly. "I would have been lost without you."


As Carson turns around and pushes her up aganst the wall Misty's heart starts to race and hearing his comment a all to familure grin forms on her lips. Receving Carson's kiss Misty can feel the passhion and what had been missing was soon returned. This feeling she had longed for had been replace. Kissing Carson back Misty can almost feel her knees go weak as she kiss him back with all the passen she had been holding back over the last few weeks. The Carson she new and loved was back.

As He pulls away and see the fire has returned in Carson's eyes her own fire has been reignighted again. The flam, the fire was burning strong once again and Misty felt like she used to like nothing had changed at all.

As Carson drags her around the kitchen Misty cant help but laugh placing her knife down on the counter as they pass.

"Hey, I'd father have dessert before the meal too. I like the dessert anyways."

Continuing to to be dragged around Misty dosnt mind, she liked being close to Carson even if it was like this. Laughter fills her apartment as the chatter of her farrets can be hurd from the other room like they new there master was happy once again and they had regained there own spark.

Finally as he lets her go Misty gasps for a moment catching her breath. What a morning it had been in a short time and now she was wide awake.

Hearing comments about being able to handle his cooking and him Misty cant help the grin slowly walking over to Carson. Wrapping her arms around his waist she looks up at him the grin and fire in her eyes burning strong.

" Oh I think I cant handle anything you throw at me and if there are consepuences...well, I do believe I told you once before I dont care or catch on to those very fast."

I didn't

For a split second, Caron freezes, his eyes widening. But just as quickly, his gaze narrows, a grin forming. "I didn't break in," he answers slyly. "I found a key."

Thinking for just a moment, Carson lets go of his spatula, quickly bringing his hand up to wrap around Misty's arm, gaining safe distance from the knife. In the same move, he whirls around to take her free wrist, his gaze clashing with her own as he backs her up against the wall.

Wrapping his arms around Misty, he brings himself roughly to her, unafraid of the knife. He hadn't talked to her at all the day before, but that didn't mean his mind hadn't been thinking. He'd done a lot of soul-searching and a lot of praying. And Axel had been right about him.
"Tamed, the warrior never would be," he whispers. "Forever the fire would burn within. An army retreated, a battle surrendered - but neither would kill the flame. For when he looked into the eyes of the conqueror, he could not lay down his will. The war had ended, only to rise again, an intense battle surging across the land. Lines were drawn and swords clashed. Thunder rolled amidst the fire that blazed within the souls."

Moving closer, his eyes close as he brings his lips to hers, letting the exchange continue, his hands holding her close. Only the sizzling at the stove reminds him that he has other things to think about.

He withdraws from her, only to return for another lighter kiss before pulling away completely. He doesn't let her go though, putting her into a side headlock with a strong arm, to drag her to the stove with him. "Most people wait for desert until after the meal," he muses. "I like getting mine first."

Stirring the eggs around, he pauses again. "Never know when you might not make it through a meal." He leans down for another kiss and his eyes find Misty's, glowing with a flame reignited. "I gotta get in all I can while I'm still alive."

Turning to the food again, he still keeps her in his grasp. Going for a sliced green pepper on the counter, he pops a long piece halfway in his mouth. Cocking his head he twists to offer the other half, letting Misty bite it off.

Grinning, he finishes chewing his half and finally releases her so he can work with both hands as the food starts to get done. "You realize there was a benefit to all this," he states matter-of-factly. He gives Misty a sly sidelong glance. "Since I had to work at Mom and Pop's, I learned to cook some pretty mean food. Now you have me and my cooking." His eyes narrow slightly, a smile being withheld. "Think you can handle that?"

Break in

Laying in bed Misty is somewhere between half asleep and walk awake. Its was nearing time to wake up and Misty's body new it. The silence of the house was nice. One could hear a pin drop but Misty didnt mind it that way.

Suddenly hearing the lock on her front door click Misty naps up out of bed. Just sitting there for a long moment she just listens. It sounded like whoever was in the house was in the kitchen. Continuing to listen Misty is non to quick to jump out of bed before she new he sounds and how many people were in her house.

Soon the smell hits Misty's noise and she becomes a little confused. Slowly slinging her legs out of bed Misty opens the top draw on her night stand and pulls out her butterfly knife.

Slowly opening her bedroom door Misty slids out into the hallway keeping her mind clear. As the sound of rock music turn on she gives a jump not expecting it. Peeking around the courner of the wall into the kitchen and hearing Carson's voice Misty just blinks for a moment before placing her back aganst the wall so he didnt see her. What on earth he had scaired the tar out of her.

A grin form on her lips, she would get him back for scairing her. Waiting till his back was turned to the stove again the music makes a good sound barrier as Misty enters the kitchen slowly moving twords Carson. Very silently she sneeks behind him and for a moment does nothing making she he wasent about to turn around.

Slowly placing her one hand under Carson's arm she brings her other arm around his neck so her knif is close enough to feel it but not touching his skin so she didnt cut him. Standing on her top toes Misty almost can reach Carson's ear where she slowly in a sassy tone whispers.

"Dident you know you shouldnt break into a sheila's house without properly greeting her."


As quickly as the opening had been there, it was gone. The light slowly fades from Scott's eyes and he shakes his head a little. "Um... maybe next time?"

He stuffs his hands in his pockets and turns towards the door, pausing just a moment. "I'll... or Rick... I'll let him tell me when I'm coming back..." That was as close as he would come to saying that yes, he'd be back.

Hesitating again, he finally heads out of Hope's office, any opportunity for further conversation gone. It was time to retreat back into his corner again. He'd had enough for one day.

Getting back out to Rick's car, Rick asks no questions, but simply takes Scott back to TJY.

Axel hangs up the phone and sighs. He had absolutely nothing going on tonight. Why hadn't he said yes? He was constantly telling other people to get out of their boxes and live, yet he himself was held back by something that was over and gone.

Shaking his head, he goes back into the shop. He had other things he needed to worry about.

The day drags on, but even though it may feel like it is to go on forever, finally the sun does reach the horizon.

"Good evening, Scott."

He looks up quickly from his place on the infirmary bed. He'd been sitting cross-legged, fooling with his camera, and Susanne's sudden entry made him jump. "Oh... hi."

Susanne offers a warm smile. "I brought you some supper."

Scott tries to smile, but it doesn't come out very well. "Um... I don't think that..."

"You don't have to eat it all," Susanne interrupts. "I know your stomach can't handle much right now. But if you feel like it, there's some chicken and some rice - both mild so it shouldn't bother you too much." Still smiling, she puts the bag on the counter for whenever Scott wanted it. "I also wanted to tell you that whenever you're ready to go home, you've got a couch and a bed and... I think a table."

Scott's eyebrows rise. "What? How?"

"Well, I called a couple people in church and I was able to find some others who just happened to be wanting to get rid of some of their furniture. They were more than willing to donate."

Scott isn't completely sure he likes it, and it must have shown on his face.

"Just accept it," Susanne instructs. She gives him a nod of reassurance. "Let us care, okay?" Before Scott can respond, she turns and reaches around the corner of the door in the hallway. "And while I'm telling you to accept it..." She pulls in a bigger bag, bringing it over to the bed. "I got a few things for you today too."

"But what..."

Susanne cuts him off by heading out once more. "Goodnight, Scott. See you tomorrow."

Left alone again, Scott sets his camera aside, and opens the bag, curious. Inside, he finds several sets of clothes. He sighs. Susanne was too good to him. He'd never be able to repay her.

Pulling out a pair of jeans, he notices that she'd bought him a couple sizes smaller than what his old ones were - she was so observant and so thoughtful. He wouldn't need a belt for these. Looking down at what he had on, he realizes he'd been having to wear and wash the same jeans and shirts since he'd gotten back. While he hadn't been motivated for anything else, he would accept the gifts and wear them.

Jason slouches in Austin's desk chair, going through files. He'd been sitting here all afternoon, and had not gone home when everyone else had. It was quiet in the building. Only a few people were left like Rick and Scott.

Heaving a sigh, Jason just stares at the desk, his mind bouncing from one thing to the next. He felt calmer than earlier, but this was all a new sort of stress. No one but Katie knew yet about his position.

So... he was being threatened.

He shakes his head and leans back in the chair, letting his hand fall into his lap. He held a letter... one of many he'd finally found in Austin's office. It had taken some digging, but he'd discovered the small stash in the bottom of a drawer.

It was the Agency... threatening to kill me unless they got their way in getting me into prison. So Austin helped them. He must have thought he was keeping me alive.

Jason's fist balls up as he tries to control his emotions.

You'd think after all these years that he would know not to give in to the Agency's scare tactics - because that's all they are. But instead, he gave in. And look at where it got me. Not to mention, be never even had the decency to tell me the truth himself.

Heaving a sigh, Jason puts the letters back. Despite his disgust, a small amount of anger had been removed. At least he knew now that his grandfather hadn't had all ill-intentions. He guessed he could have come outright and confronted Austin about the whole thing... but he'd been too angry to even ask what the truth was. And now that he knew, what difference did it really make? He'd still gone through heck and back behind bars, regardless of intentions.

Jason stares up at the ceiling then closes his eyes.

I don't like hating him, ya know? I really do remember the good times... at least at the time I thought they were good. Maybe they weren't really, but I didn't know any better then.

He dwells on his own inner thoughts for a moment. For once, though he still felt anger, it was weakening enough to start dispersing. For once, it didn't feel so intense.

I'm letting him win by staying mad at him, aren't I? I'm just becoming what he's predicted. Harboring hate... I know it hasn't been good for me... or you. I just... don't know how to forgive him. I don't know how to look past all the things he's done against me... and all the things he's done lately to my friends. He's ruined everything I ever thought about him, and I don't understand it. You can't tell me that all of this is a simple part of growing up. Not everybody has to endure something like this. Why me? Why couldn't I have just had a normal life? Why couldn't I have just had a life of peace...

Jason just lets his mind wander for several minutes, finally just letting the subject drop. He had too many other things to think about right now, other than his personal issues with Austin. He could deal with all of that later.

He stays at work for several more hours until he grows weary. But during those hours, he had come to various conclusions, formulating plans and deciding what he would do the following morning. Austin wouldn't win this one - of this he was determined.

Before he leaves the office, he emails a memo:
To the Elite Staff:
You all may have seen Austin leave the building in disgust earlier today. I apologize if it caused a scene. The reason for Austin's departure is that he has handed over the responsibilities of commanding chief to me. Though surprised, I accept that position. I appreciate the opportunity it has given me, despite the burdens I know that go along with the job. While much at TJY requires change, other areas do not. I would like to take advantage of my new position by calling a meeting tomorrow at ten o'clock a.m. I would like everyone able to be present to discuss the future. Paper and pens won't be necessary, though I will be informing everyone of some of my decisions. Thank you, and I will see you tomorrow in the lower-level meeting room.
-Jason, Elite Chief

Satisfied, Jason shuts down the computer and heads home. Morning would come all too soon.

"Aw come on." Jaxon grumbled and let his chair fall back on all fours. "Why can't you send somebody else?"

Erica glares down at him, setting her hands on her hips. "Because I want you. It's an easy job and you're the laziest, so it's the perfect fit."

Jaxon scowls at his superior. His large frame might intimidate some, but not Erica. "Do I go alone?"

"No." Erica looks across the lab to the younger man sitting at a computer desk. "Alec is going with you."

"What?!" The blonde swivels in his chair to look at her. "I was suppose to be on that other case with Drew. I actually wanted to do that one."


Alec's eyes narrow. "Great. So you want us to nab this guy or what?"

"No. I just want answers. The boss said not to take him because he probably wouldn't last long enough for us to use him anyway."

Alec sighs. "Get in, make him talk, get out, right?"


Jaxon stands from the table. "When do we go?"

"Soon," Erica responds. "But I want you to observe habits first. We don't wan any mishaps. You go to him only when you're sure there will be no one else around."

Dawn. A chilly foretelling of the morning to come. Axel takes in a deep breath of the fresh air before trotting down the steps to the ground outside the garage. The walk to the little diner wouldn't take him all that long. By the time he got there, it would be just about right to meet Jess.

Other than his hand hurting this morning, all seemed well. He couldn't shake an odd feeling that something wasn't right, but he tried to ignore it anyway. He was a long way from his troubles.

Finally getting to the restaurant, he's the first customer there. Finding a little table near the window, he waits.

Jason flops down behind Austin's desk. The night had been long. He'd hardly slept at all. Three times, he'd woken up, tossed and turned, and changed his mind about things. But this morning he was sure. He knew what he was going to do. Taking the bull by the horns was something he was quit capable of doing.

Taking a swig of his coffee, he sets to work to prepare for that day's meeting.

Carson slips out of Dani's car, throwing a quick "thanks" over his shoulder and offering a wave with his free hand. His other hand was busy holding several grocery sacks and a jug of orange juice.

It was early... the sun was just peaking up above the horizon. But Carson didn't have to be at work yet, and Dani had to be at the store to open this morning, so it had worked out well.

Walking up the sidewalk and getting to the porch, Carson juggles the things he has in his hands so he can reach up above the door to find the spare key he knew would be there. He knew that there would be no one up yet at this early hour.

Letting himself in, he replaces the key and quietly makes his way to the kitchen. He sets the bags on the counter and withdraws all the ingredients he needs, putting the juice in the fridge. Flipping on the lights, he grabs a towel to sling over his shoulder and moves about the kitchen, knowing where most things were already, and only having to hunt for a couple items.

Within minutes, the smell of eggs, bacon, peppers and more wafts through the house. Carson stands at the stove, spatula in hand, working on the omelets. While the bacon sizzles in a separate pan, he wipes his hands on his towel and turns around to find the radio and turn it on to a rock station, letting the volume rise enough to feel the bass.

Going back to the stove, he yells at the top of his lungs. "Hey, you lazy sheila! Daylight's burning! Get your bum out of bed before I come do it for you!"


Hope stops for a moment just taking in everything Scott said her own wheels turning. How his mind though and how indeepth he was. Maybe with Scott a round about way would have to be taken to help him.

A bit of colors comes to her face as Scott finish up talking.

"Well, thank you very much than. That is a very nice complement. I will live up to the number as best as I can."

Thinking for a moment Hope looks down at her papers and than back up at Scott again. Maybe she could get him to stay a little longer.

"What number are you and your friends? I have to admit I really do find this fascinating."

Giving a smile even though Axel couldnt see her Jess feels a little bit better knowing he wasnt upset with her. She would feel awfel if he did.

As Axel asks for Breakfast instead Jess gives a small nod. Breakfest was better than nothing.

"Yeah sure breakfast sounds great. I dont have to work till the afternoon so that works good."

Figuring he had something to do tonight Jess had no probley with doing something alse with him tomarrow.

"Well I am almost back to work I better let you go for now. I'll call you later to find out what time and where for breakfest in the moring. Take care Axel."

Hanging up the phone Jess gets out of her car and heads back inside.