
Computer Company

*After Carson heads back up the steps Nate turns to Reese and gives a nod not saying anymore words on that matter. What was said what said, and done was done.

Nate moves back into the room where Aeriths grandmother was. Grabing a blanket he throws it over top of her.*

"It apears Aerith's grandmother passed on a few days ago at least. From the looks of it, it was naturil cause, but if Frankie was here how he dident know or smell he is beyond me."

*Nate looks to Wyatt for a moment for conframation in what he said next.*

"My guess would be Aerith hasent been by here since she new Frankie was maybe staying here. She probley dident want to run into him and have any problems. Not to mention from what you told me Wyatt she wasent very nice to Aerith anyways."

*Nate looks away and shakes his head moving out into the hallway.*

"I called for someone to come and remove her body. Someone is still going to need to call the family, and I though maybe Wyatt since Aerith is your girl you could break the news to her."

*Nate lets out a sigh and looks around the hallway.*

"All we were doing now was trying to find so....."

*Nate stops in mid-sentince as Carson bounds back down the stairs and holds out the paper to him. Stairing at it for a long moment he finally points to the faint symbol at the top of the paper.*

"I think thats the symbol from the computer parts company we get out parts from. They are stationed in New York though. If we can get to a computer we can do a search to see if there was any of there plants here now that arnt anymore. Unless do you think Scott would know? Here on the address I can make out a 896 but thats about it."

*Nate continues to look at the paper mumbaling to himself trying to figure out what the rest of it says.*

*Katie sits leaning aganst Scott as the movie credits start to roll and Domino lifts her head from Katie's lap. Giving a pat to the small dogs head Katie leans her own back And lays across Scott's lap to look up at him.*

"Well that was an intresting movie. I do have to say I never saw it before. What made the movie even better though was having you sit behind me."

*Kaite leans up and press her lips to Scott's letting it linger for a long while. Yesterday she had though she was going to lose Scott, and now today he was with her again, and soon it would be forever.*

*Misty looks up at Morgan she was growing weaker now and trying to just keep herself coharent to what was going on around her.*

"You wish!"

*As Misty is hoisted to her feet and put back in the courner feeling Morgan run a hand on her arm she cringes. She wanted to jerk her arms away but she new if she did, she would only hurt herself more.*

"People change. Carson isent the same man you once new."

*Frankie comes over to Morgan and Misty shaking his head.*

"Still talking about all this change stuff huh? I think you've done enough talking."

*Bending out He ties a white peace of meterial around her mouth so she could talk anymore than he gives her a small shove aganst the wall. Bending down in front of her.*

"Sorry Sis, no one is coming for you and tomarrow morning we will be long gone. Morgan if you going to ryle up Carson I would sugest doing it soon."

*Frankie stands and goes back to the table pulling out some papers and looking them over.*

*As Misty sits aganst the wall she catches Morgan's eys for a moment, the pain evadent in her own. Though she dident want to die the tought dident scaire her but the though of dieing in so much pain did. Was this really her end? Her mind and the pain taunted her telling her it was but Misty tryed to remain storng. Keeping the hope people were looking for her. Hoping Carson had figured something out and Reese was hunting just as hard.*


Carson walks carefully down the hall upstairs, his gun raised in front of him, ready for any surprises. He’s barely opened the door to the first room when Nate’s call sends his adrenaline racing.

Moving quickly, Carson sprints back down the hall and skips sideways down the stairs, his eyes peeled. Reaching the living room, his arm goes to cover his mouth and nose at the sight and smell. He’d thought the odor had reminded him of a dead rat in the air ducts – now he knew why. A flippant curse slips out. “Aw, what on earth…” He grimaces and steps closer to the body, giving it a once over. “Nice. Apparently Aerith was so close to her grandmother that she hasn’t checked on her in a few days eh?”

He almost gags and steps away from the scene, turning his back to regain some composure. “Lovely.”

Suddenly there’s noise at the front door, and he whirls back toward the hall and entry way, his gun poised.

Wyatt jumps and Reese puts on his brakes, skidding to a stop and raising his hands. “Whoa, Carson. Cool it.”

Carson glares at Reese, but slowly lowers his weapon. “You could try knocking.”

“I could try a lot of things.”

“You’re not getting me off this case.”

“Look, Carson…”

“No!” Carson’s voice raises. “Shoot me if you have to, but I’m staying!”

“Carson!” Reese steps forward, looking him in the eye. “Did I tell you to leave?!” He searches the angry man’s eyes. “You’re deputized for this case, and this case only, got it?”

Carson is taken aback by Reese’s words. “What?”

“Do you think I’m nuts?” Reese rolls his eyes. “But you cool it, or I’ll revoke that deputizing on the spot. You’re helping us find Misty, is that clear?”


“What, you don’t want to?”

Carson grits his teeth and spins back around. “I’m going back upstairs.”

Reese lets out the breath he’s been holding, and looks to Nate. “What did you do, set off a stink bomb in here?”

Wyatt grimaces. “That’s no stink bomb, Dad. That smells like something dead.” He glances at Nate too. “Let me guess – it’s not Frankie.”

Carson looks into several upstairs rooms, finding nothing. Finally he comes to what looks to be a spare bedroom. The covers on the bed were askew – someone had been here recently. The room appeared void of personal belongings, but things were not straightened, as if someone had left in a hurry.

He glances around, snooping in drawers, and in closets. Looking down, he spots a small, torn piece of paper sticking out from under the dresser. Picking it up, he tries to make out the blurred ink writing. An address.

Hurrying back downstairs, Carson joins the others again, holding the paper out to Nate. “Can you make this out?”

Morgan looks up quickly as Frankie comes back. He grits his teeth, still holding Misty down. “It wasn’t my fault, he growls.”

Receiving Misty’s threat, he looks down at her, studying her face. “Dead meat, huh? You’re not exactly in a good position to be throwing threats around.” He pauses, a grin spreading. “I don’t mind you in this position though.”

Letting a moment pass, he finally stands up, yanking Misty to her feet and shoving her back towards her corner. Pushing her down to kneel, he takes her arms behind her back and starts wrapping the rope around them again.

As he’s tying her though, suddenly for a brief moment, he runs his fingers across her arm, coming to the steel chain and narrow plate engraved with Carson’s name. “Wow.” He almost laughs, his voice suddenly a little softer, almost bewildered. “And he said he’d never…” Shaking his head, he finishes tightening the ropes around Misty’s wrists, immobilizing her hands.


*Aerith returns Wyatt's kiss worry over coming her. This sounded dangerous and the last thing she wanted was anyone to get hurt. Aerith gives a small nod.*


*As she watches Wyatt head for the door she calls after him.*

"Wyatt, be safe please."

*Aerith finishes her normal work around Mom and Pop's than when it seems to be slow enough asks if she can leave early. Mable and Herb have no problem with it and let her go. Hurrying home Aerith sits watching tv for alittle bit waiting for Wyatt's call.*

*Nate gives a nod of his head. He understood the look in Carson eyes and new he was greatful.*

"Carson, lets not kill anyone unless we have to ok. Dont act on impulse."

*Nate gets out of the car drawing his own gun. He wasent sure what to exspect but if he learned anything from anywhere it was always exspect the unexspected.

Walking up to the door Nate knocks on the door and waits. Not hearing an answer Nate glances back at Carson and gives a small nod. Turning the knob he finds the door open. Pushing it open even more and steping inside a foul smell hits his nose making him crings and turn away. Finally regaining himself he talks over his shoulder.*

"I dont know about you but how could anyone stand this smell."

*Nate enters the hours a bit more leting his eyes get use to the darkness.*

"The house is empty from what I can tell. You check upstairs and I'll check down here. See if you can find anything at all that can help us."

*Breaking away from Carson Nate heads into the kitchen and sifts through papers, going over the room with a fine tooth comb. The smell almost ubearable. Moving his way twords the living room the smell becomes stronger. As Nate fumbles to flip on a light he can old stand in shock at the lifeless body in the char across from him. Being quick on his feet Nate moves to the chair to check for a pluse but as his fingers touch the the tough skin Nate no she is no longer living she was as cold as ice. Fear pass over him for more than one reson...*


*Nate pulls out his phone as he walks out into the hall way to open the front door. Waiting for Carson he calls someone to come to pick up the body and take it away. From the looks of it she died naturily but Nate wanted to make sure. Hanging up the phone he steps back in side to wait for Carson.*

*Misty looks up at Morgan her eyes cold. Her head still throbed and even a bit more now. This was her once chanse of escaping and she had blown. She wouldent have the stregnth to try again. She could only hope someone was looking for her. *

"I dont need pitty not from the likes of you."

*Misty trys to bring her legs up under Morgan to kick him off her but at the point her head is still throbing and she dosent have the stregnth to other trying.*

*Frankie enters the room and looks down at Misty and Morgan. A bit irratation in his voice*

"MORGAN what are you doing? Why is she untired? Tie her back up and stop fooling around before I tie you up with her."

*Frankie throws the bags down on the small table.*

*Misty looks at her brother the hate and pain in her eyes..*


*Frankie snaps his head back to Misty.*

"Shut up, just shut up. If you dont your little boyfriend is gonna get it. You braught this on yourself. You should just join me and I wouldent have to drag you away. Morgan tie her up and shut her up."

*Frankie turns back around. His anger intense, yet the strange pain in his hart at seeing his sister like this, but this had to be done. It was for her own sake.*

*Misty looks back at Frankie and than Morgan half of what she was ssying she dident even hear herself.*

"When Carson and my other friends find you, your dead meat."


Reese slams his phone down into the cradle and just glares at it for several moments. His worry about his niece was going to be the death of him. She'd come such a long way in her life. What she did now was so much more to be proud of than her earlier years. Reese could still remember her as a toddler sitting on his knee...so peaceful...so innocent.

All he'd wanted for her when she came here was to finish out her interning and pursue her medical career. And she would have. But along came Carson. An Agency scumbag with enough charm to convince any woman to do anything, and enough attitude to make it appealing. It was because of him Misty had gotten into many scrapes, and he always just seemed to make things worse. This time apparently wasn't his fault, but there he was again, right there in the thick of it.

Reese leans his hands down on his desk, taking a deep breath. Carson was no coward, that was for sure. And he was risking his neck for Misty. No matter what a wanderer he was, no matter what the scumbag he'd been...he obviously cared for Misty deeply, and Reese couldn't deny him that.

Thinking for another moment, Reese opens his desk drawer to reveal his own handgun. Nate was right. None of them could help what happened with TJY becoming the Elite...if they hadn't, they would have been disbanded altogether. But now they were walking on eggshells all the time...doing more paperwork than street work, and TJY's original purpose was no longer being met.

Picking up his gun, he checks the ammunition. Trying to get Carson off the case would be like daring to pull a wolverine off its prey - someone would get hurt. And apparently Nate was being just as stubborn.

The bell at Mom and Pop's rings. Wyatt turns from his conversation with Aerith. "Dad?"

Reese approaches and nods his hello to Aerith before speaking to Wyatt. "Well come on."


"Her grandmother's."

"But you.."

"Nevermind." Reese gestures for the door. "Let's go."

Wyatt watches his dad to start walking away, and pauses just a moment. Leaning over the counter, he gives Aerith a kiss. "I'll call you later. Get right on over to Jamie's as soon as you're off work and stay put."

Carson grits his teeth as he hears Nate's end of the phone conversation. He knows how Reese is reacting. It was predictable, and it made his blood boil. But his gratefulness for Nate's loyalty overcame that anger. Nate was risking his job for this - some might call him stupid. Carson would call him a good mate.

There was no time for thanks though, as Aerith's grandmother's house came into view. Parking in the street, alongside the curb, Carson pulls his car to a stop and draws out his gun. "No vehicle, but let's go check it out." The look in his eye conveys his gratefulness for Nate's help, but the knowledge that right now he has to stay focused.

Morgan drops the Advil and water, letting out a cry as his knee is nailed by Misty's hard kick. Brought to the floor, he hurls a curse in Misty's direction, but is quickly back on his feet.

Seeing her go for the door, he growls and sprints, despite his new limp. Getting to her just before the door, he tackles her from behind, bringing her down to the floor again. Rolling her over onto her back, he pins her hands down and glares at her. "You just ruined your chances for pity, girl. How about me getting those ropes tied just a little tighter, eh?"