

*Charlotte cant help but give a little laugh her arm around Bret's waist and heading outside. Giving a nod to the moving truck.*

"Well Angelica and my stuff is there, and our home for the moment will probley be the same hotel we stayed in before. We haven't found our own place yet. So....if you wanna pick me up at the hotel that would be great."

*Charlotte gives a smile and than stops thinking for a moment.*

"You wouldn't happen to know anyone with a place open would you? Maybe anyone from you work?"

*A smile forms on Jamie's mouth heading Con's voice. She never grew tired of hearing it.*

"Sounds like a great night to me. I accept. How ya feeling today?"

*Jamie smiles as she listens to Con chat away. What a better way to spend lunch than to talk to the man of her dreams.*

*Angelica spend the rest of the afternoon bringing more boxes in from her car. Opening some up and puting files away into her file cabnite that she needed from her office in Cali. Also puting stuff away in her desk, and seting up her computer and Fax mashean. Opening a few more boxes Angelica continues to go threw a few more things.*

*Katie comes up behind Scott and wraps her arms over his shoulders and lays them on his chest. The ring on her finger sparking in the light. Resting her chin on the top of his head. Giving a small laugh her voice is filled with humor.*

"You work to much you know that."

A while later....

*Misty's apartment lays silent except for the soft chatter of coming from the cage in Misty's room. The two Ferrets call for there master only to get no reply.

The covers on Misty's bed lay strewed all over the place as if someone had a horrible nightmare and spend the night twisting and turning. A rather large pool of blood was collected in the middle of the head imprint on the pillow case as it soaked into the material and was starting to turn a brown color as it dryed. On Misty's dresser layed a vanilla envelope from the Hospital down town. Inside was a letter and x-ray the date on it to have been received 3 days ago. The envelope was ripped open proving they mail had been opened and read.*

Nevada State Hospital
P.O. Box 4578

Miss. Miller,
Your test results from last week came back. You have a crack in the right said middle of your skull. It seems that blood has been slowly seeping through the crack and into your crainial cabity causing much pressure on your brain. Think of your brain drownding in blood. Your headaches will grow worse and worse. Your condition is rapidly growing worse my the day, by the moment and if you don't get it taken care of soon you could suffer brain damage or worse death. I'm surprised you have been able to last this long. You being a Doc yourself should already know this. Apon your request we have send you your Xrays and labs as you requested that you would be having Dr. Rick Johnston look after you from here on out. Miss. Miller please I cant stress enough you get this taken care of as soon as passable. Its only going to get worse if you don't and it wont just go away.

Dr. Amanda Fuller M.D.

*The rest of Misty's house looked undisturbed from what the naked eye could see. It layed quiet, dark...a strange smell in the air.*

Missing it

“Mm.” Bret grins. “Maybe you should go away once more so you can make up for lost time again.”

Cocking his head, he finally squints one eye. “On second thought…I think I’d rather you stuck around this time.”

Slinging his arm around her shoulders, he aims for the door, ignoring the unfinished drinks on the counter. “Dinner sounds fabulous. Just tell me where to pick you up.”

“Hey you.” Con grins as he hears Jamie’s voice at the other end of the line. “Sorry to bother you at work, but I got to thinking about tomorrow night… If you don’t have any plans, how about dinner… It’ll be my first day back to work, but I can swing by TJY after to pick you up… Then stop by your place if you want to change… I’m thinking that nice restaurant up by the lake…candle light…quiet music…”

He chuckles. “And cell phones stay home. How ‘bout it?”

Reese helps Angelica for a while, bringing in things from her car to the office. Once she’s at least got her bearings, he leaves her alone to go get some of his own work finished.

Carson sits alone on his couch, staring at a blank television. He wasn’t in the mood to watch tv…he wasn’t in the mood to go for a run…he wasn’t in the mood to go out and do anything…he wasn’t even in a mood for the beer he’d bought the night before. He had a little money, but not much…not enough to last long without a job. But he didn’t even know what he was going to do. The more time that passed, the more he realized just what he had at TJY. He’d thought it was alright before, but now…he actually was missing it…he was actually missing a job. It was a new sensation. He missed talking to Nate…he missed making Rick roll his eyes…he missed saying hi to Laura, giving Susanne a bad time…he got into trouble all the time, but he even missed Reese. And Jason…Carson wasn’t so sure there was anything left between them any more that could he salvaged, and that hurt just a little bit. But it was his own fault. All of this was.

Giving a little sigh, Carson picks up the phone and dials Misty. Waiting…waiting…no answer. Odd.

Lost Time

*Angelica smiles at Mick and gives a slight shake of her head. Mike was to good to her. Angelica was happy to be back, and she was excited that maybe Lord will he would give her the strength to do something more than involve herself with just work. Maybe he was her turn to get out and about again.*

"I'd like that Mike. Some of those boxs are heavy so it can be a group effort."

*Angelica smile as she turns to head back across the floor once again twords the elevator.*

*Charlotte cant help but let out alittle gasp as Bret takes her hand emotions running over her. Charlotte returns Bret's kiss her arms going around him holding him close to her. Her heart once again skips a beat.*

"It was only a week, but what a long week it was. Yes I did indeed miss you and I am never mean to you!!"

*Charlotte draws Bret close to her again pressing her lips to his for a while kissing him again. Till a smile breaks on her face and she pulls away..*

"I was making up for lost time. How about dinner tonight?"

Miss me?

Reese's face reddens slightly, and he clears his throat. "Um, yeah, the office is ready. It might need a bit of cleaning. Hal and Ty hadn't gotten that far yet. But we can get that taken care of right quick, so if you want to start moving things in, that's great. I'll help you if you want."

Bret smirks at Charlotte and rolls his eyes as she walks away. He was tempted just to see how far she'd go, but decides that he can let her win this once.

Sliding off his own stool, he reaches out to take her hand and turn her back around. "What kind of a friend would let me sit here and wallow without doing something about it, hmm?" He grins a little, his hand tightening around hers as he looks her in the eye.

Bret's voice lowers to a quiet tone. "Hi, Charlotte." Drawing her close until she's up against his chest, he tilts her face up with a finger under her chin. "Don't be so mean to me." Leaning in, he presses his lips to hers, the same feeling rushing over him that her kiss had delivered the first time.

Drawing back, his grin still plays with the corner of his mouth. "Ya miss me?"


*Angelica can't help the small smile that cross her face. Giving Reese a hug was good, but receiving one back was better. Angelica gives a nod to Wyatt as he walks past his dad harassing him. In a way she thought it was cute.*

"Oh, my week was eventful. But I got alot of stuff done that I wanted to before I left. Now I'm here and I am ready to stay a new chapter in my life. I am scared to death but excited at the same time."

*Angelica gives Mike's hand a playful squeeze something she dident often do.*

"And I have you to thank for that."

*Gives a small smile and as if relizing what she was saying her cheeks turn a slight shade of red and as trys to compose herself again.*

"Well I have my stuff in my car, if the office is ready and if its ok with you I can start moving the boxes in at least so while I go to find an apartment I dont have to drive around in a car cramed with boxs."

*Charlotte keeps grinning her eyes locked on Bret's. She couldent help but feel a serge of energy through her. Things had changed fast but Charlotte dident mind change. But looking into the depths of Bret's eyes made Charlotte stop and actully think, reavaluating her life almost to consider that maybe there were a few things miss that she never had with her old boyfriend and being around Bret seemed to fill the hole.

Starting out some where new would be nice. Finding someone she truly enjoyed spending her time and treated her good with was even nicer.

Leaning a bit closer to Bret Charlotte's eyes danced there pearcing gaze seemed to know what kind of welcomed he wanted and flickeredas if saying it was ok.*

"I'm pretty sure it would be ok to bypass chanse one more time. I certinly dont mind anyways."

*Charlotte takes another sip of her drink and than sets it back down.*

"But I mean if you mind I can just leave that way you can get back to your wallowing."

*Charlotte slids off the barstool the courners of her mouth still curled into a grin. Steping away Charlotte runs her fingers over Bret's hand and slightly up his arm before breaking away and slowly moving backwards to the door.*

Do I have to...

Reese smiles as he listens to Angelica, not caring what she was saying so much as just hearing her voice. He couldn't help it that he liked it.

As she steps forward to give him a hug, at first he's a little surprised and hesitant, but quickly recovers to give his own hug, his strong arms giving her a little squeeze. "It's good to see you too." Withdrawing, he looks her in the eye. "Real good..."

"Yo, Dad, I need you to get on the ball with getting that stuff from Brown." Wyatt swats his arm as he walks past.

Reese rolls his eyes at the interruption. "Alright already. Give an old man a break."

Wyatt grins and keeps walking, throwing a wave to Angelica. "Welcome."

Reese gives a little sigh, setting his hands on his hips, trying to resume his conversation with Angelica. "Well...I'm doing alright. Had a bit of excitement around here lately - more than I care for, but I guess it comes with the territory." He searches her eyes for a moment. "What about you?"

Bret cocks his head at Charlotte, finding this information quite interesting. "So...permanently in the area, huh?" He raises his eyebrow and sways his head a little as if that's not an unpleasant prospect.

Turning to take another swig of beer, he swallows then stops, unable to help the smile that finally spreads across his face, and the short laugh that comes out. Looking at the neon sign behind the counter, he just shakes his head. "I guess it's the end of my wallowing days then eh?"

Finally turning around to look Charlotte in the eye, his gaze is soft...welcoming...almost as if relieved, like a load from his back was suddenly gone. "So do I have to flip a coin to see if I can greet you properly, or would you care if I just bypassed chance on that one?"


*Katie cant help but laugh.*

"Jason Stevenson that IS to much to ask."

*Katie gets a joking angry face for a moment before she breaks out into a smile.*

"But since your my friend and all...I guess I can listen to you. Speaking of witch I should go see where that feonsay of mine is. No doubt hiding in his new office again."

*Katie shakes her head again laughing.*

"I'll talk to you again later I am sure J."

*Katie heads away from Jason to find Scott.*

*Angelica makes her way to Mike finally both of them meeting in the middle.*

"Yeah, I got everything set up back in Cali with Jake, and he has my number here so I dident need to worry about that. My apartment is still up for sale but I dont need to stay there for that and everything. So I figured why not come a little early. The trip went well. I have my car here full of stuff for my new office, files and what note. Anything alse I need I figured I could buy here. Since Charlotte came back with me to it worked out because she drove the moving truck that the stuff from both our apartments are in. Figured it can stay in there till we find a place."

*A moment of silence comes and Angelica can't stand in any longer. Slowly and cautiosly she reaches out and gives Mick a hug not sure if she should let it linger or not.*

"It's good to see you again Mike. How are you?"

*Ordering her own drink and takes a sip. Spinning around in the stool Charlotte leans her elbows aganst the bar and tilts her head back and to the side looking at Bret still grinning. The bantering, the flirting is was all part of the fun.*

"As fate would have it my sister was coming back here permintily to have a second office for the Elite. So fate was on myside there."

*Charlotte takes another swig of her drink.*

"The hard part was bending my sister to let me come back with her. I finally got my way though as you can see. I like it when I was out here last, the weather seems nice, and its just a nice change in scenery. Not to mention I have some good memories from a weekend here and an added insentive is having this guy I met a few weeks back in this area too. So all in all I guess fate and I went 50/50. I'd have to say maybe fate as alittle bit more on ourside seeing as we both just happen to be in the same bar we first met in."

*Charlottes grins grows ever more as she raises her eyebrows alittle.*

*Wes wraps his arms around Cindy and gently holds her running his hands up and down her back giving it alittle massege. Giving the top of her head a kiss and than leaning his own on her.*

"I'll always come back to you at the end of the night. I'd be a darn fool not too."

Was it fate?

Jason chuckles at Katie’s comment and reaches over to mess up her hair with his hand. “How about you pay attention to your own pampering and leave Camryn’s for me to worry about?” His eyes dance with humor. “Or is that too much to ask?”

Hearing Angelica’s voice, Reese spins around. A smile breaks through. “Well, hi there! Didn’t know you’d be here so soon.” He walks toward her casually. “How was your trip?”

Bret has a hard time keeping a straight face as Charlotte flips the coin over. Taking a swig of beer, he feels her sit down next to him, and finally gives her a sidelong glance, keeping up the banter and prolonging the greeting he knew he wanted to give.

“So was it fate that brought you here? Or did you have to bend it to get your own way?”

Cindy’s smile grows at Wes’ reaction, unable to help but laugh softly. Moving about her work, she sees him still standing and thinking about it. Shaking her head, she goes to him and wraps her arms around him, snuggling her head into his chest. “You could go tell the whole world and I wouldn’t care as long as you always come back home.”