

*Katie cant help but laugh.*

"Jason Stevenson that IS to much to ask."

*Katie gets a joking angry face for a moment before she breaks out into a smile.*

"But since your my friend and all...I guess I can listen to you. Speaking of witch I should go see where that feonsay of mine is. No doubt hiding in his new office again."

*Katie shakes her head again laughing.*

"I'll talk to you again later I am sure J."

*Katie heads away from Jason to find Scott.*

*Angelica makes her way to Mike finally both of them meeting in the middle.*

"Yeah, I got everything set up back in Cali with Jake, and he has my number here so I dident need to worry about that. My apartment is still up for sale but I dont need to stay there for that and everything. So I figured why not come a little early. The trip went well. I have my car here full of stuff for my new office, files and what note. Anything alse I need I figured I could buy here. Since Charlotte came back with me to it worked out because she drove the moving truck that the stuff from both our apartments are in. Figured it can stay in there till we find a place."

*A moment of silence comes and Angelica can't stand in any longer. Slowly and cautiosly she reaches out and gives Mick a hug not sure if she should let it linger or not.*

"It's good to see you again Mike. How are you?"

*Ordering her own drink and takes a sip. Spinning around in the stool Charlotte leans her elbows aganst the bar and tilts her head back and to the side looking at Bret still grinning. The bantering, the flirting is was all part of the fun.*

"As fate would have it my sister was coming back here permintily to have a second office for the Elite. So fate was on myside there."

*Charlotte takes another swig of her drink.*

"The hard part was bending my sister to let me come back with her. I finally got my way though as you can see. I like it when I was out here last, the weather seems nice, and its just a nice change in scenery. Not to mention I have some good memories from a weekend here and an added insentive is having this guy I met a few weeks back in this area too. So all in all I guess fate and I went 50/50. I'd have to say maybe fate as alittle bit more on ourside seeing as we both just happen to be in the same bar we first met in."

*Charlottes grins grows ever more as she raises her eyebrows alittle.*

*Wes wraps his arms around Cindy and gently holds her running his hands up and down her back giving it alittle massege. Giving the top of her head a kiss and than leaning his own on her.*

"I'll always come back to you at the end of the night. I'd be a darn fool not too."

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